40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1730: Deadly trap!

Just before the start of the Xinghai Leap, Li Yao's soul was surging to its limit, and his spiritual thoughts suddenly bloomed from the depths of his brain like an octopus, containing a large amount of information flow, and rushing towards Long Yangjun!

When there is one second to "broken the void", doing so is extremely dangerous, and it is very likely that Li Yao's own soul will be lost in the turbulence of the four-dimensional space, and will be completely torn apart by the dimensional storm!

But there is no time, Li Yao can only choose this adventurous way and tell Long Yangjun his deduction!


In an instant, Li Yao's divine mind and Long Yangjun's divine mind were closely entangled together, and countless information streams were interacting quickly in a mysterious and mysterious way!

Li Yao: "There is a problem. Professor Mo Xuan's "dual spiritual world" test on me is very problematic. Now think about it carefully. Even if the Secret Sword Bureau really wants to ensure safety, it should not adopt such abrupt methods, even if it is true. It's so abrupt, and it's only right for the high-level officials to come forward and apologize afterwards. After all, I represent the Xinghai Republic, Speaker Cui Lingfeng!

"But they simply apologized through Ling Xiaole, and Ling Xiaole got instructions from the portable crystal brain!

"I guess, this is indeed a test, but it may not be the test of the Secret Sword Bureau, but Professor Mo Xuan, he doesn't know how to use the Secret Sword Bureau!

"Professor Mo Xuan has become suspicious of me, doubting the true purpose of my visit to the'Fire Seed Project', and I think there is no flaw in the'Double Spirit Realm', but who knows? Who knows if Professor Mo Xuan is? I saw something!

"Also, also, we were supposed to leave in the afternoon, but now we jumped in ahead of time and left the Hundred Blossom Star Region three hours earlier-if Professor Mo Xuan knew, then he would have guessed it, and we would have been against him. Suspicious!

"The conclusion is that Professor Mo Xuan is suspicious of me, and he also knows that I am suspicious of him! Long Yangjun, if you think about it, if Professor Mo Xuan is really planning any big action, it is possible to let us leave like this. Go to Tianyuan Realm?"

Long Yangjun: "In this case, we should leave the Hundred Blossom Star Region as soon as possible and jump to the Tianyuan Realm. This is the home court of Professor Mo Xuan!"

"The key is, who can guarantee that we are jumping to the Heavenly Origin Realm?"

Li Yao’s spirit leaped like flames, "Did we'see' the Celestial Realm? No, it is the master crystal brain of our starship that received the coordinates of the star torch from the Celestial Realm, and was The tower of Baihuaxinggang has planned the channel, and we started the jump according to the coordinates and channel given by them!

"Who can guarantee that the coordinates and navigation channels given by them must be correct? Who can guarantee that Professor Mo Xuan will not be able to invade here? If he is really planning any big action, he must have invaded most of the Baihua Star Region long ago. Crystal Brain, at least control the most important'port'!

"He can completely manipulate the starport's command tower and perform a series of processing on the coordinates of the star torch sent by the Tianyuan Realm, leading us to an unknown place!

"He can even step ahead and invade the crystal brain of our starship. This is not a major battleship of too high a level, it is just a transport ship!

"The most terrifying thing is that he can take advantage of our'Broken Void', and the flesh and blood and spirits are expanded from three-dimensional to four-dimensional, that is, when the most vulnerable and most defenseless, he can launch an'invasion' against our spirits!"

Divine Soul invasion is not easy, especially for masters like Li Yao, who want to drag him into the "spiritual world", unless he is allowed to lie down in the virtual cabin and willingly connect himself to the big one. Lingnet.

Even in this state, Li Yao holds a considerable initiative. If he wants to withdraw, he can use "violent cracking" to make a big turn, and he can always withdraw.

And when Li Yao and others are all suspicious, it is necessary to press all of their "old sage twelve powerhouses" into the neural interaction fluid of the virtual cabin-obviously than pressing the head of the twelve-headed Tyrannosaurus to make them It's even more difficult to drink water.

