40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1669: Xiaoming and Wenwen

Li Yao repeatedly tried to figure out a game master who was most likely to be a managerial cultivator. He performed deductions and carefully studied every policy issued by them, only to find that it was as if the mighty Yangtze River was diverted. Once the upper reaches If there is a wrong bifurcation, no matter how much effort is made in the future, the flooding downstream can not be saved and blocked by manpower.

Ling Xiaole said: "In the history of the new federation, 31 years in the federal calendar and 55 years in the federal calendar are the two most important time points. People's very powerful magic weapons and superb magical powers helped them to walk towards the Xinghai; and later whether to grant the Yaozu comprehensive and equal rights of residence and citizenship have caused great controversy.

"After all, the crystal people at the first point in time looked so weak, and their world contains the spar resources that the Federation is extremely eager for. It seems that it only takes a small war and can get everything without any effort.

"At the second point in time, there are many people who have not forgotten the hatred decades ago, and are full of guard against the monsters. They think that to completely remove the shackles of the monsters is equivalent to opening the door to disaster, and there are a lot of resources. Interest groups fan the flames inside and make troubles.

"Therefore, in the decades before and after the decision was made, these two decisions were full of controversy. Those who participated in the decision-making would even be called by the radicals as'cowards, national bandits, appeasers, traitors to the Federation, and even'True Humans'. traitor'!

"Including Jin Xinyue, the tough leader of the Monster Race, many people don't like her, even I don't like her very much, but--"

Li Yao was startled slightly: "You don't like Jin Xinyue either? You don't...what should I say, a ‘half-demon’?"

Ling Xiaole blinked his big eyes and laughed: "It's a half-demon, but it's the bloodline given by my parents. I am even more proud of myself as a'secret swordsman'. This is what I got with my own efforts!

"We people in the Secret Sword Bureau don’t like Jin Xinyue very much, because she was also from the Secret Sword Bureau at first, and was the second person below the Director of the Secret Sword Bureau. As a result, she had a conflict with the Director. The two of them were quite a bit of a conflict. In the end, she took away a group of elite soldiers and strong generals, and set up a "Dark Moon Foundation" against us. She robbed our business every three to five, disrupted our deployment, and interfered with ours. plan!

"As the saying goes, ‘a companion is an enemy’, everyone in the Federation knows that the Secret Sword Bureau and the Dark Moon Foundation are deadly rivals, and no one will accept each other.

"Compared to the Secret Sword Bureau that guarantees internal security, the Dark Moon Foundation, which is more inclined to take the initiative to attack, is even more criticized. Many novels, dazzling phantoms and even the expansion of "Civilization" will set the Dark Moon Foundation to ' The Great Devil's.

"But, although I don't like Jin Xinyue very much, I have to admit that at the key point of the 55th year of the federal calendar, if it weren't for her in the parliament, on the one hand, she had been soft-hearted, coerced and tempted; on the other hand, And he mercilessly cracked down on the radicals within the Yaozu; even secretly carried out all kinds of shameless transactions... In short, they did everything they could, and contributed to the passage of the "Comprehensive Equal Rights Act". Today's Federation affirms Will face a disaster!

"In this sense, Jin Xinyue, like Ding Lingdang, can be regarded as the heroes of the new federation that can develop to today. Therefore, this time, the most critical election of the highest speaker of the new federation in the past century is that the two of them are relatively young, Candidates with relatively junior qualifications will go all the way to the end.

"This is what the game "Civilization" can tell us. Many times we may not make the best choices that satisfy everyone, but other choices are most likely to be worse!

"Understand this, and then look back at many people, many things, and many difficult choices. It may be more objective, calmer, and calmer. It will not be easily dazzled by some extreme and radical ideas. Right?

"Because everyone knows that even if some of the choices in front of you seem more attractive, noble, and more ‘perfect’, if you are not careful, the result is very likely to become... this way!"

Ling Xiaole pointed to the two dim and devastated "failure worlds" that were slowly rotating in the light curtain, and said very seriously.

Li Yao couldn't wait: "Can I try to deduct these two ‘failed worlds’ from scratch?"

Ling Xiaole smiled: "Of course, you can start from the moment when the crystal people refused to negotiate terms and declared war on the crystal world in the 31st year of the federal calendar; and the moment when the Parliament rejected the "Comprehensive Equal Rights Act" in the 55th year of the federal calendar, you can take a look. After these two choices are made, will there be a new trend in history, right?

"Not much to say, we have created two super accounts for the two of you. Please experience them slowly. The game assistant will tell you how to do this. I will be next door and be there on call."

Ling Xiaole saluted Li Yao and Hei Yelan slightly and left the VIP room.

Li Yao glanced at Hei Yelan, and saw that the elite female warrior of the Empire contained a frozen volcano in her eyes, and she had a thousand words to say.

