40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1682: Two apples

The doubts of the old mother Bai Lian were also the doubts of all the other primordial elders. Many ancient sage experts once again sighed, asking Huazi Ba Xiaoyu and Master Kuchan to begin to tell their stories.

When in the ancient sacred world, Ba Xiaoyu was a hero who walked around the market and played the world, while Master Kuchan devoted himself to saving the world and saving all living beings.

Therefore, the area they proposed to investigate is the federal charity and aid industry, hoping to see how the Star Federation treats the poorest people at the bottom of society.

They visited several orphanages and relief stations today. They also took the orbital lifting platform and went deep into the ground of the sky ring star to see what kind of treatment the miners, especially their children, were enjoying.

"We have seen several schools with fairly complete facilities on the ground. The students are ordinary children of miners, but many of the teachers are cultivators, and there are even masters who came from the core world to support their education. !"

Recalling the scenes he saw during the day, Ba Xiaoyu felt unbelievable, “Of course, among these cultivators, there is a'Patriot Front' who was inspired by a certain spirit to come to remote and poor areas to selflessly give, but even more Most of them are hired by various foundations, even schools, hospitals, orphanages, water purification plants, etc., all receive subsidies from the foundation!"

"Bahasa is right. This'foundation' seems to be the main force of the Federation to help the poor and ordinary people."

Master Kuchan said, "Xingyao Federation is a high tax burden country, especially the tax rate for cultivators is very high. According to some golden cores and Yuan Ying monks, they have to pay every year at the rate of making money like behemoths of gold. The taxes are astronomical.

"However, the federal tax law is very interesting. If the income is invested in various charitable foundations, tax avoidance can be very clever.

"Therefore, in order for Jindan and Yuanying to pay less tax, various charitable foundations are popular. Almost every Jindan and Yuanying has a variety of foundations.

"There are certain conditions for the establishment and operation of charitable foundations, which must be reviewed every year, and a number of charitable projects must be completed.

"After a hundred years of development, the federal charitable foundation has now formed a virtuous circle.

"Golden Pills and Yuan Ying grade powerhouses provide resources and contacts to form various foundations. On the one hand, they can gain a good reputation for themselves, and on the other hand, they can also avoid taxes.

"And new cultivators, especially those from the civilian class who have little resources and connections, often choose to join a certain foundation after awakening their spiritual roots and go to a remote and poor place to serve for a period of time. Through the foundation, Naturally, you can expand your circle and make friends. If you perform well, you may even have a chance to be favored by the owners of the foundation, those Jindan and Yuanying. After a few years, you can work in the major groups under the names of these Jindan and Yuanying. Even enter the inner circle of the sect.

"Even now, the vast majority of Jin Dan and Yuan Ying’s apprentices, especially the “True Disciple”, require him to have a long period of working experience in charity foundations. The cultivator circle generally believes that—this is the case. Disciple, the Dao Xin is firm enough, and the character is pure enough, and it is more suitable for passing on one's own mantle."

The beggar Ba Xiaoyu and the master Kuchan, you say a word to me, are full of joy and interest, they are both good-tempered people, when it comes to the beauty, the beggar pats his thighs "pop".

Many ancient sages were fascinated, and each face was thoughtful.

Those modern flying swords, shuttle cars, crystal rail trains, crystal armors, and starships, no matter how mysterious and complicated, are ingenious, they can still understand them after a little thought.

However, this system and even survival logic run by the Star Federation, which is completely different from the ancient sacred world, if you want to digest and absorb it and fully accept it - I am afraid it will take a long, long time.

After the beggar and Master Kuchan finished speaking, the other strong people continued to speak. Li Yao didn't miss the opportunity and pretended to be very shocked, boasting "Civilization" greatly, and strongly recommended that many strong people should do well whether they are free or not. Experience it.

He believes that after these powerhouses experience the charm of "Civilization", they will definitely fall in love with this new world and will definitely reluctant to leave.

The eleven powerhouses all finished sharing, and only Long Yangjun was left who did not speak, but smiled but looked at everyone inexplicably.

The old monster Wu Suiyun asked, "Wang Daoyou, seeing how you want to talk but stop, is it because today's inspection is not going well?"

"No, it went well, but there is nothing to say."

Long Yangjun leaned against Li Yao’s bed and put his feet on Li Yao’s bed, with his head resting on his hands, in a comfortable manner, he said lightly, "Everyone knows what I do, the leader of the'Ghost Painted Talisman'. , The eagle dog that everyone hears, the executioner, if it is placed in the Star Federation, it is almost like the role of the'Secret Sword Bureau' and the'Dark Moon Foundation'.