That’s right, Lingwang does have the function of “wireless connection”. A “meditation master” who is proficient in spirit cultivation and attack techniques may also “hypnotize” an ordinary person or a low-level practitioner. Let the attacked enter a certain state of illusion.

But the "wireless connection" is ultimately too unstable and too restrictive, even ordinary people will not be completely fooled, let alone the old folks like them.

When the four-dimensional unfolds, the broken void, and the sea of ​​stars jump-it's different!

This is the best time to invade the soul!

The reason why Li Yao knew it was because when he returned from the flying star realm to the Tianyuan realm, in the star-sea jumping state, when his brain was expanded in four dimensions and his soul seemed to be torn to pieces, he had encountered another kind of weirdness. Invasion of the pure energy life form "Bloodstripe Clan"!

That was Li Yao's most dangerous soul fight in his life.

He was even ready to die with the Bloodmark Clan.

Of course, because he was aware of the existence of the Bloodstripe Clan long before he started the jump, he had been vigilant long ago and arranged a series of mechanisms on his starship.

In the end, the blood-stripe tribe did not completely succeed in swallowing his spirits, but only polluted some of his spirits, splitting his personality, and gave birth to a weird existence like the "Blood Heart Demon".

Professor Mo Xuan knew exactly what happened, er, it was Li Yao himself who told him through the video in the jade slip.

Who knows if he will understand and follow the law?

But this time, there were no organs on their starship, and the top ten powerhouses except him and Long Yangjun didn't have the slightest preparation.

In fact, no matter how unpredictable the cultivation base of the ancient sages is, they will ultimately come from the ancient cultivation world. They have not experienced many star sea jumps at all, and are extremely uncomfortable with the taste of "broken void".

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes at the same time.

"Xinghai must be prevented from jumping!"

"Hurry up and wake everyone up!"

That's too late!

From the little doubt that Li Yao couldn't even count as a clue, he deduced the cause and effect of the whole thing, the last second has passed!

"Buzz! Buzz, buzz!"

The vibration amplitude of the starship is getting smaller and smaller, but the frequency is getting higher and higher. Everything in front of Li Yao and Long Yangjun begins to blur, as if they have fallen into an uncertain superposition state, about to show a four-dimensional unfolding form. !

The star sea jump has begun. The milky white mysterious light that originally wrapped the starship seeps into the interior of the hull. The starship seems to be blended into the white light, and the white light blends into the space, transcends the space, and transcends the three-dimensional universe!

At the same time, Li Yao and Long Yangjun suddenly shook, and both felt a vast expanse of spiritual power, as if swooping down from the nine-day galaxy, rushing into their crazy shaking and torn brains!

Li Yao's eyes solidified instantly.

This mental power gave him the feeling, just like Professor Mo Xuan's deity—the silver-white liquid metal!

It was like someone forcibly stripped off his skull and poured a large mass of mercury into his mind!

Li Yao has never withstood such a majestic mental attack. He felt that this non-existent "silver-white liquid metal" would completely swallow him and drag his soul into a brand new world, an extremely terrifying world. !

He could hardly resist the pulling and pulling of this strange force.

Fortunately, a few seconds ago, in the communication with Long Yangjun, he had already raised his vigilance to the limit, so he was still able to maintain a trace of spirit and soul.

And his soul is far more robust than ordinary people, and when he is on guard, he is definitely not so easy to invade.


Li Yao's body, the spiritual flames skyrocketed, and the protective gel and pupa-like protective cabin were all shaken to pieces.

He was on the ground, ignoring his headache, and was about to bombard Long Yangjun's pupa-like protective cabin.

Before he could do anything, Long Yangjun had already jumped out by himself.

