40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1721: Leap of evolution!

Li Yao swallowed hard.

When he realized that the saliva was also virtual, it was even more difficult.

Ling Xiaole subconsciously hugged his arms, and his voice trembled a little: "Professor, what do you want?"

Professor Mo Xuan continued to lick the non-existent lollipops, enjoying the purely virtual sweetness, and smiled: "I don't want to be anything, I just want to chat with the VIPs from Xinghai Central, if you feel uncomfortable. , We can also go to the town and be with the senior officials of the Hundred Blossom Star Region Federation Army and the Secret Sword Bureau.

"Of course, this is just a formality, because they have high-level authority in this world, even if they are not here on the surface, they can actually hear what I just said clearly. A true cultivator has never bothered to hide his opinions. Everything about me is upright. I have said these words more than a hundred times."

Li Yao thought for a while. He wanted to figure out what kind of medicine was sold in the teacher's gourd. He shook his head and said, "No, I'm very interested in the professor's theory. It sounds a bit radical, but cutting-edge research is like this, understandable. , Please continue, any more?"

"of course."

Professor Mo Xuan pointed to his temple and said, "Can you understand, the human beings trapped in flesh and blood in the past are really an imperfect life form. Our ancestors originated from an unknown deep in the sea of ​​stars. The land of the planet was an ordinary monkey hundreds of thousands of years ago. It relied on the control of flames and the use of tools to inspire the first spark of wisdom, and then it was regarded by the Pangu or Nuwa people as a kind of'substance body'. ', carefully modulated by them, carrying a large number of their genetic genes and recessive magical powers.

"However, no matter how the Pangu and Nuwa tribes make it, we can't get rid of the shadow of that monkey. Our flesh and blood body was born to adapt to the simple gathering and hunting work on that planet. It has serious flaws and limitations. The product of sex!

"As monkeys, we can only live in a world where the temperature and environment in the atmosphere are extremely stable. Most people can neither tolerate the high temperature above 80 degrees, nor the severe cold of minus 50 degrees; my body is too Fragile, a branch and a sharp tooth can kill us; we need air, and it is air with a very precise element ratio. The increase and decrease in the content of various microelements may make the air deadly Poisonous gas; our strength is too small, our running speed is too slow, compared to the vastness and ancientness of the universe, our lifespan is too short, at most a mere three to five hundred years-what is the difference between this and the dying of bacteria?

"Of the many defects, the most intolerable is our brain.

"Our flesh-and-blood brain, that wet and sticky thing, is too crude in design. It was prepared for monkeys collecting, hunting and breeding in the primitive jungle hundreds of thousands of years ago. It never thought about it. One day, we will shoulder the mission of conquering the entire universe!

"First of all, our brain cannot inherit the wisdom and memory of the previous generation, and cannot allow the offspring to accumulate everything from their parents when they are born. No matter how smart and knowledgeable the parents are, they cannot embed wisdom, information and memory in genes. Here, to pass on to future generations, everything must start from scratch! Even the greatest mathematician of our time, his children have to clumsily learn'one plus one equals two'!

"Wisdom and memory cannot be passed down. What a waste, what a sad brain!

"Secondly, most human brains are not suitable for complex calculations. Without the aid of crystal brains, the four arithmetic operations are the limits of most human brains. Even an excellent high school graduate can at best. Add and subtract multiplier mental arithmetic to reach ten thousand digits.

"But what about calculus? What about Lingzi mechanics? What about the deflection and turning calculation of the spiritual field? What about the mathematical expression of the gene chain? How about the hypersurface calculation in a multi-dimensional space? Can the human brain do it, no, let alone ordinary people? , Even if the brains of the strong Yuan Ying, it may not be able to do it instantly!

"And these are necessary to explore the universe and develop our civilization in a larger space and a higher dimension!

"To use the brain of flesh and blood to conquer such a mysterious and mysterious universe is like a flat ant living on a piece of white paper. It is difficult, difficult, too difficult to conquer a ten thousand peak!

"In the final analysis, we were originally monkeys. The planet of our origin should be our final destination. The so-called star universe should not be our mission, responsibility, and ambition. We don't have this ability!

"But the Pangu civilization and the Nuwa civilization selected us, enlightened us, and stuffed too many things into our poor flesh and blood body and gene chain. These things have inspired our wisdom and fire. Our ambition to conquer the universe-too big ambition!

"It is this kind of ambition that has created today's splendid human civilization, but dragging a heavy and weak flesh and blood body, it is already the limit to reach this point.

"We need to jump and make a new'evolutionary leap', just like our ancestors hundreds of thousands of years ago waved burning branches and sharpened sharp rocks for the first time!

"Spirit Race, is the answer.

