40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1715: Repeatedly, endlessly!

The unique opening remarks made the three of Li Yao instantly enter a deep and remote atmosphere.

Needless to say, Li Yao, who once had an indissoluble bond with Wei Qingqing, even Long Yangjun and Ling Xiaole are deeply curious about this female teacher who has volunteered for hundreds of millions of years and inherited the fire of human civilization.

However, they are more curious about the children and the "grandfather" above them.

Perceiving their doubtful gazes, Wei Qingqing smiled slightly and motioned to the three of them to walk slowly across the lawn where the children played with her. ,

She explained: "The Tinder Base includes a large park with more than 50,000 staff and their families living here. It is an all-encompassing town with everything you need. Schools, hospitals, shops and entertainment facilities are all available, of course. It also has its own kindergarten and elementary school.

"These little guys are all the children of Tinder Project researchers. I have been at the school here for the past five years, staying with the children."

"Mr. Wei!"

"Teacher Qingqing!"

Seeing them coming, many little guys greeted them one after another. From the big smile on his face, we can see that Wei Qingqing is very popular with the children.

Wei Qingqing smiled, and suddenly made a grimace at the children. With her hands together, one finger, and ten fingers blooming like a lotus, a bunch of colorful flowers bloomed in the palm of her hand. She lifted her cheeks and blew it lightly, and the flowers were like flowers. It is the dandelions that are generally blowing up and going with the wind, causing many children to scatter their feet and chase them, laughing and making trouble, and the lawn is filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Wei Qingqing's flesh and blood body was destroyed by the outbreak of the beast tide more than a hundred years ago. She is a ghost and has no entity. The current human form, including this bunch of colorful dandelions, is naturally an illusion.

However, being able to shape the illusion so vividly, with the fake and the real, even spreading to hundreds of meters away, is enough to see how high her realm is.

——She was originally the "illusionist", the most bizarre of the many professions of the cultivator, possessing the ability to agitate words with psychic energy and shape them into various illusions.

Long Yangjun said: "Teacher Wei, what is the "Grandpa" above these children?"

Wei Qingqing said: "The name of these things when they applied for a patent was called'Similar Intelligent Virtual Educational Mind-Mind Aggregate', but it's too awkward. Everyone usually calls them'Grandpa' because they are really like our side, learned Like a grandfather who is knowledgeable, ubiquitous, and responsive.

"This is a kind of virtual education spirit, which is equivalent to a virtual teacher. Technically speaking, it is not too complicated. As long as all the courses of the federal 12-year compulsory education are added, all the contents of the "Federal Encyclopedia" All are integrated together. However, in the Tinder Base, the people of the'Grandpa Research Institute' hope that it can have more autonomy and decision-making ability, not only to be a good teacher for students, but also to be a good partner in life. , Even a good helper in battle.

"Let’s put it this way, they hope to put a'grandpa' on a strange planet with a harsh environment and inaccessible. As long as it finds humanoid life, it can automatically plan the entire education system and upgrade route according to the current environment to help Humanoid life learns everything about human civilization from scratch, from the simplest babble, one, two, three, four, to the most complex refining techniques, fighting skills, and all kinds of magical powers.

"Furthermore, when students are in danger, the grandfather has to play a certain role in anticipation and protection.

"It's like this—"

As soon as Wei Qingqing raised her hand, a squiggly light cyan haze surged from her non-existent fingertips, condensing into a translucent phantom in mid-air.

He is a childlike face, amiable, but the image of an old man with power and fighting spirit is hidden in the depths of his eyes.

Li Yao fiercely scratched his chin, how do you think this old man is a bit familiar?

Wei Qingqing said: "This is the tenth-generation grandfather we are developing. The standard template is called'Yao Lao', which is modeled after our federation's super hero'Li Yao'."

Li Yao: "..."

Long Yangjun: "Wow, that's interesting!"

This "Old Yao" waved his hands, and a huge blank light curtain suddenly appeared in front of him, and then simple characters, pictures and characters appeared on it, starting from the simplest words "people, mountains, sky, day" and other words. .

Subsequently, the content on the light curtain changed abruptly, but it became the content of psychics, biochemistry, and various basic subjects that were quite difficult for college students.

After showing the content of the book education, "Old Yao" also fought a federal standard military physical boxing vigorously, and put on several classic psionic absorption and operation postures, and finally returned to a static state.

