40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1694: I would rather fight the empire than provoke Old Mo Li!

Long Yangjun's words, more or less let these Yuan Ying and Hua Shen who came from the ancient sacred world and were unfamiliar with the place of life, and are now deeply trapped in the home court of Old Demon Li, a sigh of relief.

Han Baling groaned: "The king's words are reasonable. If this old demon really swallows the stars and sweeps the heart of the universe, then we are of great value to him, even if we are not his opponents alone, the twelve souls and the gods. All in all, it is always possible to play a game with the'Li Yao Group' and get a good price.

"Moreover, judging from the current federal structure, it appears that the four new territories are more dominant. If we join the federation, even the fifth new world will be able to completely suppress the counterattack forces of the core world and make the federation situation. more stable!

"In fact, whether the new world or the core world has the upper hand, as long as the dust settles and the outcome is clear, it does not matter. The most feared is that the two sides are evenly matched, stalemate, and endless contradictions!

"With the sharp eyes of Old Demon Li, you can definitely see this, so to recruit us with all your strength will only benefit him and the Federation, but there is no harm.

"Then the only question now is - where exactly is Old Mo Li? How can we see his deity and express the meaning of this cast effect, instead of making any misunderstandings?

"After all, we still have a daughter of the commander of the Black Wind Fleet by our side. If Old Mo Li discovers me, and treats us as horse hunting, scouts, and spies sent by the Imperial Expeditionary Force, that would be bad."

"Friend Daoist Han, don't you say--"

Long Yangjun sighed with worry on his face, and said quietly, "With the insidious cunning and amazing calculations of Old Demon Li, we may have been discovered a long time ago, and even at this moment, through some secret method, he is dying to death. Staring at our every move is unknown!"

This sentence shocked all Nascent Souls and Huashen.

As everyone looked at each other, they couldn't help but cast their gazes around the small and cold cabin, as if in a dark corner, Old Mo Li was really quietly squatting and spying on them.

Li Yao squinted his eyes, and his teeth fought a little: "No, it won't happen, the prince should not be alarmist! If you say that, then Old Mo Li is too supernatural and invincible!"

"I also hope I am alarmist."

Long Yangjun shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I don’t know why, I’ve always been a little frightened these past two days, it’s like being stared at from behind by an invisible eye. Alas, I was said by Daoyou Han again today, everyone. With such an analysis, if I choose one of the terrifying existences like the'Black Wind Fleet' and the'Old Demon Li' to be the enemy, I definitely don't want to choose Old Demon Li!

"Everyone, think about it carefully. If we help the Federation deal with the Black Wind Fleet, even if the Federation loses the battle, then at the last second, we will set things right again, if we make a single blow, maybe the Black Wind Fleet will still have a trace. Silk may forgive us, and for the sake of the ignorance of the "Gu Xiu", leaving us a small life.

"But if we are helping the Black Wind Fleet fight the Federation, even if we can really conquer the Federation, will we be able to kill Old Mo Li?

"Old Demon Li is not dead, will he let us go, will he let go of the ancient sacred world?

"If he tolerates for a hundred years, and uses this trick of'sharpening the sword for a hundred years, sealing the throat with one sword' on our ancient sacred world, and on us people, who can stand it? At that time, he won't know how to die!

"Anyway, no matter what you think, I would rather fight the ten Black Wind fleets than provoke Old Mo Li!"

Long Yangjun's words made the rest of the ancient sages silent.

Indeed, at the beginning, they only considered the question of who wins the Black Wind Fleet and the Star Federation, but did not consider whether they would definitely be able to kill Old Mo Li.

It now appears that even if the Black Wind Fleet can really destroy the Federation, it may not be, or it is absolutely impossible to kill Li Yao, the Vulture.

The reason is very simple. Until this moment, Old Mo Li has been dormant in the dark and has not shown up!

This old demon is like a sharp sword that is invisible in the dark. The blade is covered with venom that can seal the throat, and it can be cut down silently at any time!

With Old Demon Li's ruthlessness and calculation, if he can't kill the real human empire, can he still kill their ancient sacred world?

"Even if we helped the Black Wind Fleet conquer the Star Federation, and helped the Ancient Sacred Realm and ourselves to win huge profits, but we... have the life to enjoy it again?"

Many ancient sages looked at each other and fought a cold war in their hearts.

As if to match the tense atmosphere at the moment, the transport ship trembled slightly and entered a state of deceleration.

The Hundred Flower Star Territory has arrived, and in front of it is the largest Xinghai Jump Transit Station in the Seven Realms of the Federation, and the transportation hub "Hundred Flower City" in the center of the Seven Realms.


Han Baling let out a long sigh of relief, knocked on the table, and solemnly said, "Before you are Baihua City, we will take a rest here, and after we have supplied materials and fuel, we will jump to the heart of the Federation, Tianyuan Realm.

