40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1704: The fleet behind the brown dwarf

It is 80 light-years farther away from the outer world of the Star Federation’s "Sky Ring Realm", a deep sea of ​​stars, an unknown star field, and behind a brown dwarf star.

The sea of ​​stars is vast and the stars are infinite. If the light is centered on the seven worlds of the Star Federation, and a sphere is drawn with a radius of 100 light years, there are more than 5000 star systems included in these seven spheres-most of them are none Psionic, a barren world with no vitality.

Even for the past 100 years, the Federation of Stars and Lights has continuously launched unmanned miniature exploration ships and high-sensitivity trigger star mines into these barren worlds every year, every month, and every day, trying to build within 200 light years of its surroundings. A solid line of defense, at least the "border line", is still far from filling these 5,000 barren worlds.

Around the 5,000 stars, there are still a large number of dark star fields that have not been detected and monitored by the Federation. The so-called "borderline" is completely riddled and illusory, a kind of psychological comfort.

The "star" is at least the largest starry sky monitoring station in the Federation located on the Spider's Nest, the "Tsangxingzhai", a large celestial body that can be monitored and locked.

Brown dwarfs are one order lower than stars.

Brown dwarfs are gaseous objects that are similar to stars, but are not large enough to ignite fusion reactions in their cores. The masses are between the smallest stars and the largest planets, so they are very dim and are also called "failed stars."

Due to the lack of mass to become a burning star, it is extremely difficult to release the psionic energy fluctuations that can be sensed by the piercing star fast and any starry sky monitoring station in the Federation.

According to the analysis of astronomers of the Federation, within 100 light-years of the radius of the major worlds of the Federation, it is very likely that there will be at least 3,000 brown dwarfs, while fewer than 500 brown dwarfs have been discovered and named by the Federation.

There are still 2500 brown dwarfs, like invisible eyes, slowly rotating and drifting in the dark and cold unknown star field.

Although these brown dwarfs are extremely difficult to be explored and developed by the Federation 100 light years away, some of them can still release extremely high temperatures at a close distance.

This temperature can not only be converted into weak energy for a long-distance fleet to rest for a while; it will not be too violent and interfere with the fleet's various magic units that are highly worn during the century's voyage; it can also be slightly covered. The psionic energy released by the fleet fluctuates when it is rested, repaired, expanded, and built a large-scale array of star torches.

Even if it is sensed by the Federation's starry sky monitoring station, it will think that the fleet is just a part of the brown dwarf.

The Black Wind Fleet has been in the synchronous orbit of this brown dwarf for seven years.

The Xinghai Expedition is not an overnight event. When the Black Wind Fleet set out a hundred years ago, the biggest enemy it faced was the unknown Xinghai and the passage of time itself.

At that time, they had only a small fragment of incomplete coordinates in the world of flying stars. If they relied on this incomplete coordinate to jump, 99.99% would jump to a certain place that was not on the star chart record, and they could not see the unknown desolation of astronomical parameters. The world is tantamount to falling into the vortex of the sea of ​​stars, without consuming a lot of resources, it is extremely difficult to jump out again, even if it jumps out, it is very likely to be the second **** unknown barren world.

It just so happened that the expansion of the true human empire in the past thousand years has not yet extended to the direction of the flying star realm.

As a result, the Black Wind Fleet, which lost the battle on the front line, lost its nest, became a "lone soldier" and was unwilling to be absorbed and annexed by other worlds, accepted this glorious and arduous task to open up and expand the territory for the empire. , To consolidate the rear.

Their mission is not only to explore and conquer the Flying Star Realm, but also to cover all the unknown star realms from the empire in the center of the Star Sea to all the unknown star realms between the Flying Star Realms. Especially in the "Old Star Sea Empire" era, those historical materials and star maps The Great Thousand Worlds recorded in the volume are the "prey" to be looked for.

Therefore, the Black Wind Fleet is not in a hurry to make a super long-distance star sea jump, but jumps to the flying star realm, the coordinate point released by the former "Star Child".

Taking into account the complexity of Xinghai Jump and the cost calculation of psionic energy consumption-every time the distance of Xinghai Jump is doubled, the amount of psionic energy and resources consumed will increase by a square number. As a lone soldier, it is obviously impossible to get from the base camp. The Black Wind Fleet, which has received more supplies and reinforcements, will never rush into ultra-long-range jumps.

They chose a tactic called "stellar leapfrog". The distance of each short jump will not exceed 100 light years, usually within 10 to 50 light years, and they will find one after each jump. The most suitable star, while exploring whether there are habitable planets and human civilization around the star, while dropping a special "stellar bomb" on the star.

