40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1706: Summon, come!

From the moment Hei Yeming made up his mind, the Black Wind Fleet, which was originally organized in an orderly manner and deployed in the most resource-saving way, has suddenly accelerated its combat readiness.

The Star Sea Jump itself is a process of tearing, reorganizing, tearing, and reorganizing. It will cause a certain amount of damage to the starship. In a hundred years, after numerous short star sea jumps, the starship is like a piece of being repeatedly bent. Like the restored iron sheet, even though it is not visible on the outside, the inside is full of tiny cracks.

For the past few years, the Black Wind Fleet has been anchored next to the brown dwarf to repair these "cracks", but now the repair progress has to be accelerated, and they have adopted a more radical approach-direct some seriously damaged starships. Scrap, disassemble all the remaining fuel, armor, ammunition, and magic weapon units on it, and add them to other starships.

In this way, in the shortest possible time, they got a brand new and murderous fleet, like a series of finely divided black diamonds, encircling the "gravel star belt" in the synchronous orbit of the brown dwarf.

Even if doing so will greatly reduce their activity space and development potential, what does it matter?

Soon they will have everything!

The flagship of the Black Wind Fleet, the "Black Vortex", is like tens of thousands of crystal clear black crystals condensed together to form a crystal mountain that is hundreds of kilometers long. Advanced and cold coexist, elegance and brutality blend together, and thoroughly. "Awakening", completed the highest combat readiness state.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

In the depths of the Black Vortex, like a deep and dead grave, the cold light shines on the hive-like hibernation chambers around, and the covers of the hibernation chambers are slowly lifted, and fierce beasts are emitted from the thick and turbid nutrient solution Roar like that.

The last group of strong men who have been sleeping for decades and have long been hungry and thirsty have awakened from the nightmare and will soon bring everything in the nightmare to the entire world.

Composed of countless ordinary people, but also highly armed with various strengthening potions, psychic prosthetic limbs and implanted armor, slave soldiers climbed up and down like dexterous ants, serving the immortal cultivators to crawl out of the hibernation barn. Come to the rest area, and graciously help them wipe their bodies, massage their limbs, replenish medicine and Tiancai Dibao concentrate, and recover from hibernation as soon as possible.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

The immortal cultivators who have been sleeping for decades have used intravenous injections and other methods to directly incorporate the powerful psychic recovery medicine into the limbs and the limbs, silently operating the mental method, the originally withered body expands again, and the thick meridians seem to be From earthworms to pythons, and from pythons to flood dragons, they were first tightly wrapped around them, and as if they were about to break free from their tyrannical flesh and blood, they soared into the sky!

Perceiving the explosive power rushing in the blood, the cultivators roared, unscrupulously venting the despair and desire for destruction that had been restrained for decades.


At this moment, an immortal cultivator who had just recovered suddenly lost control of his psychic energy, and with a random punch, he blasted out an ordinary slave soldier who was massaging him.

This ordinary person-or according to the immortal cultivator, the "primitive soldier" flew out hundreds of meters away, slammed on the bulkhead, and made a rapid explosion like mud. He was generally paralyzed, his seven orifices bleed, and his tendons were broken and broken.

After waking up from decades of hibernation, the recovery speed of the soul, brain, nerves and flesh and blood is not the same. It is easy to happen this kind of brain-body incoordination and out of control of psychic ability. It is not that this immortal cultivator deliberately wanted to kill or vent.

Cultivators are not perverted madmen who take pleasure in killing people. They are also very reasonable. To Black Wind monks, these primitive soldiers are like the most loyal, well-behaved, and best-used military dogs. Just ask, How can an excellent soldier easily kill army dogs for fun?

Therefore, the Black Wind monk who accidentally killed a "military dog" was taken aback, and a trace of sorry appeared on his face, and he whispered: "Why is it so weak? It blows up with a punch? Really? accidentally!"

He beckoned and summoned another native soldier to come up, "Check that guy’s number to see if he has family members, and transfer 20,000 credits from my account. It’s a compensation for them. By the way, if If he happens to have an adult family member, he can participate in the next'Iron-Blood Trial', and give his blood a chance to upgrade, um, I recommend it!"

Such a solution is not lenient, but it is not harsh. It is generally of this size-whether you treat the primitive man as a military dog ​​or military supplies, if it is damaged, you must always give an explanation.

The muddy corpses of primitive people were quickly towed away, and the blood stains were instantly cleaned up.

From beginning to end, there was not a single immortal cultivator or even a primitive soldier who raised his eyelids a little and expressed his slightest concern about this small accident.

They are all immersed in excitement and joy, and every brain cell is filled with one thing——

It's going to fight!


On the bridge of the Black Vortex, Hei Yeming watched all this through the ubiquitous monitoring light curtain.

In addition to paying attention to the recovery speed of the hibernating immortal cultivator, it also includes the psionic filling speed and propulsion efficiency of the main power rune, the maximum agitation levels of the psionic shield and the psychic distortion field, and the offensive magic weapons and ammunition of each main battleship. in stock.

