40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1654: Fighting the heavens and the earth, the joy is endless!

Li Yao could clearly perceive the shaking of Cui Lingfeng's heart, like the vacillating starlight in the dark universe, he couldn't help but anxiously said: "Sir, you won't be also bewitched by Lu Qingchen and Ding Zhengyang's so-called'Xiu Xian 2.0', right? "

"Do not."

Cui Lingfeng shook his head and said, "Before Ding Zhengyang said all this, even as early as ten years ago, when we met with another cultivator civilization on the edge of the Xinghai Sea, the Xingyao Federation, I had been thinking about these issues.

"Do you know why I have always resisted and completely integrated into the Xingyao Federation? Of course, the stubborn pride of the Xinghai Republic and the distrust of the Federation are one aspect, but more importantly, and perhaps more importantly, to...our own doubt.

"The former Xinghai Republic, the great country that was in the golden age and had not yet bred the monster of'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi', of course deserves pride.

"But after that, after the birth of Wu Yingqi, the ‘Orthodox government’ that fled and drifted away in the sea of ​​stars for a thousand years, is it still worthy of pride?

"Once our integration with the Xingyao Federation accelerates, then all our efforts to survive in the past thousand years will be completely exposed, and those secrets that are deeply locked in the office of the speaker may not be so passionate, emotional, and songful. , Honest!

"I don't know. Once all those documents are declassified, the Federalists will know all the things that have happened on the Firefly over the past thousand years. What will they think of us?

"Will they still regard us as ‘true cultivators’, or will they treat us as another form, a miniaturized ‘immortal cultivator civilization’ that is undergoing transformation, so that they hate us, reject us, and be wary of us?

"Understand, maybe, from the deepest point of my heart, I am not refusing to join the Federation, but I am afraid that the Federation will refuse us to join after discovering all the truth!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and felt that Cui Lingfeng looked very different under the reflection of the deep sea of ​​stars.

Perhaps this is the truest aspect of the Supreme Speaker of the Xinghai Republic.

After experiencing so much darkness, lies, and struggle, he, and everyone on the ship, was only a thin line apart from the cultivators such as Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuansu.

Cui Lingfeng stared at the outside of the crystal dome, letting the stars penetrate his old and weak body like an arrow, and said quietly, "But, we have no choice.

"I don’t know if Ding Zhengyang’s recounted whether Lu Qingchen’s'Xiu Xian 2.0' is a universal truth, but at least on the Firefly, it seems irrefutable—if we haven’t encountered Xingyao. The Federation, all the way to exile into the uninhabited and uninhabited land in the depths of the universe, the starships are getting more and more broken, the resources are becoming more and more scarce, and the population is increasing rapidly, how long can the so-called road of cultivation last? In the end, without real human beings With the erosion and bewitching of the empire, we will all automatically become immortal cultivators, the most terrifying immortal cultivators!

"The resources in the universe are limited, and the explosion of life can be unlimited. The extreme scarcity of resources is the normal state of the universe. All of us, whether the Federation, the Empire, the Holy League or the Republic, all live in a bigger ship. A little "Firefly", heading towards the darkness that knows nothing. Therefore, the avenue of cultivating immortals that conforms to the universe is the ultimate principle of a civilization, and it is the real "Way of Heaven", which can make our civilization live forever. Indestructible-Captain Lin, what do you think of this theory?"

Li Yao was silent for a long time under the ice-cold starlight, until Cui Lingfeng thought that he could not answer such a question at all, waved his hand happily, and when he was about to end the conversation, he suddenly said: "Sir, Firefly There are cockroaches on the number."

Cui Lingfeng was stunned: "Of course."

"And there is more than one kind, at least I can let out a few strands of spiritual thoughts casually, and I can perceive more than a dozen different mutant races from the corners."

Li Yaodao, "Simply speaking of the word'survival', cockroaches are indeed a very successful species. Not only are they more successful than our human beings, they are even more successful than our father's civilization, both the Pangu civilization and the Nuwa civilization. !

"From our current archaeologists and historians, even if our father civilization, Pangu and Nuwa tribe, their rise and fall, at most, it was a matter of hundreds of thousands to a million years ago. The'lifespan' of the entire civilization will not exceed one or two million years.

"But cockroaches have appeared at least 350 million years ago. So far, the'lifespan' of this race is exactly three hundred times longer than that of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes!

"For three to five thousand years, countless races and civilizations that once ruled kings and hegemony have been destroyed. Dinosaur civilizations, Pangu and Nuwas, monster races...the powerhouses who ruled the universe in the past, the invincible overlords and the brilliance. All civilizations were annihilated in the huge waves of time.

