40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1699: Jin Xinyue's approach

Tianyuanjie, one hundred and fifty kilometers southeast of Tiancheng City, is a small and exquisite satellite city with a quiet environment. It is the main demon colony in the economic circle around the capital.

In the center of the small city stands two tall skyscrapers, one is the "Blood Demon Association" and the other is the "Blood Demon Realm Group Office Complex in Tianyuanjie".

Between the two skyscrapers, there is a small square. At the end of the square, there stands a high wall made of obsidian reliefs. The walls are engraved with scenes of countless demon miners splashing blood and sweat in the depths of the mine to gather resources.

Regardless of the grievances and grievances thousands of years ago, right or wrong, which one is right or wrong.

For at least the past hundred years, for the rise of the new federation, countless monster races have shed sweat, tears and even blood on the various resource planets of the Seven Great Worlds, and their flesh and bones have been deeply buried in the depths of the new federation. , And the four words "Xingyao Federation" are integrated, giving this purely human kingdom in the traditional sense, a whole new meaning.

This statue commemorates all the demon miners who died in mining accidents on the road to the rise of the new federation in one hundred years.

There is also a small memorial next to it, where you can check the names and deeds of all the victims.

There are often demon descendants scattered throughout the Seven Realms, and even those federal people who have taken the "Chaos Potion" and mixed with the human race for several generations, but can't see the least characteristics of the demon race, come here after a long distance. Present flowers to remember the ancestors and the past.

Across the two skyscrapers and the small miner memorial square, in the north of the small city, in the beautiful countryside, there is a country house with ordinary appearance.

In the vicissitudes of the federation over the past few decades, this unsurprising villa is one of the whirlpool centers in a sense, or in other words-the whirlpool center.

The upper level of the capital assembly, the strong in the circle of cultivators, all referred to this villa as the "Moon Palace."

This is Jin Xinyue's private residence.

The "Federal Development Department" is a government agency and is not owned by Golden Heart. As the second federal intelligence agency, the "Dark Moon Foundation" is secretive and independent, but still has a strong official color and cannot be completely regarded as Golden Heart. Private soldier of the month.

Both the "Minister of Development" and the "Chairman of the Dark Moon Foundation" are the positions and powers given to her by the state, and the state can withdraw it at any time.

The title of "Nine Heavens Profound Girl" is different.

Jin Xinyue's responsibilities, obligations and powers to the Monster Race were not granted to her by the Federation, but were obtained by her father's prestige and her own means. Therefore, the Federation could not strip off all this level of power.

"Moon Palace" is not only Jin Xinyue's private residence, but also her home in the capital.

It is also the command center for her to remotely control the blood demon world and demon clan affairs. It is her true lair and source of power.

However, today, after the storm has swept through for more than half a month, this lair is precarious.

This can be seen from the number of shuttle cars that rise and fall in the private parking lot near the "Moon Palace".

In the past few decades, the private parking lot near the Moon Palace has always been busy and lively, and countless luxury shuttle cars from all over the Seven Realms arrive here every day.

Not only there were visitors from the monster race, but also countless well-known factions of the Federation, and those convoys of the wealthy families that had swayed the Federation for hundreds of years, also made no secret of their identity, and landed on the "Moon Palace" in a big way.

Even in the early days of the scandal, the number of luxury shuttles has not decreased, but has increased slightly.

At that time, no one believed that Jin Xinyue, supported by most of the giants in the core world, such a "giant", would be crushed by a small scandal.

However, as the situation took a turn for the worse, especially the "Sister Moonfall" was exposed and closely protected by the Secret Sword Bureau. In just a few days, the situation suddenly changed, and the fall of Jin Xinyue and the reorganization of the Dark Moon Foundation seemed to have become predictable. In fact, this parking lot immediately became empty, deserted and deserted.

Jin Xinyue, who has been entangled by countless scandals, seems to have really become an untimely bomb that will explode at any time. Everyone can't avoid it. No big person is still willing to have a relationship with her, for fear of being dragged down by her. It was fried to pieces.

——Only the pervasive and bold reporters, like a smelt-smelling dung man, rushed in continuously, sneaking in every corner of the satellite city, and the supporters of Jin Xinyue, the five big three rough, fierce and evil bodyguards of the monster race , Played a cat and mouse game.

They naturally wanted to capture the precious picture of "Jin Xinyue's Arrest".

As a senior member of the parliament, minister of the Ministry of Development, especially one of the two candidates for the highest speaker election, Jin Xinyue is naturally protected by the high standards of federal law and cannot be caught casually.

Until three weeks after the scandal was exposed, she still had basic freedom and was able to travel between the Ministry of Development Building and the Moon Palace as usual, and continued to maintain the operation of the two institutions.

However, she did not leave the Tianyuan realm anymore and went to other worlds to give lectures and canvassing votes-perhaps because of the restriction of travel by the independent prosecution team, or more likely that she herself expected that the general situation was over, no matter how hard she struggled, it would be meaningless.

In the face of **** scandals and case pressures, no matter how high her position is, no matter how special her status is, it will not help her. Several demonstrations have been launched against her in all parts of the seven realms, demanding that the federal government immediately remove her for investigation. Even go to prison directly.

The well-informed people and the old reporters who specialize in interviewing the parliament all analyzed that even if the most optimistic estimate, Jin Xinyue will voluntarily resign from all positions within a week at most to cooperate with the independent inspection team's investigation.

In a word, Jin Xinyue's general trend is over, and it's completely finished!

