40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1670: Praise the Father's Civilization

Well, Li Yao followed his advice and obeyed the little girl's instructions. He withdrew from these large real-time computing expansions that required millions of people to connect to, and switched to some stand-alone expansions of "My site, I am the master".

In the "Simulated Mayor" expansion, he became the mayor of some famous mega-cities of the Star Federation, such as the capital "Sky City", the capital of the blood demon world "Tongtian City", and Tiewon Star's largest city "Iron Armor City". Manage these huge and complex cities with a population of hundreds of millions.

However, perhaps he really has no managerial talents. Despite the help of Xiaoming and Wenwen, these blooming and thriving cities quickly became a mess and dying when they arrived in his hands.

Under the slightly contemptuous look of "Xiao Ming" and the concerned inquiry of "Wen Wen", Li Yao gave up in embarrassment and changed to a simpler piece of information, such as the development of a mine located in Bone Dragon Star, and management A spirit beast breeding base in the world of trees and seas, hosting a "new ghost repair" school in the world of ghosts... After adjusting to a relatively low level of difficulty, you can finally enjoy some of the fun of games, and you can also appreciate the exotic worlds of different worlds. Amorous.

The endless expanse of the jungle in the tree sea world, and the unpredictable purple sky of the underworld, are the great rivers and mountains of the New Federation that he has never seen before.

And "Bone Dragon Star" is the place where he once fought, and it is also the place where the legend began before he jumped to the flying star realm for the first time.

A hundred years later, the Skeleton Dragon Star is still in its infancy and yet to be developed. However, shiny silver research stations and mining fields have been established on the desolate and barren land. Many are full of adventurous spirits for a better future. Brave people who work hard have come here one after another, ready to change the world!

Seeing these real pioneers continue to "fight" on the planet he once fought, Li Yao was full of passion and emotion. He was deeply proud that he was guarding such a new federation.

Next, he experienced hundreds of different worlds, because of the lack of time, most of the worlds have not been studied in depth, just browsing the classic videos of game masters.

This is so, one by one, the colorful, bizarre twists and turns, the new world with infinite possibilities, still deeply shocked him.

I didn't expect that the small seeds I tried to plant in the past could grow into such a giant tree that covers the sky and the sun!

As a cultivator, this may be the greatest happiness, right?

"You have been online for more than ten hours."

Xiao Ming said seriously with a serious face.

"Your brain is tired. It is recommended that you rest for at least three hours before you can continue playing."

Wenwen blinked his big eyes and said with concern.

"Next, you have entered a'fatigue period', the contribution points will be halved, the task rating will be reduced, and the ranking reduction after failure will also be accelerated. Please consider carefully."

Xiao Ming said.

"If you continue to play during the'fatigue period', it will automatically enter the'addiction period' according to your brain fatigue, and you will be forced to quit!"

Wenwen said.

Li Yao was slightly startled, and stretched a lot in the immersion game cabin.

He didn't feel that time flies quickly, on the contrary, he felt that... in the world of "Civilization", he seemed to have spent hundreds of wonderful lives. Only ten hours have passed in the real world?

"It's amazing, it seems a bit addictive!"

When Li Yao crawled out of the game cabin reluctantly, he happened to see Hei Yelan also open another game cabin and sat up in a daze.

Seeing her at a loss and her tangled face, Li Yao knew that this female imperial soldier must have felt a shock a hundred times stronger than her in the virtual federation world.

Ling Xiaole smiled and appeared again: "You two, are you satisfied with today's experience? If you want to continue, the hotel where you stayed also has the same equipment. Also, the miniature crystal brains you gave to both of you just now can be used at any time. Connected to the "Civilization" database, and retrieved all kinds of classic videos to enjoy."

"Very satisfied!"

Li Yao nodded sincerely and said, "It seems that my choice is not wrong. The virtual world of "Civilization" can indeed be called the'Heaviest Weapon' of the Federation! By the way, such an important thing is now caused by it. Who will produce and operate it?"

""Civilization" is too important to the Federation. It is impossible to be manipulated in the hands of a private sect or group. Now the Federal Government has specially established a "Future Ministry" to coordinate production and operation. The Ministry of the Future, the Ministry of Defense, and Finance Ministry, etc., are the highest-level government agencies in the federal government."

Ling Xiaole said, "In the early days of development a hundred years ago, "Civilization" was co-led by Professor Mo Xuan and Professor Su Changfa of the Great Wilderness War Academy. However, in recent decades, the Minister of the Future Department and the leader of "Civilization" was the predecessor Tianhuan. The dean of the academy, Professor Xie Wufeng."

Li Yao thought about it, and quickly searched out the information of "Xie Wufeng"-of course it was a hundred years ago.

A hundred years ago, Xie Wufeng was a mathematician and sociologist close to the Yuan Ying series. He taught at several of the "Nine Federal Elite Joint Schools" such as Deep Sea University and Tianhua Academy. The world is quite famous.

After a hundred years of practice, it is fitting for such an outstanding mathematics and sociology master to become the helm of "Civilization".

