40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1703: One hundred years later, the first extinction

"Xue'er" was silent for a moment, and continued to massage the master with great care, and echoed: "Master's words are extremely true, we have been fighting wits with the secret spies of the Black Wind Fleet over the years, and most of the people who were instigated by the empire have been captured , All come from these giants who have been glorious for hundreds of years.

"Hey, I don't know what's going on with these people. They shouted the slogan of'Cultivators' louder than anyone else. On the surface, they are all grand-sounding and upright, but they really do sordid and dirty activities. It's too much than anyone else!

"This is natural."

Jin Xinyue smiled faintly, "The richest family is the most unreliable-this is the history of tens of thousands of years of civilization development, and countless changes of dynasties, **** and unbreakable truth!

"Ordinary people and low-level cultivators, even if they want to take refuge in the empire, they can’t find the opportunity.

"And the Patriot Front of my master, Ding Lingdang, or the'Yao Shi Group' left by my master, and the'Shuang Jiao Association' of the Tianyuan Realm, these are all emerging forces, and they are all emerging forces with the birth of the new federation and Development and growth together, everyone's interests are tightly tied to the new federation, and naturally they will fight for the federation.

"And those rich and powerful families who have been entrenched in the era of the'Old Federation' are not necessarily. On the one hand, they have extremely strong independence, and they have long formed a'mountain' that outsiders can easily see and become parasitic in the Federation. The body’s “tumor”; on the other hand, hundreds of years of accumulated malpractices have been decayed and decayed, unable to keep up with the development of the times. Under the impact of emerging forces such as the Yaoshi Group, the Shuangjiaohui, and the Patriot Front, the river is going down. , Faltering, so they also have a strong motive to reverse this "declining trend"-in this way, if the Federation and the empire really confront each other, the empire will put too much pressure on us in the war, who will not be able to bear it first, and betrayal. Go to the empire, isn't the answer ready?

"It’s a thief to be old and not to die. People are like this, so are sects and groups. These giants are already old and can’t keep up with the development of the new federation. When it comes to the **** time, we should give up the living space to the new ones. Sects, new powerhouses, new groups!

"If you insist on not wanting to die, that is a thief, a'national thief'! Looking at everything they have done secretly in the past hundred years, I don't believe that they will be true cultivators and will protect the Federation to the death! What happened today It just confirmed my judgment.

"and so--"

Jin Xinyue caught Cher’s hand and looked back at the disciple, “A country will develop for a long time, and there will always be some dark corners that cannot be illuminated by the sun. In these corners, there will be a lot of growth. Snakes, insects, ants, filthy things, now, let us take away the darkness and filth, leaving behind a clean new federation!

"And our monster race will rise again in this brand new federation, an absolutely upright new federation!"

Mentioning the words "Rise of the Monster Race", even if the Monster Race girl "Xue'er" who had been calm just now, two small clusters of sparks could not help but burst into the depths of her clear and transparent eyes.

A hundred years, a whole hundred years!

According to the deduction of Jin Tuyi, the greatest strategist of the Monster Race a hundred years ago, it is time for the "Red Tide Plan" to be broken, and it is time for the Monster Race to completely rebirth and rise!

Xue'er's breathing started quickly, as if she had stayed in the ground for a long time on her white cheeks, rippling out two whirlpool-like blushes.

Jin Xinyue understood the disciple's inner voice, and she smiled with victory.

An hour ago, she used to chant the slogan of the cultivator in another secret room with the heads of the three cultivators, chanting "Long live the cultivator, long live the real human empire".

But neither Jin Xinyue nor the three heads knew that none of them believed or believed in this slogan sincerely.

"Long live the immortal cultivator, long live the true human empire" is just a yawn to them, a fart that can be exchanged for money.

But at this moment, when Jin Xinyue and Xueer, the two demon girls, whispered softly, almost chanted another dusty slogan for a hundred years, both the master and disciple understood deeply and would use their lives to implement them. duty of.

"Destruction, rebirth, immortality!"

"Destruction! Rebirth! Immortality!"

This is the slogan that nearly a million demons once roared at the same time more than a hundred years ago, when Jin Tuyi ruled the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons and tried to use the eyes of the blood demons to directly attack the Xingyao Federal Capital Sky City.

To this day, no matter how integrated and equal, there are still countless demons who cannot completely erase this slogan, this belief, this ‘Dao Xin’ from the deepest part of their bone marrow!

"Okay, open the door."

Jin Xinyue held the disciple's arm and input a soft psychic energy into her body, calmed her almost boiling blood, and smiled.

