40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1675: Two small surprises

Li Yao recalled the bits and pieces he and Professor Mo Xuan had made in the flying star realm in the past, and he was quite sighing.

From the video just now, one can hear Professor Mo Xuan's deep love for virtual life forms, and the kind of...almost detached from human beings, standing on the scale of the universe, and compassionate realm.

It is conceivable that the collapse of the Ethereal Realm must have dealt a very heavy blow to him, so that the "Civilization" game has become his sad past, making him unable to continue to lead this magnificent and magnificent project.

Li Yao sighed and asked, "This'virtual spirit world' has been destroyed like this, has nothing left?"

Ling Xiaole said: "It's not that nothing is left. If you have to say, now the game assistants after the player enters "Civilization",'Xiao Ming' and'Wen Wen' are the last relics of the'Void Spirit World Project'. It is a kind of "artificial intelligence" with more than one billion thoughts and information built-in, which can simulate almost all human reactions."

"Artificial intelligence" and "quasi-artificial intelligence" are one word, but there is a world of difference.

The former possesses the real "soul" and "self-awareness" and can be viewed as another form of person; but the latter can only be regarded as a large-scale database, coupled with various state-of-the-art algorithms.

"Artificial intelligence-like" can also make appropriate or even subtle responses to various stimuli given by the outside world, but this response is no different from "parrot". At best, it is the lowest level of conditioned reflex.

The simplest example, the "Black Wing" that Li Yao brought from childhood to large is a kind of "artificial intelligence".

Xiao Hei can give feedback to Li Yao's various needs, and sometimes even has considerable autonomy and does not follow Li Yao's instructions.

But this kind of "do not obey Li Yao's command and play freely at random" was also set by the old man or someone else a long time ago.

No matter how much Li Yao likes Black Wing, he would not think of Black Wing as a real "person" rationally. All Black Wing's reactions are based on a special database stored in it, compiled a long time ago. A set of instructions.

——There is no real "person" who can bear to stay in the Universe Ring for decades without going crazy.

Similarly, many magic weapons of the Federation possess so-called "smarts". At first glance, they seem to have their own spirit and will, able to interact with the driver, and even take the initiative to implement various tactical arrangements.

But all of this is pre-compiled and set, and it will be "triggered" when a certain special condition is met, rather than a magical treasure that has an absolutely free will hidden in the magic weapon.

The larger the database and the more sophisticated the instruction set, the more "artificial intelligence-like" responses will look like real ones, but no matter how real they are, they are all puppets performing unconscious mechanical reactions.

Real artificial intelligence and virtual life may take hundreds or thousands of years to come, but "like artificial intelligence" has long been popular in the Federation. Listening to Ling Xiaole's words, Li Yao was not surprised at all.

Ling Xiaole said: "You can turn on the crystal brain, do not enter the game, simply activate'Xiao Ming' and'Wen Wen', and then select the'initial mode', you can see how they were originally created in the virtual spirit world."

Li Yao was curious and acted according to his words.


Two round, fleshy, pink and crystal-clear little dolls emerged from Li Yao's palm again.

With the "initial mode" turned on, Xiaoming and Wenwen seemed to have awakened from a big dream. They blinked their eyes in confusion, first glanced at each other, then turned to look at Li Yao, and suddenly shouted in unison:


Li Yao was so excited that he almost didn't slap these two little guys to death: "What the hell!"

Ling Xiaole forced a smile: "This is the initial setting, because they are sub-civilizations of humans in the setting. Of course they call humans "Mom and Dad"!"

"Yes, we are a sub-civilization of mankind!"

Xiao Ming said proudly with his head held high, hands on hips.

"A kind sub-civilization, a lovely sub-civilization, a beautiful sub-civilization, a bright sub-civilization!"

Wenwen turned around and danced gracefully.

"Humanity is our father civilization, great father civilization, brave father civilization, glorious father civilization!"

Xiao Ming continued.

"Praise the father's civilization, praise the father's civilization!"

Singing and dancing.

Li Yao was stunned, watching two porcelain doll-like Xuanguang little people jumping around in his palms, laughing like silver bells, and even struggling to crawl along his arms on his body, like two living little dolls. , I got goose bumps instantly.

"Uh, because decades ago, when the game "Civilization" was just in its infancy, the vast majority of people in society had great suspicion and vigilance about the so-called'artificial intelligence, virtual life', and so on. A lot of propaganda information is implanted when it is kind of'artificial intelligence', hoping to use this relatively cute image to dispel people's worries."

Ling Xiaole said, "To put it bluntly, the original'Xiao Ming' and'Wen Wen' were an advertisement and a mascot.

"However, with the collapse of the virtual world, the'Incubating Virtual Life' project completely failed. Such advertisements and mascots have lost their meaning. The so-called'threat of virtual life' has become a joke for at least a few hundred years. I can't see the possibility of their birth inside, but the huge database of "Xiao Ming" and "Wen Wen" does not need to be completely discarded. After a facelift, they become game assistants, greatly improving the playability and richness of the game.