With the magical powers and magic weapons of the real human empire, it is impossible to destroy a star directly, and the purpose of this "stellar bomb" is not to destroy, but to activate a specific area of ​​the star to provide spiritual energy for their next jump. can.

When all the surroundings of the star have been explored, all the parameters and coordinates are entered into the star map for update, and a large-scale star torch is established near the local stable planet, which means that other fleets can easily travel to and from these stars in the future. Between the domain and the empire's homeland, it also means that these star domains are included in the "territory" of the empire.

At this time, they often have collected enough energy, so they start a new "stellar leapfrog" and repeat the above process.

Therefore, for a hundred years, stop and go, continue to explore, record and build, and it was not until ten years ago that it arrived at Xinghai Beach.

The luck of the Black Wind Fleet in the past 100 years has been quite bad.

They have not discovered too many habitable planets with development value.

Even if it is recorded in the historical materials and star map fragments left over from the Xinghai Empire, there was once a prosperous and civilized human world. After being found by them through their hard work and consuming a lot of resources, they often found that the local world had collapsed and had all psionic powers. Exhausted or drained, the so-called civilization is left with a ruined wall. Even if some savage blood-drinking savages linger in the barren world with exhausted spirits, they can't make up for the resources consumed by the Black Wind Fleet in search of them.

Resources, resources, resources! Resources are the most precious thing in the sea of ​​stars!

Civilization, civilization, civilization! Civilization is the most fragile existence in the cold universe!

After three or four consecutive disappointments, the situation of the Black Wind Fleet became extremely embarrassing.

Yes, on the surface, they are "opening up" a large area of ​​territory for the empire, but they are all barren worlds with the lowest evaluation level and almost not worth half a dime.

In the sea of ​​stars, the least valuable is the so-called "territory." Looking up at the starry sky, billions of stars, infinite territory, theoretically contain rich resources and extremely high value, those worlds where there has been no intelligent creatures since ancient times. As long as you plant a national flag, sing a national anthem, and build a star torch next to it at most, you can claim it as the land of the empire.

However, such "land" is meaningless. Even if the value contained in "theoretical" is high, the empire must have the ability to carry out large-scale development under the premise of appropriate cost!

Even if a certain world claims to have 10,000 resources, if the empire develops it, collects, smelts, and transports the resources back to the empire, it consumes 20,000 resources. What use is such a world?

This does not include the construction and maintenance of the Star Torch, as well as the various additional management costs and supply line defense costs that the empire has to spend in order to rule the world-the Holy League's haunting raid fleet is not easy to deal with!

Unfortunately, the Black Wind Fleet has not discovered much in such a world in the past hundred years.

The star regions they discover are often "Well, theoretically, maybe if you conduct deep exploration, it is possible to find 10,000 resources, but the exploration cost will be 5,000 points, and the subsequent development cost is estimated to be 10,000 to 100,000 resources." Such a world.

In such a world, it is impossible for the Black Wind Fleet to earn much contribution points.

There is no contribution point and no lair of its own, which means that the Black Wind Fleet cannot get more supplies and brand new warships from other worlds of the empire. It also means that if they just go back in despair, they will only be eaten by others. , Completely incorporated, or sent to the most dangerous front line and completely fight the Saint League, so two paths.

Heifeng people are naturally reluctant to choose which way.

They continue to advance into deep space, desperate!

At this moment, they received the news that a claw fleet was annihilated, they also knew that there was a regional power in the Xinghai Sea, and even found the Xinghai Republic’s government-in-exile, the last "mobile land" that had been lost for millennia!

A hundred years of bad luck, once reversed, but still opportunities and challenges coexist.

The good news is that the prey in front of you is fat enough. As long as it can swallow this prey that claims to be the "Star Federation", the strength of the Black Wind Fleet can be at least three to five times higher. Even if it returns to the center of the Star Sea, it has enough power. Contend with everyone including the emperor, princes and warlords.

The bad news is that the prey seems to be too fat. It is not just fat but also strong muscles, strong bones and sharp minions.

At this time, the Black Wind Fleet, which is in a dilemma, has two choices.

They can set up a large-scale array of star torches here, build a magnificent starry sky gate, truthfully report the information here to the empire, report to the insatiable emperor, princes and warlords, and call for support from the local area.

Of course, establishing the Star Gate and activating it and maintaining it at a very high level of teleportation will further consume the Black Wind Fleet’s war resources, weaken their combat effectiveness, and put them in a passive position in the game of carveing ​​up prey.


Just do it yourself! He ate the behemoth of the Federation alone and swallowed all the benefits!

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