40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1705: Hei Yeming's decision!

Although the "Black Wind Man" is known for being rebellious and cruel and cruel among the hundreds of empires, he can be the leader of the Black Wind, the commander of the fleet, and control the five worlds. The defeated generals have sailed all the way for a hundred years and achieved nothing. Under circumstances, those who still maintain a high degree of dominance and stability will naturally not be impulsive and reckless.

The commander of the Black Wind Fleet, Hei Yelan's father, "Hei Ye Ming", is absolutely unwilling to make a choice rashly when the enemy's situation is unknown.

And when he learned the truth about the "prey", he realized that what he was facing was not the mere world he thought when he set out a hundred years ago, but seven times the expansion, seven highly developed civilized worlds, plus the Xinghai Republic’s exile government. He was even more reluctant to act rashly when he even had a battle star fortress "Kunlun" during the Great War.

Hei Yeming led the Black Wind Fleet and anchored near this carefully selected brown dwarf. On the one hand, he repaired the various wear and consumption of the century-long voyage, and slowly awakened the powerhouses in hibernation. The fleet slowly expanded from the "cruising state" to the "combat state"; it also established the Star Torch and the Spirit Gathering Tower to receive news from the empire; it also released a large number of secret spies and took the ultra-small "individual stealth assault shuttle." Infiltrate the Federation, collect information, instigate high-level countermeasures, find and create flaws!

Should we use our own strength to attack the Stars and Yao Federation, or stay still and ask for help from the empire's homeland, so that we can use more abundant troops to go down again?

This not only depends on his penetration in the Federation, whether he can find an opportunity to destroy it in one fell swoop; it also depends on the situation in the empire.

The Black Wind Fleet has been out of the empire for a whole hundred years. In a sense, it can be regarded as a "forgotten lone army."

Although they will set up star torches and towers to build communication lines leading to the empire’s homeland every time they go to a new star field, after all, the stars are vast and turbulent. The farther away from the empire’s homeland, the more susceptible the communication lines will be. The storm's interference and even tearing, and each communication will consume more time and resources.

For the Black Wind Fleet, which lacks supplies and consumes less resources, it is really not an easy task to maintain real-time communication with the mainland for a long time.

What's more, the news released from the mainland and from the imperial capital is what the emperor and princes, nobles, and warlords want to let them know. Even if it is not made up, it is highly packaged and is not the truth at all.

Heifeng people have ruled the empire for hundreds of years, and naturally they have an absolutely faithful and reliable information network that belongs to them. It is very difficult to transmit real information only through this network.

Combining the above factors, after a long journey to the Star Beach, for the Black Wind Fleet and the commander of Hei Yeming, the so-called real human empire has been completely shrouded in the mysterious mist, and it is difficult to understand the truth, even It is more difficult to figure out than the strange "Federation" in front of me.

As far as his heart is concerned, Hei Yeming certainly does not want to call in new reinforcements, but rather hopes to solve the problem by himself.

On the one hand, this is a matter of reputation and strength-the prey are just barbarians on the borders, but they are elites from the center of the star sea, "heavenly soldiers"!

If all this were to call for reinforcements, wouldn't the Black Wind Fleet be too embarrassed? Who would believe their prestige, deterrence, and threat in the future?

In the Empire, losing the "threat ability" is really an extremely dangerous thing.

On the other hand, the prey is so fat, whether the battleship docks in the Flying Star Realm and the Celestial Realm, or the rich human resources of the Blood Demon Realm and the Celestial Realm, so many powerful people can be absorbed into the Black Wind Warrior, and even Both the Kunlun Ruins and the Firefly can make the Black Wind Fleet become a super strong presence in the empire!

Hei Ye Ming is extremely unwilling to be shared by others to carve up such a plump prey.

Once the news is released, it is beyond his control whether there are any reinforcements coming, and how many reinforcements are coming.

The battle on the front line is tight, and it is naturally embarrassing to not be able to separate reinforcements to help them; but in case he describes the value of the prey too high, ten or eight support troops are sent to the local area at once. They have not been beaten by a hundred years of wind and rain. Is it more embarrassing if the soldiers are well prepared, the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, and they jumped all at once, then what is the matter with their Black Wind Fleet?

This concern is the same as the fact that Su Changfa and other "advance teams" discovered that Kunlun's value is so high on the Kunlun site a hundred years ago, so they were unwilling to summon Hei Yeming and the others.

However, as the commander of Heifeng, Hei Yeming was more rational than Su Changfa at that time and looked a little bit more into the overall situation.

If something really cannot be done, he will not go his own way and let the entire Black Wind fleet take risks.

After completing the building of the Spirit Gathering Pagoda and the first batch of star torches, Hei Yeming did not rashly activate the star torches, nor did he report the real situation here to the mainland.

