40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1685: What is Xiaoyueyue?

Li Yao held his breath and read the original text of "Moonfall" word by word.

The taste of gritted teeth and heartache between the lines is vivid on the paper.

The signature of "Yueluo" is very obvious. Jin Xinyue's name has the word "月", and the Dark Moon Foundation also has the word "月" in its name. "Yueluo", isn't it just trying to take down Jin at all costs? Xinyue?

Unexpectedly, I just talked to Long Yangjun about the "mountain rain and the wind full of the building" just last night, so soon the two sides would try to see each other, and he was almost caught off guard.

But I don't know who made this move?

Li Yao thought for a while, and entered the communication room next to the suite specially prepared for him.

There is a high-power super crystal brain in the communication room, passing through a private optical path, you can directly contact the speaker's office of the Firefly.

He is Cui Lingfeng's special envoy, and naturally has the right to report to Cui Lingfeng at any time.

When the light curtain is turned on, you can see the speaker's office on the Firefly, all in a hurry.

Cui Lingfeng's face was sinking, his brows furrowed, and he fell into deep thought.

"Have the speaker read the revelations of Moonfall?"

Li Yao doesn’t care if someone monitors this line. It doesn’t matter if he monitors the line. The most important thing now is to explain clearly, so as not to cause deeper misunderstandings, "We did it?"

"Of course not, how could we do such a stupid thing?"

Cui Lingfeng categorically rejected, "Even if we really suspect that Jin Xinyue is manipulating everything behind his back, once we have no conclusive evidence, it is impossible to rashly suspect a high-level friend of a friendly country, causing unpredictable turbulence; secondly, this is also a very Valuable bargaining chip, once Jin Xinyue really becomes the Federal Speaker, this bargaining chip can be tossed to her privately and exchanged with her for more practical benefits!

"The rules of the game are like this. I know you know, you know I know you know, but I pretend not to know you know, you also pretend not to know I'm pretending not to know you know, this is politics! We are not the same for internal penetration in the number. We have also sent a large number of intelligence personnel to penetrate into the Federation by all means? Friendly countries belong to friendly countries, integration belongs to integration, and penetration belongs to infiltration! We are all professionals here, absolutely, absolutely will not do it. Such an outrageous thing, poke the game that should be played under the table in front of the public!

"What's more, you have also seen the level of detail in this revelation. It involves a lot of internal details of the'Dark Moon Foundation'. These things are absolutely beyond our grasp!

"So, we definitely didn't do it, there is someone else in'Moonfall'!"

Li Yao nodded: "Understood, what is the position of our delegation now?"

"Four words, no comment."

Cui Lingfeng said, "Up to this moment, this revelation is still catching up, and there is no substantive evidence. At least in the face of the federal public, we don't need to show any attitude, so as not to add fuel to the fire.

"I have discussed with the head of the delegation, Xia, and asked him to conduct urgent consultations with the federal side to try to resolve the misunderstandings and misgivings of the two sides, so as not to let this matter affect our cooperation.

"In addition, I will speak directly with Speaker Wan of the Star Federation later. Your rhythm is estimated to be faster. I vaguely feel that this revelation will not be an isolated incident. If there is really any conspiracy, it will definitely explode soon. !

"Jin Xinyue is at the core of this conspiracy. She is now in the Federal Capital, Tianyuan Realm, and Tiandu City!

"You have to rush to Tiandu City as soon as possible. I will arrange for you to meet with Speaker Wan of the Federation. Remember, no matter how many differences we have in the past, we must put unity first and cooperation first! Everyone is a cultivator, brothers. , Brother fought against the wall and defended against his insults, Captain Lin, do you understand this?"

Li Yao knew that these words might not be for him, so he nodded neatly, "Understood!"

"If the federal side has any needs for finding this...'Moonfall'."

Cui Lingfeng said, "I order you to provide all assistance to the Federation, and try to cooperate with the Federation's work!"

Li Yao: "Yes!"

After finishing the conversation with Cui Lingfeng, the noise outside the window became louder and louder, and there was also noisy walking on the corridor inside the hotel.

Li Yao was not disturbed by these voices. Knowing that this matter was not stabbed by the Xinghai Republic’s government in exile, he was greatly relieved, “Brothers are frustrated by the wall and guard against their insults.” Cui Lingfeng thinks so, it’s really great. Up.

He turned around again, carefully browsing the major websites and forums, and his reactions to the incident.

Such a big news, the Internet has naturally exploded long ago, but perhaps because the content is too strong, it makes people feel like they don’t know how to evaluate it. Most of the neutral netizens are watching the follow-up, waiting for the federal government to come up with it. A clear conclusion, and a small number of Ding Lingdang's diehard supporters scolded Jin Xinyue's diehard supporters.

