40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1716: Country teacher

Wei Qingqing's words made Li Yao sigh with emotion, as if he had seen the free and optimistic little blue bird more than a hundred years ago.

She is always like this. Even if she has encountered the greatest misfortune, she is also willing to pursue the precious beauty from the misfortune.

Li Yao murmured: "So, that's the purpose of your participation in the Tinder Project?"

"Yes, I am the best candidate."

Wei Qingqing smiled and said, "In the beginning, the Tinder Project wanted to launch some of the universes that contained the "Grandpa", but you have also seen that the current "Grandpa" is only suitable as a tool for human education. Unknown life in a completely different form from humans is very likely not a mammal, or even a flesh and blood body, the'Grandpa' will have nothing to do. Even the tenth generation of'Yao Lao' can hardly teach a fish. , Not to mention the weird metal life, magnetic field life, mustard life and the like.

"Grandpa's improvement will take a long time, maybe hundreds or thousands of years, to reach the scale of the universe, but we can't wait, because the imperial expeditionary force will be killed at any time. If you don't launch the fire, you might never have the chance to launch it.

"Later, we thought about launching a hibernating person directly, but the federal hibernation technology is also very problematic. What we are going to do now is not hibernation for decades or hundreds of years, but millions or even thousands of years. Ten thousand years! Even the hibernation techniques of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes may not have this ability-it has only been hundreds of thousands of years since the demise of our father's civilization!

"Hibernation for hundreds of thousands of years has had a serious impact on hibernators, so that a Pangu tribe who wakes up from hibernation will be killed by our human hero Li Yao. This certainly proves the power of Li Yao. , It also indirectly illustrates the unreliability of the Pangu clan's hibernation technology. This is the case for hundreds of thousands of years. If it is several million years, it is estimated that the Pangu clan would have decayed and died alive.

"Thinking about it, if you have to launch a person out, ghost repairs like me are the best choice, because ghost repairs do not have the burden of a flesh and blood body, only a vanity soul, which can be said to be weightless and capable. Very low consumption.

"Experts at the Tinder Base used a miraculous substance unearthed on the 17th Mining Planet of the Crystal Realm, which we call'Silicon 41', to refine a super-strong and super-stable silicon wafer that overcomes ordinary The fragile nature of silicon, in theory, once the structure is stable, it will not change easily for 100 million years!

"My soul will be integrated into this silicon chip, and then sealed with special restrictions, just like ordinary people's hibernation, entering a long sleep, marching into the depths of the star sea!

"This is the most economical way we can think of, and it can last the longest time. Time is running out. The first batch of'Fire Seeds' can only do this first. If we can defeat the Imperial Expeditionary Army, we will slowly think of ways to research and develop. A more advanced and advanced kind of fire!"

Li Yao had hibernated for nearly a hundred years. Knowing the feeling of loneliness and insignificance, he couldn't help but stand in awe of Wei Qingqing. The three words "Sister Qingqing" almost blurted out, pondering for a moment, and couldn't help but ask: "Teacher Wei...you are sitting in a small chip and being launched into the depths of the vast sea of ​​stars and traveling for hundreds of millions of years. Don't you feel very, very lonely?"

"Lonely? No! I have tasted the kind of forbidden seal, it is like falling asleep, opening and closing my eyes, and having a long dream, hundreds of millions of years have passed! Let's talk about—"

Wei Qingqing looked at the sky high and pale, and smiled and said, "I grew up in a small village in the Tianyuan Realm. Today, people living in the era of highly developed unification spiritual nets may be hard to imagine, just over a hundred years. Before, there was still such a closed place in the universe.

"In my hometown, there is no second small mountain village within a radius of tens of miles. Many people have never left the depths of the mountain in their entire lives. Even the light curtain instrument is a rare thing - if it weren't for my teacher, A cultivator from a big city came to my hometown to be a rural teacher. Maybe I would never leave there, and I would never know that there are so many similar, so wonderful worlds outside!

"After seeing the splendid and infinite world outside, you can look back and think about your childhood life in a small mountain village, and you can truly realize how lonely it is!

"So, after graduating from Tianhuan Academy, like my teacher, I became a rural teacher. I started in the Tianyuan realm. After the establishment of the new federation, I went to the blood demon realm, and then went to the crystal realm, the tree sea realm, In the depths of the mines of the Netherworld and the Celestial Circle, go to those places as remote and closed as my hometown, and tell the children there how big the outside world is, even if they live in a small oasis in the middle of the vast desert I am not alone.

"After living like this for nearly a hundred years, I have brought the outside world to lonely small villages, and brought out many children on these isolated islands, and brought them to find a colorful and colorful world—— But I gradually became dissatisfied.

