40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1722: Above the gods!

Li Yao's current real strength can be regarded as the upper level of the Nascent Soul Stage, and he has entered the bottleneck of impacting the transformation of the gods, and has been thinking hard about how to turn the gods.

Hearing what the teacher said, he couldn't help but crane his neck.

Professor Mo Xuan said: "At the stage of transformation, the separation between the soul and the body will be even higher. The'Natural Infant' who originally had to stay in the brain can leave the body freely and turn into a spiritual life or spiritual life. The form exists alone.

"For example, the soul and body of the deity stage is the relationship between the ship and the port. Before the deity stage, the ship was too small to leave the shelter of its home port. Once out, it would be overturned by huge waves. At the time of transforming gods, it finally grows into an ocean-going ship, which can go out to ride the wind and waves, and sail for thousands of miles!

"Of course, even the ocean-going ship cannot completely get rid of its home port. It still has to return to its home port for replenishment and maintenance from time to time, so the body is still necessary at this time, but it is not that important.

"Because of the stronger independence of the spirits, the cultivators of the transformation stage have a'domain'. What is a domain is a virtual world created by their spirits and controlled by them as they please! Think carefully, isn't it? This truth?"

Li Yaoyi pondered, it seems that it is really!

Professor Mo Xuan continued: "Beyond the transformation of the gods, it is the distraction. The gods and souls can split or'copy' to create more clones, while existing everywhere but maintaining subtle connections. I haven't figured out how to do it. To describe it, it seems that'quantum entanglement' is not very accurate, so let's call it that!

"Beyond distraction, it is the practice of imaginary. How to understand the word'imaginary', I personally think that it means'high-dimensional space.' Refining imaginary means that you can march into the high-dimensional universe by virtue of pure energy life forms. Open up wormholes as you like, and travel around the Xinghai!

"As for the level of real immortality, immortality, etc., above the level of refining, they should all be pure energy life forms. In the different mysteries of the high-dimensional universe, it is not us who are still trapped in the three-dimensional universe at this moment. With such a barren calculation It's understandable.

"To sum up, the supreme realm pursued by a cultivator in his entire life has always been from a pure flesh and blood body to a pure energy life. After reaching a certain level, it does not mean that the flesh is completely abandoned, but the flesh is returned. To its essence-just the shell!

"You must have heard a lot of ancient myths and legends, mystery novels and the like.

"In the novels of gods and monsters, some immortals have high abilities and possess the magical powers of'three heads, six arms, seventy-two changes', and they can also enlarge and shrink the body freely. Overturning the river in the middle of the world, arrogantly-how to explain this?

"From a material point of view, even if a person has cultivated to the extreme, it is impossible to enlarge or shrink the body in this way. Where can there be so much energy in the cells and mitochondria? How can the matter be transformed out of thin air, even if some kind of proliferation and expansion can occur, how fast? Will it be so fast? It doesn't conform to the basic laws of our world at all!

"Using the theory of'spiritual life' and'shell', it is easy to understand, because of these high celestial energies, the body is just a group of spirits, whether it is a different shape of seventy-two changes, or a giant body like a mountain, The tiny bodies like bacteria are all different'battle shells' he prepared for himself. Whenever he needs to use one, he will fish out these shells from a certain'dimension' from a magic weapon similar to the universe ring. Go in and drive!

After listening to the teacher's detailed explanation of the realm of cultivation, no matter whether he has any plot or not, Li Yao is convinced and sincerely said: "Professor Mo Xuan, you are truly the leading master of the Star Federation. The realm that divides these ancients is based on the latest theories. , Explained clearly!"

Professor Mo Xuan smiled and said, "Neither should we underestimate, but there is no need to be superstitious about the so-called wisdom of the ancients. In fact, I have always disagreeed with this ancient way of dividing the realm.

"Because our ancient civilization is actually a very deformed'lame civilization'. On the one hand, we had just evolved from apes at that time and had not formed our own true wisdom; but on the other hand, we were The Pangu and Nuwa people forcibly "filled the duck" with a lot of things that far surpassed the times. The combination of these two made our ancestors frantically worship the so-called'cultivation' and'superior powers', and theories they couldn't understand. , Added too many weird things into it!

"Qi refining, foundation building, pill formation, primordial infant, and **** transformation...These five stages are relatively easy to cultivate and can accumulate a large amount of experimental data, so the description of the ancients is not bad.

