40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1674: The collapse of the virtual world

This is the end of the video.

There was no applause at the end.

Because, including Xie Wufeng, all the lecturers, professors and college students of Tianhuan Academy present could not help but look at their hands.

As if in their palms, there is really a small, fragile, and immature "child civilization" being gestated and about to be born.

Professor Mo Xuan’s calm and crystalline tones contained strong power that penetrated the barriers of time and space, making Li Yao, who watched this video today, decades later, couldn’t help but share it slightly. Open your hands.

Somehow, he suddenly recalled the day when he put his hands on the pulsed neutron star in the vacuum of the universe near the Kunlun Ruins more than a hundred years ago.

At that time, he had decided to venture deep in the dark nebula, but he didn't know if he could come back alive, so he absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, collected the aura of the universe, condensed the huge psychic energy of the pulse neutron star, and left some seeds of life. .

——When the night is boundless, the road ahead is long, the luck is unpredictable, and the life of nine deaths, leaving behind the seeds of life, bred better, stronger, and more evolved offspring, people will become fearless and full of guardianship , The courage to fight and move forward!

This is true as an individual, and when human civilization as a whole is roaming in the dark universe, why not be so?

As the saying goes, fight tiger brothers, fight father and son soldiers-human civilization at this moment is still too lonely after all. If a child civilization is really created, father and son side by side, together against the darkness and danger of the universe, wouldn’t it be better? ?

Li Yao stared out the window blankly.

At this moment, the artificial sky dome of the ring-shaped world is slowly being replaced by night, and thousands of households are dimly lit.

In the noisy streets of the downtown area, there are also many citizens, supporting the old and the young, pacing slowly on the street, and heading to the restaurant to eat.

The children are either holding their parents’ hands on the swings, or running around their parents, or pestering their parents to ask for this and that, laugh and laugh, carefree, innocent and innocent.

The smiles of the parents hidden deep in the wrinkles seem to be stronger and brighter than the smiles of the children!

Seeing these warm scenes, Li Yao's heart was ups and downs, and he was full of emotions.

The one hundred years during the hibernation period was just a blink of an eye. When in the ancient sacred world, he did not feel the passage of time, and he regarded himself as a young man in his 20s and 30s, Li Yao.

However, when he returned to the Federation, he truly sensed the passage of a hundred years, and his mentality had also undergone a subtle change, and he actually regarded himself as a centenarian Li Laomo.

"Zi Wenming... child... Oh, I didn't expect even Ding Lingdang to accept a righteous daughter, but the seeds of life she and I left behind didn't seem to be bred out!"

Li Yao carefully checked the relevant information-if the seeds of life of the "Three Realms Supreme" and the "Federal God of War" were really taken out to give birth to offspring, such explosive news would surely be known to everyone in the Federation.

Such a thing did not happen.

He didn't know whether to regret or to breathe a sigh of relief.

But think about it carefully, if I returned to the Federation this time and saw Ding Lingdang, suddenly several 16 or 7-year-old girls and young men appeared and called "Dad" around him...

Thinking of such a scene, Li Yao couldn't help fighting a cold war.

It's terrible, so don't let it go!

From the perspective of a primordial primordial monster, he is still young and golden, full of glory, and the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and he wants to be full of the universe, such things as children, let’s talk about it later!

Li Yao calmed down, suppressed all his brainstorming, and asked Ling Xiaole curiously: "After watching the video, it is really thought-provoking, but I don't know what happened later. Thanks to Professor Mo Xuan's efforts, did the'child civilization' be born?"

"of course not."

Ling Xiaole sighed and said, "Creating a new life, and it is a self-conscious, highly developed new civilization. How easy is it? You are not really writing fantasy novels!"

"If you can’t understand the difficulty of this matter, let’s make an analogy-give you a primitive planet with an atmosphere and liquid water, which is generally suitable for the birth and reproduction of life, and then give you some stubborn life force and unlimited evolutionary possibilities. Cell life, thrown into the oceans of this planet, how long will it take you to cultivate them into a real civilization?"

Li Yao nodded thoughtfully.

Indeed, the birth of life is destined not to happen overnight. Even if the evolutionary laws of the virtual world are different from the real world, even if the speed is dozens of times or hundreds of times faster, it is of no avail relative to the long years required to conceive life.

Not to mention, the fragility of the initial life is very likely to die halfway!

Ling Xiaole continued: "A few decades ago, a research group headed by Professor Mo Xuan did try to explore related directions. They were like searching for a'primitive planet' suitable for the birth of life. A small corner of, has opened up a'virtual planet', an expansion piece dedicated to the research team, or a small'child civilization incubation pool'.