"Regardless of our human civilization or billions of light-years away, the alien races that are most likely to exist in the depths of the star sea, if they are forever trapped in the dark fog of the universe, blocked by their own caution and mutual suspicion, they will die of old age. Isn’t it too lonely when you are in contact? Compared to personal loneliness, I think this is true loneliness and eternal loneliness.

"I want to break this loneliness. I want to go to the depths of this dark forest and look for our... Similar, if not, we will create some of our own to make this cold and dead universe lively, huh, little To brag about myself, I regard myself as a "rural teacher" sent by human civilization to the depths of the universe. In the future, there must be many "children" waiting for me. I can't wait. What can I be lonely? What?"

Li Yao sighed and said, "Mr. Wei, this is the first launch of Tinder after all. The performance of the so-called'ultra-stable silicon chip' is only theoretical, and no one can guarantee that it will last for hundreds of millions of years. Have you ever thought that you would...die?"

"Death, of course I thought about it."

Wei Qingqing blinked and said, "However, I should have died on the train that went north to the Great Wilderness more than a hundred years ago. I was able to transform into the form of a ghost repairer. I have lived more than a hundred years. It is already a great fortune. In the past one hundred years, I have flown through countless mountains and rivers in the Seven Worlds, seen countless wonderful scenery, heard many exciting stories, met many very interesting people, and experienced the world The most beautiful feeling, everything is perfect, let me go to the dream with longing, even if everything stops abruptly in the dream, what regrets?


Wei Qingqing stopped, and they unknowingly walked to the front of a silver-white gate-the gate stood abruptly on the lawn. At first glance, it looked like nothing, and the back was still endless. Lawn and mountains.

Li Yao stretched out his hand and felt it in the air beside the silver-white door, and his hand was immediately pushed back softly and firmly.

It seems that the lawns and hills in the distance are illusions. There should be a large-scale building standing here, but it is hidden by some kind of extremely clever three-dimensional light curtain and illusion, creating an atmosphere of nature.

"Now, the three of you should understand the true meaning of our'Fire Project'? It's not like the outside world thinks, it's a plan of'absolute defeatism, fugitiveism'!"

Wei Qingqing smiled and said, "The upper and lower four directions are called universe, and the present day is the universe in ancient times. The Tinder Project is the same as the federal mainstream Xinghai exploration project'Sky Road Plan'. The Tianlu Plan is in the'up and down Quartet', which is the spatial dimension Explore and explore the larger universe.

"The Tinder Project is an exploration in the direction of time on the scale of'the past and present', and it is marching towards hundreds of millions of years later. Human civilization can defeat time itself!

"Well, Professor Mo Xuan, please come in, Professor Mo Xuan is waiting for three!"

The silver-white door seemed to be condensed from liquid metal, rippling with a wave of ripples, fading in all directions.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other. Together with Ling Xiaole, the three of them, led by Wei Qingqing, entered the research and launch center of the Tinder Project.

At the same time, the last immortal cultivator of the Black Wind Fleet had already awakened, was devouring psychic energies frantically, nourishing the atrophying meridians after decades of hibernation, completely preparing for the final battle.

At this moment, there are still 21 hours, 33 minutes, and 59 seconds before the Black Wind Fleet jumps to the sky above the Heavenly Origin Realm.


Tinder plan, R&D center.

The silver-white hall is somewhat similar to the "Civilization" game hall that Li Yao saw more than half a month ago. There are spherical three-dimensional light curtains in the air, and the light curtain contains a variety of small worlds, like a piece of The illusory lotus flower is slowly blooming, but the content is the fragments of the evolutionary history of life they saw when they passed through the "time tunnel" just now.

From archaea struggling in the boiling ocean, to trilobites and nautilus ruling the sea, to the first fish climbing up the muddy coast, to dinosaurs, tigers, wolves, and apes ruling the land, to the Pangu tribe, the ancestors of human beings. The selection and enlightenment finally gave rise to a huge civilization with various appearances, splendor and splendor, covering three thousand worlds.

The history of life development over billions of years is highly summarized by hundreds of small worlds.

These are not real-time computing games, just videos, so the capacity is extremely small. Hundreds of light and shadow can be stored in a small chip and launched together with Wei Qingqing.

Even if the alien races hundreds of millions of years later cannot understand human language and writing, even if they cannot communicate with Wei Qingqing, as long as they have "vision", they can learn about the civilization of "humanity" through this evolutionary history of life.

If it is a foreign race that is not very developed, it may even be shown in the light curtain. The highly developed high-rise buildings, busy traffic and brilliant lights of human civilization are deeply attracted, and they are regarded as "fairies descending to the earth" and then imitated in the light curtain. Certain things, unconsciously, become human inheritors.

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