Xueer bit her lip lightly, before she broke free from the tension and excitement, she took two deep breaths, then stepped aside and pressed lightly on the relief of the underground memorial.

The light curtain emblazoned with the list of the miners killed immediately disappeared.

On the seemingly empty wall behind the light curtain, blood-colored spirit patterns slowly emerged, continuously extending and interlacing, forming a brand-new teleportation array.

This is the third secret teleportation formation, passing through the third underground secret base.

All the secret rooms have no secret passages and entrances to the outside world, they can only communicate through the teleportation array, and most of the teleportation arrays are point-to-point unidirectional transmission.

In other words, if someone wants to reach the real core secret room, they must first discover the first secret room, find all the teleportation arrays in the secret room, crack the activation secrets and destination coordinates of the teleportation array, and then jump to the second one. The secret room, repeat it again, to reach the final destination.

The people and facilities in the core secret room gave Jin Xinyue enough reason to be so careful.


She was entangled with red light, disappeared from the underground memorial hall, and appeared at the top of a downward staircase.

The narrow stairs can hardly allow any heavy weapons to pass, and from time to time a huge groove appears on both sides of the stairs, and a monster warrior sits in the groove.

Located in the urban development department building, the members of the Dark Moon team in the "Dark Moon Foundation" public office are already hideous enough.

But the monster warriors here are ten times more ferocious and ferocious than the members of the Dark Moon team!


When Jin Xinyue stepped down, these evil monsters all respectfully saluted her, and many people did not hide the light of respect and even worship in their eyes.

At the end of the winding staircase, a ten-meter-thick alloy steel gate slid into the rock silently.

Behind the alloy gate, what appeared in front of Jin Xinyue was an underground crystal brain and communication center.

The crystal brain here combines the dual characteristics of psionic technology and biochemical technology. It looks like countless tumors and parasites have grown on the super master crystal brain, and it is also like a giant beast inside the internal organs. Countless crystal brains and computing chips.

Dozens of crystal brain and biochemical brain experts are immersed in work between the thick python cable and the artificial nerve cord.

The whole point of their secret work under the ground day and night is to deceive and bypass the "great unification net" of the Federation, allowing Jin Xinyue to communicate with a place outside the Federation, in the depths of the Star Sea, through an absolutely secret route. When necessary, it can launch a fatal blow to the unifying spirit web.

This is an extremely difficult task.

However, if you ask the most brilliant crystal brain expert in the federation to disassemble the crystal brain here, you can find many computing chips and analysis units that are not in the federal style and surpass the existing crystal brain technology of the Federation.

It was all... a gift from the empire.

The war has already begun.

Now, it's time for a showdown!

"Governor Kim, are you here?"

A seemingly ordinary little man greeted Jin Xinyue with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, but his attitude towards Jin Xinyue was slightly different from that of others, and he called Jin Xinyue quite strange.

Jin Xinyue glanced at the little man and said lightly: "I only need to save my life and let my people have a place to stay. I don't know if you will cross the river, tear down the bridge, and unload the grievances. What about the donkey, what is the'Governor', please don't forget it!"

The little man "chuckled" and laughed more wickedly than Jin Xinyue, and shrugged his shoulders: "Governor Jin can rest assured that the empire is the most credible, and our commander will never kill chickens to get eggs. Because of small things to lose!

"After all, we came all the way from the center of the Xinghai Sea, and it is impossible to live in the Xinghai Sea for a long time, fight back to the center of the Xinghai Sea, regain our homeland and pride-this is the ultimate goal of the Black Wind Fleet.

"All we want is elite fighters, sufficient resources, and perhaps in-depth technical exchanges with each other, nothing more.

"When one day, the Black Wind Fleet will really rest here, assemble the army, and return to the center of the Star Sea, isn't the seven worlds here going to be managed by the most loyal and reliable people?

"As long as Governor Kim has been as wise and loyal as he is now, why should we consider a second'agent'?

"At that time, Governor Jin will be responsible for providing us with seven worlds of natural treasures, spar veins, and human resources. We will return to the center of the Xinghai Sea to recapture everything! We are in the court, you are in the border, echoing each other. , The tide rises and the boats rise, everyone benefits, what kind of grinders and donkeys should be killed?

Jin Xinyue stared at the little man deeply: "Remember what you said, I hope everyone is wise and rational enough. Now, is the secret ultra-long-distance communication line set up?"

"All right."

The little man said, "It can be activated at any time. With the Federal's current crystal brain and spirit net technology, it will never be intercepted or even detected for at least three to five days."


Jin Xinyue carried her hands on her back, took a deep breath, and a subtle blood wafted through her eyes, "Let me talk to your commander directly!"

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