But all fools know that this is not a place to talk.

The two of them were even more curious about the world of "Civilization", nodded slightly to each other, and all entered "Civilization" through the immersive game cabin!

"Welcome to the world of "Civilization", I am Xiao Ming."

"Are you ready to change the future of human civilization? I am Wenwen."

In the dazzling virtual star sea, the infinite stars slowly condensed into the appearance of a little boy and a little girl. The two children are chubby, chubby, two-headed, crystal clear, lively and cute. .

This is the game assistant that players can summon at any time after entering "Civilization".

The world of "Civilization" is too vast, and many 100% realistic information processing, data calculations, etc., are too boring.

These two game assistants can not only guide players to quickly get started with a brand-new expansion, but also help players adjust the difficulty and handle most of the tedious transactional tasks on their behalf. With them, players only need to make decisions on major policies. It's okay.

This can be considered a balance between gameplay and authenticity.

The boy "Xiao Ming" and the girl "Wen Wen" danced lightly among the stars, laughing carefree, chasing each other and playing, and suddenly, the boy turned around and put on a small, exquisite, very cute crystal armor. Pretending to be majestic: "You can also call me'Li Yao'!"

The girl also stood on tiptoe and turned around, and a crystal armor also appeared on her body: "You can also change my name to Ding Lingdang!"

"Or Mo Xuan!"

"Or Jin Xinyue!"

The little boy and the little girl reported dozens of names in one go. Some names Li Yao had heard of, and they were all famous heroes and scholars in the history of the Federation. Other names were quite unfamiliar, thinking that they were the most famous figures that have only emerged in the last century. .

He understands that these two game assistants can customize their names. They can use the names of heroes and scholars in history, or they can come up with any weird names, as the players like. It is not necessary to call them "Xiao Ming" and "Wen Wen". "So simple.

Li Yao just came to watch the flowers, so naturally there is no need to be so troublesome, "Xiao Ming" is "Xiao Ming", "Wen Wen" is "Wen Wen".

He first chose the second "failure world", that is, the time point related to his little apprentice Jin Xinyue, and chose the so-called "the perspective of the gods", that is, not playing any specific characters, but From a certain standpoint, make a high-level decision to take the overall situation.

With the help of "Xiao Ming" and "Wen Wen", Li Yao quickly became familiar with the operation of each option, and gained a deep understanding of the surging waves and turbulence of the 55-year federal calendar.

Among the two game assistants, the boy "Xiao Ming" is more inclined to provide military and political strategic advice; the girl "Wenwen" is better at research and culture; on the other hand, Xiao Ming's suggestions are more cold and tough, while Wenwen is more Relatively soft and gentle.

However, Li Yao tried dozens of times repeatedly. Whether it is a cold and tough method or a soft and gentle method, as long as the Yaozu’s equal rights are completely denied at the beginning of the game, the new federation will be irretrievably torn apart. A torn new confederation is destined to be impossible to solve the Celestial Circle Straightforwardly and neatly. Once the Celestial Circle War fails or turns into a muddy tug of war and continues until the imperial expeditionary force comes, the destruction of the new Federation will be inevitable.

"For 135 years in the Federation Calendar, too much energy was consumed in the Celestial Ring War. The Star Federation, which was torn apart among the various ethnic groups, was finally invaded by the True Human Empire Expeditionary Force and declared its surrender."

Xiao Ming pursed his lips and mumbled reluctantly for the forty-fourth time.

"The Xingyao Federation was thus destroyed, and human civilization was completely ruled by immortal cultivators... Do you want to try again to change this kind of future?"

Wenwen looked at Li Yao expectantly.

Forget it, Li Yao raised his hand to surrender.

After leaving the "Failure World" expansion, he enthusiastically tried the just-released "The Empire Strikes Back" expansion, experiencing a lively fight scene where tens of millions of people were online at the same time.

However, he has no winning rate or points in this expansion. At the beginning, he can only act as a big soldier, and cannot become the "captain" or "commander" that determines the fate of other players.

And probably because he really didn’t worship "Lee Yao", his luck today is really not so good. Every time he takes a starship into the battlefield, he is the first one to be attacked by the enemy's fire. Before he put on the crystal armor and dropped it into the vacuum of the universe, he was completely torn apart by the fierce artillery fire and the big explosion of his cristobalite warehouse.

"Your luck today is really bad."

A starship commander uniform, but still a two-headed body, like a big-headed doll, Xiao Ming said to Li Yao earnestly, "If this goes on, the winning rate is too low and you will be kicked out!"

"Should I take a break first?"

Wearing a military nurse uniform with two ponytails, Wenwen, a very cute girl, cared, "Excessive indulgence in games is harmful to your health!"

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