40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1659: Eighth Realm

Hei Yelan glanced at Li Yao, bit her lip and said, "With a trivial piece of "Civilization", can everything you say can be achieved?"

Ling Xiaole said: "I don't know if it can be realized, but we will always work hard in this direction, and "Civilization" has been developed for a hundred years, and it has long since broken away from the craziest ideas of the past and has grown into a virtual reality that spans all aspects of society. The platform is a brand-new world composed of crystal brains, light paths, data, and spiritual thoughts.

"We Federation members, on a real level, live in seven different worlds, which may be separated by hundreds or even thousands of light years from each other. The customs and living environment are completely different, and it is difficult to be called the same nation. The same civilization.

"But in the virtual world, even people living on this side and the other side of the federal territory can embrace each other without any obstacles, share their experiences, share everyone's wisdom, and condense common values.

"Therefore, many people think that "Civilization" is the real territory of the Federation, and this virtual platform is the most important of the Federation-the Eighth Realm!"

Hei Yelan glanced at Li Yao again, and saw that he did not stop, and continued to ask: "So, how does the "Civilization" world work? Can anyone participate in it?"

"Of course, the world of "Civilization" is divided into many levels, starting from the lowest level, as a Federation, you can and must participate."

Ling Xiaole smiled and said, "Every member of the Federation has to gradually come into contact with "Civilization" from elementary school-of course it was a real game at that time, but we will incorporate a lot of knowledge of Chinese, mathematics and other subjects into the game. Among them, the lessons are taught in an entertaining and entertaining manner.

"Have you ever heard of'application problems'? The math education on Firefly will also use'application problems'? If so, you can treat the "Civilization" game at this time as an all-encompassing, ever-changing game Word problem.

"Children in the virtual world know the customs of the seven worlds of the Federation, learn to distinguish the basic minerals on each resource planet, understand the gravity and oxygen content of different planets, and can also calculate a starship. In the two modes of'fastest' and'most fuel-efficient', how do you plan the path to jump from the Celestial Circle to the Celestial Realm?

"As they grow up and their brains gradually mature, the content added to "Civilization" will become more and more complex, ranging from all kinds of grand narratives to trivial things around them.

"Children can serve as the'Federation Speaker' to manage the entire huge country; they can also become the'Liaoyuan Fleet Commander', leading the Federation's most powerful fleet to fight the enemy-of course, the larger the narrative, the coarser the control granularity. , The authenticity is weaker; if you want to be more refined and professional, they can be the mine owner on a certain resource planet, the captain of a small transport ship, or a certain planet to be developed, such as the immigrant town on the Skeleton Star The mayor, to manage his own little side of the territory.

"Under such a fine granularity, we will extract various real mines, small towns, and transport ships data from the previous database to them, including the various problems they will encounter, all of which have actually occurred. Yes, and the "key" to answer these questions lies in the knowledge of various subjects they usually study.

"From elementary school, junior high school all the way to high school, the children of the Federation receive this kind of education, so that when they finally grow up, they have been nurtured to have a certain understanding of society and the world, and are basically qualified for the Federation. People can enter the real "civilized" world."

Hei Yelan frowned deeply: "I still have a problem. If it is just a game, it is destined to be not real enough to play a guiding role; if it is to pursue authenticity and educational significance, its fun and attractiveness are definitely Not enough-even to maintain the normal operation of the smallest transport ship, various data processing and emergencies are enough to make an adult cultivator dizzy. Will children really like to play with this kind of thing? Will the federal government take some coercive measures to force children to play such boring'games'?"

"How can it be!"

Ling Xiaole's eyes widened. "The federal government advocates freedom. How can the government use coercion? What's more, there is no need for coercion. "Civilization" is a compulsory subject for the federal unified high school entrance examination and college entrance examination. The value must account for more than 50%, and the streets are full of cram schools for "Civilization" games. Parents take their children to go, crying and crying to become game masters!"

Li Yao: "..."

Heiyelan: "..."

Ling Xiaole continued: "After the children have completed all the basic courses and passed a series of tests, they can enter the real "Civilization" world. The biggest difference from the game is that they will meet more real compatriots here. , Not just the "virtual human" generated by the crystal brain, everyone is like a butterfly on the other side of the ocean, and the action of everyone flapping their wings may cause a storm in the near future.

