40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1731: The most familiar rhythm is back!

Li Yao drifted quietly in the deep and dark universe, shutting off all power runes and most of the life-sustaining systems on the crystal armor, just like a pile of icy iron meteorites.

He looked at the hundreds of silver-white spherical space stations that formed Baihua City not far away, as well as the countless waterways further away, the colorful ripples that remained after the jump of the Star Sea, and he felt his own cells, bones, muscles and spirits gradually. Cohesive, stable, and unobstructed, the clues are also gathered together to outline the overall picture of the entire layout.

Li Yao licked the blood oozing from the corner of his mouth because he forcibly escaped the ripples of space, and Shen Chen laughed.

Long Yangjun: "Old Mo Li, are you hiding your embarrassment with laughter?"

"No, it's just that after roughly figuring out the teacher's layout, the weird feeling accumulated in my heart disappeared.

Li Yao's eyes staring at Baihua City not far away are getting brighter and brighter, savoring the heat and sweetness of blood, and the mist that plagues my heart is gradually replaced by masses of flames, "It's like...everything has returned to me. The most familiar rhythm!"

Long Yangjun snorted coldly: "With the lives and deaths of ten Yuan Ying pinnacles and even masters of transforming gods in exchange for a familiar rhythm, the pomp of the'Three Realms Supreme Li Lao Mo' is really big enough."

"For the time being, there is no need to worry too much about Yan Liren and them."

Li Yao’s thoughts were electric, his computing power reached its limit, and his brain cells were crackling like popcorn and fried beans. “With their spiritual strength and computing power, even if they fall into a certain kind of presupposition by Professor Mo Xuan. Illusory Realm, wouldn't it be completely lost so quickly? At most, it was teleported to an unknown location, and couldn't come back for a while.

"Moreover, no matter how sophisticated the teacher's layout is, he absolutely underestimates the strength of the'Red Lotus Team'. He wants to erode or kill Yan Liren ten of them, and he will definitely pay a very heavy price. This is extremely likely. Become his fatal injury, causing him to lose all the games!

"For the teacher, the Red Lotus team was originally a factor outside the calculation. It was just a small interference. The more critical question is-what on earth does the teacher want to do, and where is his real goal?

"And this, when I was almost torn apart by the spatial vortex just now, I already wanted to understand it!"

Long Yangjun said strangely: "It's not the ones I just said,'complete war of extinction, save all mankind' or something?"

"Yours is a strategic goal, it is too far away, and it has no guiding significance."

Li Yaofei said quickly, "Whether it is the total extinction war or the'virtualization' of everyone, these are too macro, too far away. How can we succeed without three to five hundred years? We don't need to be affected by this. The illusory long-term goal interference, just need to figure out what the teacher is doing now, the first step!

"Assuming that Professor Mo Xuan really wants to achieve the great goal of'virtualization of all mankind', then at this moment, in the Star Federation, the first thing he has to do is to control the entire unification spiritual network, and then control the federal government. ,right?"

Long Yangjun pondered for a moment and nodded: "Yes, no matter how magnificent the follow-up plan and blueprint are, you must first control the federal government before you can carry out your Dao heart and realize your great ambitions, and as Professor Mo Xuan and him The most feasible method is to control the resources that can be controlled first!

"Today's federation and empire are highly dependent on Crystal Brain and Lingwang technology, control the network, almost control everything!"

"That's right!"

Li Yao licked his lips excitedly and said, "Baihua Star is the transportation hub of the seven worlds of the Federation, and Baihua City is the core data interaction and control center of the unified Ling. It is also the center of the "Civilization" game, with billions of players. Online at the same time!

"Here is one of the three most powerful'Gai' grade super crystal brains in the Federation, and there are more than half of the'Jing' grade super crystal brains. As long as you control the Baihua star field and invade the'Gai' grade super crystal brains, Then, is it possible to control half of the federation's'Beijing' super crystal brain, and control the entire unifying spiritual web?

"Since my teacher transformed into the wonderful half-human and half-liquid metal life form, the'Star Spirit', he has the powerful ability to invade the crystal brain at will and devour calculation power. In the rebellion battle of the immortal cultivator in the flying star world, It was because of him that he invaded the'Star Brain' and swallowed up a large amount of the computing power of the'Star Child', that we were able to fight back and establish the victory!

"After a whole hundred years of cultivation, his invading crystal brain and devouring calculation power must be stronger, more secretive, fast and free!

"I have consulted a lot of the crystal brain information of the federation. Everyone said that the federation now has'three and a half' super crystal brains, and the'half station' refers to my teacher!

"If he can control all the super crystal brains in the Baihua Star Territory first, swallow all these computing powers and use them for his own use, and then use such a huge computing power to storm the second'Gai'-class super brain located in the Tianyuan realm. Crystal Brain, then the third one of Spider's Nest...When all the super crystal brains are controlled remotely by him, no matter what he asks, people seem to have to compromise!

