40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1655: Return to the Federation!

"I should be the last speaker of the Xinghai Republic."

Cui Lingfeng looked at Li Yao and said deeply, "After this battle, whether it is victory or defeat, Xinghai Republic will completely become history, and all these top-secret information will be decrypted and made public. Through your hands, you Deciding how to use, decrypt and spread, maybe... is the best way."

His deep gaze seemed to directly penetrate Li Yao's soul, causing Li Yao to secretly fight a cold war. For a moment, he even had an absurd idea, wondering whether Cui Lingfeng had guessed his true identity.

This is impossible!

"We fled our homeland and wandered in the universe for a whole thousand years. In the most difficult years of the past, I have been thinking, what is the meaning of such struggle and persistence? After contacting all the truth, any person of normal intelligence will I know that relying on a small Firefly to overthrow the real human empire and even eliminate the Covenant Alliance is simply whimsical and nonsense!"

Cui Lingfeng said with emotion, "So, if I hadn't used self-deceiving secret techniques to numb myself over and over again, maybe I would become a defeatist like Ding Zhengyang.

"Fortunately, at this moment I am really glad that I did not embark on this path, did not collapse in despair, and chose to surrender to the real human empire.

"Because I now finally understand the meaning of this wandering, and understand the mission of the Firefly after fleeing for a thousand years in the universe like a bereaved dog.

"It's not to overthrow the real human empire, but to send the'fire seed' from the center of Xinghai here to a newly born, energetic, and rising sun civilization, the Xingyao Federation!

"This'Fire Seed' contains both the dark age just after the collapse of the Star Sea Empire, how the practitioners in the center of the Star Sea struggled to clean up the broken galaxy and rescued the chaotic world compatriots, and countless heroes who were willing to be war swords of civilization emerged. , To establish the first modern civilized republic of comprehension in the true sense.

"It also includes how this great nation stepped from its peak to weakness, from weakness to degeneration, and finally gave birth to monsters like'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi' and hatched the deformed beast of'True Human Empire'.

"It also includes the difficult choice between the ‘cultivator’ and the ‘immortal cultivator’ during the solitary voyage of the Firefly in the past thousand years.

"Hope, you can bring this kind of fire to the Federation, so that the new generation of cultivators can see the achievements, the glory of creation, the mistakes made and the'virus' infected by the cultivators of the past, and create a stronger one. , More glorious, and more able to defend the civilization of cultivators of all mankind, the true civilization!"

Li Yao held this heavy jade slip, feeling it really turned into a hot silver stream, mixed with thousands of years of Xinghai Republic's history, infiltrating between his own blood and lungs, watching Cui Lingfeng full of Looking forward to the old face, Li Yao didn't know what to say: "I..."

"Go, hurry up and see the past of Xinghai Republic."

Cui Lingfeng smiled relievedly, "You are now the'High Commissioner and Special Advisor to the Speaker of the Speaker of the Xinghai Republic', who has the full authority to visit the Xingyao Federation on my behalf. Although nominally you are just an ordinary member of the delegation, everyone, Even the people of the Federation know that you are the key. If you don’t know anything about Xinghai Republic’s past, that’s not good!”

He walked to the depths of the observatory, as if not hurriedly facing the starlight arrow shot from the universe, "Xinghai Republic and I are already old, you and the Xingyao Federation are the future, remember yourself What I said just now, make this future...become a little bit better!"

Li Yao's heartbeat almost missed a beat, and he was not sure whether the old speaker said "you, the Star Federation" or "the Star Federation". He opened his mouth and was undecided whether he should ask.

Cui Lingfeng suddenly stopped, as if there was an invisible eye on the back of his head that could see through his concerns, and said, "Whether you come from the Red Lotus Realm or somewhere else, you are a cultivator, right?"

Li Yao said: "Of course!"

"That's good."

Cui Lingfeng's voice became softer and weaker, "That's enough - Xinghai Republic originally regarded the entire Xinghai, all the cultivators and all human beings in the three thousand worlds as a country!"


Ten days later, the newest member of the Star Federation to join the world, Tianhuanjie.

When the transport ship from the orthodox government of the Xinghai Republic, carrying a delegation of hundreds of people, appeared from the ripples of the void, like a dolphin jumping out of a whirlpool, the first thing that was reflected on the mirror shell of the transport ship was a side. Projected by special visible light between the stars, the federal flag with a length and width of hundreds of kilometers, the nine-star rising dragon battle flag!

Li Yao stood alone in the corner of the bridge, staring at the bright red flag through the light curtain. The dragon with its teeth and claws soaring into the sky couldn't help but give birth to the urge to roar in the sky.

