40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1683: Brother civilization?

Long Yangjun seemed to have expected Li Yao to ask this question a long time ago. She sat on the bed and ate the apple in one mouthful, saying: "I don't know more about this problem than you, or even better than you. less.

"At any rate, you are a federate who was born in the modern civilization of cultivation, has been to the Kunlun ruins, and has conducted in-depth research on the battle between Pangu and Nuwa.

"But before I went to the depths of the Nuwa battleship, I was just an ordinary...ancient monk, a dead **** who was making waves in the court.

"It wasn't until I stood in front of the master crystal brain of the Nuwa battleship, and even until you said something, that the dream that wandered in my mind became more real, as if, as if at that moment, as' Long Yangjun’s me was just born.

"It can be said that so far, my'new life' has not been more than a year, and maybe in the near future I will think of more things, thinking of my true identity and mission, but now, I really know nothing.

"Maybe I followed you to the Starlight Federation for this purpose-to contact the world, observe this civilization, and recall more things."

Long Yangjun had bright eyes and looked at Li Yao very candidly.

Li Yao slowly wiped the apple thrown by Long Yangjun on her clothes, knowing that Long Yangjun’s words were half true, but she would definitely not tell herself more. After thinking about it, she changed her perspective: "Okay. Let’s talk about the “child civilization” instead of the “father civilization”. What do you think of this series of theories about the inheritance of civilization, virtual life, bear children? Thing?"

After Long Yangjun finished eating the apple, he used his psychic energy to manipulate the apple core to slowly rotate over his palm, and said lightly: "Birth, old age, sickness and death, the laws of nature, if you look at it on a scale of billions of years, tens of billions of years, or even larger, Any civilization will eventually perish, and even the universe itself will be annihilated and reborn. Since human civilization is a tiny dust in the universe, of course it will also perish and die by the hands of its own sub-civilizations. This is also possible.

"But this conclusion is like saying,'People are going to die after all.' It is meaningless. No one will stop trying to live well because they are destined to die, right?

"So, the more meaningful topic is on the time scale that mankind can imagine, such as in the next thousand or ten thousand years, is it possible for your spiritual web to become refined and develop a kind of comprehensive surpassing human beings, and This is what you worry about the virtual intelligent life race that is malicious to humans, right? Assuming that human civilization will develop in another 100,000 years before the spirit web will become refined, this is not a problem that we should worry about at all, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Fu, how come we can't manage things after hundreds of thousands of years, right?"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, and nodded: "Yes, things that happen after hundreds of thousands of years, let the people after hundreds of thousands of years have to worry about it again. None of us has such great power to manage heaven and earth. Things after tens of thousands of years have been properly arranged. That is not a god, it is a neurosis. I mean in the short term-within a few decades, hundreds of years, or a thousand years."

Long Yangjun smiled and said: "Then, my answer is the same as Professor Mo Xuan after the collapse of the virtual spirit world, impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Li Yao's eyes are piercing: "Is there a basis?"


Long Yangjun said calmly, "Professor Mo Xuan himself, it can be said that it is a kind of wonderful form between the physical and virtual life, the "Xingling". In other words, the name of the "Xingling" is both you and Did he come up with it together? His research on virtual life can be said to be second to none in the entire Federation.

"Even after the collapse of the virtual spirit world, he asserted that without a higher level of intervention, a true virtual intelligent life with independent will will never be born within five hundred years, and he is discouraged. Going to work on other research projects..."

Li Yao frowned and said, "If it's just because of Professor Mo Xuan's judgment--"

"No, what I really want to say has nothing to do with Professor Mo Xuan."

Long Yangjun smiled, "I didn't expect you to be so mediocre to this extent. Maybe this is the so-called'authoritarian fan'. Let me say that the problem you worry about does not exist at all. At least within a thousand years, it will not happen. The reason is very simple. ——Pangu and Nuwa also have crystal brains."

Li Yao was startled slightly: "So what?"

"Moreover, their crystal brains are more developed than your crystal brains."

Long Yangjun said, "You have personally seen the effect of the array of columnar crystal brains on the Nuwa battleship. You have to admit that its computing power should far exceed any existing super crystal brains in the Federation, right? There are also giant soldiers. Each giant soldier contains tactical brains left over from the prehistoric era. You can’t even imitate them, so that now no matter the Federation, the Empire or the Holy League, they can only be combined and modified. Giant soldiers, but they can't refine new giant soldiers 100%, right?"

Li Yao's brow furrowed into a knot, and he had to admit that Long Yangjun was justified.

"and so--"

Long Yangjun said slowly, "If the Pangu and Nuwa tribes hundreds of thousands of years ago, with their extremely powerful crystal brains, could not create a new virtual intelligent life, why are you so arrogant and arrogant? Can human beings create such an incredible'bear child' in the next short thousand years?