"And governments at all levels will often publish a large number of public decision-making content on virtual platforms, inviting everyone to play as a'decision maker' and an'implementer'. It can solve the problem of the invasion and survival of the Imperial Expeditionary Army; it is small. Some unremarkable public affairs around them.

"For example, suppose the Tianhuan local government wants to build a new fully enclosed vacuum crystal orbit here, how should the lines of the crystal orbit be laid out, how the station is set up, including whether there is any problem of disturbing the people, and whether it needs to be relocated, The impact on the surrounding housing prices, and even the population increase and decrease in the next few decades...According to the traditional method, it is of course very good to ask some experts who have awakened the roots to calculate and deduct, but if these experts can calculate and deduct, they can Wouldn’t it be better to get the first-hand information and even the “voices” of local residents?

"In this way, the Tianhuan local government can publish a ‘simulated track construction’ mission in Civilization, inviting masters who live nearby or are best at such tasks based on previous data to play the game.”

"this is okay too?"

Hei Yelan said coldly, "Crystal rail laying and site setting are the most professional problems. How can ordinary laymen solve it?"

"We don't need them to solve it, we just need them to keep making mistakes and express their voices in the process of making mistakes."

Ling Xiaole said, "A wise man must have a lot of misfortune, and a fool must have a gain. Of course, ordinary gamers are not as good as real experts, but they can at least make thousands of mistakes and save a lot of time for experts. At the same time, let the experts know what the people living in the local need and worry about, and finally build a track that satisfies everyone.

"More importantly, if there are people living nearby who are affected by this track or have to move passively, if they can participate in the construction of this track in advance, understand its necessity, and see the track After the completion, it will bring real benefits to the local area, and the communication between the construction party and the local residents will be smoother!

"This is only the most insignificant aspect, but the entire Federation is brought together by tens of thousands of such tiny aspects. Through the release and participation of one task after another, we have made the greatest use of the wisdom of ordinary people and listened to everyone. The voice of the people, the final decision, can satisfy more people!

"Yes, experts are of course the most important thing, but think about it the other way round, the 100,000-year civilization of mankind, the emperors and generals of the past dynasties, and the great figures who dominate the situation, which one does not claim to be a real'expert'? Under the governance of these people, dynasties, countries, and civilizations are still falling apart and disappearing!

"Just say the real human empire. No matter how wise their emperor is and how high his cultivation base is, it doesn't matter whether you are a **** of transformation or a higher level number. Is it possible that his wisdom and computing power are greater than the wisdom and wisdom of 100 billion people? Is the calculation power higher?"

Hei Yelan was immediately blushing with choking and could not speak.

Li Yao smiled lightly, and said, "Student Ling's words are very reasonable, but I thought about it carefully. If you really want to achieve the effect you said, you must ensure that most people in the Federation are willing to be relatively boring. In "Civilization", a lot of time and energy are consumed very seriously, which is equivalent to a relatively advanced "voluntary labor".

"I know that people are selfish animals. What do you use to ensure that everyone will be proactive and waste their precious time and energy? In other words, it should have a complete set of incentives?"

"Of course, as I said just now, "Civilization" is closely related to the daily life of every member of the Federation."

Ling Xiaole said, "Needless to say the high school entrance examination, the level of the game directly determines a person's future, and there are also elements such as'winning rate','contribution points' and'game time' in the game, all of which are related to one person. Being bound for life has a lot to do with his future job interviews, business contacts, and even love and marriage."

Li Yao was slightly startled: "It has something to do with marriage?"

"Yes, you think about it."

Ling Xiaole laughed, "The'winning rate' and'completeness' of completing tasks can represent a person's wisdom and decision-making ability.'Game time' and'records of past tasks' can show a person's character, if someone has been doing it. Those boring tasks that are closely related to the public, such as the "simulation track construction" I just mentioned, even if the degree of completion is not high, at least shows that he is a enthusiastic person, right?

"So, when a large company browses a job application resume, you only need to look through a few video games attached by the job applicant to know how good this man is in solving practical problems; and when a girl decides to be a partner with a lover, don’t forget to check. Looking at his game records, from the types of tasks he chooses, one can often tell whether his temperament, conduct, and whether he only cares about himself, regardless of the community and compatriots around him—if a man doesn’t even have the problems encountered in his own living community. If you are willing to participate and solve it, can you still expect this to be a truly responsible and responsible husband?"

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