40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1665: From ghost to man

Li Yao: "..."

Ling Xiaole: "To be more precise, it was the'former Imperial Army'. They were all prisoners of the'Firefly Battle' ten years ago. In that battle, our Federation God of War, Ding Ling, not only rescued the Firefly from the Imperial Claw Fleet. , And also captured a large number of imperial cruisers and assault ships, of course, including many officers and soldiers on the starship.

"In the next ten years, these imperial officers and soldiers have been undergoing reforms in the prisoner-of-war camp. These uncles and old gentlemen were originally the most basic-level officers and soldiers of the Black Wind Fleet. They belonged to the targets of oppression and enslavement, and they had no time to owe anything to us. The blood debt was destroyed in the first battle, and they were all reform activists. During the ten years of reform, they had already repented, abandoned the dark and turned to the public, changed their minds, and started a new life. So they were released and started a new life in the Federation. .

"These few are now the most steadfast supporters of the Dao of Cultivation. Seeing our game masters wearing the uniforms of the Imperial Army there, they will inevitably be touched by the situation, and remembered the first half of their lives when they couldn't bear to look back. Stupid thing, don't be offended by both of you."

"That's it."

Li Yao patted Hei Yelan's shoulder again, and said embarrassedly to Ling Xiao, "My secretary, there is something inconsistent with the empire... the enemy of killing his father, I heard that there is a'genuine' imperial army here. Existing, it is inevitable to be a little excited, and then again, can you even reform the imperial cultivators?"

"Of course, since a cultivator can be transformed into a cultivator, why can't a cultivator be transformed into a cultivator?"

Ling Xiaole said, "Needless to say, at the bottom of the Black Wind Fleet, the so-called'primitives' acted as slaves. Even the basic-level officers, those who cultivated during the Qi refining and base building period, belong to the'Xiuxian Avenue' in our view. The victims of', the oppressed class of the true human empire, were deceived and enslaved by higher-level cultivators, squeezed like bones and sucked, until they died.

"If you are interested, I can send some materials from the "Record of the Reformation of Prisoners of War" at that time. In the past ten years, through a lot of exchanges with prisoners of war, we have learned about the Black Wind Fleet’s system, survival methods, and common people and low-level immortal cultivators. I have an in-depth understanding of the forests of life on board.

"The two don't know. In fact, these low-level immortal cultivators had a miserable life on the ship. In order to launch a war of aggression, most of the supplies of the Black Wind Fleet were sealed up during the long hundred-year voyage. On the one hand, the cultivators at the bottom have to go to the extremely dangerous unknown star field in the depths of the star sea under the enchantment of various anesthesia and deceit, and there may be no bones left in every minute; on the other hand, they have to intrigue between themselves. , Conflict and fight back and forth, you die, you have to keep one eye open even when you sleep, beware of the poisonous blade that stabbed over silently.

"In the past, they had no choice, thinking that the avenue of cultivation was the only truth in the universe, and they had no idea of ​​this dark and miserable life, and they didn't know how to reflect and resist.

"After being captured by the Federation, they learned a lot of theories about the avenue of cultivation in the prisoner of war camp; they also often organized them to participate in the debate of'cultivation' and'cultivation of immortals'; and organized the'primitive' slave soldiers in the prisoners of war, that is, the empire. Ordinary soldiers of the cultivators “paired” with the lower-level immortal cultivators, forcing them to help each other in an equal manner, and even let the “primitive” slave soldiers become the captain of the transformation squad, to manage other immortal cultivators, and to organize a complaint meeting. ','Disclosure meeting', exposing various heinous crimes within the Black Wind Fleet.

"Although they are prisoners of war, the federal government does not intend to torture and abuse them. Except for a very small number of people who have been exposed at the'complaints meeting and exposing meeting', the most heinous and extinct guys have been clearly tortured. Ordinary soldiers and low-level immortal cultivator officers, we still hold the attitude of'cure diseases and save people' and try to save them.

"The conditions in the prisoner-of-war camp are naturally very difficult, but everyone is equal. Even our cultivators and instructors do not enjoy better treatment than the prisoners of war. We eat and live together, participate in labor together, learn new knowledge together, and work together. Cultivating supernatural powers and caring for prisoners of war in every possible way made them realize for the first time in their lives that'dignity' is not necessarily determined by strength, and that people can trust each other absolutely without being careful all the time. , Raise the hairs to be a man.

"In this way, almost all ordinary soldiers awakened in just half a year, went to the embrace of the Federation, and completely stood on the opposite side of the empire.

"Even the immortal cultivators in the Qi refining period and the foundation building period are grassroots officers and small bosses in the Black Wind Fleet. At most three to five years, most of them have completed a reborn and reborn transformation.