"What's more, the process of birth and evolution of life is extremely long. Carbon-based life represented by Pangu, Nüwa, and humans all took billions of years to step up to the peak, virtual intelligent life. No matter how fast the birth and evolvement of, how fast can it be-I really have to worry about it, and it will not be too late to worry when the most primitive virtual life is actually discovered!"

Li Yao blinked, with a sense of sudden enlightenment, but after another thought, he raised a new question: "What you said makes sense, why didn't I think about it at first? That's right, Pangu and Nuwa The technology of crystal brain is far beyond human beings. If they have not even created virtual intelligent life, then we don’t need to worry about this problem for at least 10,000 years... Wait, there is another possibility, in case Pangu or The Nuwa tribe has long created virtual intelligent life, but we don’t know it? In other words, it’s not our “sub-civilization” but the “brother civilization”, which is parallel to human beings. relationship!

Long Yangjun rolled his eyes and said, "Oh? Then the virtual intelligent life created by Pangu or Nuwa, where is the human'brother civilization', why hasn't I heard of it in the past 100,000 years of history? "

Li Yao: "Uh, I hid, hiding minions in the dark, accumulating strength, and when the time is right, I will jump out and conquer the three thousand worlds?"

Long Yangjun: "It is reasonable. It is indeed the supreme of the Three Realms. The imagination is really rich and colorful! Even the virtual intelligent life and the conspiracy of the'brother civilization' can be seen through by you. It is amazing! So, I have seen through the other side's conspiracy. Big conspiracy, what are you going to do?"

Li Yao: "...I don't seem to be able to do anything."

Long Yangjun: "Don't belittle yourself, you can, with your current status and status of Old Demon Li, as long as you show your true shape, ascend a shout, and persuade everyone in the entire Starlight Federation with the great prestige of the'Three Realms Supreme' Isn't it a trivial thing to give up using Jingbrain and Lingwang? Don't worry, I absolutely support you. Anyway, people in the ancient sacred world didn't play Jingnan and didn't go online."

Li Yao: "I'm sorry, I was wrong. Give the Supreme Master of the Three Realms a little noodle, don't take the nonsense just now to your heart."

Long Yangjun: "That's right, don't say Yuan Ying is not Yuan Ying, everyone is an adult anyway, we should talk more about more feasible, constructive and realistic topics, this kind of metaphysical problem of middle school students' progression. , I leave it to so many middle school students in the Federation to think about it! Now that the situation is so tense, eyebrows are burning, and you are still thinking about things tens of thousands of years later. I really don’t know whether to say that your vision is good in the long run or daydreaming!

"Burning eyebrows?"

Li Yao narrowed his eyes, "What did you find out?"

"I didn't find anything."

Long Yangjun jumped up from the bed, opened the window, let in some fresh air, squinted his eyes, and took a deep sniffer, "It just smells a little bit."

Li Yao's eyes shone sharply: "What taste?"

Long Yangjun didn't turn his head back, and said one word: "The smell of the mountain and rain is coming and the wind is full of buildings-the Black Wind Fleet is about to appear."

Li Yao: "How to say?"

Long Yangjun stretched out two slender fingers: "Two aspects.

"First, the Star Federation is conducting the most fierce election of the highest speaker in recent decades. The two sides are facing each other and the supporters are not giving way to each other. The situation is quite tense.

"According to the confession of Ding Zhengyang and other immortal cultivators, the Black Wind Fleet has penetrated many eyes and ears in the Federation. In other words, the Black Wind Fleet fully knows this and knows that this is the most unstable moment of the Federal political situation.

"When the dust settles, the new Supreme Speaker is released. Whether it is Ding Lingdang’s prestige or Jin Xinyue’s methods, it is very likely that the situation will be completely stabilized in just a few months to half a year, and the Federation will be united and enter. The highest state of war, greatly enhanced military power!

"Come on, Old Mo Li, if you were the commander of the Black Wind Fleet and knew this clearly, when would you choose to attack?"

Li Yao squinted his eyes, and two sharp glows came out from the depths of the dark eyes: "Just now, even if my fleet is not fully prepared, the new speaker of the Federation cannot be completely seated, and the Federation cannot be relieved. Comfortably enter the highest state of war!

"Now is the most suitable opportunity. If you miss the present, in the next few years, the strength of the Federation and the prestige of the leader will only gradually increase, making it more and more difficult to fight!

"My fleet has been drifting in the star sea for a whole hundred years. The resources on the ship are almost exhausted, and the magic weapon units of the starship are all worn out. The soldiers screamed in a hurry, surrounded by lifelessness. In the barren star field, I can’t get too many supplies. I can’t delay any longer, and I can’t wait for the next ten years. I can only take advantage of the moment when the prey are choosing a new leader, a fleeting period of chaos—— A quick fight!"

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