40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1712: The fire will not extinguish, civilization will last forever!

Li Yao sternly said: "I have a very pure relationship with Daoists. Don’t think about being so dirty, and I’m mainly going to visit my teacher to clarify the "Void Spirit Realm Collapse Incident" and the details of Lu Qingchen. !

"Listen, my plan is like this.

"Ling Xiaole from the Secret Sword Bureau will come over and take me to the'Fire Seed Base'. I originally planned to go there alone, but since you have guessed so much, then go together. If anything happens to everyone A reference is not bad.

"When I arrived at the Tinder Base and visited the'Tinder Project,' I naturally had the opportunity to have in-depth contact with Professor Mo Xuan. I would like to ask the truth about how he left the "Civilization" production team and divorced my wife.

"After I figured everything out, I contacted my wife through Professor Mo Xuan's communication line-Professor Mo Xuan, who is an important figure in the Federation, must have his own private line directly to the capital or the Great Wilderness Battlefield, and Ding Lingdang is also a great wasteland. Born in a war college, I used to have a good relationship with Professor Mo Xuan. Even if Professor Mo Xuan can't get in touch with Jin Xinyue, at least he can definitely get in touch with my wife!

"Well, through the professor, contact my wife and tell her the good news of'I'm back.' Then I can communicate with the Federal Army through my wife and master some control rights of the'Hundred Flower Star Region', and at least a batch of federations can be mobilized. The army, or the people of the Patriot Front, come over.

"My wife has done it, and with the support of the Patriot Front and the Federal Army, we will come back here and show off to the other ten strong men in the ancient sacred world and tell them that I am the legendary Old Demon Li-when When they were extremely shocked, dumbfounded, lingering in their hearts, and cold sweat, I knew they would love, move with reason, and lure them into profit. When they are terrified and grateful, can they still not join the Federation?

"Even if something goes wrong, I have already mobilized the Federation Army and many powerful people at this time, and I can definitely manage it.

"As a result, when the enemy knew nothing, the Federation added twelve masters of Nascent Soul Peak and even God Transformation in one breath!

"I don't care about the enemy's conspiracy, what is the game, the mystery, the mess, this time I will rely on the strong and bully the weak! Anyway, when the enemy is trying to see, when he thinks he has the chance to win, Our twelve Nascent Soul Peaks and the Huashen boss slapped the enemy's face! The twelve Nascent Souls and Huashen slapped the face. How do you say you lose in this battle?

"This is my plan. It is simple and rude but absolutely effective. After listening to it, does it feel appropriate?"

Long Yangjun raised his eyebrows and pondered for a long time: "Probably... is it proper?"

"That's it!"

Li Yao gave a high-five and said, "Of course, if time permits, if everyone happens to run into it, I will be alone with Sister Qingqing, and ask her about her recent developments for so many years. By the way, let her bring a copy of my blessing to hundreds of millions. People after the year, that is also very reasonable!

"Well, let's not say so much, Ling Xiaole is here, let's go, go to the Tinder Base, and see Professor Mo Xuan!"


Located in the center of the vast sea of ​​stars in the Baihua Starfield, Baihua City, near the overlapping gravitational circle of two stars, consists of hundreds of circular space station arrays, not counting the staff and workers living on the hundreds of "gates to the stars" nearby. Family members, in the main urban area alone, have a population of 150 million.

Although it is not the largest starry sky city in the entire Star Federation, it is definitely a "future city" with the highest average population quality, the most developed magical powers, and various cutting-edge magical powers, cutting-edge magic weapons, and experimental exercises.

Because it is located in the center of the navigational intersection of the seven worlds of the Federation, it is the only place to go from the north to the south, and it is naturally suitable to become the federal transportation hub and big data interaction center. It also attracts cutting-edge talents and talents from the seven worlds. Numerous sects, groups, research teams and even higher academic institutions related to Crystal Brain and Lingwang have moved here. After decades of development, especially in the core database and supercomputing center of "Lingwang" and "Civilization" The Game Control and Interaction Center, as well as the newly-established Federal Supreme University "Xingyao Federal Future University", have settled here one by one, and they have become veritable "federal think tanks."

According to statistics, there are three "Gai"-level super crystal brains with the strongest computing power in the entire federation, and Baihua City has one of them, and the "Jing"-level super crystal brains below the "Gai" level are 130 in the whole federation. Among the seven stations, Baihua City has 69 stations, accounting for more than half, and it is an out-and-out "City of Crystal Brains."

It is through the calculation, analysis, interaction, and transmission of these super crystal brains day and night that the smooth navigation between the seven worlds of the Federation and the stability of the unified spiritual network can be ensured.

When Li Yao and Long Yangjun, led by the half-fox demon Ling Xiaole, took the silver-white drop-shaped magneto-magnet shuttle and shuttled silently through Baihua City, they really felt that the city is far beyond the fish and dragon. The city, the Firefly and even the Tianhuan Rail City are advanced, quiet and profound.

From the outside, Baihua City looks like hundreds of spheres with a diameter of tens of kilometers and no flaws on the surface. They are connected vertically and horizontally like a mirror to form an absolutely precise cube.

This shape, which completely violates the laws of nature and the normal state of the universe, is the best symbol of the existence of human beings that is "anti-natural" or "against the sky".

