40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1717: Spirit race, spirit world!

In addition to the video on the origin and evolution of life, the remaining capacity on the chip naturally stores a large amount of information including the "Federal Encyclopedia", and even some publicly published, relatively rough star maps.

If the alien civilization of hundreds of millions of years later is understandable, these star maps may help them find the "Three Thousand Great World" region where human civilization is located.

Of course, so many extremely precious information and materials will not be easily put to others.

According to Wei Qingqing, there are hundreds of psychologists in the Tinder Base, who have designed a series of very secret tests specifically for the issue of "civilization inheritance", which can secretly test the inheritors' temperament, morals, values, and so on.

"I have recorded all the test content, and the body of the'grandpa' that will be launched in the future also contains such a'test link'. The grandpas will silently observe the actions of the inheritors. At the beginning, only a small part of the information and magical powers will be released, and a series of tests will be carried out. Only when the inheritor's xinxing and values ​​are determined to be more consistent with ours, will all the information including the star map be released.

Wei Qingqing explained, "For example, if our grandfather finds an alien world with less developed civilization, he may first find an ordinary, even relatively desolate individual as a'sample' in this alien world. Falling to the'sample' in the form of Qiankun Ring, and releasing a small part of information and magical powers, in the way of this alien world, fabricated a source, saying that he is an ancient god, a sealed monster, and lost. He then arranged a series of chances and adventures for the sample, and secretly observed what he would use the grandfather's magical powers to do.

"If the sample, after receiving the help of Qian Kun Jie and Grandpa, only cares about doing whatever he wants, killing all quarters, being happy, and seeing others like a rags, then I'm sorry, this kind of alien is probably not suitable for inheriting all of human civilization, and it is true. It’s too dangerous. Grandpa will automatically destroy most of the rest of the information. He will never let this alien know about the existence of human civilization, and release a special spiritual wave that slowly erodes the brain of the sample, so that the sample will live in the grandpa’s creation. In his dreams, one cannot extricate himself from being immersed in the deepest level of obscenity, but in the eyes of sober others, the'sample' is a complete lunatic, and a word is unbelievable.

"In this way, in that alien world, no one can know the truth of human civilization.

"On the other hand, if the'sample' is treated with a normal heart after getting the grandfather, it will wholeheartedly help others, **** the strong and support the weak, respect the old, love the young, and take care of ordinary people and flowers and plants, it means that this alien race Having values ​​similar to ours is qualified to accept our inheritance.

"Grandpa will also arrange a series of tests for the'sample'. Every time a test is passed to confirm more common values, the grandpa will release more magical powers and information, making the sample stronger and more capable. According to the way of human civilization, to transform and lead their world.

"Until the end, all the tests have passed. At that time, the'Grandpa' will announce all the truth, inform this alien race, the existence of human civilization, and give our star map to this'kind and bright' sample. Let him and his descendants return to the homeland of the'teacher' if they have the opportunity.

"We believe that the aliens who can pass all the tests must have similar values ​​to ours. Everyone can understand and communicate with each other, and there is a high chance that they will help each other, pass on each other, and live endlessly!"

Having said that, Wei Qingqing paused and smiled brightly: "The three understand now. We have not underestimated the ambitions and desires of potential aliens in the depths of the universe. We will definitely use the highest standards to find suitable inheritors. In fact, the slow progress of Grandpa's research and development is largely due to this reason, and it is because of the design of the'test link'.

"And I was able to become a member of the first batch of ‘Tinder’ because of this."

Li Yao curiously asked, "Because of what?"

"Because I am a ‘magic writer’!"

Wei Qingqing smiled and said, "We phantom writers have unique magical powers. We can use spiritual text and mantra to influence the brain waves of others and create a lifelike illusion. Therefore, if we can really find a relatively backward alien civilization, I can Find an individual sample of a foreign race, interfere with his brain, and fabricate a series of bizarre, tortuous and bizarre adventures for him, so that he can dominate and do everything in the fantasy world, so as to test his mind. See See if he is suitable for accepting the great heritage of human civilization."

Li Yao tilted his head for a moment, and laughed blankly: "If this sample is a little bit evil, it's really pitiful."

"That's no way. I believe that the universe is bright, but I won't turn a blind eye to darkness and evil."

Wei Qingqing said, "We must be responsible for the future of human civilization. The'country teacher' is also carrying the pointer!

"For the smooth implementation of the Tinder Project, I have been meditating in depth in recent years. With the help of hundreds of phantom writers, I have constructed and condensed a colorful'virtual test world' to ensure that our inheritance will not be broken. Tofi people-so don't worry, everyone!

"Ah, here we are."

Passing through a long silver-white corridor, there is a magnificent round hall in front of which is inlaid with countless light curtains and beams of mysterious light emitters, projecting a large number of three-dimensional light curtains, blending together to create The lifelike "half-step too illusory".

All of these light and shadows intertwined, together forming a paradise.

They seemed to be in the most perfect wilderness. Close by was a mirror-like smooth and quiet lake, and in the distance was a mountain covered with snow. At the foot of the mountain stood a quaint town, and the town could be faintly heard. The laughter and indulgent singing came.

