40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1657: Little demon girl

"Hello, Special Envoy Lin, my name is Ling Xiaole. On the surface, I am a graduate student majoring in foreign exchange at Tianhua Academy. I just went to the Federal Ministry of Culture for an internship! Didn't you say that you want to experience the Federation in an all-round and in-depth manner like an ordinary person in the Star Federation Life? In the following days, I will act as your guide to help you understand the most real, most basic, and most common aspects of the Federation in the shortest time!

"You can call me Xiaole directly, or you can call me'Classmate Ling'. After all, I haven't graduated from college yet, hahahaha!"

After the visit to the Tianhuan War Memorial, the delegation from the Firefly parted ways.

Military, economics, law, and politics...If you really want to integrate together, there are too many issues for everyone to discuss. Experts from all aspects of the delegation are picked up by the corresponding experts from the Federation, and they are racing against time to start discussions and negotiations. Even the ancient sages disguised as the "red lotus team" have found their respective areas of interest, and they will be received by a special person to gain insights-although they have not realized their joking "walking on the red carpet and swaggering into the federation." , But also the same, compared to buying a fake identity in Yulong City, sneaking into the Federation secretly, but it is hundreds of times better.

In the same way, there was such a girl in front of Li Yao...a girl with a lovely smile, jumping, carefree and even heartless.

The little girl has honey-like delicate wheat-colored skin, dark black eyes with a faint blue color deep in her eyes, her body is covered with smoke-like veil, her earlobes, neck, wrists and ankles are all wearing jingle chaos. The loud spar ornaments reflect the rainbow-like light.

Her appearance, as well as this slightly extravagant use of spar, makes it possible to identify her hometown-the desert world "Crystal World" at a glance.

However, in addition to the distinctive characteristics of the crystal world, two flexibly rotating and slightly folded pointed ears grew playfully from her head full of blue silks, and a golden, fluffy tail dangling behind her. In addition, there was a faint scent of fox radiating from her body, which was another very obvious characteristic of the monster race, and her carelessness showed her identity as a hybrid.

It is quite appropriate for such a hybrid of the Crystal Realm and the Blood Demon Realm, a..."half-demon", to act as the guide for the fusion of the two.

Li Yao swept the little girl up and down, and said with a smile: "Student Ling, on the surface, he is a graduate student of Tianhuan Academy, but what about it?"

"Actually, of course he is the best agent of the Secret Sword Bureau!"

Ling Xiaole blinked a little weirdly, and her big furry tail kept swaying. Her tail was like a wave of wheat blown by the wind, instantly changing its color, gradually transitioning from golden to bright red. If Li Yao's memory a hundred years ago is not wrong, in some fox races in the blood demon world, this is the color of "proud".

"Special Envoy Lin is now a well-known hero and big man in our Secret Sword Bureau. Who doesn't know that you defeated the immortal cultivator's rebellion with your own effort! Wow, the super warrior who was tempered hundreds of years ago, in order to protect An ancient republic, willing to fall into a long sleep in obscurity, and only awakened at the most critical moment-it is like the protagonist in novels and games, and we all adore you too much!"

Ling Xiaole made no secret of the admiration that overflowed in his big watery eyes--even if Li Yaoming knew that this was part of the training of the Secret Sword Bureau, he would inevitably feel a little airy.

Ling Xiaole struck the iron while the iron was hot: "Knowing that you are going to the Federation on behalf of Speaker Cui Lingfeng, and want to be as low-key as possible, like ordinary people, in order to compete to receive you in the Secret Sword Bureau, the big guys are almost going to break their heads! I'm useless! It took a great deal of power to grab this task, so if there is anything you can’t take care of along the way, please forgive me and don’t show dissatisfaction with me, otherwise I will. It was replaced by them!

"Look, the guy over there who is looking up at the light screen news, and this fat guy who is eating breakfast next to the shuttle car, and the surrounding high-rise buildings, in the corners of the corner, are all people from our secret sword bureau. Dozens of pairs of eyes are all staring at us, analyzing the changes in every micro-expression on your face. If they find that you may be dissatisfied with me, which will affect the attitude of Chairman Cui, and even destroy the integration of our two sides, then I will Terrible!"

Ling Xiaole pouted, folded his hands together, and stared at Li Yao with a pitiful appearance.

Li Yao couldn't help smiling again: "So you sold them as soon as you met?"

"What does it matter!"

Ling Xiaole spread his hands and said indifferently, "Anyway, you are an expert among experts, even if I don’t recognize my identity, don’t you know that I am actually an agent of the Secret Sword Bureau, and there are hundreds of our Man, are you observing you from all angles? Anyway, what you guessed and discovered, is it better for me to say it myself, maybe it will add a bit of trust to each other? Well, trust, this is what we need most right now !"

