40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1708: The real rise!

"Crunch, crunch..."

The hanged man swayed in mid-air, and the noise made by the steel cable seemed particularly harsh in a quiet torture chamber.

Hei Yeming motioned to his subordinates to open the lower part of the upside down man’s iron mask to restore his ability to speak. However, a large group of saliva and saliva spewed from the upside down man’s mouth. As many as the Imperial Spy had to use one to move it. Hydraulic machine, to drain the mucus in his mouth.

"Of course I'm telling the truth."

The voice of the man hanging upside down is very calm, flat or even boring. It doesn’t seem like he has just endured the torture that life is worse than death, nor does he seem to be hanged upside down in mid-air, unable to even move a little finger. "As an empire The commander of the expeditionary army, even if you don't believe me, you should also believe in the power of imperial torture and the search for magic weapons."

Hei Yeming said coldly: "I want you to repeat Jin Xinyue's plan."

The Hanged Man also said coldly: "I've said it twenty-two times."

Hei Yeming said: "But I have never said it under 19 times the extreme pain, right? According to our empire's experience, even a savvy fraud expert can hardly lie in a state of more than 15 times the extreme pain, so ,sorry."

After Hei Yeming finished speaking, before waiting for the Hanged Man's response, he gestured to his opponent.

The so-called "extreme pain" far exceeds the pain of a woman's natural childbirth. If it is multiplied by nineteen times, it will be difficult to sustain it even with the cultivator's tough nerves and powerful spirits.

The hanging man let out a muffled snort, the mucus in his mouth began to secrete again, and a series of pink bubbles appeared in his nose, like a dying fish.

Hei Yeming signaled his subordinates to monitor the breathing, heartbeat, brain waves, and psionic tremor frequency of the hanged man at this moment, and said: "Say, you will be at five times the ultimate pain, nine times the ultimate pain, and thirteen times the ultimate pain. Everything that has been said in the state, repeat it again, one last time."

The hanged man spit out another mouthful of viscous saliva and blood, but his voice was as calm and dull as ever: "The real'Dark Moon Project' is not just as simple as'Fraud', but as a follow-up to the'Red Tide Project' , Or the twin project, started and developed nearly a hundred years ago.

"The main objective of the calculation is not just the Imperial Expeditionary Force-the Black Wind Fleet, but also the wealthy members of the Star Federation, and even all the people of the Federation, in other words, the Federation itself!

"Jin Xinyue has a triple identity-she is not only the leader of the monster clan, but also a disciple of Li Yao, and even the top of the federation.

"Therefore, the full version of the'Dark Moon Project' also has a three-fold purpose, not only to achieve the revival of the monster clan, but also to achieve the full ruling of the'Li Yao Group', but also to enable the Federation to defeat the Imperial Expeditionary Forces and completely consolidate the Star Beach. The regional hegemony of the empire has become a key factor that can influence the victory and defeat of the war between the empire and the Holy League."

"and many more."

Hei Yeming frowned and looked at the imperial secret spies in the light curtain, "Is he under nineteen times the extreme pain? Why is the frequency of breathing, heartbeat, and brain wave concussion, and nine times, thirteen times the extreme pain? , Isn’t that different?"

The imperial secret spy said: "Yes, commander, it is indeed nineteen times the limit of pain!"

The hanged man smiled: "Compared with the future of human civilization, how small my personal pain is. For the empire, for cultivating the avenue of immortality, and for the millions of human compatriots, I will try my best to control myself and make Ming Shuai believe in everything. "

Hei Yeming snorted softly: "Go on."

"Jin Xinyue's methods to deal with the large number of giants in the Federation, I must have seen a lot of Mingshuai these days, which completely confirms my guess."

Hanging upside down, "Jin Xinyue firmly tied herself to some wealthy families a hundred years ago, and deliberately forged a pair of completely broken with Ding Lingdang, Guochunfeng, etc., can only rely on the illusion of wealthy families. , And help this part of the giants, fighting over the rest of the giants that are not easy to control.

