40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1729: Peerless good guy

Li Yao was dumbfounded: "This idea...very strange!"

Long Yangjun explained: "It's very simple. Today, most civil wars in human civilization are fighting for resources, especially those with ample aura, stable galaxy structure and habitable planets, and planets with atmosphere, sunlight and water sources. Tiancai Dibao and a large number of spar veins, so much better!

"Fragile and critical human beings can only live on such a planet. Even if they become a'starship civilization', they must base on such a planet or pursue such a planet tirelessly!

"In order to compete for this rare planet in the vast sea of ​​stars, wars will occur. It is like the Black Wind fleet traveling thousands of miles from the center of the star sea. It is not for plundering the vast world here, including the population. A lot of resources have been looted?

"However, if everyone, no, don’t need everything, as long as half of them transform into a'virtual life' and enter the life of the'spiritual world', the pressure on resources will be greatly reduced. The human race has the highest requirements for the place of residence. Picky, the adaptability of the monster race is much higher than that of the human race. Many barren and sinister planets can live on, while the adaptability of the spirit race is much higher than that of the monster race. Most solid planets only need to be deep underground. It can withstand the interference of various radiation and light waves, and they can all build a small super crystal brain center and live in it!

"In the virtual world, everything can be created, money, beauties, land, natural treasures...all the reasons that have caused wars from ancient times to the present are not a problem in the virtual world!

"As a result, the living space of mankind suddenly expanded a hundredfold, and the contradiction was greatly eased. Not to mention the complete elimination of wars, at least the probability of wars caused by resources can be reduced by more than half-perhaps your teacher thinks so.

"Even if there really is a conflict between the spirit races, and they have to fight, it will not be such a cruel mode at all. I can think of two brand new modes at random.

"First, it's just like the war expansion of "Civilization". It opens up a virtual battlefield in the virtual world. It doesn't matter if the sky is dark and the moon is dark. Anyway, after the winner is determined, everyone can' Resurrection'.

"Second, didn't your teacher mention the'shell'? If the spirit race must go to the material world to fight, all warriors can get into some kind of'shell' for remote control, just like the current'nobody' The machine is the same as the battle puppet. Even if the shell is smashed to pieces, it does not mean that the soul will be damaged.

"Think about it, what an advanced,'clean' and'peaceful' form of warfare this is. No one will really die in this kind of war. Even if some people occasionally collapse, the probability is much greater than in the current war. , Greatly reduced!

"At that time, the universe will usher in absolute peace. War is not only a means of calming down and resolving differences, it may even become a game of leisure and entertainment!"

"War... is it a game?"

Li Yao fought a deep cold war.

"Why put on an incredible expression, as if human beings are some innocent babies?"

Long Yangjun sneered, "Humanity is originally a war machine made by Pangu and Nuwa. War and violence are embedded in the deepest part of everyone's genetic chain, and an indelible part. Children of mankind have liked toy guns and soldiers since they were young. Young people like action movies and war games. Even at the end of their lives, don’t the old people talk about “power” and “strategy”? You, Li Yao, the vulture, dare to pat your chest and say that you don’t like fighting. taste?"

Li Yao couldn't speak for a while, just said: "No, it's impossible, the teacher is not as crazy as you think?"

"It depends on whether Professor Mo Xuan is a good person or a bad person."

Long Yangjun said, "If Professor Mo Xuan is a villainous person with the ambitious ambition of'spiritual ruling the world', then he will definitely not engage in any conspiracy at this moment, because the time is too immature and the success rate It’s too low, and the development potential of the Spirit Race is predictable. Like Jin Tuyi, he can outline a magnificent blueprint. He spends hundreds of years and thousands of years in a long hibernation, manipulating everything secretly. After thousands of years, the relationship between mankind and the spirit web will become closer, the time is completely ripe, and then suddenly trouble!

"If he is not a big evil person, just a selfish person, a person who prioritizes the interests of the spirit race, as long as the spirit race can thrive, it is enough,'other people care about you to die', He would not choose to jump out at this moment, he could devote all his efforts and all resources to the'Fire Seed Project', and flee with his Spirit Race, leaving behind the'Old Humans' and the Xingyao Federation, and fleeing for a long, long time. In the future, a very far away place.

"Anyway, the spirit race represents the future. He only needs to hold the future firmly. As for those in the Star Federation who don't believe in him, they will leave you to fend for themselves. What does it have to do with him?

"You wonder if it's the truth, whether Professor Mo Xuan is a treacherous evil or selfish, he has no reason to jump out at this moment!"

Li Yao pondered for a moment and nodded, "Yes, no matter whether he is selfish or evil, he would not choose to jump out and behave at this moment."