Wei Qingqing said with a smile: "From one generation to ten generations, Grandpa's research has made great progress, but it seems that there is still a long way to go before we adapt to the needs of various unknown environments and races in our minds, so we get us first. In kindergartens and elementary schools in China, as children’s'big toys', you can also collect more data by the way!"

Li Yao and "Old Yao" stared at him with big eyes, stared at the old for a long time, and coughed dryly: "So, you are planning to bring the'Grandpa' to the age of hundreds of millions to enlighten a new civilization?"


Wei Qingqing opened his virtual arms, soaked in the virtual sunlight, and smiled, "I have been a teacher for my whole life, teaching children for my whole life, watching the growth of so many ignorant and ignorant children-actually standing On a higher scale, the so-called "Tombstone Project" or the "Tinder Project", is it not a cosmic level compulsory education program?

"In the universe hundreds of millions of years later, there may be many civilizations in a state of ignorance, just like ignorant children, regardless of their life form, if our'grandfather' can bring them human civilization Essence, give them some enlightenment, isn't it another continuation of our civilization?

"Of course, the environment of each planet is very different, and the life bred must be in various forms. It may be difficult to understand all of human civilization, but only a little bit, as long as a little bit of understanding is enough.

"Think about it, billions of years later, on a strange planet, a kind of intelligent life that lives in a boiling swamp and looks like a metal octopus was born. The form and social structure of this life is very different from that of human beings. Yes, but with the help of the'grandfather', they understood what the so-called'love' and'guardian' of mankind are really about, and felt that this kind of emotion is excellent and has since been incorporated into their civilization. Go-how beautiful this universe is!

"To achieve this goal, even the versatility and universality of the tenth-generation grandfather "Yao Lao" is not enough. The experts of the Tinder Base will have to study it slowly, but I can't wait! Ha, just Let me be the first "grandpa" and look for the children in the universe, oh, no, if it is me, it should be called "grandma"."

There was a wave of ripples around Wei Qingqing's body, and she turned into a kind and lovely grandmother with a hunchback and a head full of silver threads.

Li Yao looked at this posture that he had never seen before, and was stunned for a while.

I heard Long Yangjun ask: "Teacher Wei, I’m very curious about one thing-have you considered the danger of the Tinder Plan? Will certain information carried by the Tinder Plan be affected by the aliens in the depths of the Star Sea? Utilizing, in turn, endangers human civilization? After all, how dark the universe is so big, besides'children', there must be a lot of vicious and hungry beasts dormant, right?"

Wei Qingqing smiled faintly, and said: "Of course we have thought about this issue, so every'tinder' has been imposed the highest level of prohibition. If it is less than a million years, it will never be opened. If it is forcibly opened, it will immediately self-destruct.

"The information stored in Tinder will not exceed the current university level of the Federation. From the perspective of the entire civilization, it is very basic.

"In one million years, if human civilization still existed at that time, it should have developed into a form and level that no one of us can imagine. Those unknown alien races, even the ferocious beasts, would have gotten us. What is the use of the basic theory a million years ago?

"Conversely speaking, if human civilization perishes for various reasons in one million years-judging from the cautious development of civilization in the past forty thousand years, this is extremely possible. Then, it is even more so that foreign races will get these things. It is impossible to harm us.

"Yes, we do not deny that the Tinder Project is dangerous. Maybe the universe is really dark, but because of this, we should throw torches everywhere, light weeds and bushes, illuminate all directions, and look for more. So many of the same kind, or partners who can communicate!

"Otherwise, wouldn't it be possible to hide in the dark for the rest of my life, fear and tremble, and never escape?"

When Wei Qingqing said something, Li Yao, Long Yangjun and Ling Xiaole were a little silent.

Wei Qingqing continued to smile and said: "In fact, you should not underestimate the difficulty of searching Xinghai Civilization. According to the calculations of experts at the Tinder Base, the probability that we will find a foreign race within a million years does not exceed one in a billion. Maybe it will be in Xinghai. Drifting for tens of millions of years before they have the opportunity to find new life.

"By that day, there is a high probability that human civilization will be destroyed, just like the Pangu civilization and Nuwa civilization.

"Maybe at that time, we got our'grandfather', a brand new race that inherited the essence of our civilization, and will return to their'teacher' homeland to help their'teacher' descendants and reproduce a new human civilization. , Regaining a new life?

"If one is not enough, we launch thousands of'Grandpas' into the stars, and we will always meet a'good student', right?

"The cycle goes back and forth, endlessly, maybe this is the best way to make human civilization'immortal'!"

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