"In fact, the relationship between her and Ding Lingdang has always been at odds, but she and Guochunfeng should be in the same group. The so-called competition and opposition between the so-called'Secret Sword Bureau' and the'Dark Moon Foundation' are all illusions. It is'Dark Moon. Part of the plan."

Hei Yeming asked, "Why did Spring Breeze cooperate with Jin Xinyue, and where is the basis of their trust?"

The hanging man said: "I don't know, this is the top secret that only the two of them know."

Hei Yeming glanced at the imperial spy that was operating the polygraph. The imperial spy nodded, indicating that the hanged man was not lying.

The eyes of the hanged man are clearly covered by the iron mask. He can never see anything, but he seems to have the magical power of perspective, saying, "No need to look, I am not lying."

Hei Yeming said, "I will judge whether you have lied or not. You just need to keep talking."

The hanging man said: "Jin Xinyue and Guochunfeng, the two federal intelligence agencies have joined forces to collect evidence that can bring down these giants in decades, and finally set off everything with the help of the Firefly Rebellion. Xinyue dragged these giants to death together!

"The appearance of the Firefly is an accident, but even if there is no Firefly, Jin Xinyue will also arrange another more radical scandal at this point in time to detonate herself, and by the way, blow up the riches!

"In this way, all obstacles to the full governance of the'Li Yao Group' have been removed, and more importantly, the illusion that Jin Xinyue is desperate, about to be ruined or even imprisoned, a hundred years of dreams are broken, and everything is lost. It also created very reasonable conditions for her'betrayal'."

Hei Yeming nodded and said: "Indeed,'Fraud' is a very old tactic. Since mankind created war, I am afraid that there has been a tactic of'Fraud', but it can take decades or even nearly a hundred years to plan. One time, Jin Xinyue, terrible woman!"

The Hanged Man continued to say calmly: "The Star Federation does not want to fight a protracted battle, and it cannot withstand the consumption of more than ten or two decades. After all, the Black Wind Fleet is not the only expedition force in the empire, even if the Federation can spend dozens of them. What's the point of slowly grinding the Black Wind Fleet to death in a few years? Once the second expeditionary army arrives, it can easily wipe out the Federation!

"Therefore, the Federation has no choice but to take the risk, eat up the main force of the Black Wind Fleet in the quick decisive battle, force your remaining forces to surrender, and strengthen their strength in the shortest time, so that the empire can calculate the cost-benefit ratio of war and conquest. After that, I dare not send a second fleet. This is the only chance of survival for the Federation."

Hei Yeming said coldly: "Eat my main force in one bite? Jin Xinyue has a big appetite!"

The hanged man smiled and said, "Under normal circumstances, of course there is no such possibility, but it is not necessarily when you have just completed the Star Sea Jump and are most vulnerable.

"Ming Shuai, you are familiar with the history of the Federation, and you must remember the battle that Jin Xinyue's father, Jin Tuyi, truly controlled the blood demon world over a hundred years ago.

"At that time, Jin Tuyi was just a puppet and did not fully control the Allied Forces of All Demon, but with the help of the collapse of the Super Teleportation Array'Blood Demon Eye', he killed countless powerful men and troops who disobeyed him in one breath. , Instantly changed from a puppet to the real'Lord of Blood Demon'!

"Manpower is sometimes poor, but the power of the universe is endless and irresistible! It is extremely difficult for the Federation to destroy the main force of the Black Wind Fleet, but the dimensional storm in the four-dimensional space is the true **** of destruction, enough to make any human created'toy' It's all smashed!"

Hei Yeming nodded and said, "Jin Xinyue wants to copy her father's battle and copy the collapse of the'Blood Demon Eye'."

The Hanged Man said: "It's not a copy, but an upgrade - after 24 hours, she will of course betray the Federation, control all the starry sky gates in the Tianyuan Realm, and summon your Black Wind Fleet directly into the heart of the Federation.

