40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1681: King Fa is supreme!

Everyone pondered for a moment, and had to admit that Qi Changsheng was justified.

Calling Huazi Ba Xiaoyu said, "Brother Qi, what is the truth of this case? Is there a result today?"

Qi Zhongdao smiled slightly and said: "The so-called'resurrection of a corpse, rebirth from a corpse,' indeed, as the fellow Taoists have said, it is ever-changing, and there are so many situations that cannot be generalized.

"It's one thing to rob the living by force, and it's another thing to rob the newly dead; it's one thing to completely succeed in robbing the house, and to resurrect it completely, but sometimes the looting is not completely successful, it just teleports over. A part of the soul and memory are integrated with the consciousness of the owner, not even the soul, but it adds countless memories to the looted person out of thin air.

"Let me ask, under these circumstances, is it considered to be robbed of the house or not? Is this person the plaintiff or the defendant? How should the government convict him?

"Because of the complexity of the seizure of homes, in the Federation, cases such as resurrection of the corpse and resurrection of the homes will either not occur. Once they appear, they will definitely shake the world. This kind of psychology and spirituality test is used to judge whether this monarch is still alive, whether he is the one who robbed the house or the one who has been robbed of the house.

"But as I just said, the specific case does not seem to be complicated.

"Firstly, the deceased died in a traffic accident; secondly, several medical staff and even the deceased’s parents could testify. At that time, the deceased had no breathing or heartbeat, and his brainwave reaction disappeared completely for three minutes. In clinical terms, this is the standard'death'.

"Third, the defendant, the head of the chasing dragon faction, is usually quite famous and a well-known philanthropist. In the past 30 years, he has made a lot of contributions to the construction of the Celestial Circle. The righteous man.

"Furthermore, when the lawsuit has been fought to this level, the Dragon Chasing faction has also been in contact with the plaintiff many times and put forward quite tempting conditions. The plaintiff has gradually figured it out and is ready to change his mind and accept this fact."

Ba Xiaoyu, Qi Changsheng, Wan Mingzhu and others laughed together: "That's not bad."

Qi Zhongdao smiled, shook his head and said: "Before the opening of the court today, almost everyone believed that the case will be concluded today, and the looters will eventually be acquitted-unexpectedly in the court. During the argument, it was a sudden change. One of the prosecutors...what is their name? By the way, the'Golden Prosecutor' unexpectedly threw out a new piece of evidence to prove that the driver who caused the accident and the chasing dragon faction A high-level person in, there are inextricable relationships!"


Numerous Nascent Infants are outstanding in computing power. Qi Zhongdao said that, as they turned their minds, they instantly understood, "It is not a traffic accident, but deliberately, deliberately creating a perfect fresh corpse!"

"Yes, with the support of the new evidence, the prosecution thinks so!"

Qi Zhongdao speeded up his speech, "The gold-qualified prosecutor not only found the connection between the driver who caused the accident and the high-level dragon chasing faction, but also found several highly respected infants from the Tianyuan realm, proving that the dragon chasing faction leader is ready to attack. Yuan Ying’s secret method is a set of exercises with a high success rate, but extremely dangerous. If it fails, it is very likely to kill Huangquan.

"I even extracted some key ingredients from the remains of the treasures dumped by the Dragon Chasing Sect, which proves that the head of the Dragon Chasing Sect was cultivating another kind of solidified soul and devouring people before hitting the Nascent Soul Realm. Prepare to seize the house!

"Through a series of evidence to form a chain of evidence, the prosecution proved that before the attack on Yuan Ying, the leader of the chasing dragon faction had done a remedial work in case of failure and tragic death! The death of the boy surnamed Zhang was not an accident. It’s a deliberate murder! The reason for choosing him is that he is an idiot, his brain has not been contaminated, and he is more likely to be taken away. After he is taken away, the relationship between the new soul and the body will be more stable!"

Everyone listened intently, and Ba Xiaoyu asked: "What about the final result, has it been convicted?"

"There was no verdict in court, but the defendant had already lost his helmet and armor, and was defeated."

Qi Zhongdao said, “When I left, all the media and legal experts judged that once the prosecution’s evidence chain is really established, 100% of it will be the crime of'illegal repossession' and aggravated crimes. Sentenced to death will be executed immediately, and the soul will be destroyed, leaving no room for it!

"Not only is he going to die, the entire dragon chasing faction will be implicated in this matter. If we check it to the end, I don't know how many people will be dug out. It's really..."

Everyone sighed for a while. Everyone cultivated all the way from refining qi to the Nascent Soul. Naturally, they knew the difficulties and dangers of the path of cultivation.

At the peak of the pill formation period, it is only one step away from Yuan Ying, but because of a mistake in the past, the death penalty will be executed immediately, and the soul will be destroyed. It is really mixed, and I don't know how to comment.

"To observe the trial of this case, and to consult many files before and after, including the major and important cases related to the'illegal seizure of homes' in the past few decades, really made Qi feel deeply!"

