40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1664: Empire episode

Li Yao was silent for a while, calculating quickly in the depths of his brain what kind of consequences such a game setting would bring.

Mortal, cultivator... To be a cultivator for one hour, you must be a mortal for two more hours?

Ling Xiaole looked at his expression, and deep in the crescent-shaped smiling eyes, there was strong confidence, and said: "I know what you are thinking, you are wondering why we should make such a piece of "Legend of Mortal Cultivation". Film, worried that some people will indulge in it and can't extricate themselves, continue to kill, destroy and enslaved in the game world, and eventually fall into the demon way of the immortal cultivator, can't extricate themselves, really become a cultivator, right?"

Li Yao: "Don't you worry about it?"

"I don't know if I should worry."

Ling Xiaole shook his head, with a clear and powerful voice, "But I know that the original intention of the game "Civilization" created by'Three Realms Supreme, Vulture Li Yao' was to use it to collect all the big data that actually exists in the entire world, and use it all. The wisdom of mankind is used for deduction, deducing the future of our civilization, the possibilities of various forms.

"Of course we can easily say-Xiuxian Avenue is bad, but we can't bury our heads in the sand like an ostrich and pretend that we can't see the existence of Xiuxian Avenue and the world of Xiuxian.

"In fact, no matter how we criticize the path of the cultivators, the real human empire ruled by the cultivators has been standing in the center of the star sea for a whole thousand years, and it seems that within two to three hundred years, it will not necessarily be completely annihilated.

"It is undeniable that Xiuxian Avenue is indeed a direction of choice for the future of human civilization-although in our opinion, it is both evil and inefficient, but since it really exists in the center of the star sea, we must deeply understand it and study it. , Figure out its emergence, development, peak and decline, tell where it is evil and where it is inefficient, and finally, find a way to defeat it, transform it, and innovate it!

"This is the purpose of our creation of the "Legend of Mortal Cultivation" expansion.

"I think that the reason why Li Yao, the vulture one hundred years ago, used his influence to release the immortal cultivator Su Changfa and let him freely promote the theory of the avenue of immortality, in the final analysis, it was for the same purpose? We just stepped on Li Yao's Shoulder, just one step forward."

"Well, you just kicked Li Yao's forehead so hard that you took a big leap forward!"

Li Yao sighed and murmured, "I'm sorry, I can't help myself. After all, we have been wandering in the sea of ​​stars for a thousand years. I have just hibernated for hundreds of years before waking up. It's incredible to see you. The new world is really dazzling and speechless!"

Ling Xiaole smiled sweetly: "Understandable, but I assure you that you and everyone on the Firefly will love this extremely exciting new world soon!"

Li Yao thought for a while: "But, really, no one really likes the feeling of being a cultivator through a game like "Legend of Mortal Cultivation", and finally becomes a real cultivator?"

Ling Xiaole blinked his big eyes and asked, "Envoy Lin, ask a question, what are the entertainment methods on the Firefly? Novels, glare phantoms, and virtual games in the illusion are all there, right?"

Li Yao was startled slightly and nodded: "Of course, among starships with small space and scarce supplies, virtual games are the cheapest and most convenient way of entertainment."

Ling Xiaole continued to ask: "I guess, if you also have novels, glare phantoms, and virtual games, the most popular content will probably not be helpful, sincere, friendly, and indifferent, but there are different kinds of content. It’s a kind of fighting, **** violence, and unsuitable content for children. Even for female-oriented works, there will be all kinds of girls intrigue, fighting openly and secretly, instead of everyone having fun and helping each other, right?"

Li Yao: "Uh..."

He seemed to know what Ling Xiaole was going to say.

Ling Xiaole smiled and said, "Do you think a normal person will become a murderer after reading a detective novel because he appreciates the murderer's modus operandi?

"Do you think that an in-depth player, after playing a gunfight game, will think that the game is not exciting enough, and will really kill in the real world?

"On the other hand, there are more than 100 million people on the Firefly, and naturally there are various crimes, but how many extremely brutal crimes are really caused purely by some particularly **** and violent novels, dazzling phantoms, or games?

"Furthermore, do you agree that in order to prevent violent crimes, all content involving blood and violence in all entertainment methods should be banned? Do you think that after all this is banned, there will be no violent crimes on the Firefly? ?"

Li Yao thought about it for a long time, and had to admit that Ling Xiaole was right.

"In essence, a virtual world of cultivating immortals, an ordinary gunfighting game, a novel about gangsters and criminals, a dazzling phantom with blood flowing in a river, and broken arms flying around are not too much. Big difference."

Ling Xiaole stalled and said, "If you are a person who has a happy life in real life and has many things worth protecting and fighting for, it is impossible to become a cultivator after playing "Legend of Mortal Cultivation" a few times.