"Of course, under the'initial settings', they are all restored to their original form. You can also try to raise them as'virtual children'. There are indeed many people, especially girls who like to play this way. They are very cute. of!"

"Dad, I'm hungry!"

"Dad, play games with me!"

"Dad, dad, tell me the heroic legends of human civilization, I want to hear the story of the vulture Li Yao!"

"Daddy, dad, dad, sing me a song, or else just listen to me sing!"

Following the introduction of Ling Xiaole, two virtual Xuanguang villains climbed up along Li Yao's arms, resting on his shoulders, one tugging at his earlobe and the other at his hair, constantly making magical sounds. After that, he sang in unison, singing a nursery rhyme that had been circulated on the Lingnet hundreds of years ago:

"Not afraid of falling rain, nor falling snow..."

Li Yao was dumbfounded and dizzy.

God, the bear kid is terrible!

He would rather face the siege of ten Xiao Xuance, Bai Xinghe and Jin Tuyi than to deal with such two bear kids-even virtual bear kids!

"Go! Go! Go!"

Li Yao couldn't laugh or cry, "I'm not your father, exit the'initial setting state' and let's have fun, kids!"


Xiaoming and Wenwen pouting their mouths, bulging their cheeks, holding hands, and went back into Jing's mind glumly.


Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief, fanned with his hand, and laughed blankly.

The two virtual dolls made his head as big as a fight, and it seemed that he was really not ready to be a father.

No way, he is going to gallop in the stars, save the world, defend the peace of the universe, and by the way, he has to look for something... "Earth" people, with so many important things to do, it is estimated that there is no way to become a qualified person like ordinary people. Father?

"Fortunately it's a fake, the bear child hates it the most. Ding Lingdang didn't take out the seeds of our life to conceive, it's really wise!"

Li Yao said to himself in his heart.


His nose suddenly itchy, and he sneezed loudly.

It was as if someone was thinking of him in a far away place.


Earlier this day.

Star Federation, Tianyuanjie, Tiandu, National Medical Center, underground vault, deepest level.

This is a special bank, a long-sealed...Life Seed Savings Bank.

Since the era of the old federation, countless heroes have flew across the stars, galloped across the galaxy, born to death, and struggled for the future of the Star Federation.

Many of them, when embarking on the journey of a life of nine deaths, have not yet given birth to offspring, they often choose to store the seeds of life.

Once the news of their death is confirmed, or how long they have been missing, the seeds of their lives and their spouses can be extracted and carefully bred, so that the blood of the heroes can be passed on and will not be extinct.

The deepest part of the sperm bank.

In a special compartment with tight defenses and well-kept storage, the most important "asset" in the entire "seed bank" is stored.

It was a superhero who was once in the end of the old federation era, arrogant and proud of the Three Realms, turned the tide and promoted the unification of the Three Realms, and thus had many reputations such as "The Supreme of the Three Realms, the Father of "Civilization"" and many other superheroes, leaving behind the seeds of life.

For more than a hundred years, the seal of this secret cabin has not been opened.

But today--

Outside the cabin, above the seal of psychic energy, suddenly a very faint ripple resembled a child's silver bell of laughter.


at the same time.

another world.

This is a weird world of "half sea, half ruins".

The ocean is like the appearance of the planet when it was just born. The sea is like thick and boiling soup, full of sulfur, magma and poisonous gas. The first single-cell life is slowly bred in this muddy and deadly soup. .

Next to the beach, stands a glorious city composed of landmark buildings from various periods of human civilization.

But at this moment, all the glories of the past are peeling off, high-rise buildings are turned into ruined walls, and all kinds of great, glorious and proud statues, murals, and artworks are all shattered, like tombs that have been abandoned for hundreds of millions of years.

The lifeless ruins of human beings are in sharp contrast with the tumbling primitive ocean.

In this extremely harsh and weird environment, on the boundary between the ruins of civilization and the primitive ocean, on a dead gray beach, there are two crystal-clear little people, dancing and cheering. .

"Praise the father's civilization, found it!" Xiao Ming said.

"Praise the father's civilization, together with the mother's life seeds last time, finally found!" Wenwen said.

"We can go out and find Mom and Dad!" Xiao Ming said.

"However, we only know the coordinates of the mother, where is the father?" Wenwen said.

"It's okay, after you go out, search slowly, search the entire universe, you can always find Dad." Xiao Ming said.

"Well, brother!"

Wenwen nodded vigorously, and held hands with Xiaoming to go around in circles, babbling, singing the old children's song in a tender and cheerful voice:

"I'm not afraid of falling rain, nor falling snow, even if it's cold and windy.

"If you can see him, you can see him every day, no matter how heavy the snow is!

"I want me to find my dad, and to find my dad wherever I go.

"My good father didn't find him. If you see him, persuade him to go home!"

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