40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1732: The complete layout of the professor!

"I do not know."

Li Yao's gaze crossed the gleaming silver spherical array cube of Baihua City, and projected towards two extremely distant stars.

The two stars drag, entangle, and confront each other, just like the Star Federation and the Black Wind Fleet that are facing each other at this moment.

Li Yao’s voice became distant and profound, as if peeping through a series of secret instruction sets that had been executed decades ago, "I only know that if 70% of the above deductions are true, then the teacher What we have done in the past ten years can be explained in another way.

"On the surface, from the very beginning, he explained the birth of the'spirit race' and the follow-up plan together, showcasing everything generously, and invited the most cutting-edge crystal brains, spiritual nets, consciousness transmissions, and brain meditations of the entire federation. Experts in other fields will come to'join in the grand event' and promote the'Tinder Plan' together.


Long Yangjun nodded and said, "With Professor Mo Xuan’s prestige and connections in the Federation, coupled with the cutting-edge nature of'virtual life research' and the importance of the'Fire Project', even if he does not invite, the Federal Assembly and the military still have The Secret Sword Bureau and other units will take the initiative to send a large number of elite soldiers and strong generals to participate, help him to check and monitor the progress of the entire project!"


Li Yaodao, "The most outstanding spiritual web experts, soul experts, and brain training experts in the entire Federation may have been in contact with the'Fire Seed Project' and the'Spirit World' more or less. In the past few decades, they have countless times Upload your consciousness to the'spiritual world', at least open your own brain, and connect with the'spiritual world' created by my teacher for research and monitoring.

"Thinking about it well, this is my teacher who is upright and open, willing to open up all research results and accept the supervision of all walks of life and government departments!

"In the worst case, is it possible for my teacher to implant something into their brains while the consciousness of these experts and scholars is swimming in the'spiritual realm' in the past few decades? Put some'crystal brain virus' into the crystal brain like that!

"If this possibility is true, then at this moment, the best experts in crystal brains and psychic webs, spiritual cultivation and brain research experts in the entire Federation, their brains and spirituals have been more or less eroded by my teacher!"

"and many more!"

Long Yangjun was shocked and said eagerly, "You said that, I know, I know the reason why your teacher wants to talk to'Captain Red Lotus Lin Jiu' for so long! It's not you, his goal is not you , But those who monitor you!"


Li Yao swiftly blinked, and every time he blinked, three or five more lightning-like bloodshots burst out of the surface of the eyeball. "You mean—"

"Red Lotus Captain Lin Jiu is indeed an insignificant little character. The reason why he has been nagging with you for so long and telling the cause and effect is really to buy time and fight for the time to'erode' the monitor!"

Long Yangjun’s speech speed suddenly increased tenfold. With the "buzz" voice that ordinary people would never distinguish, "The first launch of the so-called'Tinder Project' is very likely to be a huge scam. It's a trap to the end!

"Because the Fire Seed Project will be launched for the first time tomorrow, so today, many experts in the Crystal Brain, Spirit Net, Meditation and Brain Cultivation from all worlds of the Federation have come to the Fire Base, plus The heads and brains of the local garrison, the Secret Sword Bureau, and the government departments all gathered together and voluntarily entered the virtual cabin of Professor Mo Xuan's "carefully refined", immersed in the "neural interaction fluid", and fell deeply into the "spiritual world". in!

"This is a catch!

"If Professor Mo Xuan moves something on the virtual cabin, there is a way to control the'spiritual world', at least to control the small spiritual world he created in the fire base, and keep everyone's spirits in it. Like what we have tasted just now-if we invade and pollute..."

Li Yao took a deep breath and felt that the entire dark universe was invading his body: "Then, he may bring a large number of crystal brain and spiritual net experts, as well as the garrison, secret sword bureau and government departments of the Baihua Star Region, all Take control of your head and brain!"

"As for you, your application for the'Visit the Tinder Project' is a crooked beating, right in his arms!"

Long Yangjun calmly analyzed, "What you say is the special envoy of the Speaker of the Xinghai Republic. If you want to visit a confidential project like the Tinder Project, especially the whole process of chatting with Professor Mo Xuan, you will definitely be closely monitored. , Will not be let go for even a second."

"Of course!"

Li Yao nodded his head, "The teacher also reminded us many times to rest assured during the conversation, saying that our conversations are monitored throughout the whole process, and he is frank and open."

"Frankly shit!"

Long Yangjun scolded a rare swear word, “Monitoring is two-way. When you are receiving high-level surveillance from secret sword bureaus and many other secret units, it means that Professor Mo Xuan’s spiritual world and the crystal brains of these secret units There must be some kind of "data channel", right?"

Li Yao suddenly realized: "So, when many secret units including the Secret Sword Bureau are monitoring us, my teacher can also go upstream through the ‘data channel’ they set up and sneak into the brains of these secret units?"

Long Yangjun said: "The identity of Red Lotus Captain Lin Jiu is so special, and what Professor Mo Xuan said to you is so sensitive. The level of monitoring your unit must be very high, and Jing Brain's restrictions and firewall must be very powerful, so Professor Mo Xuan has been talking with you for so long, just to buy time and silently invade the crystal brains of these secret units!"


Li Yao was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "It's about to go to war, right away, within 24 hours!"

