40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1662: Metaphysical issues

"The country, the country, the father of the country? Li Yao!"

Li Yao was stunned. He looked at the statue carefully and found that although its face was hidden by the virtual helmet, there was indeed a small base under his feet with a sentence engraved on it:

"It is not enough for a person to have the planet under his feet, he should also have a more splendid future-Li Yao."

This is what hell!

Li Yao blinked his eyes vigorously and murmured: "Wait a minute, let's make sure that this'Li Yao' is not the legendary'Three Realms Supreme, Vulture Li Yao'?"


Ling Xiaole nodded seriously, blinked his big watery eyes, and looked at the statue in admiration, "From the old federation to the new federation, we are only Li Yao, the vulture Li Yao!"

Li Yao coughed fiercely, then again, and again: "I read less federal history books, don't lie to me! I know that the earliest "Civilization" game was jointly created by many sects and many people, that... Vulture Li Yao certainly put forward such a concept, but the key person who really implemented it in the early days was Professor Su Changfa, the head of the Department of Sociology of the Great Desert War Academy! It seems that at that time, Professor Su Changfa was hailed as "Civilization" "Father", how could a person become Li Yao — no matter how wise Li Yao is, he can't put all good things on him!"

Ling Xiaole spread his hands and said, "You are a sensible person. Of course, I can't hide it from you. Yes, if you want to say that the earliest "Father of Civilization", I am afraid that Professor Su Changfa is more qualified than the vulture Li Yao, but Su Changfa is a cultivator, ordinary That’s all for the cultivator, but his true disciple Lu Qingchen is still the most wanted criminal in the Federation. Although the Federation pays attention to free thinking, we can’t worship a cultivator all day, right?

"The reason why Li Yao is the'father of "Civilization"' is also reasonable.

"I don't know how many "Civilization" game development history you have read back then. You must know that the original origin of this'universal virtual world' was personally experienced by Li Yao, and the real human empire'brainwashing fantasy' provided by Su Changfa.

"In those illusions, Su Changfa interprets to Li Yao the rise and fall of several worlds in the past, as well as the empire’s self-proclaimed'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi' road to rise. The original intention was to transform Li Yao into an immortal cultivator, but Our Three Realms Supreme, where is it so easy to be brainwashed?

"Not only did Li Yao not be fooled, but soon after the Kunlun relics were fully developed, the inspiration came to light and he thought of turning the'brainwashing illusion' into a tool to unlock the people's wisdom, listen to the people's voice, and train the people!

"It was he who first threw out such an idea, and then experts such as Su Changfa, Professor Mo Xuan and so on would implement it.

"If it were not for Li Yao to bear the brainwashing of the immortal cultivators in the Kunlun ruins, if it were not for him to throw out such an epoch-making idea afterwards, of course, it cannot be said that we would never develop another form of a unified virtual world. ', but the time point must be greatly postponed, and it is very possible to postpone it by 50 or 60 years.

"Don't say fifty or sixty years, even if development is delayed for thirty or forty years, without the connection of a unified spiritual network, today's seven worlds of the Federation cannot be so close. The seven worlds of scattered sand are absolutely perfect against the imperial expeditionary force. There is no chance of winning-this is the unanimously recognized result that countless players of "Civilization" have performed countless times on their own.

"What's more, Li Yao is not just a suggestion, he has also exerted his financial and influence unmatched in the old federal era to support the "Civilization" production team all the way forward!

"You know, even in terms of'games', the early "Civilization" was an unprecedentedly large-scale, almost infinite production cycle. From the beginning, it was prepared to accommodate everyone in the world to play together! Think about it, make it What is the starting capital for such a game?

"At that time, in the face of the threat of the Imperial Expeditionary Forces, the Federation members were a little confused, and started one after another weird and whimsical plans, plus the excavation of the Kunlun ruins, all of which cost money.

"Compared with those projects where you can see the results directly, such as repairing giant soldiers, refining new crystal armors, and creating'solar warriors', the production of "Civilization" games, apart from the illusory'opening the people's wisdom', there is almost nothing Many practical benefits, it is simply a bottomless pit that keeps burning money in, but never fills it up.

"If it were not for Li Yao's strong support, the Yaoshi Group, Skyfire Organization, and some Yuan Ying and Demon Emperors he knew would all regard his face and continue to burn money inside, and "Civilization" would not go. To this day, perhaps he had been starved to death in the infancy.

"Professor Su Changfa... is indeed a respectable'enemy', but no matter how wise and great he is, he was just a captive without power at that time, not relying on Li Yao's financial power and influence. Where is the opportunity for him to complete the production of the initial version of "Civilization"?

"All in all, the Great God Li Yao is indeed a great man with great vision, far-sighted, wise and martial, extremely wise, born out of the sky, and far beyond the times! Even though he is regarded as the'Supreme of the Three Realms', he has a profound influence on the New Federation Till now, it hasn't been discovered yet. In the days to come, as the Federation continues to advance, the Great Unification Spirit Web will be fully spread throughout the universe, and he will definitely be re-recognized by the world!"

