40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1678: Put your heart on one's stomach

Li Yao's words left Hei Yelan silent, and after a long time he whispered: "As long as we wreak havoc in the heart of the Federation, we will never lose!"

Li Yao shook his head and said: "No, if Xiuxian Avenue can really exert the most powerful combat effectiveness, then even without us, the Black Wind Fleet should easily win. After all, when you set off, you did not count that there would be twelve. A soul infant and a **** of transformation, join your expeditionary army sequence.

"Fellow Daoist, if I say this to you like this, it doesn't mean that I want to surrender to the Federation. It's just that everyone should think about every possibility in the future.

"After all, we don't just represent ourselves, I represent the ancient sacred world, you represent the Black Wind Fleet, there are countless compatriots behind each other, and the whole world, right?

"If everything goes as smoothly as you said, and the Black Wind Fleet defeated the Federation in a devastating manner, then naturally there is nothing to say. Our little ancient sacred world would never dare to be an enemy of the invincible real human empire.

"But what if, if the Black Wind Fleet is truly defeated, what shall we do?"

Hei Yelan showed a confused and resisting expression, shook her head and said, "I never thought about this problem."

"Then you better start thinking now."

Li Yao said calmly, "You and I know that the ancient sacred world was bound to the Black Wind Fleet's chariot as a last resort. You should not expect that when the war is not going well and sacrifices are needed, our twelve ancient sages are strong Those who will do everything they can, will desperately loyal to the Black Wind Fleet, right?

"Hehe, if I really make such a guarantee, it would be a brazen deception, right?

"You are lucky, really lucky, fellow underworld, they handed you over to me to take care of you.

"I am different from those treacherous and liar Central Plains monks. I was born as a barbarian in the Wunan jungle. I am the most impatient to lie, and I can't keep things in my heart. I will say whatever I think, why hide it. ?

"Let me tell you directly, our ancient sages are willing to be loyal to the empire because of the invincibility and invincibility of the real human empire. Once the Black Wind Fleet really shows its decline, even I will not change my mind. It is difficult to guarantee that among the remaining 11 people, there will be no one who is loyal to the Federation. When that happens, the probability of defeat of the Black Wind Fleet will be more than 10%.

"So, take the time to think about the way out for yourself, your compatriots, and the entire Black Wind Fleet once you lose the battle, and plan ahead so that you will not be surprised!"

Hei Yelan thought deeply and muttered: "The way out after defeat? What do you mean, I don't understand!"

"It's very simple."

Li Yao patted the shoulders of the elite female warriors of the Empire, and said lightly, "You just said that there are hundreds of worlds in the Empire, and even if you fail, you can reorganize waves of expeditionary forces to conquer the Xingyao Federation.

"Leave aside, whether the empire that is confronting the Holy League, or even being crushed by the Holy League, can really pull out a new expedition from the tight to the extreme front line - even if it is pulled out, how long will it take to launch the second expedition? ?

"It involves the elite combat power of several large worlds, from planning to organization to launching, until the long journey to the Federation, even if it doesn't take another 100 years, three to five years are inevitable, right?

"Once the Black Wind Fleet is really defeated, in three or five years, it will be enough for the Star Federation to completely wipe out your remnants and defeated generals, without leaving any bones and scum - even if a very small number of people can escape by chance, they will be displaced all the way. Back to the empire, these black wind people are in the weak and strong, and the winner is the king, will they end up in any good end?

"Our ancient sacred world is the same. If we are really desperate now, put all the treasures on you, and help the Black Wind Fleet to attack the Federation, once we are defeated, three or five years, enough for the Federal Fleet to protect the ancient sacred world. Tossing and baking it again!

"Even if three or five years later, the second wave of expeditionary forces really razed the Xingyao Federation to the ground. Is it useful? Our ancient sacred world, and the bones of your Black Wind Fleet, can be beaten and drummed!"

Hei Yelan's trembling teeth bit her lips with deep tooth marks, and she continued to struggle: "No, maybe it won't take three to five years for such a long time, if the empire pays enough attention to the Federation--"

"Ha ha."

Li Yao smiled lightly, "Let me say that even if there is a second wave of expeditionary forces, the time to arrive will only be longer than three or five years. Maybe it will not arrive in more than ten or twenty years."

Hei Yelan's eyes widened: "Why?"

Li Yao smiled: "I remember when you were in the Ancient Sacred Realm, you once confessed that you unruly black wind people, in the central area of ​​the empire, are scary landlords, and have nothing to do with other worlds. How harmonious is not high in the court, right?

"Friends of the underworld, if you are the emperor of the empire, or the central stellar area of ​​the empire, those powerful world’s'lords', officials, and nobles, hear the news of the defeat of the Black Wind Fleet, you are willing to do anything at all costs, even Give up one's own defense zone and interests, draw up one's own elite, cross countless galaxies and worlds, go to the edge of the unknown and misty star sea, and save the precarious Black Wind fleet? Or simply... let these unruly and domineering blacks Fengren, just die?"

Hei Yelan's eyeballs became bigger and bigger, and bloodshots jumped out of the **** and white eyeballs.

"There will not be a second expeditionary force."

Li Yao had no mercy and said ruthlessly, "No one will come to help you until the last drop of blood from the last black wind is drained.

"Even in such a scenario, only a 1% probability of appearance is enough to make you think about how to deal with it, right? As the daughter of the Black Wind Fleet Commander, this is your responsibility."

