40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1720: Admit it, we are! (Fifth more!)

Li Yao held his breath. He didn't expect Professor Mo Xuan to be so open and open, and he would take the initiative to tell any secrets without asking him.

Is it true that the teacher is really upright, has a clear conscience, and hasn't done anything?

Professor Mo Xuan said: "Our research in the virtual spirit world is mainly based on close to 100% simulation to simulate the production of life in the material world, that is, first'create' a virtual primitive planet, and then Inject various conditions little by little, expecting it to slowly produce virtual archaea, trilobites, dinosaurs, and apes, until the final "virtual intelligent life".

"Alas, we were too naive and impatient at that time. We completely underestimated the difficulty of creating life and overestimated the computational power we could output.

"In other words, no matter how much calculation power is output, it is useless. The relationship between calculation power and spirit is not positive."

Li Yao said: "I don't understand, please explain."

Professor Mo Xuan said: "For example, if you have a metal puppet that weighs a ton and is a hundred times stronger than a human, but you want to turn it into a real person, what would you do? Keep adding it Is it okay to have the weight and output power? From one ton to one hundred tons, from one hundred times strength to ten thousand times strength, can it generate wisdom and will and become real life?"

Li Yao thoughtfully shook his head slowly.

"Of course, no one would be so stupid to do this, because weight and strength are things that have nothing to do with'consciousness', but in fact,'computational power' is also the same. Crazy superposition of computational power is like putting a piece of metal The puppet changes from one ton to one hundred tons, it is impossible to give birth to any life, it will only cause-collapse!

"It's a pity that we all didn't understand at that time, or we didn't want to believe this truth.

"Just when there was just a little sign of the birth of primitive life in the virtual spirit world, we assembled twelve super crystal brains, crazy injecting the computing power of the "virtual spirit world", and finally collapsed.

"I don't want to talk more about that collapse. You must have seen it in the news reports anyway. Although there are many ingredients that add fuel and vinegar, the result is not wrong-Su Changfa died tragically in the virtual spirit world, the spirit of Lu Qingchen and I Both suffered heavy losses, and as a result I stopped the'Void Spirit Realm Project', and Lu Qingchen simply betrayed the Federation and took refuge in the Empire.

"However, let me tell you a secret-the reason why I discontinued the'Void Spirit World Project' is not because I gave up, but because I was caught in the turbulence of infinite calculation power, in the whirlpool of the Void Spirit World. When I was torn apart in the storm, I suddenly figured it out, completely figured it out!

"It's so stupid, I was so stupid, so stupid, so stupid!

"In just a few hundred years, it is neither possible nor necessary to create a virtual life out of thin air, because we clearly already have a virtual life, a kind of incomparable perfection, and will never be an enemy of humans. Virtual life, that is ourselves!"

Professor Mo Xuan became more excited as he spoke, and finally, pointed at Li Yao and Ling Xiaole again!

Li Yao and Ling Xiaole were confused.

"and many more--"

Ling Xiaole took a deep breath, bit his fingers and said, "Professor, can we be regarded as'virtual lives'?"

"why not?"

Professor Mo Xuan opened his arms, as if embracing the whole world, "Look at our current state of existence, how is it different from the "virtual life" in your imagination?"

"But, we have a body!"

Ling Xiaole said anxiously, "This is the virtual world, our bodies are in the real world!"

"Attention, this is the spiritual world, not the virtual world."

Professor Mo Xuan's tone became rare and severe. After a while, he lowered his tone and said, "Yes, you have bodies, but ghost cultivation is not. Ghost cultivation is just a very complicated and mysterious fluctuation of spiritual magnetism. A small chip is enough to hold the body, so can you agree that ghost repair without a body is a kind of'virtual life'?"

Li Yao and Ling Xiaole looked at each other, and they could see the entanglement in each other's eyes. Ling Xiaole tilted his head for a long time and hummed: "Okay, okay, if the professor insists on saying that, ghost repair can indeed be regarded as a kind of'virtual'. Life' is... the spirit race."

