40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1693: Thick, strong and black thighs (fifth!)

One hundred years of sharpening the sword, one sword to seal the throat!

Han Baling's whole set of analysis is indeed interlocking, tightly connected, and impeccable!

No wonder, after holding his breath and patiently listening to him, many Nascent Souls and Old Monsters of Transforming God all exclaimed in surprise.

Phoenix Emperor Zhu Zongyou was the first to speak. The arrogant little emperor and Han Baling were rivals. He was already impatient after hearing him talk for a long time. Right now, he rushed to say: "Yes, I It’s the same analysis. Old Mo Li’s scheming is simply unfathomable. If it is placed in our ancient sacred world, it will definitely be the hero of the troubled world, the demon king of the mixed world, I am afraid, I am afraid that the so-called "three holy four evils" together are not him Opponent!"

"of course?"

Huntian King Qi Changsheng "hehe" sneered, "There is only a wrong name, no wrong nickname, Lao Qi used to be wondering how the dignified Three Realms Supreme, the great hero who once saved the Federation, would be called'Vulture'. The nickname of nondescript, until today, I suddenly realized that there is really nothing more suitable for this old monster than the word "vulture"! It is incredible how good this old monster is, and he can cultivate his scheming and strategy to such an extent. The state of horror!"

"In the ancient sacred world of a hundred years ago, fellow Wu Taoist and I have also seen many masters, strong men, and heroes who are leading the way and dominating one side. We can say without shame that we have all experienced ‘great winds and waves’.”

The transformation of the gods and ghosts Xiu Meng's heart, could not help sighing, "But Old Mo Li is such a terrible opponent, even the two of us are not seen in life! Although we were right when we arrived in the Dragon and Snake Star Territory. Old Mo Li has increased his vigilance, guessing that he is most likely to be the most difficult opponent in this battle, but today, no matter how much we overestimate, we still far underestimate this old monster!"

Even Jian Chi Yan Li, who has never been interested in such conspiracies, schemes and layouts, only thinking about wielding a sword and hacking, joined the discussion very rarely: "Hundred years of sharpening the sword, one sword to seal the throat! It is really kind! , A good strategy, a good city! As the saying goes, "The sword is the master", I heard that Old Mo Li was one of the top masters in the Federation a hundred years ago. If he has such a "hundred-year-old sword" mindset, he can completely integrate into his swordsmanship. What a terrible sword can be swung!

"Yes, it's not bad. One day I meet him. I must fight hard and thoroughly understand his "One Hundred Years One Sword". Even if he can die under such a sword, it is regarded as the highest dream of a sword repairman. !"

"Wait, wait, wait!"

The beggar Ba Xiaoyu was still a little ignorant, knocking on the table and asked, "Dear friends, the beggar still has one thing unknown--if Lao Mo Li is really so powerful and spends a hundred years planning everything secretly, why is it not now? Show up?"

"What do you show up for?"

The Iron Sage Qi Middle Road is the nominal leader of the realm of cultivation, and he has a clear view of the ways in it. "With the sweeping away of the old giants, the Li Yao Group has risen strongly and completely occupy the stage of the new federation, whatever you want. Elect the speaker and high-level speakers, either Li Yao’s wife, or Li Yao’s disciple, or close relatives and friends who have had a life relationship with Li Yao. No matter how many factions the internal group is divided into to fight, it will ultimately be the land of the outsiders! No matter who it is! As the Speaker of the Federation, Old Mo Li is a well-deserved Supreme Emperor!

"Huh, the four words ‘Federation Speaker’ are worthless, just like the signs of ‘Emperor’ and ‘Leader of Cultivation Realm’ are all worthless. The key is, who holds the real power?

"At least now, it seems that this plan has been successful. The real helm of the Federation in the next hundred years will be his vulture Li Yao, and there is no doubt that Old Mo Li!"

"and also--"

Bai Lian’s mother, Wan Mingzhu, screamed, “In many cases, the living is not convenient for the dead. Old Mo Li is far away from the Federation for a hundred years, but this mysterious state of non-life or death, coupled with the advocacy of the caring people under his hands. , And gradually deified him.

"The so-called'Three Realms Supreme, Li Yao Great God, Father of Civilization', and even the shameless title of'Federation National Father' are being promoted-if no one is fanning the flames in secret, is it possible? Even if someone deliberately hype, if he If he's still there, I'm ashamed to be so bragging, do you brag about the conch? He dares to blow so, and others will be wary of him!

"Oh, this old demon's tricks are really... think of my Bailian Cult, who has been struggling for decades in the southeast of Dagan, and may not be able to attract millions of believers, and this old demon only played a hand in order to retreat. In, the trick of Wandering Xinghai has turned himself into a'god', and there are more than tens of billions of people who believe in him!

"Without a word, you can be romantic, bewitching people's minds between invisible and invisible, high, really high!"

It was Long Yangjun's turn to speak.

Long Yangjun smiled slightly and said, "In fact, you have overlooked one thing. Old Mo Li's layout is so delicate, and the general trend of his'Li Yao Group' has been achieved. He wants to come out at any time.

"I have carefully studied the biography of this old demon, and found that he likes to play the trick of'critical moments, gorgeous debut', using the strategy of'turning the tide and turning the tide' to deceive people's hearts.

"Imagine if this old demon really wants to come out of the mountain, then wait for the fierce battle between the Federation and the empire to come back to the'gorgeous return', how gorgeous it is, how shocking, how can it deceive people! Hehehehehehehe... "

Han Baling: "Why is the prince laughing?"