"But the little cockroach survived tenaciously, and with the footsteps of various prehistoric powerhouses conquering the universe, it expanded to all parts of the three thousand worlds and developed hundreds of millions of variants, no matter in the dark, cold, almost vacuum. Inside an abandoned starship; on a desert planet with a surface temperature of more than one hundred degrees and rolling yellow sand; on a freezing planet with dripping water and extremely cold... Cockroaches can quickly adapt to the environment and live well everywhere.

"Although I am not sure, it is at least 99% possible. One day, when our human civilization is completely extinct, cockroaches will still not be extinct. No matter how harsh and cruel the environment, they will continue to'evolve' and continue. Survive, survive for a billion years or even longer!

"In this sense, our human civilization may be just a passer-by of the universe, and cockroaches-are eternal."

Cui Lingfeng finally turned his head, staring straight at Li Yao, frowning and said: "Captain Lin, what are you trying to say?"

Li Yao said: "I want to say that if the significance of a civilization's evolution is to survive for a longer time, then'Xiu Xian Avenue' is by no means the best choice for us human beings,'Xiu Xian Avenue' is the most optimal solution. , Come up with a way to abandon everything we have, from fragile flesh to useless kindness, kindness and morality, through genetic modulation or various cultivation secret techniques, to turn everyone into a certain form of cockroach— -Suppose, under certain circumstances, the Firefly really fell into darkness, everyone killed each other, and all the survivors became immortal cultivators, but you still can't survive the cockroaches on the ship, right?"

Cui Lingfeng was silent, lost in thought.

"Do you think I'm sophistry?"

Li Yao smiled and opened his arms to the Xinghai, "In fact, I have been thinking about the words of the "Liu Zhenren" of the Emperor's Proposal. The so-called "Xiuxian 2.0" sounds good at first glance. Indeed, darkness is the master of the universe. Hue, the weak eat the strong, the survival of the fittest, this is the'law of nature'.

"However, I suddenly thought that the so-called "civilization" was originally meant to violate nature and change the universe? From our earliest ancestors on an unknown planet, they lit the first flame and set fire to the mountains. At the beginning, we are changing the planet under our feet and the universe above our heads step by step. Such changes can be both good and bad, and sometimes even lead to catastrophic consequences, but our progress has never stopped, gritted our teeth. Persevere, bit by bit, use our will to change the universe, conquer the universe, and be the enemy of the universe. The so-called'fighting the heavens and fighting the earth, the joy is endless', is exactly that!

"The universe is so vast and powerful. As a result of being an enemy of the universe, it is almost always crushed into dust. Therefore, the cultivators succumbed and flinched. They are loyal to the dark universe and surrender to the cruel nature. The "Universal Principles" changed them and obliterated the "human nature" that our ancestors had spent hundreds of thousands of years to condense.

"Even so, what good results can the immortal cultivators achieve? No matter how humbly they succumb, give up everything, and constantly change themselves, they cannot live longer than a cockroach!

"No, it's not right. In my opinion, only races that dare to use their will to declare war on the universe are qualified to be called a'civilization'. A'civilization' is born to conquer the universe and bring its own civilization to the Tao. , Implemented to every corner of the sea of ​​stars!

"Without such determination, no matter how superb magical powers and powerful forces are, it is only driven by the instinct to survive. It is a poor plaything created by the universe!

"So, whether it is 2.0 or 5.0, one hundred and zero is useless. In my opinion, it is not qualified to be called the civilization of the cultivator. It is just a group of steel cockroaches surviving among the stars.

"Perhaps they pointed out a part of the supreme principles of nature, the laws of the universe, in the words of the ancient cultivator era, they have realized the'Way of Heaven'? If you come out to cultivate, if you dare not go against the sky, you still have to fix your ass!"

Li Yao became more excited as he spoke, dancing and spitting wildly.

Cui Lingfeng stared at him in a daze, and suddenly laughed, his face flushed, his face was out of breath, every wrinkle on his face trembled, as if it had accumulated in his heart, all the darkness and darkness in the past thousand years The haze laughed.

"I finally completely believe that you are not a cultivator."

He laughed with muddy tears, "The cultivator absolutely can't say such a thing, even if you can't pretend to be able to pretend it, give it to—"

He handed a silver jade slip to Li Yao, "This is the secret key of the'Orthodox Government' Confidential Information Center. It has been kept by Cheng Xuansu in the past. It records all the glory and glory of the golden years of Xinghai Republic. , And all the darkness and ugliness of the exile era, including things like the'Rebirth Plan'. In any case, they are an inseparable part of the five words'Xinghai Republic'."

Li Yao blinked, and finally realized Cui Lingfeng's purpose for talking to him.

This seems to be a special test.

And now, he passed the test and got... the history of Xinghai Republic.

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