Qi Zhongdao sighed, "The Basic Law of Cultivation is the fundamental law of the Xingyao Federation. It mainly restricts the rights of the cultivators. The Taoists have known more or less before, and there are quite a few items in this law. There are criticisms, thinking that everyone is a respected, powerful, omnipotent cultivator, how can he be restrained and humiliated like this, bow his head to a small ordinary person, and be confined by a few white papers and black words?

"Whether this method is good or bad, or whether it is a perverse evil method, Qi Mou dare not presumptuously assert.

"However, from what we have seen and heard today, all ordinary people and cultivators in the Xingyao Federation have indeed regarded this law as justified by nature and righteousness. The supreme existence does not dare to disobey it in the slightest.

"The dignified masters in the'Top Five Hundred Celestial Circles' are ruined and rebelled just because they have robbed a worthless idiot, and even the sects will fall apart and fall into extinction!

"The Secret Sword Bureau wants to catch him, and the cultivation channels spit on him. Ordinary people dare to point to his nose and scold him. Even he himself dares to quibble in every possible way, but he dare not stalk his neck and say that he is right!

"Such a "Basic Law of Cultivation" is the'rules' that Qi always talks about. However, when he was in the ancient sacred world, Qi only talked about it. It is really hard to imagine in a dream. There really is a country where such rules are greater than favors, greater than fists, and greater than anything else!

"As soon as Wang Fa came out, it was a few small Qi refining periods that caught their heads, and they all dared to face the powerhouses in the pill formation period and even the Nascent Ying period with the "Basic Law of Cultivation"-this kind of world really appeared in Qi. How can I not make my mind sway and shake in front of a certain person!"

Qi Zhongdao's unchanging for a hundred years, as if the stale face formed by the solidification of black icy lumps, unexpectedly showed a radiant glow of enthusiasm.

He shared a series of news, dossiers, and materials related to the case that he collected today to fellow daoists, and once again attracted many questions, sighs, and low voices.

After Qi Zhongdao, the other ancient sage powerhouses also shared their own knowledge one by one.

Wan Mingzhu, the old mother of Bailian, went to investigate a hybrid rice base-the main purpose is to combine the "spiritual rice" that contains powerful psychic energy, which can only be digested and absorbed by the intestines and stomachs of the cultivator and special techniques, and hybridized with ordinary rice, such a project .

Wan Mingzhu’s decades of "White Lotus Rebellion" in the southeast of Dagan, the source of which was the Ling rice "Yujingzi" squeezing ordinary people's farmland, making it clear that Yujingzi has been harvesting year after year. At first glance, the wind blows the wheat. He has to starve to death, and finally rises up, swallows a large number of jade crystals, and after swelling to death, turns into a fierce ghost, contending with the major sects and even the great court.

Therefore, Wan Mingzhu is very interested in how the "modern cultivation civilization" can solve the food problem, and actively proposed to investigate this field.

Finally, the federal side arranged for her to visit a vacuum hybrid spiritual rice cultivation base located outside the Tianhuan.

"Experts from the Star Federation have spent a whole hundred years cultivating more than one thousand hybrid rice, wheat and various cash crops. They not only possess weak psychic energy, they can strengthen the body and promote the development of spiritual roots after eating. It has a mild temperament and can be eaten by ordinary people and even children. There are no side effects after eating."

The old mother Bailian, who has always had sharp teeth and a weird yin and yang, is left with sighs. "Now all the federal schools and high schools, the state-subsidized'nutritional lunch', all use this kind of mixed spirit rice. , Greatly improved the physique and training level of the new generation of the Federation, enabling them to cultivate powerful fighters who are no less inferior to the rich world in a relatively barren world.

"Even though these fighters are unlikely to be masters, at least the Federation has a large number of low- and middle-level monks, as well as mortal soldiers with vigor and vigor and energy!

"Oh, seeing those ordinary middle school students in the local school who are tall, muscular, and powerful, eating hybrid spiritual rice, think about our ancient sacred world--the cultivators of the ancient sacred world are certainly powerful and incomparable. However, except for a very small number of mortal soldiers, they are often yellow-faced, weak-willed, low-spirited, and vulnerable. Compared with the two, it is really quite different!

"It's not the middle school students who are comparable to the people in the ancient sacred world, but the experts I met in the hybrid spirit rice base that shocked me the most.

"These experts actually have the highest level of cultivation base of the Nascent Soul, if they are replaced by our ancient sacred world, they must be the worship and elders of the major sects, who specially help the major sects and the court to cultivate various treasures of heaven and earth, and refine them. Top secret medicine, respected status, and powerful!

"However, in the Star Federation, these Nascent Soul level experts have devoted decades or even hundreds of years of hard work to the small hybrid spiritual rice-even if such a thing is successfully cultivated, it will be good for high-level cultivators. There is no help at all, just to improve the strength of ordinary people!

"What good is it for them to do this? How can they endure such boring and loneliness? I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out!"

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