40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1677: I help you stroke

"look into my eyes!"

Just as Heiyelan's voice was hoarse and her expression was excited, Li Yao suddenly raised her voice unexpectedly when she was bewitching Li Yao or hypnotizing herself, his sharp eyes were like two ice knives, deeply piercing Heiyelan's pupils!

Hei Yelan shuddered, and the turbulent waves were rolled up in the depths of his brain, deeply shocked by Li Yao's powerful and incomparable spirit.

"Fellow Daoist, everyone is a high-level cultivator. It's not the first day to come out to practice, so there is no need to talk nonsense like ‘unquestionable victory’!"

Li Yao paused and said coldly, "Touching your heart and telling me honestly, based on your research on the territory, military, national strength, and resistance of the Star Federation these days, you feel that you are in the dark. In the battle between the fleet and the Star Federation, what is your chance of winning?

"If you really have faith in Xiu Xian Da Dao and in the real human empire, then there is no need to lie to me, and there is no need to deceive yourself-your winning rate is unlikely to be 100%, right?"

Hei Yelan was speechless.

Indeed, let alone she can't fool Li Yao, who is three or four smaller realms higher than herself, even if she can fool Li Yao, she can't fool her shaking Dao Xin.

She silently calculated for a moment, raised her head again, bit her lip and said: "I don't know the strength of the'Liaoyuan Fleet', but no matter how much their strength is exaggerated, the Black Wind Fleet's winning rate is at least 90%...80%!"


Li Yao nodded and said meaningfully, "That is to say, you also have at least a 10% chance that you may fail?"

Hei Yelan said sadly: "This, there is no way. I don't want to deceive Teacher Lingjiu. The development of the Star Federation is indeed beyond our expectations. Especially, when we set out a hundred years ago, it was impossible to expect the Star Federation to be able to The discovery of a precious “Kunlun Ruins” made them reach and even surpass us in some areas of magical powers and magic weapons.

"The technological development and civilizational leap gained through the Kunlun ruins triggered a chain reaction, helping them to find and conquer the four new territories, and their territory and national power were greatly increased!

"In any case, the outcome of the battle between two civilizations of similar series is always difficult to predict. The winning rate of 80 to 90% is not much different from that of'must win'."

Li Yao shook his head: "The reason is not important, as long as I know, the result is that you also have a 10% chance of losing, that's enough."

"Friends of the underworld, you have been instilling Xiuxian Dao to me for the past six months. It seems that the weak and the strong eat the strong. It is only natural that the weak should surrender to the strong, and the losers should be swallowed by the winners—then, according to your own theory, if you The Black Wind Fleet really hit this '10%' chance and lost to the Star Federation. It shows that you are the weak and the Federation is the strong. Then you surrender to the Federation, integrate into the Federation, and even turn to believe in and practice the Federation. Is the'Road of Cultivation' also logical?"

Hei Yelan was dumbfounded, flushed, and stammered: "This, of course this can't work, this, how can this work, I can't understand it like that!"

Li Yao frowned slightly, rubbing his chin, and looked puzzled: "Why, is there a problem with my understanding? Even you said that you have a 10% chance of failing. , The strong is respected', isn't it?"


Heiyelan said like a gun, "Even if I admit that the Black Wind Fleet has a 10% chance of failure, it is only a tactical failure. We are just an empire fleet, which only condenses the power of a few worlds. But the real human empire controlled hundreds of worlds a hundred years ago, and we are just a drop in the bucket!

"If we lose this time, His Majesty the Emperor will definitely send more fleets to mobilize the power of dozens of worlds, and it will definitely defeat the Starlight Federation. There is no doubt about it!"

Li Yao shook his head and said seriously: "That's not right. The true human empire has hundreds of worlds. If you devote all of them to bullying the less, hundreds of worlds will besiege the seven worlds of the Federation. Of course, you will win, but Such a victory is not without the suspicion of being invincible, and it does not prove the superiority of Xiuxian Avenue!

"On the other hand, giving the Federation a few hundred worlds and besieging the seven worlds of the empire will naturally be able to win. Does this mean that the cultivation road is more powerful than the cultivation road? Can't it, buddies?"

Hei Yelan shook her head subconsciously: "This... of course not."

"That's right!"

Li Yao carried his hands on his back and paced unhurriedly in the Nascent Soul's suite, "The Master thought about it, but the battle between the Black Wind Fleet and the Starry Federation is relatively fair, and it can be seen quite clearly. 'Cultivation Avenue' or'Xiuxian Avenue', which one is more powerful!

"Look, the Star Federation has seven worlds, but it is located on the edge of the Star Sea and its resources are relatively barren.

"The Black Wind Fleet, on the other hand, has assembled the forces of the five rich worlds in the center of Xinghai, but they are all remnants and defeated generals, and they have traveled a long distance.

