40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1709: Old and new cultivators!

Although the whole body of the hanged man was tightly shackled, like an iron coffin, his speech was not emotional, he was completely flat and straightforward, and he didn't mean to add oil and jealousy.

However, his plain narrative was still like a stormy wave, penetrating the light curtain and space, sweeping the bridge of the "Black Vortex", immersing the commander of the Black Wind Fleet in a silent wave.

Hei Yeming said for the second time: "Jin Xinyue, terrible woman, terrible plan!"

Hanged male said: "Indeed, if the full version of the'Dark Moon Project' is really successful, then, as the daughter of the former commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, and the leader of the Monster Race, Jin Xinyue will lead the Monster Race to achieve a real revival; and As a disciple of'Vulture Li Yao', she can make the Li Yao Group achieve'full governance' and completely control the power of the Star and Yao Federation, no matter who is in the Li Yao Group, Ding Lingdang, Wu Ma Yan, Bai Kaixin, and Yao Dao Peng Hai, Guochunfeng, Xiong Wuji, Lei Dalu...everyone would appreciate her sacrifice and grievances, believe her, and support her; and as a high-level member of the Star Federation, she defeated the Imperial Expeditionary Army in one fell swoop. , Made an immortal achievement!

"The leader of the Yaozu, the disciple of Li Yao, and the high-level federation, she has not failed her triple identities. With one stone and three birds, a victory has brought the triple rise of the Yaozu, the Li Yao Group and the Star Federation!

"After that, as long as the whole plan is slightly packaged and part of the truth is revealed to the public, she will immediately become the greatest hero in the history of the Star Federation. After that, whether it is to let Ding Lingdang be the speaker, she herself hides behind the scenes. Manipulating everything, or coming out to be the speaker by yourself, or even changing the current "election law", extending the term of the speaker, and granting yourself greater powers, isn't all this easy?"

Hei Yeming laughed deeply: "Good strategy, good strategy, and an insatiable appetite! A calculation, including her own people and enemies, the Federation and the empire! Great! But she didn't have it. Have you considered the possibility of me not being deceived? After all,'failure surrender' is not an ingenious tactic, but a very old strategy that everyone can think of."

"The Dark Moon Project is a set of decomposed and highly independent plans. Although they are interlocked, even if something goes wrong in the last link, it will not affect the effects of the previous links."

The hanged man explained, "Even if the handsome commander is not fooled, what about? In the Tianyuan Realm, those rich and unpredictable generations are all instigated by Jin Xinyue. After 24 hours, they will definitely launch it. You are not fooled, but the "crime of treason" of these wealthy families is unequivocal.

"In this way, it is absolutely impossible to see who is truly loyal to the Star Federation, and who can't stand the pressure will turn apostles when the situation is bad, so as to eliminate hidden dangers in advance, isn't it?

"After the'clean-up operation' is over, Director Secret Sword will pass the spring breeze, and the powerful people in the Liaoyuan Fleet-I suspect it is most likely the Chief of Staff of the Liaoyuan Fleet Bai Xinyue, um, Jin Xinyue, Guochunfeng, Bai Xinyue, that is With this'iron triangle' of the layout, the other two will naturally stand up to testify for Jin Xinyue, proving that this is a special'stress test'.

"These rich and decadent giants, who have been overwhelmed with fat and rotten for hundreds of years, are all'pig teammates' who have not succeeded or failed. They will all be cleared before the war, and by the way, they can be collected from them. A large amount of resources can only benefit the unity of the entire federation, but not harm!"

Hei Yeming said: "I can take this opportunity to surprise the rest of the world outside the Tianyuan Realm."

Hanged man said: "Even if Jin Xinyue doesn't engage in the'Dark Moon Project', can Ming Shuai choose one of the seven worlds to launch a surprise attack?

"But, will Ming Shuai do this?

"Hehe, everyone knows that the Star Federation does not want to fight wars of attrition and protracted wars, and does not want its homeland to become a ruin; but the Black Wind Fleet also wants to fight quickly, lest there will be many nights and dreams, and new variables will be transmitted from the local area. , Such as an expeditionary force stronger than the Black Wind Fleet appeared here and swallowed us all.

"The commander Ming will not only quickly occupy the core world of the Federation, but also defeat the main force of the Federation's ace Liaoyuan fleet in one fell swoop, in order to completely destroy the Federation's will to continue to resist!

"Then only choose Tianyuan Realm.

"Therefore, as long as the ancient strategy of ‘swindling surrender’ is released at the most suitable time and released into the hearts of the enemy generals, there is still a probability of over 50% that it will succeed.

"The federation originally used a small scale for the empire, with a probability of over 50%. Isn't it enough for Jin Xinyue to take a fight?"

Hei Yeming nodded slowly: "What you said is very reasonable, but there is one thing - how exactly do you know all this, will Jin Xinyue tell you all this?"

Hanged man said: "Naturally, Jin Xinyue would not even tell me a word. Although I have worked with her for so many years, she has never really believed in me, let alone such a top secret plan?

"But, decades ago, when my master was still alive, I focused on Jin Xinyue, and I liked to think about this woman-because I smelled a breath in her, which is the same as my own. Her breath, I am the same type of person. I know that she will never be willing to be a puppet of a wealthy family, nor will she be so stupid that she will completely break with the big backers such as Ding Lingdang and the spring breeze. What she is plotting is more than just a trivial matter. A'Federal Speaker' is as simple as that.