"But starting from the transformation of gods, the rest is pure nonsense. I don't believe that there were so many powerful people above the gods of transformation, distraction, and refining in the ancient times 40 to 50,000 years ago. Most of them were based on false transmissions! Even if there is a chance for the ancients It's a coincidence that when you practice it, you know it, and you don't know why. It's hard to describe to people in the three-dimensional universe. I have to talk nonsense—the ancients are nonsense. There is no reason for us to follow along, right?

"I want to say, it's very simple. In fact, there are three great realms. Below the transformation of the gods is still the realm dominated by flesh and blood. Between the transformation of the gods and the refining of the emptiness, the realm of the flesh and the souls go hand in hand. After refining the emptiness, To break through the high-dimensional universe, that is, completely dominated by the soul, and the flesh and blood body becomes a simple shell, which is a tool used when'descending' to the low-dimensional world.

"Representative Lin, you are now at the Nascent Soul level, and the soul is already quite strong. You can occasionally release powerful spiritual thoughts to interfere in the material world. If you continue to practice and advance all the way, you will completely use the soul in the end. Leading-do you think something is wrong?"

Li Yaogan laughed, and touched his cheek involuntarily, saying, "It's so difficult to transform the gods, I never thought about it."

"Not difficult, not difficult, not difficult at all!"

Professor Mo Xuan widened his eyes and said, "Don't let the ancient people's cultivation concepts constrain your mind. Ancient cultivation and modern cultivation are completely different things!

"What do the ancients know? For the ancients, even'walking in the sky' was extremely difficult to do, but today's people rely on advanced magic weapons, and ordinary people can also drive the shuttle to'walk in the sky'. With the assistance of the crystal brain, you can also perform a variety of thrilling and dazzling flying stunts, which may not be possible for ancient cultivators!

"It’s like this while traveling from the sky. The rest of cultivating supernatural powers and even'transforming gods' are not the same? In ancient times, there was no such thing as a spiritual net. Of course, it is extremely difficult for a cultivator to make himself fascinated and travel the world! Now that we have a spiritual web, the consciousness of ordinary people can also shuttle through the network world in a flash. Isn't it also a kind of "transforming god"?

"In short, the old principles of cultivation and the division of realm have fallen far behind the development of the times. Perhaps one day, anyone can transform the gods without a lot of trouble. As for Lin, on behalf of you, if you want to reach the realm of transforming gods, It’s even more convenient! In this regard, I’ve done some small research. If you’re interested, after the first fire launch is over, everyone can have a good discussion!"

Li Yao didn't know if what Professor Mo Xuan said was true or false, so he reluctantly said, "Okay!"

Ling Xiaole pouted next to him: "Professor, I still think you are a bit exaggerated. It feels... very awkward and weird!"

Professor Mo Xuan continued to laugh and said: "It is normal to feel awkward, because we are talking about the future, the future in a long, long time from now. From another perspective, if we let an ancient person who lived forty to fifty thousand years ago look at our time. , Our way of life and social form, he will also feel extremely awkward, very weird!

"What's more, whether Miss Ling or Representative Lin, you are all extremely successful people in the material world. Whether you are an agent of the Secret Sword Bureau or the captain of the Red Lotus team on the Firefly, you have everything from material to spiritual needs. , Can be basically satisfied in the current world.

"But what about most ordinary people?

"It's a pity that human desire never ends. No matter how we tap the resources of the material world, we can't satisfy everyone. Not to mention the empire and the Holy League. Even in our Federation, there are many people living at the bottom of society. In hardships.

"The material world is too small, too crowded, and too stingy! To give the simplest example, food, clothing, housing, transportation, and nothing else, just the most basic house. Do you know the housing prices in Tiandu? Most common universities? Graduates who have worked hard for three years may not be able to buy a square of housing in Tiandu!

"Put yourself into the perspective of ordinary people. If there are two kinds of life now, one is purely material, living in a small ant colony, there is no hope for a lifetime, and most of the salary is used to pay. Rent life.

"The other is to enter the spiritual world. Even college students who have just graduated can buy a villa with a garden at a low price of ‘virtual currency’ and enjoy the life that can only be enjoyed by the wealthy outside!

"As long as the simulation can reach a certain level, it doesn't even need to be 100%, but 90% of the simulation is enough. Do you think that an ordinary college graduate has mediocre intelligence and physical abilities, and he will never stand out in a lifetime. Great hope, which kind of life would he prefer?

"As for the federal government, if some people are willing to live in virtual cabins for a long time, it will also greatly reduce the pressure on housing, transportation and the environment, and achieve green, ecological, intelligent and pollution-free development goals. Urban disease' healed without medicine!

"The people are satisfied, and the government is also satisfied. In theory, this is an out-and-out "win-win"!"

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