40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1684: Shaking scandal!


Long Yangjun turned his head and said, "But on the other hand, the Federation must also be aware of the penetration of the Black Wind Fleet within the Federation, and it is not difficult to determine that the time when the Black Wind Fleet will launch a surprise attack is just the last time - but the Federation cannot be because of a moment. Instability, the election will be delayed forever, right?

"What's more, if you can predict the enemy prophet, maybe this is a great opportunity to defeat the main force of the Black Wind Fleet in one fell swoop!

"Otherwise, why do you think it's exactly this time when the immortal cultivator's rebellion will take place on the Firefly?"

Li Yao turned his mind and blurted out: "Do you think this is not an isolated incident?"

Long Yangjun smiled and said: "I went to the branch of the Secret Sword Bureau in the Sky Ring Realm today, and checked a lot of major cases and important cases in the past 100 years, especially the'Emperor Linhui' and their president'Lu Qingchen'. I don’t think that Lu Qingchen will be a reckless, thoughtless person, and I don’t believe that he will rashly instigate Ding Zhengyang and Cheng Xuansu and launch a rebellion that is doomed to failure without a follow-up plan. .

"If you really want to rebel, wouldn't it be better to rebel when the Black Wind Fleet aggressively invades the Federation, and let the Federation take care of one thing and lose another, and get caught off guard? Isn't it better?

"Regardless of the relationship between the Emperor Linhui and the Dark Moon Foundation, whether Lu Qingchen is Jin Xinyue's subordinate, whether this rebellion is a trick to'lead the snake out of the hole', this is not so simple, it is probably just a huge The first ring of the plan is the Federation, at least Jin Xinyue's'first move' against the Black Wind Fleet.

"So, I think it won’t be long before the Black Wind Fleet and the Federation will take action. Both sides will “make moves”. Now the general election has entered a white-hot, and there is only more than a month left to vote. The Black Wind Fleet is impossible. I didn’t react until after that, so it was more than just burning eyebrows, it was the most insidious poison fire, it was about to burn my eyeballs!"

Li Yao kept rubbing his nose, fell into deep thought, and muttered: "It makes sense. I think we should speed up the progress. It is best to find an excuse to reach the Tianyuan realm as soon as possible-before all the conspiracy breaks out. To the heart of the Federation!"


This evening, Li Yao stayed in Long Yangjun’s room for a long time, and the two sides have been deducing the follow-up plan for the Federation and the Black Wind Fleet.

Sometimes Li Yao played the Black Wind Fleet and Long Yangjun represented the Federation, sometimes the other way around.

However, they still have too little information to be able to accurately deduct the situation in the coming month, and it is more of empty talk on paper.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the middle of the night that Li Yao returned to his room and fell asleep in the bizarre dreams.

He slept rather unsteadily that night, and suddenly dreamed that the Black Wind Fleet tore the sky and appeared directly above the Federation, his hometown; suddenly dreamed of strange monsters coming out of the spiritual net and on everyone's head. He grinned; suddenly I had a dream that I hadn't had for a long time, and returned to a peaceful and peaceful earth without psychic abilities, no cultivators, only "technology".

But the earth was shrouded in a faint mist. No matter how he looked for it, he couldn't find what the "Vulture Project" wanted him to destroy...

When Li Yao was awakened by the noise outside the window, he thought he had slept for at least a long time. He raised his wrist to see that it had only been more than three hours, and now he hasn't even arrived at seven in the morning.

Even in cities that do not pay much attention to the synchronization of day and night, this should be the early morning when most people are sleeping.

"what happened?"

Li Yao opened the window to take a look, and was immediately shocked by the crowds outside.

Outside the hotel where they were staying, thousands of people were crowded like a tide, and hundreds of shuttle cars were suspended in the sky.

Judging from the various magic weapons they hold in their hands, as well as the powerful mobile Lingnet transmission base station on the shuttle car, they are all reporters from major news media.

"Crack, click, click!"

"Hello, we are reporters from "Tianhuan Shishi Net". Are you a member of the ‘Xinghai Republic’s Orthodox Government Delegation’? Can you express your opinion on this scandal?"

"We are from Frontier Military Observation. Will this matter affect the deep military cooperation between the Xinghai Republic and the Star Federation? Will the two sides really work together to fight the empire together?"

"We are on the "People" website. Do you know this beforehand? Does it mean that you absolutely support Ding Lingdang in the next elections, and you are not willing to see Jin Xinyue come to power?"

The reporters were like vultures hovering in mid-air, constantly looking for carrion. Li Yao, a genuine vulture, was discovered by them as soon as he opened the window.

Although there were two squadrons of the Secret Sword Bureau agents and the local police strictly guarding their lives, countless reporters rushed up crazily and desperately threw all kinds of floating PA magic weapons towards Li Yao.

At the same time, there were all kinds of problems that surprised Li Yao and didn't know how to fight it.

What a hell!

The delegation of the orthodox government of the Xinghai Republic visited the Xingyao Federation, not a sneaky matter, but an upright friendly visit.