"However, when half of your main force has been teleported to the Celestial Realm, and it is in the weak period of just completing the jump, and the other half of the main force is still in the four-dimensional space, when it is in the teleportation state, she will extinguish the star torch and cut off the starry sky door. , Replace the jump signal of Stargate.

"And the Great White Fleet, which was supposed to help you, will take a counter-attack at this time, beating your main fleet that has not completely stabilized the three-dimensional form; the Liaoyuan fleet that is ready to go will also be guided by Jin Xinyue. Down, jump to the top of your heads and perform a thunderous blow!

"Half of your main force was lost in the turbulence of the stars and was torn to pieces by the dimensional storm in the four-dimensional space, while the other half of the main force was not firmly established and was hit head-on. How can it be undefeated?"

The shocking intelligence did not make Hei Yeming's eyelashes blink even once. He continued to ask: "Understood, this is the way to defeat the empire, but where does the so-called ‘Rise of the Yao ethnic group’ come from?"

Hanged male said: "Jin Xinyue has an extremely secret monster death squad, which is carefully selected in the dark war for nearly a hundred years. The people who are the most loyal, believers, and enthusiastic to the monsters are the most loyal, the most faithful and the most enthusiastic people to the monsters. Die loyalty is just like the loyalty of the cultivator to the empire, indestructible.

"Jin Xinyue should be a secret weapon deployed in the outer star field of the Tianyuan Realm. It needs to be manipulated by this monster clan death squad, and it is very likely to launch a fatal blow to the Black Wind Fleet.

"Once successful, these monster races will become the decisive factor in this battle and the greatest contributor to turning the tide!"

Hei Yeming said, "So what?"

"Don't you understand, Ming Shuai?"

The hanged man smiled, "Today's stars and sea, psychic energy is gradually abundant again. As a race of monsters, it is destined that it will not be able to prosper anymore, and will only slowly weaken and die.

"Now there are 100 billion people in the Federation, of which 30 billion demons, accounting for 30%, can still have a certain amount of speech. This is the limit.

"The Xingyao Federation is absolutely unwilling to succumb to the corner of Xinghai. They are destined to be ambitious to march towards the center of Xinghai.

"When the Federation really has ten, twenty, thirty or even more worlds, and those worlds are almost 100% human, how much will the demographic population and influence in the Federation be reduced?

"The demon race is doomed to decline. Even if Jin Tuyi’s'Red Tide Project' a hundred years ago, what it wanted to save and rejuvenate was not the demon race in the physical sense, but a spirit, a heritage, a symbol, and a ……symbol.

"The struggle and construction of the Star Federation over the past hundred years is to fight the Black Wind Fleet today. This is also the true'war for the founding of the nation' of the new federation. If this battle can be won in a straightforward manner, the new federation will Have the ability to march towards the center of Xinghai!

"So, if this battle is won by the Yaozu, and the Yaozu has become a hero who can turn the tide and save the federation, and become the biggest hero of the federation's march into the center of the Xinghai, then they will stay in the history of the new federation. It is an indelible stroke of intense color, brilliance and brilliance!

"From then on, no one can speak of the past grievances between the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm, and no one dares to discriminate against and be wary of the demon race. The important part will definitely be the glorious poem of this battle, the monsters fought **** battles and sacrificed heroically for the Federation!

"The body of flesh and blood will eventually decay, but the spirit and will can survive. Jin Xinyue inherited his father's will, and developed the Dark Moon Project on the basis of the Red Tide Plan. It is not to revive the monster race's body, but to Redefine the word'Yaozu'.

"In the past, the people of the Federation might think of blood, killing, ugliness, and hatred when they heard the word'Demon Race.'

"But after this battle, all the Federation people, all the Federation people who will rule three thousand worlds for thousands of years in the future, hear the word'monster', only one word will appear in their minds-heroes!

"Isn't this the rise of the monster race?"

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