40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1653: Porcupine in winter

On the star map behind Tang Dingyuan, the crystal clear starship icons representing the Black Wind Fleet suddenly disappeared, turning into golden dotted lines, and thrusting into the federal hinterland like lightning.

Those starships emerged in the golden whirlpool again, directly attacking the Federation's resource collection and magic weapon refining base!

This scene silenced all high-level officials of the government in exile and worried.

The war in the sea of ​​stars is like this, and it is different from the war between countries that lived on the same planet in ancient times and was almost a "plane".

Countries living on the same planet with "land" as their main territory often have clear borders. The offensive of an enemy country can only break through the borders, and slowly advance all the way from the frontier to the inland and even the core.

Even if you master all kinds of flying magic weapons, you have to fly in along the border. Except for a few special operations troops with extremely high levels of cultivation, it is difficult to jump in directly.

Three-dimensional warfare in the universe is definitely not the case.

The sea of ​​stars is too vast, and there are so few large worlds for human survival and development of civilization. Each large world is an isolated island, connected by "jumping bridges" that can cross four-dimensional space.

The Stars Federation does not rule all the star seas among the seven great worlds. It can only be said to be seven small "universal islands". It is difficult to distinguish the real frontiers and core areas. The enemy can completely bypass one of them. Several worlds directly launched surprise attacks on the weak underbelly of negligence, and the difficulty of defense can be imagined.

"The above situation is deduced, in fact, we and the Federation have been conducting it for the past ten years, and it is only at this moment that we have deciphered it to you."

Tang Dingyuan continued, "And from the confession of Ding Zhengyang and many insurgents, this has also been confirmed-once they succeed in this rebellion, they will cooperate with the Emperor's Council and the Black Wind Special Forces who infiltrated the Federation to make a big splash in the Federation. Destroy, create chaos, and create opportunities for the Black Wind Fleet's assault.

"The war between the Empire and the Federation has already begun, and the victory or defeat is likely to be decided before the Black Wind Fleet actually appears--that is, at this moment!

"There are immortal cultivators in the Federation, not just those who float on the surface like the Emperor Linhui, but a higher-positioned, deeper hidden, and more critical person-although this piece of information was used by Lu Qingchen to lure Ding Zhengyang and others into a rebellion. And thrown out, but according to our research and judgment, the credibility is very high!

"This person has enough energy to create an excellent opportunity for the Black Wind Fleet's surprise attack. At least, he can at least transfer such precious information to the Black Wind Fleet where the main force of the Federal Army, the Liaoyuan Fleet, is in ambush.

"On the other hand, as long as we can get this person out, it is possible to know the jumping point of the Black Wind Fleet in advance, and we will almost win half!

"The latest situation I want to share with you today is this. Ding Zhengyang, Cheng Xuansu and others are launching a large-scale rebellion at this moment, which can also explain one thing-the Black Wind Fleet is almost ready, and no matter what the plan is, it will be launched soon. Now! The situation is so critical that our alliance with the Star Federation also needs... to go further!"

Tang Dingyuan paused and looked at Cui Lingfeng beside him.

Cui Lingfeng coughed slightly, and then said: "Everyone, we have received the latest news that the Star Federation will announce that it has entered the'highest state of war' after the new general election. This is unprecedented in the history of the Federation. Even the'Battle of the Sky Ring' thirty years ago, they all just entered the'first level of war'.

"This time the federal people are to elect a veritable'war controversy leader.' Compared with the president of the peace era, all powers have been expanded.

"We originally sent the'General Election Observation Group' to investigate the emergence of the newest Speaker of the Federation, but it was interrupted by the rebellion of the cultivators. Now we, the Federation and the Empire are in different situations, and the size of the General Election Observation Group is also different. It should be expanded, and not only limited to the "election observation" link, but with the Federation in military, economic, and political aspects... a deeper level of cooperation!

"The Imperial Expeditionary Force may appear in front of us at any time, even in the next second-you must have this understanding, and under this premise, rethink the relationship between us and the Federation, and think about our common future. !

"So, Captain Tang and I have already decided and communicated with the Federation. We still use the name of the'General Election Investigation Group', but the scale has tripled!

"The first stop of the delegation will be the Celestial Circle, where one of our high-ranking officers will be stationed there, at the second home port of the Liaoyuan Fleet, and discuss the details of the formation of a joint operations base camp with the high level of the federal military. .

"The second stop is the "Hundred Flower City" Xinghai Jumping Center located between the four realms of Tianhuan, Shuhai, Nether and Crystal. It is the junction of the waterways of the seven worlds of the Federation, the most prosperous commercial city, our economic and trade delegation I will discuss with a high-level negotiating team of the Federal Economic and Trade Department on how to fully integrate the "Starship Economic System" of the Firefly into the federal economic system, including the unified currency of the two parties, the abolition of tariffs, the distribution of internal taxes... and the resulting A series of questions.

