40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1663: Legend of Mortal Cultivation

Li Yao's temples burst into two veins: "As a tried and loyal practitioner and atheist from the orthodox government of Xinghai Republic, I will never engage in such activities of personality worship and feudal superstition! "

Before the words fell, a coin flicked across his head gorgeously, drawing a graceful arc, unbiasedly falling on the statue's bare helmet, and stopped steadily.

There was a cheer behind Li Yao: "I'm hit! I'm hit!"

Ling Xiaole also smiled openly: "Ha, our habit here, who can throw coins on'Li Yao's head with hand-eye coordination without using psychic energy," today's luck must be excellent, even those of us onlookers It can be touched!"

Li Yao: "..."

Ling Xiaole stuck out his tongue and was about to speak. The sky suddenly dimmed for a few minutes, as if a black cloud collapsed, and the majestic and harsh march sounded from all around, blasting into his ears, making people distraught.

There was a commotion in the crowd, everyone was staring at the sky, and many crowds started booing and cheering.

The "sky" or the artificial sky split from the middle, and a small assault ship swooped down with thunder and dark clouds. Both sides of the bow were engraved with the "Samsung Lightning Emblem" representing the empire and the "Crossed Swords" representing the Black Wind Fleet. The emblem of the battle against the black storm", against the backdrop of artificial lightning, bloomed with a hideous brilliance, not to mention the various sound and light effects and the illusion of hundreds of imperial starships projected on the huge light curtain. An assault ship, it exaggerated the momentum of thousands of troops.

"Emperor, Imperial Army?"

Li Yao blinked his eyes, completely at a loss, what's the situation?

Of course he knew that this could not be a real empire invasion, but with such a big fanfare, most of the people gave their thumbs up to the sky, and a handful of fancy-dressed boys and girls screamed excitedly, what the hell!

When Hei Yelan saw the "comrades" and heard the military songs of the empire, her soul swayed even more, and she almost lost guard.

Fortunately, Li Yao secretly sent a divine mind from the soles of her feet, stimulating her spinal nerves, and awakening her suddenly, without revealing any flaws.

The "Imperial Assault Ship" hovered over the square in front of the center of "Civilization". The hatches on both sides were reopened. Dozens of armor masters who wore imperial crystal armor and covered in snow and white, brandished chain saw swords and double-edged swords The concussion war knife and the electric battle axe jumped down.

In the burning sky, with countless starships as the background, flames and streamers gradually condensed into five big characters with teeth and claws:

"Storm Assault Group!"

The inversion of the crowd became louder and louder, as if they were saying something like "Come on, imperial dog thief, come and fight to the death with the Tianhuan people", but a small group of people showed great welcome, and the crowd seemed to be divided. Two factions, two different camps of "anti-empire" and "supporting empire".


Li Yao was a bit aftertaste.

He could see that although the crystal armors and the swords they wielded on these "Imperial Army" were all decent, they looked like the most advanced crystal armors of the Black Wind Fleet--that is, the ones they had seized from Hei Yelan, not too big. Difference, but apart from the power rune array, there is no offensive magic weapon unit at all, just an empty shell.

Those chain saw swords and concussive war knives are also fake, they are props that can only provoke a variety of sound and light effects, but have no destructive power.

"Who are these, the actors specially invited for the launch of the latest version of "The Empire Strikes Back"?"

Li Yao asked.

"Not an actor, the'Storm Assault Group' is from the core world, the entire Federation is very famous game master!"

Ling Xiaole said, "The game masters of this team are best at playing "The Empire Strikes Back". They are among the best in the win rate of this expansion. They have gorgeous tactics and good looks. They are also particularly good at inciting the audience's hatred. The well-deserved'Tian Tuan', a star that has swept countless boys and girls, each game broadcast can attract at least tens of millions of people to watch online at the same time!"

"Tian Tuan..."

Li Yao felt that he really looked like an old antique who had traveled from the ancient sacred world, a bit unable to keep up with the times, "Would you like to be so exaggerated?"

"It's not an exaggeration. With the rise of "Civilization", other entertainment methods in the Federation have gradually fallen out of date. Most literary and artistic practitioners have participated in the scripting, plot creation, atmosphere rendering of "Civilization"... During the creation, one after another is created a colorful and lifelike world, and various thrilling, exciting tasks are released. In this way, all the big stars of the various entertainment industries are all overwhelmed, and now they are the most popular among the new generation. The way of entertainment is to play "Civilization", either by yourself or by entering the game world of a master. The interactive excitement and sense of accomplishment are a hundred times richer than any previous entertainment method!"

Ling Xiaole said earnestly, "There are some masters' pinnacle duels, where billions of people watch the live broadcast together, leave messages together, scroll through the barrage, and fill in the forums. That's a lively event!

