40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1679: I have decided, it's you!

Heiyelan's hair is horrified.

As an elite female warrior of the empire, Heiyelan grew up in brutal competition since she was a child, and her hair is terrifying!

It was not because of fear, but because she discovered that with the understatement of "Lingjiu Master", her heartbeat really accelerated, her breathing really accelerated, and there was something called "ambition" deep in the bone marrow, which turned into Thorns, bone spurs, and ice cones grew crazily from the depths of the limbs, protruding joints, piercing flesh and blood, and splitting the skin, forming an invisible spiked armor on the surface of her body, turning her into A brand new person!

Before this moment, even when dozens of the remains of the giant soldiers were found in the giant soldiers warehouse of the Nuwa battleship of the ancient sacred world, Hei Yelan had not expected more.

——For weak creatures, "self-knowledge" is a must for survival, winners and losers, the benevolence of immortal cultivators is not prepared for losers.

In the process of her growth, she has seen countless ambitious but self-reliant people who rashly challenged her father and the patriarchs and heads of the major clans and sects that make up the Black Wind Fleet. Fell to an extremely miserable end.

She also deeply knows the gap between herself and her elder brothers and sisters, as well as the uncles and elders of the collateral family, so she never dared to ignite the small group of sparks called "ambition" in her heart.

However, at this moment, once this "spark" is ignited, it is destined to never be extinguished!

Hei Yelan gasped hard, she didn't even have the courage to turn her head back to look at Li Yao.

No matter how dull and numb her perception, she can clearly perceive that the "existence" behind her is gradually fading away from the hideous and terrifying disguise, revealing a more hideous and terrifying true face.

"You, you really, are you really Teacher Lingjiu?"

Hei Yelan asked with a trembling voice, her voice so weak that she didn't even know if this question was actually asked.

Li Yao smiled faintly: "Who am I, it doesn't matter, what matters is who you are, and who are you'can' be? Don't say it's impossible. This world is very strange. Even Ding Lingdang is a martial artist like this. If you have the opportunity to become the Speaker of the Star Federation, why should you belittle yourself? Believe me, I am optimistic about you, that's enough."

Hei Yelan gritted her teeth and finally had the courage to look back at Li Yao inch by inch. She woke up like a dream to find that Master Lingjiu has really changed a lot since she came to the Star Federation, becoming closer to the ancient sacred world. It's like two people!

Hei Yelan gasped: "You, can you really help me?"

"Yes it is."

Li Yao stared deeply into Hei Yelan’s eyes, as if there was some invisible power, light and energy, following his gaze, continuously transmitted to the depths of Hei Yelan’s pupils, the depths of the brain, and the depths of the soul, "This At this moment, you have no choice but to believe in me! As for this matter, although the game between the Star Federation and the Black Wind Fleet is very important, my decision-making power is also very important. Believe me, I decide it is You, that's enough!"

Hei Yelan took two steps backwards and sat down on Li Yao's bed, completely demented.

"Ding Dong!"

The doorbell rang.

The remaining eleven ancient saints returned one after another.

Long Yangjun was the first to come back, and when she walked in, Hei Yelan was still deeply stuck in Li Yao's bed, confused, dreamy and unable to extricate herself.

Long Yangjun looked at Li Yao, then at Hei Yelan who was sitting on the edge of the bed, and then at Li Yao, and finally frowned deeply.

"That's it, isn't it?"

Long Yangjun passed the secret to Li Yao, "This time we infiltrated the Federation, the situation is inherently very complicated, and there are many variables. If you still make this kind of thing, if your wife knows about it, wouldn't it add more variables? ?"

Li Yao: "...what do you think, I'm just here with fellow Daoist Heiyelan, to strengthen each other's hearts!"

Long Yangjun: "Yes, this is a good excuse. Next time I will be seen by others and I will be bitten to death. Let's get rid of her now. Everyone should come over and have a good chat about today's experience!"

Li Yao sent Hei Yelan back to her own room. When she turned around, the Twelve Ancient Sages with the name of "Red Lotus Team" had all gathered in his "captain" suite.

The twelve ancient sages, some of them are flying, some are thoughtful, some are eager to try, and some are frowning. It seems that all of them have been rewarded during today's inspection visit. It is a worthwhile trip!

The Red Lotus team is the Speaker's Secret Guard, and Li Yao naturally took the path of Speaker Cui Lingfeng, and won them different treatments from ordinary delegation members.

Basically, they are the eyes and ears of Cui Lingfeng. They want to investigate the development of which field of the Federation, and send related needs to the federal government, and the federal government will meet all of them. The Secret Sword Bureau will arrange them on their behalf. The content is quite colorful.

"Modern cultivation civilization, fierce battle in the sea of ​​stars, is really far beyond our imagination!"

The first speakers were Meng Chixin, Han Baling, and Qi Changsheng, who were "commanders" and "generals".

These powerful men are particularly interested in the military construction and fleet development of the Union. Today, they are following the officers on the Firefly to discuss matters related to the formation of a joint operations base camp with the senior officers of the Federal Army Staff Headquarters.