"It's more than that."

Professor Mo Xuan looked at the two with a deep gaze, and said deeply, "Whether from the perspective of the law or the public order and good customs of the society, Gui Xiu is a member of human beings. Can you agree with this?"

"of course!"

Li Yao and Ling Xiaole did not hesitate.

This is affirmative. Since the "Federal Human Ghost Equal Rights Act" was promulgated more than two hundred years ago, ghost repairs, or spirit races, have the same legal status as ordinary human races.

More than two hundred years, enough to allow most ghost repairs to integrate into normal society.

"Also, the monster race, no matter how weird the body is, the monster race with wings, tail, minions and horns, as long as he possesses a human spirit and claims to be a member of human civilization, then he is also a human being."

Professor Mo Xuan stared at Ling Xiaole, "Agree?"


Ling Xiaole nodded fiercely. She was a half-demon herself, how could she disagree?

Professor Mo Xuan smiled and stretched out three thick and long fingers: "So, you can all agree that whether it is a spirit race without a body, a monster race with a strange body, or a body that looks more'normal', but said A human race that can walk with swords or blast a few thousand jin of punches, no matter how different the bodies of the three are, it doesn't even matter whether they have a body, but they are all an organic part of human civilization?"

Li Yao pondered, thinking hard about the trap in this sentence, but couldn't refute it after thinking for a long time, and slowly nodded: "Yes."

"In other words, you all agree that the reason why a person is a person is not in the body, but in the soul?"

Professor Mo Xuan said, "As long as the soul is a human being, how can the body be changed or not? For example, representative Lin, if one day you tragically sacrifice and lose your body in the battle to defend human civilization, you will be cultivated by ghosts. Rebirth, are you still a human being?"

Li Yao blinked: "Of course it is!"

"Therefore, the physical body is not important. The true face of our ‘human’ life form is the ‘spiritual’. We are originally a special kind of virtual life."

Professor Mo Xuan concluded, "The so-called flesh and blood body is just a layer of'shell', it is the shell that helps us descend into the material world to carry out activities, something similar to a crystal armor, but this layer of flesh and blood Crystal armor is our innate equipment, just like the eggshell of an oviparous animal!

"Because it's just a shell, it doesn't matter whether it has it or not, it doesn't matter what it looks like, it doesn't matter if it has a horn, it doesn't matter if it can blast 50 kilograms of force or 5,000 kilograms of force, it's just that the'model' is different, and there is no essential difference. Right? Right!"

Both Li Yao and Ling Xiaole slowly opened their mouths. Although Professor Mo Xuan's statement was absurd, he still felt that he was invulnerable after scrutinizing it at all levels!

If you admit that Guixiu is a member of the human race, and admit that the monster race is also a member of the human race, then it doesn't matter what the human "body" looks like at all, the important thing is the spirit!

Therefore, the flesh and blood is only the outer shell, and human beings are virtual life, or "spiritual life"!

"Do you understand my initial stupidity?"

Professor Mo Xuan looked like a smile but not a smile, like a cry but not a cry, murmured, "We humans are a kind of virtual life, but I turned a blind eye to this fact. The irreparable accident is really stupid.

"Wrong, wrong, the direction of the past research was completely wrong. With the explosive development of Crystal Brain and Lingwang technology, the focus we should pay attention to is not to create new virtual life, but how to make us humans evolve. A new leap takes place on the road, and it enters a new form in an all-round way, the form of a completely virtual life!"

Li Yao suddenly raised his hand.

Professor Mo Xuan: "Representative Lin, what's the problem?"

Li Yao: "Professor Mo Xuan, I don't know if you can make a huge rainbow lollipop, and then introduce it to us while licking the lollipop?"

Professor Mo Xuan: "Why do you do this?"