"As for the hot-spotted Heavenly Missions like'Storm Assault Group', business performances are scheduled until five years later. This is not to allow you to better experience the essence of the federal civilization, so they are specially arranged here to meet local masters. A showdown!

"Don't look at everyone as if their thumbs are rushing down, booing their cheers, but this is a special way of welcoming, it can be regarded as a new subculture extended from "Civilization"!"

Li Yao didn’t know what to say. After thinking about it, he asked, "Well, game masters can play the game well, why do you want to wear the imperial crystal armor costume and transform the large shuttles into imperial assaults? The look of the ship, and their flag, the background of the words'Storm Assault Group', if I read correctly, it should be the battle emblem of the Black Wind Fleet, so outrageous, the authorities don't care?"

"This is the characteristic of the Stormwind Assault Group!"

Ling Xiaole said, "They are the'Imperial Army Professionals'. They have been playing the Imperial Army in the expansion of "The Empire Strikes Back". Every time they have defeated the Federation and defeated them, they are famous for this. This time they came to meet the local masters. To learn from each other is to play the role of the attacker. Of course, you have to dress like this to have the atmosphere!"

Li Yao and Hei Yelan looked at each other: "So can I still play the empire in "Civilization"?"

Ling Xiaole smiled: "Of course, "Civilization" is a large-scale virtual platform used to guide the real world. Since it is to guide reality, all aspects of nature require real human participation in order to collect more real data. If everything about the empire is They were all fabricated by the crystal brain, and the final result was a trifling matter.

"Especially the antagonistic expansion of "The Empire Strikes Back", it is impossible for everyone to stand on the side of the Federation and fight the empire controlled by Crystal Brain. In this case, and play large-scale stand-alone games. What's the difference?

"Therefore, the Federal Government strongly encourages game masters to play the role of the Imperial Army, view the problem from the standpoint of the real human empire, and attack the Confederacy in all its ways. Only by thinking of all the strategies that the empire may adopt in advance can it accept Go down and think about how to crack it!

"How can I put it? Just like military exercises have red and blue sides. The red side is our army and the blue side is the enemy army. Only the most elite troops are qualified to play the'blue side', that is, the enemy army. Right?"

Li Yaoyi pondered, it seemed that this was the truth.

Ling Xiaole continued: "In order to better integrate into the role of'Blue Fang', try to simulate all the strategies of the empire. The'evil masters' in these games often use various'immersion' methods and really regard themselves as The imperial army and immortal cultivators come to practice, even in daily life they will dress up as empires, speak empire-specific slang, and think in the way of immortal cultivators.

"For such'evil masters' and'empire professional households', "Civilization" also has a special expansion. The protagonist is the immortal cultivator. Players can construct their own immortal cultivation civilization at will, and manage it in the way of cultivating immortality. People, and invite fellow fellows to live in their own world of cultivation.

"This expansion called "Legend of Mortal Cultivation", although relatively small, but the players are extremely active, and it is also quite a classic expansion!"

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and felt that his brain was a little confused, "You, you have also specially opened up a piece of ‘cultivation world’ in "Civilization" for people to experience the life of a cultivator?"


Ling Xiaole blinked without feeling wrong at all, "If you have any questions, you can try it later if you are interested."


Li Yao thought for a while, "In "Legend of Mortal Cultivation", can you really do anything like a cultivator?"

Ling Xiaole nodded: "Of course, "Civilization" has always been known for its high degree of freedom. All choices that can be made in real life can be done in every expansion of "Civilization"."

Li Yao: "So, the player can really play a...a real immortal cultivator in the virtual world?"

Ling Xiaole: "If it is not genuine enough, it will go against Li Yao's original intention of creating "Civilization"."

Li Yao: "...Well, everyone can play this "Legend of Mortal Cultivation"?"

Ling Xiaole: "That's not true. As I said just now, this is a relatively special piece of information. Because it contains a lot of inappropriate content, it must meet a series of conditions, such as reaching eighteen years of age and having played through several other files. A designated expansion piece and a series of psychological tests have proved that the Three Views are relatively stable, and only adults with basic concepts of good and evil can enter the game.

"Moreover, in "Legend of Mortal Cultivation", there is one of the most special rules.

"The player can indeed play the role of the'immortal cultivator', burning, killing and looting in the world of cultivating immortals, doing no evil, covering the sky with one hand, ruled by iron and blood... you can do whatever you want.

"However, if the player plays the role of a cultivator for an hour, he must play a double-time'mortal' for other cultivators to enslaved, ravaged, squeezed and slaughtered, to experience what he had just imposed on others. Yes, double pain."

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