On the surface, it is true.

However, in the depths of the complex underground structure of the Moon Palace, there is a secret meeting going on.

The participants did not enter the Moon Palace in a luxury shuttle, but were directly transferred to the core secret room under the Moon Palace through a secret teleportation array, and were not discovered by any reporters, secret sword agents, or independent inspection team staff.

This secret transmission system was embedded in the Moon Palace at the beginning of its construction. It has not been used passively once in decades. The federal government will never be able to grasp its transmission frequency and psionic fluctuation characteristics, at least for its first time. Within a few days of activation, no one will realize its existence.

Through the Secret Teleportation Array, the three leaders who penetrated into the core of the Moon Palace were still the three leaders who had met Jin Xinyue last time. The three were hidden behind the Federal Assembly, the real bosses.

This time, they represent not only their three sects, but also all the old giants who have been affected by the scandal, have been hit hard, and are about to falter!

Therefore, even with these three big bosses, the Yuan Ying level city government and Xin Xing, they can't help being impetuous, looking anxious, and angry!

"Jin Xinyue, what exactly did you do? How did you vowed to us more than half a month ago that everything will be settled!

"We believed what you said and provided you with so many manpower and resources, but in the end you messed up and made a mess!

"Now so many of our sects are involved, all of them are rich and powerful with a history of hundreds or even thousands of years, but because of your recklessness and recklessness, you have all been pushed to the edge of the cliff and are in jeopardy!

"The Independent Prosecution Team, the Secret Sword Bureau, and the other dozen or so departments have established a joint special operations team. Many of our high-level officials have been taken away. It is still unknown what they will expose!

"Even a few of us, living together almost a thousand years old, are all old men in the Yuan Ying realm. Two days later, we must go to the specified place for investigation at the specified time! What a shame, what a shame!"

The heads of Pang, Zhao and Tong, the three old giants, are like three violent volcanoes, venting their anger, resentment and fear.

Jin Xinyue is still the most exquisite and perfect black suit. She seems to be sitting opposite them very calmly, without saying a word, bowing her head to admit her mistake.

However, the nervous twitches at the corners of her mouth, the slightly scattered eyebrows, and the tiny tears on the black stockings all showed her inner fear and hideousness.

At first glance, in the face of heavy pressure and irreversible fiasco, even Jin Xinyue's Dao Heart was completely out of control.

"Now what's the use of saying this?"

She took a deep breath, her white and tender little hands trembling, and she lit a thin and long lady's cigarette for herself, but did not smoke. She just stared at the flickering **** of the cigarette, and said faintly, "Three Palms The door rushed into the crown, the soul broke out, and yelled at me, cursing me alive, can you save your sect and family?"


The three big bosses are all people with faces and faces. They have not heard such saying that "dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water" for hundreds of years. They are all so angry that their meridians are trembling, and they are really agitated. "If so, you cry and beg us to come over. Discuss what the big plan will do, until now, people are the sword, I am the fish, and what other'big plan' can be reversed and come to life from desperation!"

Jin Xinyue laughed miserably.

The expression on her face may be the saddest, most tangled, but most sulky smile that the three big men have seen in their thousands of years of life.

"Just kill me."

Jin Xinyue took a deep cigarette and slowly spit out a cloud of unpredictable mist at the three big bosses, "It's over a hundred."

The three big guys were stunned at the same time. After a while, they became more and more angry: "What did you say? Are you crazy! You messed up things completely, caused such a big mess, and we were all dragged into the water by you, no I know how many people are going to be killed, and now I want to pat my **** to death?

"Kill you? If you can solve the problem by killing you, we will cut you a thousand dollars now! But is your life so valuable? Is it qualified to bring so many of our wealthy family members to your funeral?

"You, you, you! How come we haven't noticed that you are such a lunatic!"

Jin Xinyue silently smoked the lady's cigarette, but this time swallowed all the mist in her stomach. After patiently listening to the three big bosses, she suddenly looked up, her eyes bursting with crazy light, and said with a smile: "Or, I Kill you first, and promise to send you away easily, refreshingly and happily. If you are over a hundred, then you don’t have to live so painfully, and you will see that your ancestors’ inherited hundreds of years of inheritance are ruined in your hands. !"

The three big brothers were stunned at the same time, and at the same time they sensed Jin Xinyue's undisguised astonishing murderousness, and finally recalled the result of the last time she met with Jin Xinyue alone.

Oh, oh, this woman is a lunatic, how could they make the same mistake as last time?

"Don't be nervous, just a little joke with the three heads."

Jin Xinyue smiled slightly, her murderous intent suddenly seemed like water splashed into the desert, and disappeared without a trace in an instant. She lightly flicked the delicate jade ashes at the end of the lady's cigarette, and folded her legs comfortably. It seems that the three heads do not want me to die, nor do they want to die on their own. They do not want to see your sect and family die. They also hope...Jedi will fight back and live from death?"

The three big men looked at each other, as if they saw a glimmer of hope in each other's eyes: "Do you have a way?"

"The army is defeated like a mountain, and it is not free to transport. Now the entire federation knows what we have done. Even if the great Luo Jinxian comes to the world and has nothing to do, even the three uncles and seniors have nothing to do. There is a weak female stream in our area , What else can I do?"

Jin Xinyue looked at the cigarette butt, and then at the three heads through the orange light on the cigarette butt, as if she had locked three prey through a scope, "By the way, speaking of it, the three heads, do you want to be with me? Surrender the empire together?"

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