Li Yao: "Because I think your current appearance really resembles the kind of ambitious villain that often appears in novels, games, and glare phantoms, making me very nervous, so I was thinking, would you please? Licking the lollipop and said, the atmosphere will be more relaxed."

Ling Xiaole: "...Well, professor, I agree with Special Envoy Lin's proposal. Your theory is really a bit spooky."

Professor Mo Xuan: "Yes!"

He snapped his fingers lightly, and then took it in his arms. He really took out a large and round spiral rainbow lollipop. He tore off the wrapping paper and licked it carefully while slowly saying: "If If you are still nervous, if I tell you, these theories have already been written into monographs and submitted to the top of the federal government and major academic institutions, and at this moment, every corner of the entire "worry-free world", including us The ongoing conversation is being closely monitored by the Secret Sword Bureau. Will this make you feel better?

"I can even let the secret sword ambassadors who are monitoring here join in. Maybe Miss Ling can recognize a few colleagues, do you need it?"

A middle-aged man with a deep gaze, a firm face, a clumsy expression, and extremely wide shoulders licked a big rainbow lollipop very seriously. This scene is really...unspeakable.

However, the gloomy and crazy atmosphere just now disappeared without a trace.

Li Yao and Ling Xiaole blinked at the same time, thinking about it, as Li Yao's "Special Envoy of the Speaker of the Xinghai Republic", came to visit such a high-level secret project of the "Tinder Project". They were not stared at by the Secret Sword Bureau, on the contrary. It's unreasonable.

"I know what you are thinking, but everything is not what you think."

Professor Mo Xuan said lightly, "Representative Lin, under normal circumstances, if you counted 24 hours a day, how much time would you spend in the crystal brain and the online world?"

Li Yao thought for a while: "If you count the cultivation in the too illusory realm, it will take ten hours, after all, at my level, the computing power and spirit are very powerful, and it can be extended for a long time in the too illusory realm. Hours are used for three or four hours. A lot of deduction and practice work can be carried out in the virtual world."

Professor Mo Xuan nodded: "Miss Ling, how about you?"

Ling Xiaole thought for a while and said: "Not necessarily, it may be less when you are on a mission, but you spend most of the time on the Internet during your vacation. If you put it together, it will be more than ten hours."

"Very well, you are all close to the average Internet time per capita in the Federation."

Professor Mo Xuan smiled and said, "According to the latest statistics, if the time on different planets and starships is converted into 24 hours a day, the federal people, regardless of men, women, and children, spend nine hours on the Lingnet every day. Twenty-two points. If it is an active age group between eight and one hundred and twenty years old, the average online time is twelve hours and thirty-three minutes, which is just over half.

"Although the time is'only' more than half, but almost all the important things of modern people, such as work, entertainment, making friends, ordering a car, ordering takeaway, expressing opinions, self-improvement...all these are all done online.

"It can be said that the focus of modern human life has long been completely and irreversibly transferred to the Internet!

"I would like to ask both of you. If half of your life and 90% of the content, whether you work, practice, eat, make friends, or even sex, you must and are willing to do it through the Internet. Are you carbon-based life or virtual? What about life? Do your souls live in the Internet or in the material world? Isn’t that flesh and blood in the so-called “reality” used to ensure that you can access the Internet normally and allow you to multiply the next generation, so that they can continue to be normal as well Is it just the "shell" of the Internet?

"Acknowledge that human beings are a kind of virtual life, and the network is our future, our essence, everything about us! Is this really difficult?"

Professor Mo Xuan bit the rainbow lollipop fiercely, and asked categorically.


The fifth one is complete, Ho Ho Ho Ho!

Let’s play a small game together, and calculate according to your own method, how much time you spend on the Internet every day, and how many important points in your life are done through the Internet!

If it exceeds 50%, congratulations, you are rushing towards the evolution of virtual life forms!

Congratulations, congrats!

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