40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1698: Rejection

Long Yangjun was holding the bowl of noodles that Li Yao had just soaked for her, with half a marinated egg in his mouth, staring at Li Yao for a long time, suddenly laughed, his shoulders shrugged, and he couldn't catch his breath. , Even the tears flowed to the corner of the mouth.

"It turns out that you have seen everything through, really, it made me worry for a long time in vain."

She glanced at Li Yao complainingly, "I was still worried at first, whether you are going to play some kind of mentor and apprentice drama, and the Federation will fall apart and be defeated under the invasion of the Imperial Expeditionary Army!

"Unexpectedly, everything is in your calculations. It seems that I and Han Baling and others are like fools. Old Mo Li is Old Mo Li. This somewhat joke nickname is not wrong at all!

"Maybe I was joking a while ago, but now, I'm thinking about it very seriously, holding your thigh all the way!"

Li Yao chuckled, snoring and swallowing a large bowl of swollen noodles into his abdomen. He picked up the noodle bowl and poured a big mouthful of noodle soup. Finally, he slapped his belly with a painful burp. Let out a long, contented sigh.

His face was flushed and radiant, and every pore was opened, releasing an extremely powerful aura to the outside world. The aura of "Old Demon Li" was undoubtedly evident.

"This, it's not that I deliberately tried to pretend."

Li Yao honestly explained, "I didn't calculate everything until last night too-putting these data and graphs in front of my eyes, naturally it is easy to speculate the conclusions, but I didn't have anything at the beginning, and I didn't want to arouse doubt , I can’t find others to directly retrieve the information, I can only dig out the information bit by bit by myself, or even find the news clips from decades ago, and slowly piece together everything.

"This work has taken up all of my time for more than half a month.

"Fortunately, the final result is not bad. Although there is no direct evidence, for me, these data are enough to prove that the'Emperor Linhui' is not a true evil organization, and it is also so smart as Jin Xinyue. People, even if I don’t believe in her character, at least I should absolutely believe in her wisdom. If she wants to control the Federation for a long time, how can she do such a frenzied thing and really turn herself into'Lv Zui No. 2' , Give people a handle?

"Since he has not crossed the final bottom line, has made such a great contribution and sacrifice for the'Li Yao Group', and is so loyal to me, then I, as a master, should be more generous and treat the whole'Li Yao The group's will be handed over to her to be at the helm, so why not?

"As the saying goes,'I have something to do with my disciples.' You all call me'Old Demon Li'. With my current status and status, if I have to personally take care of the mess in the group, it won't be too cheap. Already? Accepting apprentices is used to do this kind of thing!"

Looking at Li Yao's calm and humorous appearance, Long Yangjun really laughed bitterly and shook his head: "I really can't see you. Sometimes people feel like you are in the majestic statue of'Three Realms Supreme, Vulture Li Yao'. Inside is a fool, but sometimes I feel that this fool is ten times more terrifying than what Han Baling described-the real "Vulture Li Yao", what kind of person is he and what does he want to do? "

After a pause, before Li Yao could answer, she spread her hands and said with a smile, "Ha, but forget it, this result is finally a happy one. It seems that Jin Xinyue has the upper hand this time, we ancient sages Visitors from the world, can you sit down and watch a play easily?"

A strange light flashed in Li Yao's eyes, and he shook his head and said, "That's not true."

Long Yangjun was startled slightly: "How to say?"

"So far, everything has gone too smoothly."

Li Yao said seriously, "However, where I am, it shouldn't go so smoothly."

Long Yangjun "pouched" and laughed: "You are starting again, what kind of bizarre theory is this, or do you really believe in the existence of'destiny' and'luck"?"

"It is not destiny, nor luck, but some kind of real law."

Li Yao frowned slightly, his eyes were deep and far away, his thoughts seemed to have drifted back to a long, long, long, long time ago, his voice was like a whisper from a strange dream, "I don't know how to explain it to you, even myself I didn't fully understand it, but you might as well consider me... someone who would be rejected by the whole world, like a thorn or a foreign body deeply pierced into the flesh and blood.

"If a thorn is inserted in the flesh and blood, the body will have an instinctive reaction. If you want to squeeze it out, maybe it is because I have made too many star-sea jumps. The body and the soul are in three-dimensional to four-dimensional, four-dimensional to three-dimensional. Subtle mutations have occurred in the tearing, crushing, cohesion, and reorganization. The world also treats me as some kind of foreign body, giving birth to a'rejection reaction', which will never let me sit back and enjoy it in comfort."

Long Yangjun laughed dumbfounded: "There are many people who have repeatedly jumped into the stars. I have never heard of any weird mutations, but you are so eloquent. In addition to the so-called "rejection", I must have discovered more. More stuff?"