Of course, the most important thing is to help them jump to 80 light-years away in an instant, raid the Star Sea Jumping array in the hinterland and even the heart of the Star Federation, the final inspection and debugging.

Hei Yeming was two meters and ten in height. When he was young, he was a famous warrior in the Heifeng world. He single-handedly controlled a broken starship, stormed into the core of the Saint League fleet, and stabbed into the flagship of the Saint League for a battle, and finally Destroy the glorious record of the Saint League fleet.

Even though he is old now, with gray hair and criss-crossing scars, he was personally responsible for the break in the great rout a hundred years ago, and was severely injured by the cannon fodder from the Saint League fleet, which seriously affected the spirit between the internal organs and six internal organs. Capable of working, he is still a resounding villain in the Black Wind Fleet. He has sailed for a hundred years, and no one has dared to violate his authority.

He is like the incarnation of the Black Wind Realm, a pile of black ice, a piece of deep iron, an obsidian spar with a dull surface and no danger, but actually contains destructive power!

Had it not been for him a hundred years ago in the imperial capital and the emperor, there were warlords, princes and nobles struggling to deal with each other, and reluctantly support, the Black Wind fleet would have been divided up long ago, and it would never be possible to get such an opportunity to "distribute the frontier."

And now...

Hei Yeming sensed the psychic energy fluctuations coming from behind him.

He moved his indifferent and deep gaze away from the hundreds of constantly changing monitoring light curtains in front of him, turned his head a little, and stared at the communication light curtains gradually appearing in the streaks, snowflakes and fog, which were slightly distorted and mysterious. Slender figure.

"Jin Xinyue, we finally met."

Hei Yeming said coldly, even using the most advanced sound wave analysis magic weapon to analyze word by word, it is impossible to analyze his emotions at the moment.

"Ming Shuai."

In the communication light curtain, Jin Xinyue salutes Hei Yeming neither humble nor arrogant.

In contrast, her emotions seem to be much easier to capture and analyze-it is a kind of excitement with tension, tension mixed with dissatisfaction, but dissatisfaction contains a bit of helplessness, high-ranking traitors. , The emotion that will arise when you sell the old owner.

"In the past ten years, we have been old rivals for tit-for-tat!"

Hei Yeming said indifferently, "I often think, what kind of character is the'Empress of Dark Moon' who can capture and kill so many elite fighters of me? When one day we completely conquer the Starlight Federation, we must have this Madam, please come to my flagship and have a good chat. I didn't expect this wish to be realized so soon."

"That's too stupid for the Federation!"

Jin Xinyue’s mouth is smiling, but her eyes are filled with unspeakable hideousness and hatred, “If it weren’t for those idiots fighting for power and profit, and if they had to drive me to a dead end, you would have the Star Federation in my entire life. Don’t want to get in! Even if the Federation is really destroyed, it will drag your Black Wind fleet to death! Even if it can’t die, we will destroy all resources. At least for thirty to fifty years, you will never want to get out of the Federation’s mines. , Squeeze out a ton of spar!"

Hei Yeming was silent for a moment and did not deny it, but said: "Fortunately, the Federation is stupid enough to give us a chance to directly implement the'decapitation tactic', Jin Xinyue, time is pressing, do you still need more assurance from me? ?"

"no need."

Jin Xinyue said, "What's the point of repeating it a hundred times? It’s just that I can only bet that Mingshuai is a man who is rational enough and ambitious enough to return to Xinghai. The central government is going to smash the wind and the clouds, not just the savage people in the wild world at the seaside of the stars!

"Don't talk nonsense, I will send the last batch of defense structure maps, force distribution maps, and navigation maps of the Tianyuan Realm, so that Ming Shuai knows every corner of the Tianyuan Realm!

"With the absolute strength of the Black Wind Fleet to destroy the heavens and destroy the earth, as long as it can smoothly jump to the Tianyuan Realm, it is absolutely impossible for the garrison fleet of the Tianyuan Realm to contend!

"The only problem is how to perform the Star Sea Jump.

"In this regard, I have already highly penetrated several'Starry Sky Gates' in the Celestial Realm, and I have everything under control!

"Furthermore, now, several wealthy and entrenched giants in the Tianyuan Realm are all controlled by me and will cooperate with our actions!

"When the day is launched, my people will attack the capital and several starry sky gates at the same time, instantly control the starry sky gates, and send coordinates to the Black Wind Fleet, summoning you to come to the Celestial Realm and launch against the capital planet of the Federation. Thunder strike!

"All the gates of the starry sky are controlled by me, and we spread shock bombs that interfere with the stability of the space near the Tianyuan realm. This can prevent the fleets of the other six worlds from jumping to the Tianyuan realm, and completely seal the federation's brain and heart. !

"Even if the Liaoyuan Fleet can force a breakthrough, I myself control a'Great White Fleet'. When the Black Wind Fleet establishes a victory, the Great White Fleet will definitely revert completely. Our'Black and White Squad' will join forces and encircle the Liaoyuan Fleet. !

"When the capital world falls into the hands of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, and the Federation's most powerful main fleet is completely defeated, it is equivalent to taking the entire Starlight Federation at the lowest cost and in the shortest time!"

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