"In her identity and circumstances, if she really wants to be the Speaker of the Federation, she shouldn't be so high-profile. She always keeps her ambitions on her lips and makes it public; since she said so, it means'Federation The Speaker's is just a cover. What she wants to plot is something bigger, farther, and deeper.

"Because I discovered that Jin Xinyue is such an interesting woman, after Master died, I took the initiative to approach her and let her understand my disguised ambitions and ambitions. She really valued me and believed that I was quite valuable.

"Everything that happened after that, Ming Shuai knows. Although Jin Xinyue didn't tell me her real plan, it relied on the things she asked me to do, plus my decades of personality analysis and psychological research on her. Now, what's weird about being able to figure out the cause and effect?"

Hei Yeming said: "So, are you really, as she sees it, both a pure cultivator and a firm patriot, unswervingly loving the Xingyao Federation?"

"Yes it is."

Hanged upside down, "Jin Xinyue also has her testing methods. If she doesn't really love the Xingyao Federation, she will never be selected."

Hei Yeming said: "But now you have betrayed Jin Xinyue and you have joined the empire's camp."

"I just betrayed Jin Xinyue, not the Star Federation."

Hanged upside down, "In other words, I just betrayed the name of the Star Federation and its government, and did not betray the Seven Worlds and all the compatriots who bear this name.

"As a pure cultivator, and as a person who has a deep understanding of the strength of the real human empire, I believe that an early end to this war and an early implementation of the system of cultivators in the seven worlds will be the real salvation. , The real future.

"I can't just watch my compatriots go further and further down the wrong path, sink deeper and deeper, and bring deeper suffering to myself and the people of the empire!

"This is the only reason for my cooperation with Ming Shuai. Please Ming Shuai must believe me and save the Xinghai Beach, these human compatriots who have gone astray, please!"

Hei Yeming glanced at the imperial spy next to the hanged man again.

None of the secret spies responded—the Hanged Man was still telling the truth.

Even Hei Yeming, an iron-blooded warrior who came out of the Asura Slaughterhouse in the middle of the Star Sea, couldn't help his lips trembling, and said quietly, "I don't know why, I'm a little... afraid of you, whether you are or Jin Xinyue, you star beach All human beings are as terrible as poisonous snakes."

"We don't have the power of the high-level cultivators of the true human empire in Xinghai Central, who are as brave as a liger, as strong as a bear, and as vigorous as an eagle."

The Hanged Man said, "In order to survive, those of us poor people waiting to be rescued at the Star Beach can only develop some small conspiracy and tricks, like the fangs of a poisonous snake-but these insignificant tricks are in the face of the power of the empire. It’s not worth mentioning."

Hei Yeming hummed softly: "Tell me, how can I believe you? Jin Xinyue is swindling, how do you know that you are not swindling? Maybe you don’t have a plan. Are you playing the trick of'double surrender'?"

"I can't tell you."

The Hanged Man said, "You have squeezed out all the information from me, and you have also received enough information from Jin Xinyue. You are the commander of the Black Wind Fleet. From these messy information, analyze the correct information. The answer, this is your responsibility, not mine.

"Anyway, you still have 24 hours. After 24 hours, if you are still standing still, Jin Xinyue will know that you have not been fooled. Then everyone has lost the opportunity to'quick fight and make a quick decision'. Then slowly fight the war of attrition and fight for both defeats. Right!"

Dark night was silent, and a shallow blood vessel popped out of his temple, shaking involuntarily.

He stared at the hanged man, trying to see the truth in the deepest part of his brain.

However, the eyes and even the upper half of the face of the hanged man were still firmly hidden by the iron mask, and nothing could be seen at all.

Hei Yeming was silent for three minutes, and the Hanged Man was also very patient. Except for the blood bubble coming out of his nose, he seemed to be dead, without any movement.

"it is good!"

Hei Yeming finally made up his mind. Bunches of steel-like muscles appeared on his face, gritted his teeth, and smashed out like a cannonball one by one, "Since Jin Xinyue has carefully set a trap in the Tianyuan realm and arranged a Tianluodi net. Waiting for me, if I don’t go, don’t you betray her “good intentions” too? She wants me to go to the Tianyuan realm, then I will go to the Tianyuan realm! I will let her see the power of the Black Wind Fleet, and Let her taste the taste of being clever instead of being mistaken by cleverness!"

The hanged man still did not speak.

It's like not hearing the choice of Hei Yeming, and it's like being immersed in the depths of one's brain, in an extremely profound world.

"Stop stimulating his nerve endings, but don't let go of the shackles and restraints, continue to isolate his five senses, don't let him down."

Hei Yeming gesticulated, "Lu Qingchen, you are too dangerous. Before this battle dust settles, I am not going to let you go, are you okay?"

The hanged man-President Di Lin, leader of the native immortal cultivator of the Federation, Lu Qingchen, gently shook his head within the shackles: "No."

"By the way, there is one more thing."

Hei Yeming suddenly said, "What is going on with the so-called'Xianxian 2.0 Theory' you preach, I have read several monographs written by you, but it is really interesting, which makes me really curious!"

Lu Qingchen smiled, revealing Bai Sensen's teeth. Judging from his upside-down face, it looked like a strong sarcasm.

"There is no such thing as'Xianxian 2.0' at all. It is just for us to attract immortal cultivators in the Federation, gather them all together and then catch them all at once, and think of lie to deceive people.

The new generation of immortal cultivators in Xinghai Beach said with a smile to the older generation of immortal cultivators from the center of Xinghai.

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