40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1733: The two heroes face off!

At the same time, the Star Federation, Tianyuan Realm, Tianyuan Star, the outer suburbs of the capital "Tiandu", and the depths of the "Moon Palace", the base camp of Golden Heart and Moon.

When Jin Xinyue slowly stepped out of the door of the secret room, her loyal disciple "Xue'er" and the elite soldiers of the Dark Moon Foundation waiting outside were all startled.

In the past few decades, they have become accustomed to Jin Xinyue's black clothes, calm, capable, elegant, and murderous look.

But today, the most important moment in a hundred years, Jin Xinyue just put down her black tight-fitting jersey and put on a loose, moon-white linen robe.

She didn't have the slightest decoration on her body, only lightly bound her waist with a thin golden chain, and outlined the waist that was gripped with fullness, like a soft and tough willow.

On his feet were a pair of thorny shoes, a specialty of the blood demon world, and ten small and exquisite toes, showing a healthy and attractive color, as if they were buttoned with ten tiny pink shells.

Above the delicate hands, apart from the Universe Ring that Master gave her a hundred years ago, there is no extra magic weapon.

The face is even without powder, pure, pure, and spotless, and her black hair hangs down to her waist like a waterfall, which sets off her beautiful face, white to a thrilling level.

The holy face like a nine-day mysterious girl descending to the earth, and the holy face of all sentient beings, is really difficult to associate with the "snake scorpion girl" who kills without blinking and eats people without spitting out bones.

Therefore, even many of the members of the Dark Moon team who had been born and died with her decades ago, and had seen her extremely vicious and vicious methods, all looked at each other and didn't know what to do.


Xueer stepped forward and asked courageously, "What are you?"

"This is the uniform that my master and I used to wear when fighting the'spore virus plague' together a hundred years ago."

Jin Xinyue smiled faintly, her expression was a little melancholy and some trance, her hand rubbed the slightly rough linen on her body, as if she had fallen into a distant memory, and muttered, "Let me wear it again for the last time, so innocent, holy, and bright. The white robe, because after this battle, I have a long time, perhaps the second half of my life, to be completely immersed in darkness.

"Moreover, if you put on this moon-white shirt, no matter where my master'Vulture Li Yao' is, he will surely bless our plan to succeed, and bless the Xingyao Federation to truly rise... right?"

Xueer understood, and a charming smile evoked at the corner of her mouth, and said sincerely: "Master, you wear white, in fact, it looks better and much better than black."

"Just your sweet mouth!"

Jin Xinyue flicked on the tip of Xue'er’s nose, and then she narrowed her smile, strode toward the core members of the Dark Moon Foundation, as well as from all walks of life, just gathered together, and her core Yaozu went under. go with.

When she walked in front of these monster warriors with ugly faces and powerful faces, the smile on her face was completely restrained, and she changed to a calm, but ambitious, provocative and deceiving face.

"Demon race warriors, we have been sunk in the darkness for a whole hundred years, dormant for a whole hundred years, and endured for a whole hundred years!"

Jin Xinyue spoke slowly, speaking to her soldiers in a solemn and excited, calm and fierce, charming and firm tone, "A hundred years of shame, a hundred years of sacrifice, and a hundred years of silence are for the sake of Today, it is for this moment, it is for this battle!

"A hundred years ago, I swear to my father and to all the fellow Yao race at that time, I will complete the'Red Tide Project' and lead the Yao race struggling in suffering to return to glory!

"For a hundred years, many people doubted me, opposed me, and even jumped out to confront me!

"But you, only you who have always believed in me, even in the most difficult years, have loyally supported me, and worked with me to silently advance the'Red Tide Project', weave the new'Dark Moon Project', and weave the dream of the rise of the monster race!

"Today is the day when Jin Xinyue fulfills my promise, and it is the day when we fulfill our promise to all the fellow demons!

"Destroy, rebirth, immortality! Perhaps our physical body will be completely destroyed in this battle, and perhaps one day even the entity of the'Demon Race' will cease to exist, but our spirit, the spirit of the Monster Race, will surely pass this battle. Rebirth will surely gain immortality, and will surely expand to the entire universe as the Star Federation enters the conquest of the sea of ​​stars!"

"Destruction! Rebirth! Immortality!"

The **** monster warriors uttered a hoarse roar in the depths of the moon palace. The roar that has been suppressed for a hundred years is like magma that is ready to go. It is about to turn into a torrent and stir the entire world!

"Ha ha."

Jin Xinyue squinted her eyes, laughed, and cast her eyes on a lot of gray-haired monster races, "Many of us have come all the way from the era of the'Old Federation'. At that time, we were still talking to the'Old Federation'. The Federation' is an enemy. Everyone kills you to death. Tell me, do you hate those people in the'Old Federation', those fighters, those strong men?"