One hundred years, one hundred years, finally set foot on the territory of the Federation again, and saw again this banner that had protected him countless times and was guarded by him countless times!

Fortunately, the ancient sages are not by his side, and they are still locked in their cabins to carefully study the vast sea of ​​materials-under the arrangement of Cui Lingfeng, they have all assumed specific duties in the delegation, and will investigate federal politics, Every detail of the economy, military, etc., naturally has a lot of preparation work to be done, but it is not as easy as Li Yao.

To make these ancient powerhouses quickly become experts in a certain field of modern times, even the computing power of the Yuan Ying peak series cannot be achieved overnight, so they have been fighting with various teaching materials, materials, and data for the past ten days, and they have no time to take care of it. Others, fortunately so, did not notice Li Yao's subtle mood swings.

"In any case, I finally came back, and soon I can reunite with my wife and everyone!

"Hehe, I didn't expect to be the special envoy of the Speaker of the Xinghai Republic under the wrong circumstances. According to the words of the ancient sacred world, it is a post of ‘imperial minister’, right?

"The current situation in the Federation is quite complicated. The relationship between the Emperor Lin Hui and Jin Xinyue is quite subtle. The Emperor Lin Hui is a bit like a bait that Jin Xinyue deliberately throws out to attract immortal cultivators, but Lu Qingchen's theory is It's not like a fake cultivator can conceive it, and what role does the white star sword that pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger and eats me in the whole thing? Huh, how can I say modestly, The size is also the supreme of the Three Realms, my apprentice, do you dare to lie?

"Also, has the Black Wind Fleet really been killed, and may jump to the weakest place in the Federation in minutes? And is there really immortal cultivators lurking at the top of the Federation, or is it deliberately exaggerating, a smoke bomb released from a certain aspect? What?

"If the identity of the'Vulture Li Yao' is really exposed, it will start to stun the snake and make the sneaky guys in the dark be prepared!

"It's better to think carefully about how to reasonably use the status of this'special envoy of the speaker and minister of imperial commission" to be more sneaky than those sneaky villains. Maybe it can be unexpected and solve the problem!"

Li Yao grinned and decided.

Once he came, he would settle down, and for the time being, he would become a very competent "special envoy of the Speaker", and take a good look at what the new federation looks like after Cyclonus has entered a hundred years ago!

Standing on the scale of the big universe and observing it with the naked eye, even the periphery of the Celestial Circle, which is highly developed by humans, is a lonely and cold wasteland.

However, on the main control crystal brain of the transport ship, the various radiation, profound light, and spiritual signals presented through the light curtain outline a crowded, noisy, busy, and thriving scene.

Glittering waterways are like golden bridges. Between the sky ring stars and several important resource planets, starry sky docks, and Xinghai Battle Fortress, an intricate and intricate transportation network extending in all directions has been built, with all kinds of big and small, strange stars. The ships have marked their coordinates and speeds, condensed into crystal clear dots on the light curtain, conveying all the manpower and resources needed for the continuous development of this world.

The two starships slipped silently into the channel near the transport ship, escorting the guests from the Firefly.

Their appearance not only carries the slightly clumsy pragmatic style of the Federal Starship, but some of the turrets and armors still retain the light and elegant style unique to the Celestial Circle, but they show a kind of inconsistency. The anger comes.

Their size is already larger than that of the strongest battleship Li Yao has ever seen a hundred years ago, the Liaoyuan, known as the "Three Realms First Fantasy Giant Ship," but the glow from the tail of the power rune array is even dimmer and faint. It was not the main power source, it was only used to fine-tune the direction, so that Li Yao could imagine what main power source they would use.

These two starships with higher technical content than the former "Liaoyuan" are not members of the "Liaoyuan Fleet", the ace of the Federation. They are just capital ships belonging to the local fleet of the Celestial Circle. Li Yaowei could not help but let Li Yaowei. The strong military power of the new federation exclaimed and was full of confidence in the upcoming decisive battle.

Under the guidance of the two **** starships, the transport ship swiftly headed towards the center of the sky circle, the largest starship refining base of the New Federation, the sky ring star.

Until the super-giant orbital dock around the sky ring star gradually appeared in front of Li Yao, Li Yao could understand from this visually striking spectacle why the "Sky Ring Civilization" was named after it-this The ring-shaped dock is not the thin and long wire in his imagination. In contrast to the planets, it still looks extremely strong, as dazzling, shiny, and gleaming as many planets "halos" composed of meteorites and debris. Hui.

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