"But, as I said just now, you have always firmly believed that if Professor Mo Xuan is not a bad person, nor a selfish person, but a good person, one who puts the interests of all mankind above the interests of himself and the spiritual race Where's the person?"

Long Yangjun said, "Such a'good man' has discovered a way to bring absolute peace to all mankind and avoid war forever. Can he continue to wait patiently for hundreds or thousands of years? What might he start to escape? Plan', leaving behind his compatriots and motherland, and fleeing to the future, but leaving others struggling in the vortex of war?

"At this moment, in this second, not to mention the'small-scale conflict' that is about to erupt between the Star Federation and the Black Wind Fleet. The two human powers in the center of the Star Sea, the True Human Empire and the Covenant Alliance, are both erupting. A super war that is a hundred times more brutal than here!

"In the super war, countless people die every second, countless people are blown to flesh and blood, their arms and limbs are broken, and there are many old people, women, and children who tremble and cry loudly in the flames of war. Live or die in pain!

"And as the Star Alliance officially embarks on the stage of the'Star Sea Contest', it is inevitable that you will be involved in such a vortex of war. Whether you win or lose in the end, many people are destined to die—maybe dozens. The deaths of hundreds of millions, tens of billions of people!

"Professor Mo Xuan, a good man, can he just ignore and be indifferent to such a future, and only consider the interests of his little spirit race?

"Maybe he will let the deaths of tens of billions of people be indifferent, and not save his dearest compatriots, and just indulge in his own "spiritual" circle?

"No, it's impossible. If it is really a'good guy Professor Mo Xuan', he will definitely rescue them desperately and take everyone out of the war!

"So, we only considered the interests of the spirit race and his own interests. Of course, we couldn't find the answer, but starting from the'interests of all mankind', everything makes sense!"

Li Yao stared out and murmured: "The teacher is indeed a...who is willing to contribute everything to the motherland and compatriots, and as a craftsman, he is still a very determined and active person. Once he has any ideas, , I will never talk about war on paper or talk about it, but will do it down-to-earth!

"In the'Heavenly Road Project' a hundred years ago, if I didn't take the initiative to go to the dark nebula to find the ancient sacred world, Professor Mo Xuan would abandon everything and risk nine deaths and go to the dark nebula!

"He can do this kind of thing, naturally... but, but, the probability of success is too low!"

Long Yangjun said: "To save this kind of thing, you cannot look at the probability of success. For example, you see a very poor and innocent little girl sitting on a crystal rail, and a super high-speed crystal rail train is heading towards her. Whizzing away, she will be smashed to pieces in an instant. Even if you calculate that your chance of saving the little girl is only 1%, you won't save it, but watch her being crushed into flesh?"

Li Yao thought for a while: "Your statement is wrong. I believe that most people will not calculate the probability at all, or they will not be able to react. If they react, they will definitely rush to the rescue without thinking about it-this is a kind of Instinct, similar to conditioned reflex, what kind of probability is it!"

"That's it."

Long Yang Jundao, "Only'conspiracy' needs to calculate the probability of success, and it will be launched when the success rate reaches a certain level, but'save' is an instinct, without thinking, without calculation, and without considering its own gains and losses regardless of success or failure!

"As long as war is completely eliminated, tens of billions, hundreds of billions, and even all people in the universe can be saved. No one will be caught in the pain and destruction caused by war. There will be no conflicts, no more **** wars. Isn't this kind of'motivation' enough to make'good guy Professor Mo Xuan' give everything?"

Li Yao was speechless, completely defeated by such thinking.

"Of course, this is just my wild thinking, not necessarily the truth."

Long Yangjun said lightly, "You have to say that Professor Mo Xuan is weird, and you have to find out the'motive' of a conspiracy. Then I racked my brains, drilled all the horns, and ruled out all the possibilities, and found this one. Motivation that is not a motive anymore.

"I've tried my best, you can think about it slowly, anyway, whether it's true or not, we will soon jump to the Tianyuan realm, to the site of your wife and apprentice, don't be afraid of anything!"

After Long Yangjun finished speaking, he was ready to go back into the gel.

At this moment, a sweet reminder sounded over the cabin:

"The Xinghai jump countdown, and the last five seconds, please soak all passengers in the protective gel and close the cover of the pupa-like protective cabin to avoid being invaded by the four-dimensional storm and disturbing the soul.


Four-dimensional storm...interfering with the soul...

Li Yao's thoughts turned and he fell into deep thought. The last few words of the prompt sound made his bloodshot eyes bigger and bigger, and his expression became more and more ferocious and frightened. After a while, he uttered a hoarse cry: "No, We can't start the star sea jump, there are traps in the four-dimensional space!"

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