"Perhaps, Old Mo Li is waiting for the Black Wind Fleet and...us in the Tianyuan Realm at the moment.

"Up to now, we can only take one step and look at it one step at a time. I hope that our conjecture of Old Mo Li is correct, and before he sends a thunderous blow, we can show our sincerity in the ancient sage world!

"Dear friends, now you know how terrible Old Mo Li is, and the overall context of the current situation is becoming more and more clear-under the instruction of Old Mo Li, Jin Xinyue’s plan really only ends here, just for Destroying those old giants, or do they have interlocking and uninterrupted backhands?

"I have a faint hunch that the most critical moment is coming. You should go back to rest early, recharge your energy, and wait for Old Mo Li to appear on the stage in the most incredible way!"

"The fellow daoists must not fight with Wang."

Long Yangjun said, "I must be the first to rush up and cling to this old demon's thighs tightly!"


The secret meeting of the ancient sage twelve powerhouses ended in a mysterious and solemn atmosphere.

All the strong are very worried and return to their cabins thoughtfully. As for whether they are still in the mood to rest, it is not known.

When Long Yangjun sneaked into Li Yao's cabin, Li Yao was making noodles. The small cabin was full of rich flavor of instant noodles and marinated eggs.

Long Yangjun gently locked the door, standing by the door, across the table, with a flattering smile, like a little **** serving the emperor with all his heart, smiling and looking at Li Yao.

Li Yao: "What are you doing here?"

Long Yangjun: "It's still a question. Didn't you just say everything? I'm here to hold the thigh of'Old Demon Li'."

Li Yao: "Since you want to hug, the old devil's thigh is here, why are you standing by the door trembling?"

"Of course it's because you are so terrible, so terrifying, so cruel, so cruel. I was so scared that I was so scared that I was so frightened, my soul lost my soul, and my legs were weak.

Long Yangjun exclaimed. He looked at Li Yao from head to toe, up and down for a long time, as if he had met him on the first day. It is clearer than them. What they said just now is only the tip of the iceberg. The real you is definitely ten times more terrifying!

"Think about it, in those days in the ancient sacred world, you were always'stunned','extremely shocked','speechless' at every turn, as if you were really struck by a mess of the situation. Measures, we were led by the so-called strong men.

"Actually, this is actually your acting skills, right? In fact, everything is in your calculations. This is the highest state of the legendary'pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger'. You don't need to act at all, just talk and laugh, dumbfounded, and extremely shocked. , Just arrange the whole game and turn everyone into your pawns and puppets!

"Horrible, terrible! Facing the terrifying Old Demon Li, I still want to play with you, and I want to bargain with you and negotiate terms? Even if I was reborn as a Nuwa warrior, this is also seeking my own death. !"

Li Yao listened carefully and nodded slightly. When Long Yangjun was talking, he had already made a second bowl of instant noodles with his hands and feet, and pushed it towards the table with his psychic energy: "Are you hungry, make a bowl of noodles for you? ."

Looking at the steaming instant noodles, Long Yangjun froze completely if the words were half-truths, expressions that could not be described with pen and ink appeared on his face, and he muttered for a long time: "Old Mo Li, what are you... What is the conspiracy of the people?"

"No conspiracy."

Li Yao snapped his fingers and opened the locker behind him, "Look, there are dozens of bowls of instant noodles, all of which I found in Tianhuanjie. They have all kinds of flavors, as well as braised eggs and ham. Yeah!"

Long Yangjun: "...so?"

Li Yao: "So, after the meeting just ended, I have been thinking about it. If I have made twelve bowls of instant noodles now, I will lay an egg in each bowl, add the root intestines, and then hold it in my hands and give it to each fellow Taoist I sent it over. When they were eating happily and moved by my fellowship, I confessed my identity and told them-in fact, the person who gave them instant noodles was the legendary Three Realms Supreme and Federation Supreme Emperor Li Laomo. , But I have absolutely no malice. I sincerely want to cooperate with fellow daoists. This bowl of instant noodles can represent my friendliness and sincerity.

"You try it, you first **** craft, and then think about it carefully, is my plan good?"

Long Yangjun looked at Li Yao silently, and then at the instant noodles.

Li Yao also looked at Long Yangjun calmly.

Long Yangjun: "Are you serious?"

Li Yao: "What do you think, I seem to be joking with you, the method is simple and rude, but I can't think of any major disadvantages."

Long Yangjun tilted his head and thought for a while, and really took two steps forward, sat opposite Li Yao, took a bite into his mouth, chewed twice, and said vaguely: "Too exciting, isn't it?"

I don't know if I'm talking about spicy beef noodles, it's Li Yao's plan.

"Quick knife cuts the mess, the tough guy administers fierce medicine."

Li Yao said, "Moreover, I'm really not good at lying. The closer I get to the Tianyuan Realm, the more complicated the situation will be. I don't know what moths will come out later, and I will be uncomfortable at any time."

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