He concealed the existence of the "Star Federation", but only reported to the mainland that he had been patrolling the Star Beach for a long time, and the fleet's strategic resources were about to be exhausted, and he still hadn't found much.

Seeing to reach the edge of the sphere of influence of human civilization that the Xinghai Empire once developed, ask whether the mainland can end this expedition, and use the previously discovered barren world as the final result. After redeeming contribution points, return to the mainland.

Secretly, he asked the mainland to be loyal to the intelligence network of the Black Wind Fleet, and send the latest situation analysis of the Empire and the Holy League at all costs.

The situation in the center of Xinghai is very bad.

It's not that the real human empire suffered a loss in the war. On the contrary, the empire has fought vigorously in the wars of the past hundred years, and it has gone too smoothly. It has fought several battle-level victories one after another.

After winning the battle, new heroes will emerge. The new heroes may lead the rise of new forces, or the old forces that have been declining will be revived. In short, they will shake the original pattern of forces and the gradual balance of the princes.

This is the case right now. In the wars of the past hundred years, a small family that has been in decline and has been unknown for one or two hundred years has risen again, becoming a force that cannot be ignored in the imperial capital.

The bad thing is that the "decline" of this "long-decline" small family is inextricably related to the black wind people. Many strong people in this family died in the black wind people. On hand.

Now the Black Wind Fleet has been exiled to the edge of the star sea, but the enemies of the past have been mixed up in the imperial capital. One victory after another, is favored by His Majesty the emperor. Isn't this a big "bad"?

According to the information on the bright side, because the empire’s battle situation has been quite smooth in the past 100 years, the general situation has gradually changed from defensive to offensive. Currently, an unprecedented strategic counterattack is being planned, with dozens of elites in the core world. The power has already been mobilized, even if it is not for the "life and death" with the Saint League, at least the decline in the past two to three hundred years will be completely reversed!

With such a knotty, how could it be possible to mobilize extra power to help the Black Wind Fleet fight some "barbarians". Isn't it just a small loss, it's ridiculous?

And secretly, the news from his own intelligence network-this strategic counterattack, even focusing on the "Black Wind Realm" and other large worlds that were lost a hundred years ago, His Majesty is very likely to regain the Black Wind Realm in one fell swoop!

This is embarrassing.

The empire is very likely to make a strategic counterattack and regain the Black Wind Realm-but all this has nothing to do with the Black Wind Fleet.

The Black Wind Fleet has been wandering outside for a hundred years and has failed to make any achievements. At that time, it will not only be impossible to recover its lair from His Majesty the Emperor, but it is more likely to be swallowed by the emerging forces that have made countless achievements!

The Black Wind Fleet was forced to a dead end, this is the real "life and death" moment.

If at this time, report the truth of the "Stars and Yao Federation" to the mainland, the Imperial Capital will definitely let them stand still and lock the Federation firmly, or start a war of attrition first, slowly depleting the Federation members and depleting their own. There is vitality.

Finally, after the empire has completed its strategic counter-offensive and has completely consolidated and digested the front lines of the Black Wind Realm, the so-called "reinforcement", which is most likely led by the enemies of the Black Wind people, will be sent out to reap the dying Federation, and at the same time , Reaping the same dying Black Wind fleet without mercy!

This kind of thing, the night clearly sees and does a lot!

He would never watch this happen, and would never let the Black Wind Fleet become a "stepping stone" for others!

The intelligence from the empire's homeland, as well as the secret spy that he infiltrated the Federation, and the intelligence sent back, finally made him determined.

If you decide, do it yourself!

Relying on the Black Wind Fleet, the defeated generals of the five worlds, stormed the Star Federation and swallowed up this undeveloped borderland country with unlimited potential!

It has swallowed the Star Federation, possessed the docks of the Sky Ring Realm, the cannon fodder of the Blood Demon Realm, the battleships of the Flying Star Realm, the spar veins of the Crystal Realm, the prehistoric technology of Kunlun Ruins, and then integrated it with the power of the Black Wind Fleet itself, absolutely It is one of the best war monsters in the empire!

Controlling such a "monster" and swaggering back to the mainland, returning to the imperial capital, will you have enough capital to bargain with the emperor, princes, and former enemies, to recapture their former homeland, the Black Wind Realm, and more In the center of Xinghai, a prosperous and prosperous world!

If you can’t win this battle, the Black Wind Fleet will be over, and the Black Wind people will be over. Not only will they never be able to win their mother world, lack of supplies and run out of resources, they can only fall back to the empire homeland and be caught by those newcomers. Warlords and veteran nobles, as well as His Majesty, who had long seen them displeased, were all divided up. The proud and great name "Black Wind Man" will forever retreat from the stage of history, and will not even leave a small dust behind. !

Hei Yeming's heart is determined.

He will definitely win this battle, the battle of survival of the Black Wind Fleet!

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