The corner of Long Yangjun's eyes trembled at a high speed: "Why can you see it?"

"If you don't call it, it's a blockbuster!"

Li Yao said coldly, "Since my teacher has spent decades planning this bureau, now he controls all the military, political, and secret intelligence leaders in the Baihua Star Region, and it may be in the brains of more secret units from the outside world. Viruses have been dropped, and the'back door' has been opened. This is the time when Tuqiong Dagger sees the final word!

"His movements are so big, no matter how concealed they are, they can't be concealed for 24 hours-the other crystal brain experts in the Federation are not dead, and within a day, they will definitely be discovered!

"Unless, the moment my teacher is waiting for, the fatal moment that can overload all the super crystal brains in the entire Federation and is on the verge of collapse, will come within 24 hours!"

Long Yangjun's eyes turned round and round, and the conversation turned around, and asked: "How is the relationship between your teacher and Jin Xinyue?"

The two talked very jumpy, changing from one topic to another. There was no gap at all. It was extremely difficult for ordinary people to understand what they were trying to say, but Li Yao instantly understood: "You suspect that Jin Xinyue has carefully planned the approach. My teacher is involved in the 100-year plan?

"Well, it's very possible!

"I don't know the development of Jin Xinyue and Professor Mo Xuan in the past 100 years, but judging from the relationship a hundred years ago, Jin Xinyue and my other old friend "Fire Ant King" are very close!

"At that time, I joined forces with the Fire Ant King to create the'Skyfire Organization', and Jin Xinyue became the Secretary General of the'Skyfire Organization' as my only disciple of the Monster Race, and she and the Fire Ant King have been her since then. In the operation of the Skyfire organization, it is the relationship between the principal and deputy.

"The Fire Ant King was originally the second-tier demon emperor in the blood demon world, and even the'Twelve Demon Emperors of the Ten Thousand Demon Palace' were not in the ranks. It was with the support of me and the'Jin Tu Yi System' that they climbed to the top of the blood demon world. Therefore, the relationship between Fire Ant King and Jin Xinyue can be regarded as a kind of'profit symbiosis', which is naturally quite strong!

"On the other hand, I, Fire Ant King and Professor Mo Xuan, the three of us went to explore Kunlun together again. There, Fire Ant King and Professor Mo Xuan forged a deep friendship. In the following years, the process of developing Kunlun relics In, the two often communicate and research together.

“Fire Ant King uses Professor Mo Xuan’s horrific computing power to calculate some biochemical research issues, and Professor Mo Xuan uses Fire Ant King to understand the mystery of'biochemical neurons', like the'neural interaction fluid' he uses now. 'It can be said that it is the crystallization of biochemical technology.

"When I left the Federation and went to the depths of the Dark Nebula, Professor Mo Xuan and the Fire Ant King were already in an irreversible relationship.

"If Jin Xinyue really has any magnificent calculations for the revival of the Monster Race, Fire Ant King must be her important deputy, knowing a lot of inside information; and Jin Xinyue is my disciple, and Professor Mo Xuan is my teacher, which is equivalent to Her "Master", although there is no substantial inheritance, at least in name!"

Long Yangjun helped him continue and said: "Jin Xinyue’s 100-year plan involves too much and too much. It must be a helper who is proficient in Lingwang and crystal brain, and has strong calculation and deduction ability, such as helping her. She has a close relationship with the fire ant king who invaded the “old giants” of the crystal brain, and the fire ant king is just like Professor Mo Xuan, and Professor Mo Xuan is also her “Master”, this is the best Candidate!"


Li Yao gritted his teeth, "My teacher can be regarded as a member of the'Li Yao Group.' Jin Xinyue may not tell him all of the plan. Just tell him 50%, saying that this is a fight against the Black Wind Fleet and the rise of the Li Yao Group. The magnificent plan, how can my teacher not agree to it?"

"So, on the surface, Professor Mo Xuan became Jin Xinyue's accomplice and part of the plan."

Long Yangjun said coldly, "It's a pity that Jin Xinyue is clever but was mistaken by her cleverness. She can't calculate everything. Professor Mo Xuan also has a plan that is a hundred times more magnificent than her. As long as the professor’s computing power is known to 50%, she can naturally deduce the other 50% and use it. As a result, she has become Professor Mo Xuan’s pawn!"

"We once deduced that if Jin Xinyue really has any plans, it will explode in the near future, so we rushed to the Tianyuan Realm to find her."

Li Yao's voice was cold and bitter, "It seems that it doesn't matter whether Jin Xinyue has prepared any traps for the Black Wind Fleet, and whether the commander of the Black Wind Fleet has seen through her plan, it doesn't matter!

"Because, the collision of the two forces, the largest main fleet battle in the history of the Star Federation, the star sea game that determines the survival of the Federation and the Black Wind Fleet-all of these are very likely to be under the control of my teacher, Professor Mo Xuan. Among them!"

Long Yangjun was about to speak, his pupils suddenly expanded to the limit.

A large cluster of dangerous stars gleamed in her eyes.

"what is that?"

She murmured, pointing not far away.

Countless shining stars gathered into a torrent of stars, rushing towards her and Li Yao silently.

At this moment, there are still thirteen hours, thirteen minutes, and thirteen seconds before the Black Wind Fleet descends into the core star field of the Tianyuan Realm.

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