40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1711: Oh I got it!

"Mo Xuan, is that the new generation of ghost repair'Xingling' who lives in the liquid metal, the firm advocate of the unification of the spirit net?"

Long Yangjun pondered for a moment, "Wait, you don't care about the threat of'virtual life', do you care about the threat of'virtual life'? With the current level of crystal brain and spirit net of the Federation, even if virtual life is really to be produced, at least how many Thousands of years later, the threat of the Imperial Expeditionary Force is real!"

"No, it was Lu Qingchen that I wanted to check at the beginning."

Li Yao ate the noodles, drank the last drop of sour soup, tapped the table lightly with a fork, and said, "I always think that Lu Qingchen has a big problem. His set of'Xiu Xian 2.0 theory' made me stunned. Creepy! I saw this guy when he was a teenager. He was young and old, and the city was very deep. He was definitely not willing to be the next generation. I was worried that Jin Xinyue could not control him, and he would most likely be bitten by him.

"So, when I was fine, I studied his life trajectory, especially the incident of the'Void Spirit Realm Collapse' that caused him to completely transform into an immortal cultivator.

"As a result, I found that there are not many descriptions of the'Void Spirit Realm Collapse' incident on the Lingnet. Even the so-called'in-depth reports' are often understated and have no real cause and effect.

"Think about it. At that time, the'Great Unification Lingwang' that traversed several large worlds was under construction. If this kind of news that caused the death of the experimenter was hyped, it would make people doubt the safety of the Lingwang. Besides, the dead Su Changfa was an imperial immortal cultivator, and his position in the Federation was rather embarrassing. This incident did not cause too many storms, so it passed, and was forgotten by everyone along with the "Void Spirit Realm".

"But I always think it doesn't make sense. Even if Lu Qingchen and Su Changfa's relationship are deep, his teacher's death is an accident. It will not make him hate the Federation and surrender to the empire instead?

"What happened in the'Virtual Spirit Realm' back then? Why did Su Changfa die, why did Lu Qingchen change, and why did my teacher, Professor Mo Xuan, give up the study of'virtual life'?

"My teacher is obviously the most persevering person. Even if he became a'virtual spirit body' because of the big bang in the past, he spent several years in a state of non-life and non-death. Once he was resurrected, he never gave up training. The ideal of the device, no matter how big a failure, should make him more frustrated and courageous!

"It doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense!

"Continuing to explore, I found that the previous'Void Spirit Realm Experiment' was carried out in the Baihua Star Region.

"At that time, Baihua City had just been constructed. All the super crystal brains were relocated from Tianyuan, Feixing, Tianhuan, Kunlun and other places for mysterious and complicated assembly and debugging. According to public reports, it was the next computing center. There was a problem with the debugging, which affected Professor Mo Xuan, Su Changfa, and Lu Qingchen, etc. The master brain of the'Void Spirit Realm Research Group' led to the'Void Spirit Realm Collapse' event.

"To this day, the relics of the old "Void Spirit Realm" should be hidden somewhere under the Baihua City Computing Center? The research and development and control center of "Civilization" is also here, and my teacher has left the "Civilization" research The team abandoned the virtual spirit world, but still stationed in Baihua City for a long time, presided over other research projects."

Long Yangjun understood: "So, you want to find Professor Mo Xuan to understand the truth of the past'Void Spirit Realm collapse', so that you can determine if there is any problem with Lu Qingchen?"

"I thought so at the beginning."

Li Yao said, "But after careful study, I found a new clue. It turns out that except for Lu Qingchen, my teacher has a big problem!"

Long Yangjun was startled slightly, lowered his voice subconsciously, and leaned forward: "What's the problem?"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and said every word: "He, divorced, married, and gone!"

Long Yangjun: "..."

Li Yao knocked **** the table: "He was divorced, and he was still looking for a mistress because of cheating. He was found out by his wife, another teacher of mine, Professor Yuan Manqiu of the Refining Department of the Dahuang Zhanyuan, so he got divorced!"

Long Yangjun: "Sorry, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to leave first. Otherwise, you should continue to eat noodles?"

Li Yao: "Don't do this. Listen to my explanation. My two teachers, Professor Mo Xuan and Professor Yuan Manqiu, have a very good relationship. It's not easy. How come Professor Mo Xuan cheats and finds a mistress, and the two get divorced?"

Long Yangjun: "Marriage freedom is about your ass. My patience is limited, and you have already broken the limit when you eat the third bowl of noodles!"

Li Yao: "No, believe me, think about it carefully, this incident happened shortly after the collapse of the'Void Spirit Realm'. Don't you think the timing is too coincidental, it's very weird?"

Long Yangjun took a deep breath, but found that the nose was full of the smell of sour soup and fat beef. She fanned in a bit of disgust, barely thought for a moment, and nodded slightly: "What you said... is indeed a little weird, you Isn’t the teacher Guixiu, how can he cheat to find the mistress?

"It's not a problem."

Li Yao said, "He is liquid metal, and it is ever-changing. Technically speaking, it can be changed by himself, as few as possible. Also, even for ordinary ghost repairs, the Federation’s psychic prosthetic limb refining industry is also very developed. , There are special prostheses of this kind. How can I say it, just like the so-called'Mr. Horn, Dr. Chu, and Niang Niang' in the ancient sage world. Are you an eunuch? Don't you eunuchs know these ways best?"