However, the shuttle car shuttles through the interior of Baihua City, but it seems to be shuttled in a magnificent, varied and volatile nature.

Suddenly they shuttled across the endless prairie, through the transparent floor under their feet, admiring the beauty of "the wind blows the grass, but the cows and sheep"; suddenly they saw a series of pearl-like lakes among the rolling yellow sand, and the lush green surrounding the lakes The oasis; suddenly passing through the dark and deep Grand Canyon, to the wild jungle, there are even many strange star scenes on the resource planet, dazzling and beautiful.

These natural sceneries are all illusions created by super large-scale three-dimensional light curtains.

There are almost all such facilities in the small star sea cities, bringing a virtual comfort to humans who originated on the planet.

The illusions in Baihua City are extremely lifelike, ten times more real than the illusions in Yulong City, Firefly and Sky Ring City. ".

Ordinary people who come here, only need to change three or four scenes, they will have the wrong feeling that they are really on a certain planet.

"Among the'mountains' ahead is the Federal Future University. It is the highest institution established with the new federation. Now it has assembled the best elites from the seven federations, especially in the field of crystal brains and ling nets, and far surpasses them. Above other universities.

"The series of silver-white egg-shaped buildings in the'desert' over there is the data interaction and control center of the "Civilization" game. Also, the production center for new plots and new games is also here. Yes, for the super-large crystal brain. It is necessary to set the climate here so dry.

"The front is the'Tinder Base'."

Ling Xiaole, Li Yao's guide, swayed the fox's tail and introduced very graciously.

As the little girl spoke, she stuck her tongue out, "This time I was stunned by both of you. There are many cutting-edge project research centers and secret planning bases in Baihua City, all of which are'freedom from entering', even me. This "Secret Sword Bureau's Top Ten Outstanding Newcomers in 1999", I usually don't have the opportunity to come in and have a look...Wow!"

The shuttle car drove into the Tinder Base, as if it had passed through a gate that did not exist, or punctured a bubble, and the picture presented before them suddenly changed and turned into a muddy seabed.

No, it’s not the modern azure blue or the deeper and darker sea, but when the planet was just born, the submarine volcanoes erupted everywhere, the ocean turned into a boiling hot soup, the extremely unstable ancient sea, and black plumes of smoke everywhere. It rises like a demon's hand protruding from a crack in the sea.

However, this is such a "devil's hand", bringing out a large amount of precious metals and minerals from the depths of the earth's crust, and miraculously reacting with substances in sea water and primitive air, giving birth to the first batch of single-celled life.

Even if they knew it was an illusion, such a magnificent ancient seabed picture still made both Li Yao and Long Yangjun feel deeply shocked.

The illusion of the Tinder Base being arranged on the periphery seems to have a special meaning.

The shuttle car continued to move forward, as if passing through a time tunnel, and the illusions around them were constantly changing-the submarine volcano gradually fell into dormancy, the color of the water continued to become lighter, and layers grew near the ancient submarine volcanic crater. Thick archaea, like a white carpet, extend to the end of the ocean, and various ancient marine creatures that feed on these archaea have also appeared one after another, such as red algae, green algae, trilobites, strange shrimps, nautilus, and mud. Pot fish...


The shuttle car is like traveling all the way to the Middle Ages in the deep sea, suddenly jumped out of the sea, and what they saw was a paradise of gymnosperms and ferns, all kinds of reptiles and giant insects were in the forest. Growing, a monster similar to Tyrannosaurus emerged from the lush ancient jungle, opened its blood basin and bit at them, as if swallowing them in the abdomen.

The shuttle was naturally safe and sound, but Ling Xiaole let out a half-true exclaim.

After a short period of darkness, mammals and primates gradually replaced reptiles to rule the world. Soon, a few apes with black hairs, high eyebrows and low foreheads became the protagonists of the picture-they were surrounded by a group The bonfire danced with hands, and there seemed to be a giant Pangu starship in the sky watching coldly.

From this scene, time passed faster and faster. The branches in the hands of the ape-man turned into wooden sticks, the wooden sticks were tied with a stone axe, and the stone axe became a bronze sword, a flying sword appeared, a battle armor appeared, and a cave He Shu Nest turned into pavilions and towers, and then became a fairy mountain flying island floating in the air-this is the first splendid and splendid explosion of human civilization, the age of ancient repairs!

After the ancient repair era, there was a 30,000-year dark era under the rule of the Yao clan, followed by the Xinghai Empire. The "doomsday change" was the second major collapse and the second revival that followed. Until today, the Xinghai Beach was fragmented. The seven worlds reunited into the Star Federation...

From the birth of paleontology, to the initiation of Pangu civilization, to the 100,000-year development, setbacks and revival of human civilization, everything is reflected in this short "time tunnel".

Each illusion represents a stage of the development of life. However, the high-rise buildings and starship ocean that represent the Star Federation today are arranged in the penultimate segment, and the penultimate segment represents the "future of human civilization". "They are silver-white metal **** floating in mid-air like balloons. I don't know what it means.

It seems to perceive the distinguished guests coming from afar, all the silver-white metal **** are fused together like a liquid, and then turned into two rows of eight large silver characters:

"The fire will never go out, and civilization will live forever."

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