The former criticized Jin Xinyue as Lu Zui's second, a traitor to the Federation, and a beautiful snake who hides the evil intentions. In order to be the speaker of the speaker, he did such a thing. Not only was he not qualified to be the speaker, he should be sent to prison.

The latter condemned the former for framing and setting up Ding Lingdang on the throne of the Speaker of the House of Councillors, so that, regardless of the current enemy, he fabricated such a scandal and splashed dirty water on Jin Xinyue, which was suspected of tearing the federation.

Li Yao pinched his nose for a long time, then read the news of "Moonfall" again, and found that he was not particular about his words and sentences. Words such as "Federal Sinner" were too extreme and looked like they were not well-educated.

However, once it involves specific details, it is quite rigorous, and it is absolutely impossible to write without deep first-line work experience.

Is it really like what he said himself, he is a member of the Dark Moon Foundation, he is not in good faith, and he broke the news out of righteous anger?

Li Yao is not a primary school student, so he doesn't believe this kind of nonsense!

So, the most critical question now is, who is "moonset"? In addition, he inherited all the essence of his acting skills, even including... the good apprentice Jin Xinyue, who inherited from the dark side, where is he and what are he doing?

Li Yao rubbed his nose, suddenly grinned, and laughed silently.

You and Jin Tuyi, the two great acting masters, have only trained such a Jin Xinyue. After a hundred years of tempering, it is impossible to be so easy. He was overthrown by a small revelation, right?

"Xiao Yueyue, what tricks are you playing? I can't wait to appreciate it for my teacher!"


Tianyuanjie, Tiandu City.

The square on July 20.

Today is the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Celestial Ring War. As the first large-scale expedition since the founding of the new federation, it can be regarded as a battle for the rise of the New Federal Army, which is truly polished and formed. The Federal Government and people from all walks of life have always paid great attention to this day.

Every July 20th, grand parades and commemorative ceremonies are held in the capital and all major worlds. The leaders of the Federation will gather in front of the "Monument to Heroes of the Tianhuan War" in Tiandu City to lay wreaths to the sacrificed warriors. .

——Even the two speaker candidates who were running all over the world to give speeches and canvassing votes were no exception. Ding Lingdang and Jin Xinyue returned to the capital by coincidence and appeared in front of the monument.

This year's memorial ceremony, the atmosphere was particularly depressing and treacherous.

Jin Xinyue's body seemed to be filled with powerful magnetic units, dragging everyone's eyes away from the monument abruptly, and projecting them on her.

Naturally because of the shocking revelations.

However, Jin Xinyue acted calmly and calmly. The smile when facing the supporters was as perfect as the pain when facing the monument.

She is like being in the eye of a super storm, and all the doubts, suspicions and attacks from the outside world can't cause any interference.

As long as she sees her expression at the moment, even if people who believe in the "Moonfall Secrets" no matter how much they believe, I'm afraid they will have to think carefully about whether the online revelations are really catching up and framing, or splashing dirty water without any evidence.

"The wise does not buy rumours."

At the press conference after the memorial ceremony, when a reporter suddenly deviated from the theme of the commemoration and asked Jin Xinyue a very sharp question, Jin Xinyue’s delicate makeup and perfect expression did not change at all, just using plain expressions. Respond with six words like water.

This "perfection" was only slightly torn apart after the dinner that day was over, when the leaders of all parties met in private.

This is an extremely secret private club belonging to one of the top ten super giants among the 500 powerful sects of the New Federation.

Sitting in front of Jin Xinyue, the three spiritual flames undercurrents, powerful auras, hidden anger, and full-faced white-haired elders with a look of inquisition, are the top ten major sect leaders in the seven worlds of the Federation. .

They are "Federation Big Brothers" in the true sense. Their sects, two from the Celestial Realm and one from the Flying Star Realm, are both entrenched, veteran overlords, and wealthy members with a history of at least 500 years.

As the new federation has been established for a hundred years, the golden development period has rushed forward, and their respective sects have also risen and expanded, becoming a "big Mac" that spans the seven worlds and is almost impossible to defeat!

Especially as early as a hundred years ago, Jin Xinyue, for the survival of the monster race, in order to let the blood demon world get rid of the shadow of "the defeated world" as soon as possible, and become a normal world on an equal footing with the other six worlds, so that all the monster races can break free from the shackles. , Became a 100% Federation member as soon as possible. At that time, she found the sect of these bigwigs, and the two sides cooperated, or they were willing to be "squeezed" and "utilized" by these bigwigs!

With the almost endless human resources under Jin Xinyue's control, the sects of these tycoons have been better than others in fierce competition. They have risen steadily in the top 500 federal rankings over the past 100 years. Until today, they have almost All the other old sects were suppressed.

Even the "Li Yao Group", another newly emerging power that has emerged in the last century, still has their shadow behind it.

At least, Jin Xinyue, the general of the Li Yao Group, can be said to have taken the stage with one hand.

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