Hei Yelan took a deep breath and took a deep breath: "Master Lingjiu is right, so what should I do?"

"How do I know, slowly consider yourself!"

Li Yao said indifferently, "Anyway, I only know that there will be a battle between the Star Federation and the Black Wind Fleet. It is impossible for the Federation to surrender and the Black Wind Fleet cannot abandon the conquest plan until the backbone of the opponent is interrupted.

"However, if the Star Federation defeats the main force of the Black Wind Fleet, it does not mean that they will be able to wipe you out quickly and easily, right?"

"of course!"

Hei Yelan let out a hideous light in her eyes, gritted her teeth and said, "Even if the Black Wind Fleet really loses, the Federation will have to pay an extremely tragic price if we want to completely eliminate us! Hmph, even if it doesn't have the ability to conquer the Federation, We can at least die with the Federation!"

Li Yao sighed and said: "It is your freedom to die with the Federation. Although you can hug together and die slowly, we are not enough to live, so don't involve us in it!

"If we are also involved, and the Federation, Ancient Sacred Realm, and Black Wind Fleet all die together, what are the benefits other than the real human empire in vain?

"Anyway, the state scholar treats me, the state scholar repays it. The true human empire has no great kindness to our ancient sacred world. It is enough to help the empire to fight the wind, can we not commit ourselves to die for the empire? As for you, I I don’t know what benefits the empire has given you, which can make you work so hard-it’s not right. Didn’t you black wind people lose the battle and were driven out by the emperor like a bereaved dog? You ran out of this in despair. For a hundred years, I don’t know how the nobles and officials in the imperial court laughed at you! Why, for the empire, all members of the "Jade Broken" can replace you with a tall and majestic monument in the imperial capital?"

Hei Yelan became excited again: "We will not lose, this is a war for the Heifengren to regain their glory!"

"I know, this is just for us to discuss at will, to strengthen each other's daoism, and to clear our minds-I don't mean to curse the Black Wind Fleet at all."

Li Yao paused and continued, "I just want to say that under certain extreme circumstances, the interests of the Black Wind Fleet and the interests of the true human empire may not be the same.

"On the contrary, once the Black Wind Fleet is truly defeated, the Federation, Ancient Sacred Realm, and Black Wind Fleet may be defeated. In this way, the interests of the three forces will be unified and stand on the opposite side of the empire.

"Don't look at me like this, think about it for yourself. Once the Black Wind Fleet is truly defeated, even if reinforcements from the empire are summoned, even if the second wave of expeditionary forces are really rushing in, do you think they are here to save the Black Wind Fleet? ?

"Don’t be delusional. You know better than us about the intrigue and the life-and-death struggle within the empire. When the time comes, the Star Federation will be razed to the ground, but if the Black Wind Fleet’s remnants are defeated, ninety-nine percent of them will be second. The expeditionary army is'collected', and our ancient sacred world, if the coordinates are discovered by the second expeditionary army in the process, there will be no good results.

"Would you like to see such a situation happen? After the Black Wind Fleet and the Ancient Sacred Realm, and the Star Federation were defeated, they were profited by the second expeditionary army in the empire, and they were all killed?

"Hehe, when the time comes, we old sage powerhouses might be able to get a full-time and half-time job under the hands of the new master, and change the treatment of'Ancient Sacred Realm Autonomy'. What about you former Black Wind Fleet seniors, yours What will happen next?"

This time, Hei Yelan really couldn't contain it, her face pale, her breathing was short, her teeth fighting lightly.

"Understood, either, the Black Wind Fleet will win this battle simply and sturdily! Once you lose, don't hope for reinforcements, but think of another way out!"

Li Yao condescendingly looked at the elite female warriors of the Empire, and said every word, "When the time comes, the remnants of the Black Wind Fleet will be defeated. There must be no leaders and a group of dragons. Someone must come forward to clean up the mess and save the Black Wind Fleet. The vitality even helped the Black Wind Fleet to rise again in a different face long after, and return to the center of the Star Sea!

"And this person will definitely become the new commander of the Black Wind Fleet, the new leader of the Black Wind Man and the remaining four remnants, the greatest...hero in the history of the Black Wind Realm!"

Hei Yelan's pupils shrank to the limit, as if she had met "Master Lingjiu" for the first time, she said with difficulty: "Master Lingjiu, what are you...what are you trying to say?"

Li Yao smiled: "It's nothing, I remember you said that I still have two older brothers and one older sister, one younger brother and one younger sister, even if your father is very old, he was hit hard by the fiasco a hundred years ago. It is estimated that after this battle, after finding a new home for the Black Wind Fleet, he will abdicate and make room for the position of'Black Wind Fleet Commander,' but...you won't be in your turn, right?"


Hei Yelan lowered her head, "I am a pure battle-type immortal cultivator, who can only control giant soldiers. My mother's family power is not too strong, and it has never been my father's favorite--otherwise I would not be sent to a small group. I went to the small claw fleet, even if my father really abdicated to let the wise men, no matter how round it is, my elder brothers and sisters are more advantageous than me, not to mention some blood relatives, or even the others ambitious The big families!

"Heifengren’s leadership competition is about strength. Bloodline is never the key, so I never thought about it..."

"Oh, strength?"

Li Yao patted Hei Yelan's shoulder lightly, and the corners of her mouth formed an icy arc, "Why, your brothers and sisters also have ten Nascent Soul Peaks, two Transfiguration Boss behind them, plus twelve. Are the giant soldiers backing up?"

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