Ling Xiao's voice was full of affection and true feelings, and the two pointed fox ears turned pink, and he was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Li Yao became more dumbfounded: "Isn't it, so great? Even if he is really the father of "Civilization", what's the matter with the so-called "Father of the Nation", isn't it an exaggeration?"

"Not at all."

Ling Xiaole shook his head and said seriously, "You think, our Star Federation's external expansion is different from the Empire and the Holy League. We are destined not to use'conquest by force' as the main method. The integration of the four new worlds is only Only one battle was fought in the Celestial Ring Realm.

"In the process of merging the four new worlds, the great unification network represented by "Civilization" is indispensable. Integration into "Civilization" is the true integration of the Federation!

"One day, we will march towards the center of Xinghai, but it is impossible to conquer all worlds by force. "Civilization" is our most powerful capital for attracting, assimilating and governing the new world. It is ours against the empire and the Holy League. The biggest reliance.

"So, I just said that "Civilization" is the cornerstone of the Federation, even the'New Federation' itself!

"If one day, the glory of the Star Federation really spreads to the three thousand worlds, and all the human worlds are integrated into the system of "Civilization", then Li Yao, as the "father of "Civilization"," is called this Is there a problem with the founding father of a federation?"

Li Yao tilted his head and opened his mouth, thinking for a long time: "It seems there is no problem."

Ling Xiaole laughed happily: "That's right. I didn't expect that you have hibernated for hundreds of years, but your thinking is very trendy! You know that many people in the Federation can't accept this kind of statement. Only us heavy players can do this. Say, but it’s okay, the future will prove everything, long live Li Yao!"

"Wait, wait!"

There was a dark cloud on Li Yao's forehead, and sweat continued to flow like rain. "Even if, uh, even if this Li Yao really accidentally became the founding father of the new federation, he wouldn't need to be called the'great god' so outrageous, there are these people. What are you all gathering here for, burning incense and worshiping Buddha, and smoky people. Isn't this openly engaging in personality cult? It's inconsistent with your new federation's spirit of "everyone is equal"?"

"Oh, you misunderstood."

Ling Xiaole explained, "This is not a cult of personality, and they may not all regard Li Yao as the founding father of the new federation, but before entering the game, it is good to worship Li Yao!"

Li Yao frowned: "What are the benefits?"

Ling Xiaole: "Luck will be better in "Civilization". After all, he is the "father of "Civilization". Who should not worship him?"

Li Yao: "Luck and luck are better? Explain!"

Ling Xiaole: "For example, playing the war expansion film "The Empire Strikes Back", can the forces you control successfully refine the main battleship at one time, the key hit rate when the main battleship engages with the enemy, and the persistence time after your own battle damage... Many factors are random, which can be said to be luck or a metaphysics.

"Therefore, according to old legend, before entering "Civilization", you will first worship Li Yao, luck will soar to the sky, you will build a super capital ship, and when you exchange fire with the opponent, you will explode the ammunition depot with one shot. Hundreds of times of crystal magnetic bombardment can stand upright... If it is a daily operation type of expansion, there will be fewer natural disasters, an increase in positive random events, and you can pick up money on the road, and so on!

"On the other hand, if you forget to worship the Great God Li Yao, it will be miserable. Even if you concentrate a lot of resources to refine the starship, the battleship will be blown up inexplicably before it is completed, or it has just been on the battlefield, and the first shot will be scrapped. If you lose the power furnace, or hit the enemy for hundreds of times, you can’t hit the point...If it’s an operational task, it’s the constant riots of workers, natural disasters, transportation routes being robbed by star thief, and the transformation of the new area is super unpalatable. Nail households, all kinds of burns, bad luck!

"If you want to accumulate more contribution points and completion, luck is the key. It's okay to pay homage to Li Yao!"

Li Yao was stunned when he heard it: "Wait, don't you claim to be 100% fully realistic, and there are so many random elements of luck?"

"It can be 100% full-realistic. It doesn't mean it has to be so complicated every time. Most people still adjust the difficulty to a moderate level. Especially in some single-player tasks, half entertainment and half dedication."

Ling Xiaole said naturally, "What's more, even in the real world, is luck not important? Once you succeed, you will fight for several times in ancient times. Success or failure depends on luck in many cases!"

Well, Li Yao couldn’t refute, he glanced at a few boys who were worshipping his statue and throwing coins on his head: "But—even if luck really exists, it can be turned around by Li Yao. Times? Absurd, isn't this feudal superstition!"

Ling Xiaole grinned: "This is metaphysics, how can it be called feudal superstition? Folk culture at best! It was you who said that you want to feel the local customs as an ordinary federal member, so that's why you brought you to the'Li Yao God' In front of you, you can do as you like in the countryside. By the way, there is also Li Yao’s heart protection gold card for sale. It is said that it was made from the wreckage of the crystal armor that Li Yao had previously controlled. The ones that were only released have their own serial numbers. They are unique treasures. It seems that if you put a card on your chest, the starship's hit rate will double. Would you like to try it?"

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