These gray-haired monster races looked at each other and nodded one after another.

Hate, of course hate, why not hate? Even if everyone has merged now, the shame of "conditional surrender" was unforgettable in a lifetime when we had the advantage of power!

"If you hate it, then win this battle!"

Jin Xinyue smiled and said, "If these'old federation' heroes know well and know that the'Star Federation' that they have been fighting for their entire lives and even sacrificed everything to defend, in the end they will have to rely on a group of'monsters and ghosts' to protect it. How ironic? I'm afraid they will get their noses crooked in the Nine Nether Yellow Springs!"

Jin Xinyue's words made the originally solemn and tense atmosphere a little more lively, and many monster races burst into laughter presumptuously.


Xueer stepped forward and said, "The liaisons of the major sects and families are all waiting outside."


Jin Xinyue's gaze condensed, and she took over the dark golden scepter that symbolized the commander's baton of the Allied Forces of the Ten Thousand Demon Army during the time in the Pantheon Palace from Xue'er. With a light wave, she said indifferently, "Demon race warriors, go ahead. !"


When Jin Xinyue was in the depths of the Moon Palace, the last link of the "Dark Moon Project" was launched.

80 light-years away from the Star Federation, deep in the brown dwarf, after five days of awakening, deployment and deployment, the Black Wind Fleet has finally developed from a century-long "cruising state" into a "battle formation"!

The densely packed black crystal starships formed a large-scale black cube with strict three-dimensional formations.

On the eight corners of the cube, the eight-constellation star sea teleportation array has also been built, and it is transmitting and agitating psychic energy in a nearly "squandering" manner.

Such precious psionic powers have not been used even in the most urgent situations in a hundred years of cruising, just to launch a deadly pounce when they arrive near their prey!

"Zip! Zip!"

The black arc, which is hundreds of thousands of kilometers long, flows silently between hundreds of main battleships and more auxiliary battleships, as if condensed into a black hole that swallows everything!

The flagship of the Black Wind Fleet, Black Vortex, above the bridge.

Hei Yeming carried his hands on his back, coldly staring at the thousands of light curtains blooming from the main control crystal brain. His brain was connected to the main control crystal brain through a special command helmet, with thousands of spiritual thoughts and gusts of wind and rain. The surging flow of information is entwined, precisely controlling all the details of the entire fleet.

The crystal brain technology of the true human empire is better than that of the Star Federation. The entire Black Wind fleet has a very high level of automation. 80% of the operations can be completed by the crystal brain, and in a short time, the data, data, and tactics can be completed through the tactical network. The interaction of information and commands has made thousands of starships condensed into an inseparable whole, just like an indomitable star-sea giant!

Hei Yeming, or Black Vortex's master crystal brain, is the "brain" of this star-sea giant.

Hei Yeming’s consciousness and divine mind can spread to every corner of the Black Vortex, and even every key post of every starship in the fleet, through the crystal brain and tactical spirit net. Control everything!

He is the "brain" of this star-sea giant!

"Commander, the fleet has been deployed, and all the immortal cultivators have completed their combat preparations. As long as they are guided by the large-scale starry sky gate, they can jump over at any time and launch a devastating blow in an instant!"

The Chief of Staff of the Black Wind Fleet said next to him, "It's just that, can that person... really be trusted?"

"Don't worry, Su Changfa is a cultivator of immortals, and a member of the real human empire."

Hei Yeming slowly said, "Based on the information sent back by our secret spy lurking in the Federation, the'gifts' he gave us are all real. I didn't expect that the old guy Su Changfa is still... half dead. In some wonderful way, it is possible to control the Lingwang of the Star Federation, at least the key node of the Lingwang!

"Jin Xinyue thinks she has a chance to win. We can bring half of our troops into the Tianyuan realm, and then close the'gate of the starry sky' and come to a'close the door to hit the dog'? Humph, she is too naive, she can't think of it anyway, we still have 'Su Changfa' is such a backhand!

"Of course, I won't completely believe in Su Changfa, let alone his disciple Lu Qingchen, after all, they are not black wind people, maybe they have their own little abacus.

"So in response to their plan, I made a small'fine-tuning'. With the huge military strength of our Black Wind Fleet, as long as a small hole is torn in the sky above the Celestial Realm, who can resist us?"

The chief of staff said: "The commander is wise!"

"Let the soldiers stay calm and restless. I know that they have not moved their muscles and bones for a whole hundred years, and they have long been impatient. However, the more hungry they are, the more delicious the blood of victory will taste!"

Hei Yeming said with a faint smile, "Everything is under the control of this commander. In another twelve hours, the Tianyuan Realm, and the entire Starlight Federation, belong to us Heifengren!"

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