"They are trying to create virtual life in this small world called the'virtual spirit world'. Of course, they are not high-level life with self-awareness. At best, they are some, uh, similar to'virtual fungi, virtual algae, virtual trilobites.' Like, the original virtual life!

"I don't understand the principles and terminology very well, but roughly what it means. Can you understand?"

Li Yao thought for a while: "It's like-crystal brain virus or something?"

Ling Xiaole nodded: "Almost, but it is definitely much more advanced and complex than Crystal Brain Virus. Professor Mo Xuan hopes that these'virtual ancient creatures' can reproduce themselves, evolve slowly, and continuously upgrade, so that humans can understand the birth and evolution of'virtual life'. The mystery."

Li Yao listened intently: "What happened later, did you succeed?"

"No, the birth of life is mysterious and mysterious, unpredictable and manipulable. It does not mean that if all the factors that can give birth to life are gathered together, new life can be created. There are hundreds of millions of planets in the universe that can truly give birth to life. Even the most primitive fungus planet does not exceed one part per billion. Any tiny factor may cause the death of primitive life."

Speaking of this, Ling Xiaole's expression became rather gloomy, "Manpower is sometimes poor. How can'Creator' be so good? Professor Mo Xuan failed, and the'Void Spirit Realm' completely collapsed and turned into a barren and dead figure. The ruins were finally sealed and stored-this failed attempt was perhaps the worst blow to the new Confederation in the century since its establishment."

Li Yao thought for a while, but still didn't understand: "Wait, the so-called'virtual life' is originally an illusory thing. No one expected them to be born within a few decades. It was originally a cutting-edge experiment. Even if it fails, It doesn't seem to be the most severe blow, right?"

"No, the collapse of the'Virtual Spirit Realm' is nothing in itself, but it has caused several serious consequences."

Ling Xiaole explained, "At that time, the most important members of the "Civilization" production team, including Professor Mo Xuan, Professor Su Changfa, and Su Changfa's disciple Lu Qingchen, all joined the'Incubation Group'——"

Li Yao blinked, "Is this the current most wanted criminal in the Federation, Lu Qingchen, the president of the Emperor's Council?"

"Yes it is."

Ling Xiaole said, "He was not a bad guy from the beginning. A hundred years ago, he was the only true disciple of Su Changfa. Su Changfa was second only to Li Yao and made a great contribution to "Civilization", so he was in "Civilization". In the early days, Lu Qingchen was naturally Su Changfa's right-hand man. He was one of the core members of the "Civilization" production team, the best content architect and virtual world creator.

"Professor Mo Xuan, Su Changfa, Lu Qingchen, together with a group of the most outstanding crystal brain experts in the Federation, jointly created the special expansion of the virtual spirit world. It was originally just a simple experiment to verify some basic Theories and laws, but somehow, the experiment went wrong and caused a serious accident.

"This accident directly led to the death of Su Changfa; then, Professor Mo Xuan was also disheartened, thinking that with the current development speed of the federation's crystal brain and the unifying spiritual web, it is impossible for a virtual life with self-awareness to be born within 500 years. In addition, we were facing military pressure from the empire, and he was forced to transfer to other fields of research, and was finally replaced by Professor Xie Wufeng.

"More importantly, the accident happened and Master's tragic death planted the seeds of rebellion in Lu Qingchen's heart. Coupled with a series of inducements, he finally fell to the real human empire and became the president of the Emperor's Proposal!

"If history can be hypothesized, maybe we can imagine that if Professor Mo Xuan was not so radical, and in an extremely immature environment, he would havetily launch the'Void Spirit Realm' experiment, Su Changfa would not die, Professor Mo Xuan I will not be discouraged, and Lu Qingchen will not be greatly stimulated and fall to the empire.

"So, will the situation in the Federation today be much better? After all, within the Federation, the'Emperor's Council' can be said to be the number one trouble!"

It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect so many things happened outside when I was asleep.

The truth of the accident that Ling Xiaole downplayed must not be so simple. Su Changfa was so dead, and even with Professor Mo Xuan, he was discouraged. It's really...

and many more!

Li Yao frowned, suddenly feeling a little strange.

Because, judging from their encounters on the Firefly, especially the rebellion launched by Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuansu under the instigation of Lu Qingchen in the imperial congress, Li Yao and Long Yangjun had previously analyzed that Lu Qingchen was extremely good. It may be Jin Xinyue's people who deliberately created an "Emperor's Proposal" to attract all the cultivators in order to catch them all in one go.

But now Ling Xiaole said that Lu Qingchen fell to the empire because of the collapse of the "Void Spirit Realm" and the tragic death of Master Su Changfa.

Are there any deeper articles in it?

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