Li Yao was startled slightly, and an ugly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Yes, no matter how magnificent the teacher’s vision is and how precise the calculation is, he can’t calculate it—the so-called "red lotus team" is actually composed of twelve high-level horror powerhouses at least in the Nascent Soul stage. Among the twelve, there are "monsters" like himself and Long Yangjun!

Needless to say, Li Yao, Long Yangjun, a "Nuwa warrior" from the era of great wars, must have received special training in her brain, and it is not so easy to invade!

"Save people!"

Li Yao rushed to the Yanliren protection cabin, the second closest to him.

Looking through the translucent hatch above, he found that Yan Liren's eyes were closed tightly in the cushion gel, his teeth were bitten, and his expression was extremely painful, as if he was immersed in a terrible nightmare.

Moreover, Yan Liren, the protection cabin, and Li Yao himself-are slowly becoming transparent!

"Don't touch them!"

Long Yangjun said anxiously, "Their spirits are all entangled with the spiritual power of the invaders, and they are in a fierce battle!

"We are about to fully enter the state of four-dimensional expansion. Even if you can forcibly wake them up, it is very likely that they will tear their souls forcibly. Their three souls and seven souls will definitely not be able to withstand the storm in the four-dimensional space, and they will become Idiots or vegetatives, such as Meng Chixin, Wu Suiyun, and Wan Mingzhu, may just be annihilated!"

The mystery and horror of the four-dimensional space contains the huge power of the entire universe, and even the strong of the transformation of the gods cannot easily contend with it.

Li Yao cursed fiercely and immediately made a decision: "We can't be annihilated by the entire army. Yan Liren and their spirits are so powerful, and they can't be completely eroded and controlled in a moment. Let's go, return to the fire seeding base, and go directly to find it. Professor Mo Xuan, think of a way to get people!"

Time is running out, both of them feel that their bodies are slowly swelling, unfolding and extending, and the whole world has become weird, like dancing light butterflies, about to fly violently.

If you don’t go, you can’t go. Once they fall into the four-dimensional space, the body and brain are fully expanded. Who knows if they can withstand the strange spiritual invasion, and where they will be teleported to!

Li Yao and Long Yangjun launched at the same time, turned into two streamers, and rushed towards the escape room at the stern of the ship.

They can't rashly make a big hole in the ship, it will cause the transport ship and everyone to be torn apart in the four-dimensional space!

When they came to the escape area all the way to the escape area, the transport ship and themselves became almost completely transparent.

Behind them is like a huge whirlpool, producing an extremely terrifying suction force, drawing in every cell and every strand of their spiritual thoughts.

The two of them didn't even have time to open the escape capsule, put on the crystal armor, opened the airtight door, and rushed out directly, exciting every power rune array of the crystal armor to the limit!


In the distorted space, like being at the outermost periphery of the whirlpool, Li Yao and Long Yangjun felt that their bodies were suddenly large and small, long and short, transparent, stagnant, and swollen. Suddenly compressed, just a few seconds, as long as hundreds of years!

They can only grit their teeth, release their spiritual flames as much as they can, and continue to sprint into the starry sky. The farther away from the transport ship that is launching the star sea jump, the better, so as not to be swept away by the spatial ripples caused by the jump-that is very likely to cause them. The upper body and the transport ship were teleported to an unknown distance, and the lower body was still in the Baihua Star Region!

I don't know how long it took, the "stormy waves" behind them gradually subsided, and their bodies and crystal armor slowly returned to normal.

The two of them looked inwardly in shock, making sure that the limbs, corpses, and internal organs were all available, and no organs were sent out following the transport ship. They were a little relieved.

When I looked back, the transport ship had disappeared, leaving only a cloud of mist that was slowly dissipating.

Both Li Yao and Long Yangjun were floating in the star sea on all sides, like two dead fish that had been shot ashore by huge waves.

The splitting headache still didn't disappear, and the two didn't even want to move.

"Ha ha."

Long Yangjun opened a peer-to-peer communication channel. He said in a deep and magnetic voice, "The twelve ancient sages slap their faces, how to lose, huh?"

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