"After leaving the senior military and economic and trade delegations in the federal military and economic and trade center, the remaining general election observation missions will go directly to the federal capital Tianyuanjie. According to the schedule, they can just catch up with the announcement of the federal election results. At that time, You can know the latest policy of the Federation in the highest state of war, and discuss with the new "war government"... how the two sides can be integrated.

"Everyone, until now, please give up your illusion. We have fled for a whole thousand years, and there is no retreat. Right here, at this moment, we counterattack, all the way to the home of our ancestors, the center of the Xinghai! "


Federal standard time is already midnight.

However, there is no unified sleep time on the hundreds of "sub-ships" of the Firefly, or even in the various cabins. The huge Star Sea Fortress is still brightly lit, like thousands of fireflies gathered together, freely releasing the weak life. Light.

Only in the core compartment is a "meditation platform" that is shrouded in a crystal dome and can directly overlook the sea of ​​stars. Under the bright stars in the sky, it also has the meaning of a bit of silence in the night.

Li Yao followed Cui Lingfeng, and the two slowly paced on the empty meditation stage. Under the bright starlight, there were only two of them.

"In three days, the delegation will set off."

Li Yao looked at Cui Lingfeng's back under the starlight and asked, "Sir, the speaker called me here. Is there anything else you want to explain?"

"Nothing, I just want to say ‘thank you’ to you, no matter who you are, no matter what your purpose is, at least you have brought...new hope for the five words ‘Xinghai Republic’."

Cui Lingfeng looked beyond the crystal dome, like a sparkling sea of ​​stars, and suddenly said, "In addition, if you are really a simple'red lotus man', you have fled here to avenge the immortal cultivator, and finally found others. Cultivator...I really want to know that after you have discovered the ambitions and conspiracies of Jin Xinyue, the high-level federal government, and the so-called "orthodox government" is not as perfect as you thought, there is still the dark side of the "rebirth plan", etc. Will you be very disappointed?"

Li Yao was taken aback, thought for a while, and shook his head: "It's not enough to be disappointed, but it's a pity. At the time of the enemy, everyone is obviously a cultivator, but they have to be cautious, cautious, even suspicious, and even suspicious. It's really a bit... …"

"No way, maybe this is human, this is human nature, it is difficult to completely refine things no matter how you cultivate."

Cui Lingfeng smiled and said, "Captain Lin, have you heard of porcupines in winter?"

Li Yao blinked: "Porcupine in winter?"

"The porcupine is a large rodent with long, hard needles, which stand up like a hedgehog to guard against beasts that are bigger than them."

Cui Lingfeng said, "Whenever the winter is too cold, the porcupines will huddle together to keep warm. If they are separated too much, they will not be able to keep warm, and the cold wind will still run between them. ; But if they get too close, they will be stabbed by the spikes on each other's bodies.

"So, it evolved into this scene-the porcupines kept arching toward their companions until they were stung by their companions' spikes, and then they retreated suddenly, but shortly after retreating, they were forced by the cold wind again. Arched towards his companion, longing for a little warmth, until he was stung by his companion again.

"We and Xingyao Federation are probably these two porcupines. Under the threat of the cold wind, everyone wants to hug each other to keep warm, but they will be stung by each other's natural spikes. There is no way, this' 'Spikes' are the only weapon we used to protect ourselves from the mouth of beasts. If we didn't have these'thorns', perhaps we would not have waited for winter to come, and we would have died long ago!"

"I believe that even stupid porcupines will eventually find the right distance, not to stab each other, but also to share everyone's heat, otherwise this species would have become extinct!"

Li Yao couldn't help but said, "What's more, people? I don't believe that the senior officials of the Star Federation are inferior to porcupines."

"You don't understand, sometimes what I fear is not the Star Federation, but...ourself."

Cui Lingfeng sighed and said faintly, "After all, it is not the real human empire that gave birth to the monster'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi', it is precisely us, Xinghai Republic!

"It was the Xinghai Republic that gave birth to such immortal cultivators like the Black Star Emperor. After creating this monster, our ancestors fled, and in the thousand years of exile in Xinghai, we experienced too much darkness and despair, countless It touched the bottom line of normal human beings.

"Yes, now I can say without embarrassment that the'bad cultivator' is different from the'immortal cultivator'.

"However, after Ding Zhengyang raised that question, I wondered more than once, is everything really determined by the environment, and has nothing to do with Dao Xin?

"My luck is good enough. During my tenure as Speaker, I didn't encounter any painful choices.

"However, if my luck with the Firefly is a little bit worse, and we encounter a serious disaster and lose a lot of resources, when only one-tenth of the people on board can survive, I dare not launch the'Rebirth Plan'? What about killing 90% of people randomly?

"If I really did this, would I be considered a ‘bad cultivator’ or a ‘immortality cultivator’?"

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