40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1700: Drank this glass of wine!

This sentence is like a cloud of ice evil magic fog that is close to absolute zero, completely freezing the small secret room, and also freezing the three heads into ice cones.

Having been in charge of the three giants for nearly a hundred years, none of the three heads are really fools. Just now, they were only slightly out of anger. After Jin Xinyue threw this shocking bomb, they calmed down in the shortest possible time.

"Jin Xinyue, it turns out that you have long ago—"

"Head Pang, you are wrong. I have always been loyal to the Federation. I never thought of betraying the Federation for a full hundred years before that."

Jin Xinyue’s eyes are bloodshot, as if something terrifying is about to burst out of the depths of her eyeballs. She coldly said, "In the past 100 years, my people and I have joined in sincerely. Star Federation, grit your teeth and loyal to this country, don't hesitate to contribute everything!

"Just say myself, whether it was during the period of the Secret Sword Bureau, or during the period of the Dark Moon Foundation and the Development Department, how many things I have done for the Federation, how much combat merits I have done, and how many dirty work that others do not bother to do. How many times have you worked hard, and even suppressed it yourself, the dissatisfaction and resistance of your own people?

"I can pat my chest and say, my Jin Xinyue's loyalty to the Federation over the past hundred years can be learned from the sun and the moon!

"But, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha! How did this federation return to me? I have done so many things and sacrificed so much, they can’t see it, but my way of doing things is a little bit out of line, just They grabbed the painful foot, biting on it!

"Or, now the structure of the Seven Realms of the Federation has stabilized. When the birds are hiding and the rabbits are cooking, the hands of people like me are stained with blood, and people who are specially used to do dirty work can look like dirty and dirty. Was it thrown away like a smelly rag?"

Jin Xinyue's eyes are getting redder, her voice is getting louder, her expression is getting more and more ferocious.

"Others wronged me, attacked me, suppressed me. I barely endured it. As a result, even Ding Lingdang, my good teacher, did not care about the relationship between master and apprentice, and bit me like a mad dog, just for the sake of Step on my head and climb up to the throne of the highest speaker!

"Huh, what does this cow with well-developed limbs, simple-minded and extremely stupid, qualify to be the President of the Federation? Is she worthy, will she, can she? I am the President, definitely ten times better than her! Ten times! Ten Times!

"You are not benevolent, I am not righteous; you are in the first year of junior high school, and I will be in the fifteenth! Since the Federation treats its heroes this way, since the people hate their heroes so much, since Ding Lingdang is so hostile to her husband's disciple, I still care what?

"Anyway, you were right last time. If you are not my race, your heart will be different. I am a monster race, and I do not belong to any federation. We surrendered a hundred years ago, and we will surrender again a hundred years later. , So what?


She flicked her cigarette **** to the side, her neck stretched out and lengthened, really like a creepy beautiful snake, swimming towards the three heads, smiling and saying, "As early as a hundred years ago, I vowed to To be the Speaker of the Federation, this is my vow to my father Jin Tuyi, no one can stop me at all costs and by any means!

"I originally wanted to use legal means to become the Speaker of the Federation and lead the Federation to fight the Empire. Believe it or not, I really think so.

"But the federation doesn't give me a chance, the public doesn't give me a chance, even Ding Lingdang treats me like a foe! Ha, have you seen what the news says about me,'Lv Zui second, federate traitor'! Tsk tusk tusk tusk, You really have never seen what a'traitor' looks like, idiots!"

The three heads looked at each other deeply, and they all saw the dim light flowing in each other's eyes.

But no one wants to be the first to speak, they all look thoughtful.

"Anyway, I've been driven to a dead end, so I have to jump over the wall in a hurry!"

Jin Xinyue took a deep breath and barely stabilized her emotions, but her hands were still a little trembling, she took out a long, thin black lady cigarette, but it was held in her palm, and she unconsciously rubbed it into a ball. Shredded.

She stared at the three big men: "You guys, what are you hesitating about?

"Your situation is not much better than mine. We were tied to each other decades ago. We must live together and die together!

"Yes, with your reputation and status, even if you are stripped of a layer of skin, you can survive for a while, you may not be in prison, and even on the surface, you will stand on the top of the federation, beautiful and beautiful. Big shot.

"But you all know that after this series of scandals, your backbone has been severely shattered. Your denominations and families are like dewdrops before the sun comes out. There is not much time to shine!

"I think you are not afraid of death, or even afraid of ruin and imprisonment-your cultivation is at your level, and you are all a lot of age, adding up to a thousand years old, these are all indifferent.