Li Yao gradually became accustomed to the blending style of reality and illusion in the fire base, knowing that most of the scenes he saw were fake, just the illusion produced by the mysterious light projected on the retina.

He blinked, wrapped his lens with a faint psychic energy, felt with the "spiritual eye", and really "seeed" the staff and the huge crystal brain computing team hiding behind the phantom.

In the center of the hall also stands a black cube that is two meters high, one meter long, and half a meter wide. The surface is as smooth and shiny as a mirror, with no flaws in sight, and it seems that it is difficult to create any flaws.

"That is the super-strong silicon wafer that we refined and can maintain stability for 100 million years, my'new home'."

Wei Qingqing introduced with a smile, paused, and added to his tone, "We!"


Li Yao pondered the deep meaning behind this word.

So, in the "fire" launched this time, is Wei Qingqing more than a ghost repairer?

While he was pondering, a silvery liquid metal man strode towards them and let out a hearty laugh: "Representative Lin, Representative Long, and Miss Ling. Hello, I am the person in charge of the Tinder Project. Xuan, welcome to Tinder Base!"

is teacher!

Li Yao's heart jumped, and he calmly looked at Professor Mo Xuan, who hadn't seen him in a hundred years, and suddenly felt a strange feeling.

How should I put it, Professor Mo Xuan a hundred years ago gave people the feeling that he was doing research in a down-to-earth manner, and he didn't have much sense of existence.

In the video where Li Yao saw Mo Xuan and Xie Wufeng tit-for-tat between "ling net" and "virtual life" decades ago, he appeared a bit aggressive, relatively radical and fanatical.

At this moment, Professor Mo Xuan was more sharp-edged than in the video. As soon as he appeared, he could attract all the attention of the audience.

The Federation's three-dimensional light curtain technology is so advanced, as long as Professor Mo Xuan is willing, he can create a layer of illusion all over his body and create a lifelike human being for himself—just like Wei Qingqing did.

But he just maintained a silver-white liquid metal body, and made no secret of the difference between himself and the "living person." He didn't know if it was informal or had a deeper meaning.

Li Yao faintly felt that this was no longer the teacher he was familiar with.

Immediately, he secretly said in his heart, nonsense, a whole hundred years have passed, Professor Mo Xuan has not hibernated, he has gone through so many things, even looking for a junior, of course it will change!

That said, but seeing Professor Mo Xuan who is both familiar and unfamiliar, Li Yao suddenly didn't want to reveal his identity, let alone get in touch with Ding Lingdang and Jin Xinyue through him.

Professor Mo Xuan glanced at Li Yao and Long Yangjun slightly, and smiled nonchalantly, "Representative Lin and Representative Long, the'Firefly' where you two are located, can be said to be the Xinghai Republic a thousand years ago. A small fire was launched. I think this background makes it easier for you to understand the meaning of the Tinder Project. Is that true?"


Long Yangjun rushed to nod and said, "Along the way, I have listened to a lot of introductions from Teacher Wei. The Tinder Project is indeed exciting. We were all deeply shocked. We were also deeply shocked by Mr. Wei's march towards hundreds of millions of years later to inherit the aspirations of human civilization. I was touched--but Teacher Wei just said "we", there is still such a big piece, uh, can this black solid cube still be called a "silicon chip"? In other words, what you are going to launch is not a soul. It's a...virtual world, with countless ghost repairs?"

"Yes it is."

Professor Mo Xuan said deeply and sharply, "But the wording is not very accurate—what is a'virtual world'? In the eyes of those of us who have lived in it for a long time, the world woven with spirit nets and crystal brains is also It is extremely real, not worse than the outside world at all, it is neither'illusory' nor'simulated'.

"Also, the two representatives may not know that I used to be the president of the'Federal Ghost Repair Association' for a long time. Nowadays, Ghost Repair is also an important part of the federal people, but we are still very concerned about it. The long term "Ghost repair" is not satisfied. People die as ghosts, but we obviously haven’t died. We just changed our life form and become a virtual life in some sense. We are still alive. What is “Ghost repair”? 'What?

"The word ghost is neither good-sounding nor precise. Therefore, our ‘Federal Ghost Repair Association’ is preparing a new proposal to change our name."


Long Yangjun rolled his eyes and looked at Li Yao, "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to offend you, then, according to you, what should you call you if you don't call you "Ghost Xiu" and "Virtual World" What?"


Professor Mo Xuan condensed an arm from the liquid metal body, pointed to the black cube in the middle of the hall behind him, and said, "We are not ghost repairs, but we can survive in the crystal brain and the ling net world only by virtue of our spirits. After the human race and the monster race, the third evolutionary form of human civilization, the spirit race!

"And one by one created by Lingwang and Jingmin... In your words, the virtual world is the best home of the spirit race, so we named it-the spirit world!

"Welcome all the distinguished guests from afar to visit and tour the spirit world. That's right, our Tinder plans to spend decades of painstaking management, until today we can finally launch the first launch. It is not just a mere spirit that will be launched. Clan, but a small spiritual world!"

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