40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1658: The new "Civilization", the new federation!

For the first time in the world, Li Yao felt like he couldn't resist a little girl.

However, Ling Xiaole changed the conversation and said with a smile: "I have been talking so much, don't bother me, let's talk while walking!"

Yes, although the other members of the delegation and the Twelve Ancient Saints visited separately, there was still a "little tail" behind Li Yao-the imperial elite female named "Secretary to the High Commissioner of the Speaker's Office". Warrior Heiyelan.

As early as in the ancient sacred world, Hei Yelan had been under Li Yao's care.

Since Li Yao is now the "Red Lotus Squad Commander and Speaker's Special Envoy," it would be more reasonable to have a secretary by his side.

A few days ago, when the cultivators rebelled on the Firefly, and they learned the news that the Black Wind Fleet was eagerly watching, Hei Yelan was quite exasperated, with a high-pitched appearance, and she kept trying to go to the ancient sage. They preached—the empire’s heavenly soldiers were coming, and the beam-jumping clowns who refused to accept the prestige of the sky were about to be completely wiped out. If the ancient sages wanted to make contributions, they would have the best chance immediately!

However, as they went deeper into the Federation, especially after seeing the majestic appearance of the large-scale Federation fleet in the Sky Ring Realm, Hei Yelan's expression became serious again.

Obviously, the size and strength of this "prey" are far beyond her initial imagination.

At the exit of the Tianhuan War Memorial, she saw the melancholy and compassionate statue of Ding Lingdang, and the light curtain engraved with the names of all the victims of the Tiangang, Earthsha, and Federation parties, she was even more deeply confused. .

Obviously, in the real human empire, even if there is a war memorial to show off martial arts, it is impossible to record all the names of the enemy's victims.

And now, Ling Xiaole's ingenious opening remarks made her even more puzzled-can the so-called conquering the new world be so upright and fair?

The imperial elite female warrior stared at her big sullen eyes, trying to understand everything before her.

The three of them boarded a round, seemingly unremarkable shuttle car, and drove silently to the ring world inside the "Sky Ring".

Because the pipe diameter of the "Sky Ring" is too large, it is divided into more than a dozen layers of non-interfering activity spaces. The ground of each layer is laid with soil, planted with various flowers and trees, and the dome is also made of large blocks. The splicing of light curtains presents a virtual sky of blue sky and white clouds, plus the precisely adjusted artificial gravity field, which is no different from life on the ground. If you don’t remind yourself all the time, it’s hard to realize that they are in an atmosphere. In the ring city.

Only when you look far away will you see the "sky" and the city in the distance seem to bend downwards, as if it stretches into an endless abyss.

Life a hundred years later, it seems that there is not much difference from a hundred years ago. There are also ultra-high-speed crystal rail trains and shuttle cars inside Tianhuan, but all the trains run smoothly and quietly, with no noise or even whistling. And the sound of the passing wind has not been rolled up-this allows them to be built directly in the downtown area, and even go around among rows of tall buildings; and those shuttles are faster, denser, and shuttle through the clouds and water. It's almost like a thrilling acrobatics. It seems that the autonomous driving or magneto-magnetic navigation technology must have made great progress these years, so that ordinary people can also use the computing power and control of the cultivator when driving the shuttle. ability.

In addition, in the sky above the city, Li Yao also saw something very strange...between extreme sports and transportation.

It is a magic weapon that can be soft or hard, like metal fins. Some are like the air kits on the crystal armor strengthening suits in the past, but they are directly equipped on people. Once they wear more than a dozen "fins" , Even an ordinary person can fly freely in mid-air like birds and dolphins.

Many people, especially teenagers who look like students, are wearing shiny "fins", swimming dexterously in mid-air, laughing and joking, which reminds Li Yao of a long time ago that he and his best friends are three or five. They are back from school. Home scene.

"This is the'Flying Fin', a single-person vehicle newly developed by the Federation. The flying fins are engraved with more than fifty gravity adjustment rune arrays and psychic receiving rune arrays, which can capture the ubiquitous psychic magnetic fluctuations in the sky ring world. , Moving forward under the impetus of the psychic wave, just like a dolphin advancing under the push of the ocean wave."

Ling Xiaole said, "Through the main control chip of the'Fly Fin', even if ordinary people have a little training, they can also'walk from the sky' like a cultivator! The Sky Fantasy World often holds the'Flying Fin Contest', and some ordinary people The tricks played out are simply more powerful than those of cultivators!"

"it's beautiful."

Li Yao looked at the artificial sky, like a group of carefree little dolphins playing and playing, the teenagers wandering among the blue sky and white clouds, exclaimed sincerely.

"You-make ordinary people the same as the cultivators?"

Hei Yelan couldn't help asking.


Ling Xiaole blinked and said of course, "To make ordinary people become like cultivators, this is the goal that countless people of the Federation are fighting for and protecting!"