"But you are afraid that the sects and families that have been passed down for thousands of years will be destroyed in your own hands; you are afraid to see new forces rising, and you will step on your faces so that you will never stand up; you are afraid that your children and grandchildren will become Nothing but mediocre people; you are afraid that your power will pass away bit by bit, and eventually vanish into smoke, and be completely annihilated in the glory of the Federation, just like the sects that we have fought together in the past few decades, right?

"But, it's useless for you to be afraid. Now, besides surrendering to the empire, what else can you do to keep your sect and family, or even make it to the next level?"

The three heads seemed to have been filled with the worst quality shochu, each of them blushed, and breathing quickly.

Jin Xinyue laughed again, with a bit of madness, a bit of hideousness, and a bit of arrogance: "Don't pretend, three heads, I've seen you the heads of big sects and big families a long time ago.

"Actually, for you, the so-called'Road of Cultivation' is not important at all, right? You just happened to be born in a country of cultivators like the Star Federation, that's why you became a cultivator. Your loyalty to the Star Federation , Is also based on the premise that the Star Federation can bring you a lot of benefits!

"Your Dao Xin, the source of power that supports you in your cultivation step by step to this state, has nothing to do with'cultivation of realism and immortality', but your sect and family, right? Sect and family are everything to you, for your own sake. The denominations, family and bloodline of the people can be passed down and carried forward for a long time. Anything, including yourself and the Federation, can be sacrificed-this is the deepest thought in your heart, isn't it?"

The three heads of respect and profound cultivation finally changed their faces.

"It's okay, it's really okay, it's human nature. How many people can truly be loyal to the so-called ‘faith’? Even if the vast majority of people have cultivated to the Nascent Soul Realm, they are still ordinary people!"

Jin Xinyue stretched out her palms, squinted her eyes, and took a deep sniff of the lady's cigarette that had just been crushed. With an expression of intoxication, she murmured, "It's so fragrant."


The tallest of the three heads, the Roshan-like Pang head finally couldn't hold his breath. The small eyes of the soybeans embedded in the folds of the fat flesh writhed around for a long time, then looked at the two daoists beside him. Still gritted his teeth and asked, "Are you sure of winning?"

Jin Xinyue smiled slightly, patted the scraps of tobacco in her palm, and said in a slow way: "The soldiers use tricks, and they are ever-changing, and there is no way to be sure of victory.

"However, if you think about it carefully, the Imperial Expeditionary Force is already strong. Even if we don't betray and unite against others, we may not be able to fight them well.

"And now, I have a group of elite players in the blood demon world in my hand, and there is also a fleet in the Federation Army that is absolutely loyal to me. If you add the heads of you, and the power of the people behind you, we In addition, how much trouble can be caused in the heart of the Federation-Tianyuan Realm?

"If at this time, the Black Wind Fleet enters the vacancy and robs, you deduced yourself, what will be the result!"

A thin layer of cold sweat oozes on the faces of the three heads.

Jin Xinyue looked at them with a slightly sarcasm, and said: "Don't pretend, I don't believe that you have never thought about the possibility of surrendering to the real human empire-your big families and big sects are the most unreliable. , It’s your survival instinct if you want to survive the change of dynasties, betting on both ends of the wind, huh, what loyalty and filial piety are you now, the situation is really bad, you are the first to surrender!

"Anyway, even if the Black Wind Fleet really takes down the Federation, those gangs of people are all good-for-nothing martial arts, and they are unfamiliar with the land. If they want to manage the place and search for resources, how can they not be the helpers of the big sects of you local snakes?

"At that time, not only will you not be destroyed along with the Federation, but you may also change your appearances, fly into the sky, and extend the tentacles of the family and sects to the four new worlds, and even more worlds in the future!

"Am I talking about your concerns, the three heads?"

The expressions of the three tycoons were obviously unnatural.

Jin Xinyue smiled and said: "Tell you, this time your wishful thinking is not working-you want to lead the way for the soldiers of the empire? I'm sorry, such a glorious and sacred job has been caught in my hands in advance. It's not the turn of you big giants.

"But, after all, everyone has worked together for nearly a hundred years. The past cooperation has been quite enjoyable. Uncles and seniors also know that I am not an ungrateful person. I am talking about conscience, empathy, and caring for friends. Besides, with my own strength, after all, I feel a bit thinner, so...

"Hehe, there is no tea today, only wine, the strongest "Red Diabetes Dragon Blood Wine" in the blood demon world!

"Come on, three heads, three seniors, and three uncles! After drinking this glass of wine, everyone is a comrade-in-arms of life and death. Join me, loyal to the empire, believe in the road of immortality, and lead the way for the soldiers of the empire!"

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