Li Yao smiled and said, "This passage was also rehearsed in advance, right?"

"You are so amazing!"

Ling Xiaole widened his eyes and exclaimed, "No wonder I can become the commander of the Speaker’s Special Guard and come to the Federation to serve as Speaker Cui’s "eyes" and "ears"! Yes, you can say that all these are "routines". However, I promise that this is an absolutely sincere, no conspiracy "routine", everything is to enhance mutual understanding and trust, until the end, everyone is united into an inseparable whole!

"Trust me!"

She straightened her chest and looked like she was only a teenager. The face of the tender baby was full of seriousness, and the red fox tail was mixed with a few golden lights, like a flaming torch, "Perhaps right For Firefly, this contact and fusion is the first and last time in a thousand years, but for our Star Federation, this is the fifth time! Crystal Realm, Nether Realm, Tree Sea Realm and Sky Ring World, we have received four batches of expectant but cautious guests like you, and the final results are all happy!

"The Federation is very experienced in the matter of ‘fusion’. Just put a hundred and twenty hearts and leave this to us. Uh, that’s it, that’s right!"

Ling Xiaole waved a small fist to assure Li Yao.

Li Yao couldn't help being stunned. He didn't expect that the Federation would send such a "guide" who seemed heartless, gagged, and played cards out of common sense.

But think about it carefully, this kind of guide seems to be much better than that kind of serious, official white beard old man.

Even if it is really a routine, it is a fairly acceptable routine, even if she speaks out all the plans and conspiracies frankly, it will still make people can't help but let go of their guard.

"Does it feel easier now?"

Ling Xiaole looked at Li Yao with expectation, "In fact, we were not like this in the past. Long, long ago, there were only three core worlds in the Federation. When the first new world was discovered-the Crystal World, the Federation and the Crystal Man There has been a very clumsy, ridiculous, and cautious, guarding each other, and there have been many jokes in the stumbling contact at the time.

"From the desert world, the crystal people who are extremely short of water can't understand the federal people's willful waste of water resources, and the federal people's endless greed for the'anywhere' spar; and the federal people can't do it either. I understand why the Crystal Man values ​​water resources so much that even a small amount of water may be sentenced to capital punishment. I thought that the rulers of the Crystal Realm were cruel tyrants and almost started a war against the Crystal Realm.

"Fortunately, thanks to the communication between the wise men on both sides, the war did not occur. As the stumbling contact became more frequent, we gradually realized that no matter how different the living environment and appearance, but in the bones, everyone is a human being. Seven emotions, six desires, joy, anger, sorrow and joy, exactly the same people.

"Hehe, speaking of it, my parents also met under this situation.

"A long, long time ago, my father was like you today. He came to the Federation as the messenger of the Crystal Realm and observed all aspects of the Star Federation in order to decide the next choice of the Crystal Realm-whether to join the Federation completely; or just maintain Trade and business exchanges spar for water resources of the Federation; even business contacts are never allowed, lest the "greedy federate" eats the marrow and knows the taste, and uses the spar of the crystal world to attack the crystal world in turn.

"My mother, a Shahu from the Blood Demon Realm, is the secret sword envoy of the Secret Sword Bureau, disguised as his guide.

"Naturally, the federation at that time was far from being as open and confident as it is today, and it is impossible for my mother to dare to confess everything to you openly like me today.

"At that time, she concealed her identity and really pretended to be a graduate of'Tianhuan Academy's foreign exchange major,' a slightly clumsy staff of the Ministry of Culture.

"Because of the different customs and habits, each other is full of guard and vigilance. The two sides have had a lot of laughter and laughter. In addition, the federal radicals who yearn for war and the crystal die-hards who absolutely don't believe in the Confederacy are in trouble... The first contact with the new world is simply a tumultuous, exciting and exciting!

"Fortunately, until the end, they finally completely trusted each other, resolved all contradictions, and became the first couple to cross the Crystal Realm and the Federation. The Crystal Realm joined the Starlight Federation, and I was'Ling Xiaole' for a long time. It was born a long, long time later. The reason for the name is probably because they still remember the little joke when they first came into contact with it that year!"

The little half-fairy girl with a beautiful tail, chirping like a lark, "So, it is more appropriate for me to be your guide. I believe we will get along very pleasantly! But don't get me wrong, I don’t mean to repeat the past of my parents-I already have a boyfriend, and I don’t really like the uncle type!"

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