"Who is the eunuch?"

Long Yangjun slapped the table fiercely, leaving a deep palm print on the table with a "bang", gritted his teeth and said, "Since there is no technical problem, isn't it normal? Both ghosts and star spirits are all human beings. People have seven emotions and six desires. As the so-called "seven-year itch", the itch is so bad for seven years. Two people have been together for seventy years, so don’t they want to scratch the whole body?

"If you think about it, your teacher, Professor Mo Xuan, is responsible for part of the development of the "Civilization" game in Baihua Star Domain and presides over the'Void Spirit Realm Project'; while your other teacher, Professor Yuan Manqiu, stays in Tianyuan Star. The Refining Department of the Great Desolate War Academy is the mainstay, and the two must be together much more!

"In the past, they were all engaged in crystal armor research, and they could support each other in their careers and communicate a lot, but since Professor Mo Xuan became a Protoss and his computing power skyrocketed, he gradually changed his career path and moved to the direction of Lingwang. Now, what language does the two have in common?

"At this time, Professor Mo Xuan's painstaking effort in the'Virtual Spirit Realm Project' failed, and it also resulted in the death of a researcher. Needless to say, he felt annoyed, blamed, and depressed in his heart.

"If there is a charming little fairy at this time, or a female researcher who also does Lingwang and Jingbra research takes advantage of it, and stretches his slender hand into his liquid metal to soothe his badly injured soul... Is it strange? "

Li Yao vigorously scratched his chin and jaw: "It is true that you said so. I saw from the lace news at the time that my teacher's junior seems to be a female researcher of the "Great Unification Lingwang Computing Center". Still a senior algorithm expert or something."

Long Yangjun: "It's over!"

Li Yao shook his head vigorously: "No, I have to figure out this matter. Anyway, it won’t take long. I will go to see Professor Mo Xuan while our starship is overhauling and refueling here. If the teacher is okay. If you do, it happened through him to tell Ding Lingdang and Jin Xinyue the news of my return-through others, I was not at ease.

Long Yangjun pondered for a moment: "This is quite reasonable. Indeed, it is time to contact Ding Lingdang and Jin Xinyue, the two ‘giants’ first, and everyone will work together to avoid any misunderstanding.

"So, what project is your teacher currently responsible for, and where can I find him?"

Li Yao gently knocked on a light curtain: "This, the'Fire Seed Plan', its source is the'Tombstone Project' proposed by the oldest demon king in the blood demon world,'Gui Shou Shou' more than a hundred years ago. The purpose is It was to inherit our civilization. Later, our Yaoshi Group, Shuangjiao Association and a large number of federal sects all invested to help this plan be implemented. Because the word "tombstone" was not auspicious, we changed its name to the "Tinder Project". '.

"Professor Mo Xuan became discouraged after the'Void Spirit Realm Collapse' incident, and gave up most of the work in the "Civilization" game and the Great Unification Ling. Instead, he devoted himself to the Tinder Project and became its person in charge. With his powerful joining, the progress of the Tinder Plan has been greatly accelerated. Up to now, the first batch of'Tinders' have been refined and can be thrown into the depths of the Star Sea.

"In fact, because of the approach of the Black Wind Fleet, no one knows when they will suddenly come out. Therefore, the first'Fire Seed' will be launched tomorrow.

"It was precisely when I learned about this in the news that we specifically asked our starship to come to the Baihua Star Region today and apply to the authorities to visit the'Tinder Project' project team, and communicate in-depth with Professor Mo Xuan to understand civilization. The authorities have approved the inheritance, and it only takes half a day. It will not delay our itinerary."

Long Yangjun squinted his eyes and quickly scanned the news: "The first deep space exploration ship carrying the fire of the Star Federation civilization will be led by the famous federal novelist and educator'Wei Qingqing'. Teacher Wei will Become the first person in the history of the Federation who is very likely to hibernate for tens of thousands of years, go to the distant future, and inherit our civilization? Teacher Wei... Wei Qingqing... Oh... I see!"

Li Yao blinked desperately: "What do you understand?"

Long Yangjun glanced at him meaningfully, and said with a smile: "So you said so much nonsense, not to go to Professor Mo Xuan, but to see the old friend!"

Li Yao's face suddenly turned pale: "What kind of old friend! This is where my wife's place is, don't talk nonsense!"

"Isn't Wei Qingqing the girl who stood up and sacrificed bravely on the train to the Great Wilderness Battle Yard before you awakened your spiritual roots? She was still a literary artist!"

Long Yangjun chuckled, "It is said that under her encouragement, you have set up the lofty goal of becoming a cultivator. To you, she is like some kind of... a glorious and holy big sister.

"Don't stare at me like that, it's not what I said, I read more than a dozen of your biographies, and every one of them said so!

"So that's the case, I completely understand! The big sister who had saved her life back then and inspired her to embark on the road of cultivation, tomorrow will embark on the journey of one hundred thousand years later, and will never see it-since she was caught You know the news of such a'thunderbolt in the sky'. It's human nature if you want to see her. Anyway, there is no mistake in business and private affairs!

"Understand, fully understand, you said that earlier, I understood it a long time ago, why bother in such a big circle? This kind of "pure relationship" of life-saving benefactors, the last side, I really want to see you, I support you, absolutely I won't tell your wife, don't worry!"

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