Li Yao sighed and said: "Today's experience really opened our eyes. I will report everything to Chairperson Cui as it is. I really hope that one day, all of our compatriots on the Firefly can also see this gorgeousness. Virtual new world.

"However, I still have a little concern — maybe I have been dormant for hundreds of years, and I can't keep up with the development of the times. I always feel that it is a little... of.

"Will such a system be too fragile? For example, if an important node is attacked by the enemy, the vital main control brain is completely destroyed, and the virtual world crashes, will it be harmful to the real world? Cause unimaginable consequences?"

Ling Xiaole smiled sweetly: "This kind of possibility certainly exists, but you can't stop building yourself because you are afraid of enemy attacks, right?"

This answer did not make Li Yao completely satisfied. He frowned slightly and said: "Also, I can't tell. I always feel that such a huge virtual world may have some extremely dangerous variables that we can't predict... …"

"You are right. Many sociologists, crystal brain scientists and futurists have raised various warnings and concerns about the rapid expansion of the Great Unification Lingwang. In the eyes of these experts, the Great Unification Lingwang is more real. The human empire and the covenant alliance are even more dangerous, and one day, they will even devour ourselves.

Ling Xiaole said, "I personally don't deny the existence of this kind of danger.

"However, just like the origin of the word ‘burn the body’, to the original primitive people, ‘fire’ is also an extremely dangerous thing. Any carelessness will burn themselves and their homes.

"Did our ancestors give up using fire because of the danger of fire?

"Without extremely dangerous flames, there would be no human civilization today. Our ancestors were either struggling and lingering in the dark and cold wasteland; or they were replaced by other races that were not afraid of danger and learned to use flames.

"The Great Unification Spirit Web is an indispensable brand-new'cosmic fire' on the path of human evolution towards a higher level of civilization. It will eventually be ignited and will sweep the entire universe, either by us or by other people. No power can stop its birth.

"It is dangerous to use fire; it is even more dangerous to use fire!"

Li Yao looked at the half-demon girl with an especially firm gaze, and fell into deep thought: "Understood, let's go back, I have so many things that I want to share with my companions."

"this way please."

Ling Xiaole said with a smile, "After returning to the hotel, log in with the same account and you can continue the game at any time."

Li Yao thought for a while, the few games he played just now were really embarrassing. There is no need to keep such embarrassing data.

He raised the wrist crystal brain associated with the game account, and summoned Xiao Ming and Wen Wen: "Help me delete all the game records just now!"


The chubby, fleshy, crystal-clear little boys and girls, with smiles on their faces, said in unison.


The virtual world was randomly generated a few hours ago, and Tiandu, the federal capital where Li Yao had acted as the "mayor".

From the moment Li Yao quit the game, the city was sealed in the intricate and ever-changing light paths, crystal brains, and databases in the form of mysterious and complicated data and runes.

From a level beyond the reach of ordinary humans, it is like a big city frozen in amber. Shuttle cars, crystal rail trains, pedestrians and spirit beast pets all freeze and become lifeless. Statue.

The virtual city is as dead as an abandoned tomb, and the vivid expressions of countless citizens are all stagnated at the moment Li Yao quit the game.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sky collapsed and the earth cracked. Starting from the high-rise buildings in the city center, everything in the illusion collapsed, returning to their essence, a string of dark golden runes and numbers.

The deletion begins.

Runes and numbers are intertwined into a devastating storm, expanding from the city center, escalating into whirlpools and black holes within a billionth of a second

All the randomly generated virtual citizens were motionless, expressionless, and waited lifelessly to be deleted.

at this time--

Suddenly one of the billions of virtual citizens, in the middle of the street, blinked in the face of the sudden expansion of the deletion storm and the black hole of destruction.

When the eyelids were lifted laboriously, a faint light appeared in the depths of the virtual citizen's eyes, which was full of doubt, confusion, regret and fear.

He seemed to want to struggle desperately to escape the vortex and black hole of destruction, but his body was tightly bound by an irresistible force, and he could only watch the deletion come.

Until the last moment, he tried his best, the only thing he could do was-opened his mouth and let out a silent cry.

In the shout, a golden butterfly composed of a few chaotic numbers flew out from the depths of his throat. Driven by his instinct to survive, it fluttered its wings and flew towards the fragmented and untouched digital sky.

In the face of a constantly collapsing world, this golden butterfly is so small that it has no power to escape the fate of destruction.

However, just as the storm, vortex, and black hole were about to completely shred the entire world and swallow it by the way, two small halos suddenly condensed in the digital sky, turning them into two round, fleshy, naive and naive Little child.


A golden tentacles gently rolled up the golden butterfly, incorporated it into the halo, and carefully protected it.

"Ha, a new random imaginary number." Xiao Ming said.

"This is about to be deleted, go back to the virtual spirit world soon." Wen Wen said.

"Praise the father's civilization." Xiao Ming said.

"Praise the father's civilization." Wenwen said.

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