"On the other hand, if someone turns into a murderer after reading a murder novel, and becomes a cultivator after playing "Legend of Mortal Cultivation", the problem will never lie in the novel and the game, but in him. All aspects of real life.

"If the chronic diseases in reality are not resolved, such a person, even if they don't read murder novels or play "Legend of Mortal Cultivation", they will still undergo transformation.

"So, it is more important to solve the problems in reality, not to troubleshoot the virtual world. After all, the virtual world is just a mirror image of the real world. The ugliness of reality cannot be solved by breaking the mirror.

"Of course, if some people really show signs of transformation, if they are transformed in the "Legend of Mortal Cultivation", they will be more easily observed and controlled than they are in a dark corner of society. It’s better to become a cultivator without knowing it, right?"

What else can Li Yao say besides nodding his head?

"You don't have to worry too much"

Ling Xiaole smiled sweetly, "Of course we know the seriousness of this matter. After the release of "Legend of Mortal Cultivation", relevant parties have carried out tracking observations for decades. The conclusion is that the players of this expansion The crime rate is not much different from that of non-players. On some large search platforms, the number of times players searched for theories related to'Xiu Xian Dao' gradually increased in the first three years of the expansion, and reached a peak in the fifth year. After that, it decreased year by year, and in the end it was even 5.7% lower than before the release-this is the data after removing all interference factors!

"In other words, for the players of "Legend of Mortal Cultivation of Immortals", the attractiveness of the'Road of Cultivation of Immortals' is declining year by year. The more you play the role of a cultivator in the virtual world, the less likely it is to become a cultivator in the real world!

Both Li Yao and Hei Yelan pondered deeply: "Why is this?"

"Psychologists and sociologists have conducted in-depth analysis of this, and various papers have been piled up, but there is still no clear conclusion."

Ling Xiaole said with a smile, "Perhaps, in addition to the true psychological perversion, most of the time, normal people still yearn for those sunny, beautiful, and kind things? Or maybe it's the mortal time of "double pain". It can calm their fanatical brains and make them realize that although in the virtual world they can act as an all-powerful and omnipotent cultivator, they can become the protagonist of "Legend of Mortal Cultivation", but in the real world, once The Imperial Expeditionary Army really conquered the Federation. In all likelihood, they are humanoid props that can't even be counted as supporting roles. They only end up being trampled, trampled, and destroyed.

"Don't do to others what you don't want to do to others. After playing this expansion, players will definitely remember this truth deeply."

While the three were talking, the "Storm Assault Group" dressed as imperial soldiers had penetrated into the enthusiastic crowd, interacting half-truths with everyone, and adjusted the atmosphere of the audience with ease.

The sky group from the core world is different. Under the background of various sound and light effects, the imperial army's arrogance and indomitable arrogance is vividly displayed.

But carefully tasted, with a hint of fierceness and inwardness, people can perceive the strength of the empire, but also their guilty conscience and impatience. When they hate and hate the empire, they also give birth to "the Federation can win." "Faith!"

Not to mention the level of the game, the acting skills and professionalism alone are enough to make Li Yao amazed. It is no wonder that other entertainment industries have declined this year, and the game live broadcast industry is thriving!

But at the peak of the interaction between the two parties, according to the process, when the federal local game master came out to "challenge", a small episode was staged-several gray-haired, wearing psychic prosthetic limbs, like disabled veterans. The uncle and the old man of, somehow squeezed through the crowd, unexpectedly rushed to the "Storm Assault Group", fighting each other as if they were a real imperial army.

The scene was suddenly chaotic.

Although the security and guards immediately controlled these disabled veterans, there were still two game masters who had a few old punches. The veterans had heavy fists. They were beaten with bruises and swollen faces. They were dumbfounded and stunned at the scene.

And the disabled veterans who are being held up are extremely excited and cursing. They are angry at these young people, why they should dress up as imperial soldiers and ghosts.

Li Yao endured a smile and said, "It seems that the older generation of disabled veterans of the Federation still can't see the new trend of the new mankind!"

Ling Xiaole protected Li Yao and Hei Yelan, and under the protection of several secret sword ambassadors, quickly left the chaotic scene.

She pressed her ears and received information from her superiors. After a while, she grinned: "Special Envoy Lin, you misunderstood. These are indeed disabled soldiers who are too excited. True, but they are not the Union Army, but—the real Imperial Army."

Li Yao's smile solidified: "What do you mean? Four genuine imperial soldiers, on the territory of the Federation, indignantly denounced a group of Federation members dressed as the Imperial Army. Why didn't they learn well at a young age and dressed up as the ghosts of the Empire Army? ?"

Ling Xiaole nodded: "Yes."

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