Naturally, there are spokespersons in the delegation, and a press conference was held a few days ago to introduce the mission and purpose of this visit—naturally the kind on the table.

The reporters and ordinary people of the Star Federation knew that the delegation was coming, but they did not regard this visit as a crucial matter—at least, relative to the Federation’s raging election of the Supreme Speaker and the threat of the Black Wind Fleet. In other words, the popularity of the Firefly is not the first.

A few days ago, some reporters wanted to interview members of the delegation, but they had never been so crazy. A regular press conference every three days was enough to deal with them.

What on earth happened?

scandal? What a scandal!

As soon as Li Yao closed the window, blocking all the noise and noise behind him, the miniature crystal brain trembled quickly.

He received a "Linghe Biography" from Long Yangjun, with only three simple words:

"it has started."

Below is a series of websites, all of which are the largest news website, military and political discussion area of ​​the Star Federation, where billions of people are online at the same time every day.

Just click on a few websites, no matter which one is the same, they are all covered with the same news.

"The trembling scandal of the Dark Moon Foundation!"

"For a long time, the Dark Moon Foundation led by Jin Xinyue has always had an unclear relationship with the Di Linhui led by Lu Qingchen, playing the trick of'raising the bandits and respecting themselves', even secretly instigating Lu Qingchen, Launched the Immortal Cultivator's rebellion on the Firefly, attempting to kill people with a knife, and wipe out our allies, the parliament of the orthodox government of the Xinghai Republic, and then the Dark Moon Foundation will come out to clean up the mess, clear the last obstacle of the Xinghai Republic to join the Xingyao Federation, and become a golden heart The biggest political achievement in the month’s election for speaker!"

"Jin Xinyue betrayed our allies, betrayed the Federation, and betrayed the ideals of the cultivator. She is the second Lu Zui and does not deserve to be the leader of the Xingyao Federation!"

Li Yao's face was ashamed. After reading the press releases, he found that the source of all the news came from an anonymous confidential report.

The person who wrote this secret document called himself "Yueluo", and just last night, he stabbed the secret document to several large and influential and credible federal media at the same time.

The description in this confidential document is not much different from what Li Yao, Long Yangjun and others had guessed in advance.

The confidential document did not say that Lu Qingchen must be Jin Xinyue's subordinate, but produced some seemingly credible evidence to prove the inextricable relationship between "Emperor Linhui" and "Dark Moon Foundation" .

For the development of the "Second Federal Intelligence Agency" Darkyue Foundation, Jin Xinyue deliberately raised her own self-respect, and indulged the expansion and rampage of the Emperor's Council, so as to obtain more funds from the parliament and let her own Darkyue Foundation also Simultaneously expanding and upgrading, and in the process, established a deeper connection with Lu Qingchen.

In the past, without saying anything, let’s just say that this time, Jin Xinyue asked Lu Qingchen to instigate the immortals on the Firefly to launch a rebellion, hurting the immortals and the diehards in the exile government. Then, her troops came out again. Profit, control the overall situation of the Firefly.

If this plan is successful, not only the Firefly and the magical powers and artifacts from the center of Xinghai can be incorporated into the federal system naturally, and her Jin Xinyue's prestige and strength will also be greatly expanded, locking in the victory of the general election in advance!

The confidential document of "Moonfall" is not an unfounded speculation, but a lot of documents, materials and even videos are attached as evidence.

As a witness to the whole incident, Li Yao analyzed the evidence with extremely skepticism, and he did not see the slightest possibility of fraud.

The whole thing, nine out of ten, is what this secret document said, it was a bureau set by Jin Xinyue.

Of course, whether her relationship with the Emperor Linhui is to "raise bandit for self-respect" or deliberately release the bait to attract immortal cultivators in order to catch all the bait, it is a matter of opinion.

"In any case, Jin Xinyue's plan failed."

"Yueluo" said at the end of the secret message, "The orthodox government of Xinghai Republic has long seen through the rebellion conspiracy of the internal immortal cultivators. It just used the tricks, led the snake out of the hole, and swept it all! And they not only suppressed the internal rebellion cleanly, but also saw through it. Jin Xinyue's plot!

"As the minister of the Federal Ministry of Development, the chairman of the second federal intelligence agency Anyue Foundation, and a strong competitor to the next highest speaker of the confederation, Jin Xinyue actually treats our closest ally in order to ascend to the supreme throne of power. Doing this kind of thing has created an unbridgeable rift between us and our allies! How is this kind of trampling on the bottom line different from the secret sword director Lu Zui a hundred years ago?

"Now, this incident has caused serious dissatisfaction with the orthodox government of Xinghai Republic. If Jin Xinyue does come to power, the cooperation between the two parties is very likely to retreat or even completely fail!

"Jin Xinyue is a federal sinner through and through. Lu Zui is second. As a member of the'Dark Moon Foundation' who still has a conscience, as a citizen who truly loves the Star Federation, I have responsibilities and obligations. , We must spare everything, do not hesitate to live, and thoroughly expose her true colors!"

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