Long Yangjun: "I'm sorry, when I think that this old demon is so insidious and cunning, it's no plan, Wang Mou is helpless, so he has to smile helplessly!"

Han Baling: "The king's words are reasonable. If this old demon really plays the routine of'Gorgeous Return', that prestige, that popularity, that feat, don't talk about the Federation Speaker, I am afraid that the Xingyao Federation will immediately be transformed into a monarchy. He is more than enough to be the founding emperor. He is a slightly smaller but more vicious black star emperor!"

Long Yangjun smiled bitterly "hehehehe", and stabbed Li Yao with his elbow again: "Friends of the Lingjiu Daoist, we never thought that the old demon Li Yao would be so terrifying, how about you, how do you feel now?"


Li Yao couldn't bear it. He spread his five fingers and slapped the table heavily. All five fingers were deeply embedded in the metal tabletop, and even spread to the side, all of which set off a circle of palm-shaped metal ripples.

With a **** bloodline, red face and ears, he suddenly got up and glared at everyone.

"Friends of Taoism! Everyone!

"Yes, if this Old Demon Li's strategy is true, it is indeed quite terrifying, quite treacherous, and quite vicious!

"However, those of us who have been in the ancient sacred world for hundreds of years, and who have been trained in the blood of the corpse mountain, are also not easy to match!

"What about your courage, what about your courage, what about your heart!

"Hmph, seeing that you were so scared by a half-truth and half-fake strategy, and you continued to say ‘horrible’, like an egg! It’s so aspirational to destroy your own power and prestige, which disappoints the master!

"You are all afraid of this old Demon Li like a snake and scorpion, but my Master Lingjiu is not afraid of him! If your fighting spirit is weak and your fighting spirit is depressed, although you are free, the master will find him and fight him. Fight, see if he has three heads and six arms, hands and eyes open to the sky!

"Not to mention, not to mention, not to mention asking me to say that even if he is really so powerful, it may not be a bad thing!"

Li Yao turned around, knocking on the table, and said, "Everyone should be clear about which side of the wall we want to go to. Of course, it depends on which side is better for us, but the more important thing is not to look at it. Which side is stronger? Whoever is stronger, let us take refuge, otherwise, even if the conditions for us are higher, once it is destroyed, it will not be fulfilled, and it will also cause the death of the ancient sacred world together, then there is a ghost!

"The current general trend is naturally that the empire is strong and the federation is weak, but it is specific to the Xinghai Beach and the current battle. If the Federation has such a scheming, insidious, cunning, and inexhaustible peerless man, wouldn’t it be right? Is the odds better?

"Everyone comes out to cultivate, the most important thing is to talk to the boss. After listening to Daoyou Han for a long time, I think this old man is not bad-not this kind of person, do you still hope that the helm of the Star Federation is a soft-hearted, forward-looking man, The guy who is afraid of the head and tail, eats fast and recites Buddha?"

A word to wake up the person in the dream, many Nascent Souls and Transforming Gods looked at each other after a slight daze, and they all felt a sense of realization.

"That's true, Fellow Daoist Lingjiu makes sense!"

"Let's come out, say something ugly, and use this slang... originally to hug the thigh!"

"Listen to the analysis of Daoist Han and Daoist Lingjiu just now, wow, Old Mo Li's thigh is really thick, strong and black, and it's worth a hug!"

"Yes, with this old demon sitting on the ground, the battle for the rise of the new federation should be stabilized!"

"Wait, but, this old demon's appetite is so big, will it completely swallow us even the belt bones without leaving any benefit? I always feel that bargaining with the terrifying old demon is completely Seek skin with tigers!"

Li Yao sat down angrily, condensed the psychic energy of his big toe, and stomped Long Yangjun's foot severely.

"Cough cough, cough cough cough cough cough."

Long Yangjun stood up again, even after a while, before smiling bitterly, "On this point, I am going to be fair to Old Mo Li.

"From the analysis of fellow daoists just now, this old demon is a peerless man who is ambitious, hard to fill, and has a huge appetite. You think that after winning the battle of the rise of the federation, his ambition will only be limited to So, if you are willing to be a small landlord in the Star Beach, will you die?

"No, it's absolutely impossible. He will definitely enter the center of the star sea, fight the empire and the Holy League, and eventually become...the Lord of the universe! Everyone, right?"


Numerous Nascent Souls and Huashen nodded one after another, "Instead of us, with the power and strategy like Old Mo Li, I would never be reconciled to be trapped in the seaside of the stars, and be a small land tyrant in a corner."

"If this is the case, then his ultimate goal is the rich world in the center of Xinghai, how can he rush into our ancient sacred world because of a small loss?

Long Yangjun smiled and said, "Right now, his foundation has just begun, but even if he wins this battle, the road to the future conquest is still very long. If we help him at a critical moment, even if it is just for the sake of the'grand gold market'. , Invite to buy people's hearts', he will return us tenfold in the ancient sacred world.

"Otherwise, who would dare to take refuge in him in the future, who would dare to help him, and who would help him realize his great ambitions? He definitely wouldn't kill chickens and get eggs, and he would be totally self-defeating.

"So, in this slang term...you don't believe in Old Mo Li's character, you should also believe in his brain!"


Sprint at the end of the month, the five shifts are sent, and the goal of 300,000 words this month has been achieved!

Tomorrow, December 1st, comrades who have recommended monthly tickets, don’t forget, let’s re-ignite the war and enter a truly exciting battle! Let’s laugh and watch the terrifying Old Mo Li show his power!

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