"At this time, we took the prisoners of war and went out for a tour. All seven great worlds were visited, so that they could see the great achievements of the Xingyao Federation under the guidance of the road of cultivation; seeing the men, women and children living in the new federation, no Both ordinary people and cultivators are sweating and struggling for the future; naturally they have also seen the "heavy weapon of the country" such as "Civilization"!

"After all this, many prisoners of war have completely completed their transformation. After three consecutive amnesties, a large number of prisoners of war have been released. As ordinary members of the Federation, they will build a common future with the 100 billion federal compatriots! "

Ling Xiaole's lengthy speech made Li Yao feel full of emotion.

Not to mention Hei Yelan, if it weren't for the psychic suppression that Li Yao had just sent into her body, she would definitely be pulling her hair and screaming right now.

Li Yao calmed down: "What are most of these prisoners of war doing now?"

Ling Xiaole said: "They are all self-reliant in society. Basically, those who are engaged in two professions, those who are more foreseeable, will act as'imperial professional households', play the role of empire in "Civilization", or give the "storm assault group" 'This kind of'villain team' acts as consultants, team leaders, coaches, etc., helping them meticulously sculpt every detail to ensure that all kinds of simulated battles are more realistic. The leaders in this area are all mixed up.

"However, there are not many people who can see this openly. The vast majority of prisoners of war are still like these old gentlemen, who hated and hated them for the first half of their lives and the real human empire.

"After they have been trained, they will go to various schools in the local area to serve as special'historical teachers', and use their own experience to warn the youths of the Federation that how terrible the empire is, and how beautiful and happy the children’s lives are now. Not easy, how worthy of guarding!

"This kind of'history teacher' is very popular. After all, there are too many monks and porridge, the Seven Worlds of the Federation, so many primary and secondary schools, which school does not want to get a living'empire witness' to come back to the town and those skin monkeys? Therefore, these former imperial soldiers, The new life of the federal people has started pretty well, right!"

Li Yao was stunned for a while, then looked at Hei Yelan and muttered: "This is so different from what we thought on the Firefly!"

Ling Xiaole stuck his tongue out and said boldly: "This is all to blame for your'Chairperson Cui'. Isn't it that he has always worried that the Federation will imperceptibly'erodify' your'orthodox government', and strictly seal the lock on the Federation. All the news about him made everyone so alienated. Fortunately, now he has figured it out, it's not too late at all!

"I can probably guess what you think. You don't even think about going back to the center of the star sea for a second.

"To reach the extreme heavens and restore the entire universe-this is of course the idea of ​​our Xingyao Federation, but if you think about it carefully, the real human empire controls hundreds of great worlds, and the Covenant Alliance also controls hundreds of great worlds. How many immortal cultivators are there, and how many humanoids obey the'Pangu Covenant'?

"It is impossible for us to kill all the immortal cultivators and humanoids-really ignite the flames of war in the middle of the star sea, killing hundreds of worlds with heads and blood flowing? Let alone whether it can be achieved, even if it can be achieved, This is also an irreversible disaster for the entire human civilization!

"Rather than killing all the immortal cultivators and empire soldiers, we hope to transform them all, and even in some way, instantly'awaken' them, so that the real human empire will be disintegrated from within in a very short time. The awakened people and the anger of the low-level immortal cultivators were overwhelmed!"

Li Yao pondered for a long time, then suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, "No, I'm afraid you arranged all of this, let us see it on purpose, otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence!"

Ling Xiaole smiled and admitted frankly: "Yes, these'former imperial soldiers' were indeed arranged here by some means, deliberately letting them collide with the'Storm Assault Group', but we did not write any scripts. After the two sides collide, their reaction, what will happen, is completely out of our control.

"This is not a deliberate arrangement for the two, but part of another large-scale test project.

"After all, they are all imperial prisoners of war. There are still many immortal cultivators lurking in the Federation, and there are evil organizations such as the'Emperor's Proposal'. We cannot completely let the prisoners of war and run around the society without any supervision. Go-this is not only irresponsible to the Federation, but also to themselves.

"Therefore, it is necessary to arrange such a test session, through their on-the-spot reaction, to measure their mental state, whether they have completely completed the transformation, whether it is suitable to continue to stay with the children in the school, and so on.

"Thinking about it, we know that we can't let them act--it was so easy to transform them. Now asking them to act in front of you to play tricks. Isn't it shaking their minds?

"The test application for these old gentlemen was sent out a few months ago. We just temporarily adjusted the line so that we and them just hit us, so that we can introduce you and Chairperson Cui to our treatment through the most realistic example. The Cultivator’s POW policy is nothing more than."

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