The modern Xinghai Fleet fights fiercely, various mysterious and complicated data links, spiritual networks, information warfare, and a large group of battles involving hundreds of main starships, as well as highly automated Taixu combat soldiers, extremely complex logistics support, and supernatural powers. The choice and rejection of the four-dimensional jumping point...A variety of new magic weapons, new arms, new tactics, and new concepts have made these "ancient generals and commanders" who "traversed" their horizons, dizzying, and deeply addicted.

"Until today, I completely admit from the bottom of my heart that we are really far behind the times for more than 40,000 years! I really didn't expect that people in the outside world have developed such a brilliant, incredible, and extremely powerful in the past tens of thousands of years. Civilization!"

The old monster Meng sighed, "We are really frogs at the bottom of the well. We have wasted tens of thousands of years. Sitting in the well and watching the sky, we are proud of ourselves. It is really sad!"

"It is not too late!"

Han Baling said, "Fortunately, we made the decision to'open our eyes to see the universe'. From this moment on, we will catch up and we will be able to catch up soon!"

"Speaking of this, I think whether we vote for the Empire or the Federation, this matter can be considered carefully."

Qi Changsheng smiled and said, this "Huntian King" was originally the leader of the rebels. It is common for him to surrender to the army. He has no psychological burden at all. He is better at getting the most benefits from the "official army". Who is it anyway? He surrendered to whomever he gave. "Dear friends, we saw many senior officers of the EFF General Staff Headquarters today, and found that there are all of them from the Seven Worlds, and after careful discussion, we also know that now All seven worlds have local Xinghai fleets.

"Dear fellow daoists, everyone knows the situation of the Seven Realms of the Federation. The core Three Realms and the Sky Ring Realm under our feet are indeed advanced and developed, and we will not be able to catch up for a while.

"But the tree-sea realm of a jungle, the crystal realm of the desert everywhere, and the ghost realm of lonely souls and ghosts. In terms of strength, it is not much stronger than our ancient sacred realm, or even more powerful than us. Too!

"After all, our level of civilization is slightly inferior to them, but our world is full of aura, crowded, and skilled!

"According to what I have seen and heard today, Senior Meng, and Daoist Han, the Star Federation is far-reaching and is not satisfied with the gains and losses of one or two worlds in front of us, so after merging the weak worlds like Shuhai, Crystal, and Nether, Instead of squeezing them down, they have continuously used a lot of resources to quickly upgrade and arm them. Even the wild world like the Shuhai Realm has now formed its own fleet, and a large number of Shuhai people have joined the Union Army. There are even people who appear in the core posts of the General Staff.

"Although Heiyelan promised us that once we surrender to the empire, the Black Wind Fleet will give us a lot of benefits, but this is only her side of the word. Even if she is not deceiving, she is not the commander of the Black Wind Fleet. Doesn't it count?

"The Black Wind Fleet may not really benefit us, but the benefits that the Star Federation has given to joining the world are truly visible and tangible!

"Now, the Star Federation is facing a decisive battle with the Black Wind Fleet, but this is not the end of the war, but just the beginning of the war! Even if the Federation really defeats the Black Wind Fleet, it will still face the powerful military pressure of the real human empire. This time , The imperial army does not need a hundred years to come over.

"The knife hangs on the head of the Federation at any time. In this case, the Federation is bound to be unable to kill chickens to retrieve eggs and cross rivers to demolish bridges. Therefore, if we join the Xingyao Federation, there is a high probability that we can enjoy the sea of ​​trees. The world, the crystal world, and other weak worlds, are even treated several times better than them!"

Huntian King Qi Changsheng said, the pros, pros, and the pros and cons were analyzed quite clearly.

The twelve ancient sages talked a lot, but they quite agreed with this judgment.

Since the original federation was close at hand, the vulnerable desert world "Crystal Realm" did not use force to conquer, but settled the problem through peaceful negotiations and bargaining, then the distance is farther, hidden in the dark nebula. In the depths, the Ancient Sage Realm, which has countless "Masters of Ancient Cultivation", seems to have no reason to swallow them.

"But don't forget, the Star Federation is still launching a war against the Celestial Ring Realm."

Long Yangjun didn't know where he was standing, and said lightly, "Xingyao Federation is not a toothless tiger. When they really want to do it, they are more ruthless than anyone else."


Master Kuchan whispered the Buddha's horn and said, "The Dao Heart of the former ruler of the Celestial Ring Realm does not match the Dao Heart of the Federation. This may be the biggest cause of the outbreak of the war.

"Then the Dao Heart of the people in the Ancient Sage Realm matches the Dao Heart of the Federation?"

Long Yangjun smiled slightly and glanced at Li Yao meaningfully. "Yes, the ruling class of the Celestial Circle, the'Tiangang tribe', was indeed arbitrarily squeezing the'Disha tribe', which led to uprisings and wars.

"But, isn’t there such a thing in our ancient sacred world? Fellow Daoist Qi Changsheng and Daoist Wan Mingzhu, aren’t you two from the ancient sacred realm of the "Earth Shaman", and the rest of the Daoists, aren’t they all? Is it the'Tiangang tribe' of the Ancient Sage Realm?

"If we really want to seriously consider joining the Starlight Federation, it seems that our Dao Xin from 40,000 years ago seems to have to'advance with the times'; and the Starlight Federation will also have Great sincerity and a proper solution have come to dispel our worries!"

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