"Seven remote and small worlds wait for work, and for the long-distance expedition to the five rich worlds, let's tentatively think that the material strength of the two sides is almost the same-is it okay?"

Hei Yelan pondered for a long time, then reluctantly nodded: "...Yes."

"The material strength is almost the same, so the only thing that determines the victory or defeat is each other's system, system, spirit, and will."

Li Yao said, "So, if the Star Federation wins this battle, it will prove that the'Cultivation Road' can withstand the test of war, is more superior than the'Xiuxian Avenue', and can better represent the future of human civilization-is there a problem?"

Hei Yelan's eyes rounded and thought for a long time: "...it doesn't seem to be there."

Li Yao continued: "If you really believe in the idea of'the weak eat the strong, the strong respects', then you should naturally surrender to the real tyrannical avenue. In the event of defeat, you should switch camps and join the battle flag of the cultivation avenue. It's not only natural, it's justified, right?"

Hei Yelan said weakly: "I, I'm a bit messy, I want to think about it, think about it!"

"I'm also a little messy, it's okay, let's learn from each other and study slowly, you help me stroke, I also help you stroke, the Dao heart will become more and more clear!"

Li Yao touched his chin and said, "Fellow Daoist, I have been with you for more than half a year. I found that you are not a psychopath who likes to ravage and abuse ordinary people."

Hei Yelan frowned: "Why did Teacher Lingjiu say this? We immortal cultivators will not be okay to deliberately abuse the primitive people! A true immortal cultivator, especially the noble noble among the immortal cultivators, treats The attitude of the primitive man should be like a shepherd treating his lambs, cutting wool, killing sheep and eating meat is one thing, and torture and ravages are another!

"Even if we really want to kill sheep, we are all very humanitarian, and we will try our best to make the lamb die clean and painless.

"As for a small group of misbehaving guys who take pleasure in playing with and ravaging the original people, we also disdain what they do, but there is no way. Bad people always exist. There are bad people among the cultivators, and there are also among the cultivators. Bad guys, haven't the Star Federation's horrible crimes committed by many cultivators? Isn't there a'secret sword bureau third' that specifically deals with cultivators' crimes?"

Li Yao nodded: "Insightful, fellow gangsters, so at least you don’t personally abuse the primitive people, and you don’t oppose the primitive people to live a happier life, but you think that only by squeezing the primitive people can you Provide a steady stream of fuel for the advancement of human civilization?"

"Yes it is."

Hei Yelan said firmly, "There is no doubt about it!"

"No, there is a question, at least there are 10% small questions now."

Li Yao said, "In case, in case there is another path, it can open the wisdom of the primitive people, inspire their courage, cultivate their vision and sense of responsibility, and finally make these "primitives" and "real people" like us fight side by side. Join forces to exert greater strength and push human civilization to a new height! If such a path really exists, you won't refuse, right?"

Hei Yelan blinked her eyes desperately, not knowing how to respond, after thinking for a long time, she suffocated: "Teacher Lingjiu, are you a cultivator?"

Li Yao shook his head, without changing his face and heartbeat, nonsense: "I am neither a cultivator nor a cultivator. I am an ancient cultivator.

"Whether you are a cultivator of immortality or a cultivator of the Star Federation, you are immersed in each other's system from the beginning of your life. Naturally, you will have various preconceived viewpoints and slowly cultivate an unshakable Taoism.

"But those of us from the ancient sacred world have never been in contact with modern civilization before. It can be said that they are completely neutral, without any stance or prejudice. Therefore, we can stand in a relatively objective and neutral perspective to observe the'Road to Comprehension.' And the pros and cons of'Xiuxian Avenue'.

"Actually, I really want to thank you.

"Before you appeared more than half a year ago, we ancient cultivators were all confused. We acted solely by instinct. Although powerful, what is the difference from the barbaric primitive dinosaurs?

"When you just showed up, you used the strength of the real human empire to deter us. Only because of our life-saving instinct would we agree to surrender the empire and cooperate with you.

"But in the past six months, thanks to your gift, I have learned the true meaning of cultivation and the ‘road’ of civilization and sacrifice for righteousness. It really made a mountain villager like me suddenly enlightened and enlightened!

"Yes, we ancient Xiu should not be so selfish and only consider the safety of our own small world, but should look at the problem on a higher scale, right?

"If the true human empire represents the future of mankind, then of course we should not hesitate to help the Black Wind Fleet, slaughter in the Federation, and upset the Federation's internal organs!

"But if, in that 10% chance, the Dao of Cultivation is correct, does the Star Federation represent the future of mankind?

"So, whether it's us ancient cultivators or underworld fellows, who keep fighting for the future of mankind like this, should the'true immortal cultivator' not hesitate to stand on the side of the Federation and fight or even transform the empire? "

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