"Don’t you think that compared to ordinary human races, the spirit race actually has many advantages? We can use a stronger body like the'spiritual prosthetic limb', which consumes less energy and takes up less space. The air is not so sensitive. Even a desolate planet without atmosphere and air can become a paradise for the spirit race. More importantly, we can create a crystal brain for ourselves, and continue to expand computing and cooling plug-ins on the crystal brain. In this way, our learning ability, computing power and communication efficiency are much higher than those of flesh and blood!

"So, my point of view is-flesh and blood is a product of'planetary civilization', but now human beings have developed to include three thousand worlds, free to shuttle through four-dimensional space, and travel between tens of thousands of light-years of'star sea civilization' , Then we should get rid of, at least partly, get rid of the shackles and drags of flesh and blood, and upgrade to a new form!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and calmly said: "Professor, this kind of statement is very difficult for people to accept for a while!"

Professor Mo Xuan said: "Others may not be able to accept it, but how could the two of you not be able to accept it? Haven't you already disliked your own flesh and blood and wanted to work hard to change and get rid of it?"

Ling Xiaole was dumbfounded: "Professor, what are you talking about!"

Professor Mo Xuan smiled slightly and said calmly, "Miss Ling, if I am not mistaken, you have some demon blood, and you are a half demon, right?"

Before Ling Xiaole could answer, he continued, "Demon race, what is a monster race? It was not a long time ago that humans felt that ordinary flesh and blood could no longer meet the needs of marching into the universe, so do we need to make some changes from the genetic level?

"It should be said that your ancestors succeeded. At least in terms of strength and adaptability for survival, most monster races are indeed higher than ordinary people.

"But no matter how genetically modified, no matter how strong the flesh and blood body is cultivated, there are limits. Regardless of the human race or the monster race, carbon-based life is carbon-based life, and it is bound by the laws of the material world-no matter how powerful the demon king is even The demon gods are also carbon-based life, it is impossible to live on the surface of stars, right?"

Ling Xiaole was not convinced: "Can the Spirit Race?"

Professor Mo Xuan said: "Of course not now, but at least there is this potential. In theory, we can see the direction of development. Even if the path of the Yaozu goes to the end, it is just a super large carbon-based life, just like the Pangu civilization and Like Nuwa civilization.

"Pangu and Nuwa's'carbon-based kings' are all destroyed. As their inheritors, if we continue to follow their old path, is there any other possibility besides repeating the same mistakes?"

Ling Xiaole widened his eyes and said, "But, human beings are carbon-based life!"

Professor Mo Xuan said: "Little girl, let go of your limitations and imagination. We are just making theoretical assumptions. If human civilization continues to develop for 100 million years and will still exist after 100 million years, you think it must' It can only be a body of flesh and blood, and can't it be in other forms?"

Ling Xiaole thought about it for a long time, lowered his head and muttered, "Who knows what happens after 100 million years!"

Professor Mo Xuan smiled: "In fact, it took less than 100 million years, even far earlier than now. Long, long ago, someone embarked on another evolutionary path that was completely different from that of the monster race, that is, the spirit. Clan life, or the path of'pure energy life', that is... the path of cultivation that this representative Lin took."

Unexpectedly, the teacher would suddenly point to him. Li Yao blinked his eyes and pointed to his nose and said: "Me? Cultivator?"

"That's right, the cultivators from ancient times to the present, are not what they are pursuing is to "become the sacred, evolve and elevate", get rid of the shackles and obstacles of flesh and blood, and evolve into a pure energy life form?"

Professor Mo Xuan smiled faintly, "The realm of cultivation is divided into Qi Refinement, Foundation Building, Pill Formation, Essence Infant, God Transformation, Distraction, Void Refining, True Immortality, Immortality... There are many levels, and each level is towards pureness. The form of energy life goes further.

"In the refining period, it was the first time to experience the mystery of the energy world by using the spirits to perceive the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth.

"During the foundation building period, the psychic energy is initially stabilized in the flesh and blood body. It penetrates the human body’s limbs, hundreds of skeletons, and the eight channels of the odd meridians. On the one hand, it washes and strengthens the flesh and meridians of the human body, but more importantly, it builds a set of similar nerves and meridians. The'spiritual network' of blood vessels is equivalent to constructing a'psychic body' within a flesh and blood body, but the two temporarily overlap.

"During the period of alchemy, a new organ, the second brain, is gradually born, that is, the psychic brain of the psychic body begins to take shape.

"In the Nascent Soul Stage, the soul of the cultivator is nourished and condensed by the psychic energy to be quite powerful. It is equivalent to a psychic form of a baby quacking and falling to the ground, truly embarking on a new evolutionary path! Representative Lin, you are now the first stage of the Nascent Soul Stage. , Should I have some understanding of my description, right?

"If you are lucky enough to reach the stage of transformation, then the stage of transformation—"

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