"After all, the teacher is right. People in this era can't retreat to a world where the Internet is completely lost!"

Long Yangjun blinked quickly: "Wait, wait, wait, the super crystal brain of your Star Federation is not so weak, he can invade if he wants to invade, right? Other crystal brain experts are dead. Are they all idiots? Wouldn't they set up a large number of restrictions, firewalls, virtual arrays on the vital super crystal brains? No matter how powerful his computing power, it can be stronger than all the super crystal brains in the whole Federation combined. ?"

"Yes, this is a big problem. Under normal circumstances, the teacher absolutely cannot forcibly invade so many super crystal brains. I am afraid that when he invades the Baihua Star Territory, he will be discovered and attracted a large number of secret swords. Bureau agents and the EFF are rounded up!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes, and the silver-white cosmic fortress reflected in the depths of his black eyes was like a string of dazzling silver fire. "However, if there is a special situation, it can cause all super crystal brains to overload. , Causing them to consume a lot of computing power first, and make their bans and firewalls riddled with holes, faltering words..."

Long Yangjun said: "Is it possible?"

"Listen, I suddenly thought of—"

Li Yao danced in a vacuum, and said, "When I wanted to deal with the'Star Child' in the Flying Star Realm, in fact, my teacher was not the opponent of the Star Child at the beginning, let alone eroding the other party, he would almost be swallowed by the other party. Up!

"However, because I was battling it in the virtual space created by Star Child, which consumed a lot of its computing power, the teacher could take advantage of it. In the end, we ‘attacked inside and outside’ and eliminated each other!

"If the teacher can also create a situation now that all the super crystal brains in the Federation are overloaded, and at the same time they are subjected to a large-scale saturation attack, breaking through their firewalls..."

Long Yangjun frowned: "All super crystal brains are overloaded and subjected to large-scale saturation attacks? Under what circumstances can this happen..."

Speaking of this, Long Yangjun was shocked, and at the same time Li Yao called out: "The Imperial Expeditionary Army is invading!"

Li Yao: "Yes, as long as the main force of the Black Wind Fleet suddenly emerges and strikes a fatal blow to a certain core world of the Federation, and the two sides start a battle of the main fleet, all the super crystal brains of the entire Federation will be mobilized, whether it is used by the capital. The one used to command the center, or the one used to plan navigation routes and guide reinforcements, or the one used by the Spider's Nest to detect the reality of the enemy!"

Long Yangjun: "In modern warfare, the spirit net and information confrontation are the first. The first thing after the arrival of the Black Wind fleet is definitely to carry out a devastating blow to the unified spirit net of the empire, the spirit net of the empire and the federation. Each technology has its own merits. To a large extent, the empire’s destructive power is stronger. Really confronted, not only will the federation’s super crystal brains be in a state of overloading and collapse at any time, but also their prohibitions and firewalls will be punished by the empire. Full of sores, tear them up completely!"

Li Yao: "At that time, my teacher will not have to invade at all, because as the most powerful humanoid super brain in the Federation, he must be the main force of the "Lingnet Confrontation War". Once the battle starts, he can easily obtain it. All data of most super crystal brains, even in critical moments, are authorized by the military to connect with the most secret super crystal brains to increase the federation's ling net combat power!"

Long Yangjun: "It makes sense, but there is still a fatal question-your teacher did such a small move when the Black Wind Fleet invaded, wouldn't you be afraid of the collapse of the Federation? If he is really a'good man', a patriot , There is no reason to do this."

Li Yao: "...unless the teacher's appetite is so big that he wants to swallow the master brain of the Black Wind Fleet!"

Long Yangjun: "What!"

Li Yao: "Think about it. The Ling-net confrontation is a two-way battle. Everyone will carry out devastating blows to each other. When the federation's super crystal brains are overloaded and endangered, the Black Wind Fleet's master crystal brain must also be in danger. Reaching the limit is the best opportunity to invade and control!"

Long Yangjun: "Your teacher has such great magical powers that he can invade the master crystal brain of the Black Wind Fleet remotely? No matter how overloaded they are, how can they be on the verge of collapse!"

"I do not know."

Li Yao murmured, "I'm not good at invading Crystal Brain or anything. As usual, it should be impossible, but if the teacher has a way to send a'broiler' to the Black Wind Fleet first..."

Long Yangjun: "Broiler?"

Li Yao explained: "Broiler is a special term in the field of crystal brain attack and defense. It is controlled by some masters. It is filled with crystal brains of various viruses or other things. Once the teacher can send a'broiler chicken' In the starship of the Black Wind people, those viruses are very likely to explode instantly, or use the'broiler' as a'springboard' to implement the most direct and fatal'implosion' to the black wind people's spiritual net and crystal brain. Hit!"

Long Yangjun took a breath: "Heifeng people should, shouldn't be so stupid, accept a...'broiler' from the Federation, right?

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