Li Yao nodded, "Since Jin Xinyue is planning for a hundred years, all her plans are of course not only those we see in front of us-because these plans now at most help the Li Yao Group to rise strongly and enable her to take charge of the Li Yao Group one day. And the dual power of the Star Federation.

"But the more critical issue is the imminent invasion of the Imperial Expeditionary Force!

"If the Black Wind Fleet cannot be completely defeated and the Star Federation's'regional hegemony' established in one fell swoop, no matter how brilliant and detailed the previous plan, it will be a joke!

"Therefore, the changes in the past half a month and more are nothing but appetizers, and everything that will happen in the next half month or even less is Jin Xinyue's most critical core plan!"

Li Yao did not conceal his attitude. Long Yang Jun, observing his words and expressions, instantly understood: "And you are not optimistic about your apprentice's'core plan' for dealing with the Black Wind Fleet?"

Li Yao sighed and said: "Yes, I think her plan is not perfect. On the one hand, she is too greedy, so she wants to pass a plan to bring the Li Yao Group, the old giants, the Star Federation and even the Black Wind Fleet... Many forces are all counted, and they all eat it in one bite!

"Such a difficult serial layout, if you are not careful, you will lose all the games if you make a mistake. Even her father Jin Tuyi a hundred years ago may not be able to do it. What she said is a little reluctant and hastily!"

Long Yangjun smiled and said, "Perhaps, this is the difference between young and vigorous and old cunning."

Li Yao nodded: "More importantly, you didn't make a mistake just now. Using ordinary mine accidents, disguised as terrorist attacks, created a fake evil organization like the'Emperor Linhui'. Although this has kept the bottom line, But it may indeed become her biggest flaw."

Long Yangjun said: "Are you worried... be seen through by the Black Wind Fleet?"

"Who knows?"

Li Yao said, "Generally speaking, the Black Wind Fleet immortal cultivators who are not particularly familiar with the Star Federation are unlikely to think in this direction, but as long as someone touches them a little bit, the whole thing is explained thoroughly. It is not too difficult for the Wind Fleet to calculate the same curve."

Long Yangjun blinked: "It seems that you already have someone who is suspicious?"

"No, the information I can collect is still too little, it is impossible to frame others out of thin air."

Li Yao paused, and continued, "However, for some of Jin Xinyue's subordinates, I do feel a little uneasy and a little frightened."

Long Yangjun said: "Who?"

Li Yao said: "Lu Qingchen."

Long Yangjun was startled slightly: "According to what you just speculated, Lu Qingchen is not really the most wanted criminal in the Federation. He didn't plan any terrorist attack, but Jin Xinyue deliberately let it out and infiltrated the immortal cultivator. With such a'magnet' that firmly attracted all the cultivators, then he must be loyal to the Federation - otherwise, with Jin Xinyue's vision and methods, such a person would not be used."

Li Yao said: "But his'Xiuxian Avenue 2.0' feels very bad to me, it is too creepy. Even if it is fake, it is deliberately fabricated. I always feel that I can fabricate such a specious and theoretical guy. No Too much like a fake cultivator."

Long Yangjun snorted softly: "Even if he is really a cultivator of immortality, what about the cultivator of immortality does not necessarily have to be loyal to the real human empire. Isn't your federation paying attention to'freedom of thought'? Before the rise of the'Emperor Linhui', All kinds of theories about Xiuxian Avenue can be published publicly. Lu Qingchen can fully believe in'Xiuxian Avenue 2.0 Version' and is a loyal patriot who is absolutely loyal to the Xingyao Federation. This is not a contradiction.

"And his characteristics have been discovered by Jin Xinyue's Hui Jingzhu. It is really appropriate for such a ‘federation-loving immortal cultivator’ to play the role of the ‘Emperor’s Council Leader’!"

Li Yao solemnly nodded: "Yes, I think so too. Today's Federation emphasizes'freedom of thought'. It is not against the law to believe in Xiuxian Avenue. Since Jin Xinyue dared to let Lu Qingchen let go, he played such a crucial point. The dangerous role means that he must have passed many tests, and he is the most steadfast patriot, and he will never surrender to the real human empire."

At this moment, Long Yangjun was really stunned, thinking hard for a long time without going around this curve: "Since you also think that Lu Qingchen is a staunch patriot, you will never betray the Federation and surrender to the Empire—— What are you worried about then?"

Li Yao smiled bitterly: "If Lu Qingchen is really a firm cultivator who firmly believes in'Xiuxian Avenue 2.0 Version', and at the same time is a firm and deep patriot, he loves the Xingyao Federation very much, and is willing to bear the burden of humiliation for the Federation. The most wanted criminal's crime for decades...

"Then, how could he just watch his motherland and go further and further on the wrong road of'Cultivation Road'?

"He will never betray the Federation and surrender the empire. It does not mean that he will not use his own methods, his own ideas, and the path he believes is absolutely correct to transform the Federation at the most critical moment!"


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