"The front is the'Civil Center' in Tianhuan Realm, right?"

Li Yao turned the subject away. This was the primary goal he had long communicated with the federal authorities. "Since everyone is open and honest, I don’t have to hide it. Chairperson Cui does not oppose the integration with the Xingyao Federation in principle, but he cares very much. The status and treatment of more than 100 million people on the Firefly in the Federation, so I hope to learn more about the federal citizenship system.

"We all know that the true human empire also has a citizenship system. To become a citizen of the empire, you must be a cultivator and possess powerful power, and even help the empire conquer new territories, enslave the weaker races, and use the blood of the weak to accumulate blood. Only after the military exploits of the people are converted into'contribution points' can they be exchanged for the rights of citizens of different classes.

"The Federation is of course different from the Empire. I heard that your citizenship and contribution points are closely related to the "Civilization" game. Unfortunately, in Firefly and Dragon Snake, you can't access the official version of the "Civilization" game. What's the matter?"

"As you will see soon, our'Civil Center' is also a'Civilization Game Center'. It is not just a simple game, but the cornerstone of the existence of the Star Federation, which is also ours. The most powerful weapon against the real human empire and even the Covenant Alliance!"

Ling Xiaole’s eyes were shining, pride and pride flooded like a flood of a bank, and the tip of the tail protruding from behind the seat was also shiny silver. “For people outside the Federation, "Civilization" may just be a This is a simulation game, but for the Federation, it is not a game, but a life, no, it is a way of survival, and it is closely related to everyone.

"It can even be said that there are two Star Federations. One is a federation that exists in the sea of ​​stars and possesses physical entities, and the other is a federation that exists in the crystal brain and the path of light. The "virtual federation" that is extinguished and reborn constantly, the real federation and the virtual federation are superimposed together, and it is the “complete” federation. It is the Star Federation in this superimposed state that possesses the seven realms and dares to rely on the seven realms. The capital to challenge the Empire and the Holy League!"

Li Yao became more and more interested: "We have also been exposed to some information about the "Civilization" game on Firefly. It seems that it is not as exaggerated as you said."

"How can it be compared? The key is not the game itself, but the database and the spiritual link that contains all the information of the hundreds of billions of people in the seven worlds of the Star Federation. The entire database, including the link, will never be open to the outside world. What the outside world can come into contact with is just a dull and boring game, not a virtual world with various poses but incomparably real."

Ling Xiaole said, "Only when it is completely integrated into the new world of the Federation, will it be rejected into the Federation's "Civilization" link and included in the database, opening the entire virtual world to the local people.

"If one day, the Firefly officially becomes part of the Federation, the people on board will naturally feel the power of "Civilization", but now, of course Special Envoy Lin has the power, feel it in advance!"

Li Yao and Hei Yelan looked at each other, and Hei Yelan asked in confusion, "How can a mere game help you fight the empire and the Holy League?"

"All said, it's not just a game, but...a new way of living and sharing wisdom in human civilization."

Ling Xiaole said seriously, "Since the establishment of the new federation a hundred years ago, the people of the federation began to think about how to maximize the potential of ordinary people, so that ordinary people's advantages in'quantity' can be transformed. A powerful force that is equal to, and even surpasses, the cultivator!

"The real human empire regards ordinary people as'primitives', as animals and pets; the Covenant Alliance treats all humans as'tools'. Our Federation is naturally different from them. Ordinary people are also the masters of the country and themselves. Master of destiny!

"But we are not pure idealists either. It is true that a single ordinary person cannot compete with a single cultivator in terms of physical fitness, memory, computing power, combat power, etc. This is a fact, and we do not deny this.

"So, the core of the problem, that is, the core of the Star Federation's competitiveness lies in how to gather the power of ordinary people to the greatest extent, with the highest efficiency, and with the least loss!

""Civilization" is the answer given by the Federation to this question.

"All the problems encountered in the development of the Federation, or the experience and lessons of the rise and fall of other great worlds, will be presented in the form of games, and the vast majority of the 100 billion people in the Federation will be invited to join them, and let their minds free up. Spark does not require them to give the correct solution, but even if they make every weird mistake in the game, they are extremely valuable.

"In this way, through the special network of "Civilization", the brains of hundreds of billions of people have been connected together, and the spark of thinking has turned into a gorgeous ocean, which leads to qualitative changes from quantitative changes, and optimal strategies are born from it; At the same time, both ordinary people and cultivators can try to understand various policies, societies, wars, continuation of civilization, etc. that are too grand; to understand the dilemmas that have no choice but to have no choice; slowly realize ' The truth about the rise and fall of a country, everyone is responsible; learn how to become a fighter who can fight for himself, fight for his compatriots, and fight for the future of human civilization!

"Although the Federation has a full population of 100 billion, everyone is very important regardless of whether they are cultivators or ordinary people. Everyone's efforts may change the Federation and the future of human civilization-this is "Civilization." Tell us!"

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