"So today, I did not visit other places. I just proposed to have a deep understanding of the'Secret Sword Bureau' organization, especially the major and important cases that this organization has uncovered in the past hundred years. Naturally, most of them are about'cultivation.' The person commits a crime'."


Wu Suiyun glanced at each other with many powerful men, "What have you found?"

"It's nothing special-there is something special, and I will definitely not open it to me."

Long Yangjun said lazily, "I just want to remind fellow daoists to pour cold water on everyone. Everyone knows the trick of the so-called'imperial ministers and private visits'. North Korea, is this kind of tricks still played less?

"No, no, no, I'm not saying that everything we see today is false. The truth is definitely 100% true. It is impossible to disguise such a large-scale illusion.

"It's just that what we have seen today is definitely what people hope we can see. It is the best in the Star Federation. The cultivators we have come into contact with today are definitely 100%, the purest and true. Cultivator.

"But, everyone knows that there is no so-called'perfect', and there is no perfect country. 100% practitioners with firm beliefs, noble characters, no self-interest, and special benefits... are even rarer. Few, ha ha,'existence of phoenix and feathers is rare'.

"As the investigation progresses, I believe that the less perfect side of the Star Federation will soon be revealed. I just want to remind fellow daoists not to set expectations too high, so as not to be disappointed in time. Interfered with your final judgment, you must know—"

There was a fruit plate on the coffee table among the crowd. Long Yangjun hooked his fingers and drew two apples from the fruit plate. They were placed in the palms of the left and right palms, and smiled slightly, "We are now in the real human empire and the Xingyao Federation. Making a choice between is like choosing one of two apples, but if you have the mentality of choosing the'better', you are wrong.

"Perhaps, we have to choose the ‘less bad one’ among the two apples."


Long Yangjun randomly chose an apple, took a big bite, and the juice splashed all over.

Everyone looked at each other and wanted to ask more questions, but she stood up, threw another apple to Li Yao, and yawned: "It's late at night, and I will continue to walk around and watch the flowers tomorrow. Every fellow daoist rests early. Right!"

From hundreds of thousands of years ago, a replica of the Nuwa warrior, biting an apple, disappeared into the eyes of everyone's surprise.


The establishment of the joint operations base camp and even the in-depth military cooperation between the government in exile and the Xingyao Federation are not things that can be negotiated overnight. In the next ten days, the ancient sages will continue to stay in the sky circle for in-depth investigation.

Li Yao came into contact with "Civilization", especially after listening to the debate between Professor Mo Xuan and Professor Xie Wufeng, his heart suddenly moved, and he wanted to find a chance to have a deeper chat with her.

After all, Long Yangjun is different from other ancient sages. Like Li Yao, she is more like a "chess player" on a higher scale beyond the chess game.

However, everyone’s inspection schedule was packed, and wherever they went, there were a large number of secret sword bureaus that protected or monitored overtly and secretly. Moreover, Long Yangjun deliberately chose a few inspection projects that were separated from the main force. Deep into the surface of the sky ring star and even the underground mines, Li Yao could not find her.

It was not until twelve days after the last gathering that Long Yangjun returned to the hotel where he was staying again and was caught by Li Yao.

This time, it was in Long Yangjun's room.

Long Yangjun is playing "Civilization".

She seems to be not interested in the game at all, but in the game assistants "Xiao Ming" and "Wen Wen". She keeps teasing two naive little guys to play, making the two little guys "chuck" and laugh straight. Hide behind Li Yao.

"really interesting."

Long Yangjun turned off the miniature crystal brain, and the two little guys disappeared without a trace in an instant. She looked at Li Yao and conjured two more apples from nowhere, and threw one to Li Yao, and said with a smile, "Look for me Have something to say?"

"Yes, did you watch the video I sent you, Professor Mo Xuan's theories about the annihilation and inheritance of the father civilization, the son civilization, and the civilization."

Li Yao seriously said, "In the past, I have always had a thorough hostility to Pangu civilization, even Nuwa civilization... how to say it, fear, vigilance, and insecurity, all of them.

"After all, the words of the old demon clan’s return to Shoushou really left a deep impression on me—the ruler wants the minister to die, the minister has to die, the father wants the son to die, the son has to die!

"However, after listening to Professor Mo Xuan's new theory, my opinion has changed a bit.

"I really want to know more about our human "father civilization". Is everything as simple as what I saw in the Kunlun ruins? What is the relationship between Pangu and Nuwa? We are really just simple Tools, or "children" in a sense? Is there really only one possibility between us and the Pangu civilization?

"No one else can give me an answer to this question, but you are different. You can even say that you were a witness to that war. Can you tell me more about Pangu opening the sky, Nuwa creating human beings, and prehistoric wars? "

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