40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1766: Unstoppable!

In the front of the battlefield, the Union Army that was trapped within the attack range of the steel trolls was all shrouded in deep despair by mental attacks.

"Too, too powerful!"

"What kind of monster is this? The attack method is so weird!"


The opponent can be said to have no entity, or it can be said to have a flexible, ever-changing body. Facing ordinary soldiers with low strength, they only need to exert a strong impetus on the iron tribulus, and rely on the force of impact to knock the soldiers into pieces. , And facing the commander who is refining or building the foundation, three or five super cosmic mines "Abyss Jellyfish" entangled together, relying on the psychic magnetic field to adsorb to the commander's body and explode at the same time, which can also cause casualties to a few practitioners heavy!

Under the cover of the steel troll, the army of spirit ghosts on the opposite side successfully assembled, forming groups of three or five conical assault units. The brighter and brighter flames behind them indicate that they are about to launch a fatal counterattack!

The EFF's already slightly messy front began to slow down, stagnate, and loosen.

Some people hesitated; some reduced their speed; some people fired all the ammunition and psionic energy on the crystal armor under the envelope of fear, but did not hit half of the target; there were also very few people who were screaming feverishly towards The steel troll launched a mortal charge!

"The Federation Army!"

Luo Qisheng roared, his Adam's apple rolled more than a dozen times, and he couldn't say the fourth word anymore. He just drew out the chain saw sword that had been with him for decades, repaired and strengthened countless times, and still reluctant to scrap it. Its sharp point pointed to steel. The troll, all the psychic abilities of the Pill Formation monk exploded from his dantian, followed in the footsteps of Li Yao and Long Yangjun, and rushed up!

"It's up to now, no regrets!"

When he was staring fiercely at the strange eyes formed by the intertwining of the blue ghost flames of the steel troll, the old colonel suddenly had such a thought in his mind.

A hundred years of military career ended in such a way, very good, very good, but a pity...

Just when Luo Qisheng thought that he was about to be attacked by the strongest mental attack from the Iron Troll, an incredible scene happened!

Thousands of data were all beating frantically on the detection light curtain projected on his retina, as if two extremely powerful interference sources appeared in front of him, disrupting the normal operation of all the detection magic weapons on his crystal armor.

Immediately afterwards, several of the data soared so fast, soaring to the limit!

There is something powerful and incomparable, summoned to this world!

"this is--"

The battle-tested old colonel slowly opened his mouth wide, unable to believe his eyes, in a daze, wondering if he had fallen into the illusion of dying!

"This, this, this is—"

All the federal forces who had fallen into bitter fighting in all directions, and the fire of hope was almost annihilated, were all in horror and saw an unforgettable scene of their lives!

The icy universe is like a dark swamp.

Within the invisible swamp plane, there are two majestic, domineering steel giants, slowly rising from the darkness, stretching their limbs and spiritual flames to their fullest!

A black skeleton, surrounded by crimson blood of thorns, its head is divided into four pieces by a large cross. In the center of the large cross, the shining scarlet one-eyed, blooming brighter than the supernova.

A black and white, both righteous and evil, mysterious and unpredictable, it is like the nine goddess who has come to heaven and saves the world; it is also like the evil spirit, ruthless and ruthless, destroying everything!

On body type...

The giant that is no more than thirty or forty meters tall is completely different from the steel troll that can swell up to three or four hundred meters high on the opposite side.

And under the vast expanse of the cosmic scale, such a height is an out-and-out "drop in the ocean"!

However, the runes on the surface of the two giants' armors, the gaps in the armor joints, and the spiritual flames that bloomed in the eyes, they burned, rapidly expanded, intertwined, and turned into two in the void. A hundred times larger than their body, yet vivid and vivid, the starry sky!


That statue was entangled in crimson thorns, like a black skeleton crawling out of the bottom of Jiuyou Huangquan, roaring at the steel troll opposite, also spurring out circles of red ring ripples, but it was the blue of the steel giant. The ring of ripples smashed into pieces, and even the blue arc of the steel troll's body was disturbed, and the huge figure appeared loose!

Two powerful mental attacks collided fiercely, and at the same time that the judgment was reached, all the surrounding federal forces also realized that it was--

Roaring Xinghai, the single decisive weapon that smashes the universe, the giant soldier!

"Giant, giant, giant soldier!"

"It's our giant soldier! Our side!"

On the starry sky battlefield, the appearance of a giant soldier is tantamount to injecting a powerful stimulant into all of your soldiers, let alone two, let alone such a critical time!

The feeling of driving a giant soldier is completely different from manipulating a crystal armor.

No matter how advanced the crystal armor is worn on the body, it will inevitably feel "feeling a little sluggish".

The giant soldier uses a completely different way of manipulating him, especially Li Yao has the help of "Xiao Hei", a "giant soldier dedicated to protect and assist artificial intelligence" from the Xinghai Empire era, soaking in the body of "Xiao Hei" , There is also a kind of fusion with the Giant God Soldier, he is the "Nine Nether Profound Bone", and the Nine Nether Profound Bone is his feeling!

"With this kind of thing, you want to stop the giant soldiers?"

Li Yao felt wisps of divine thought spreading to the limbs of the Jiuyou Profound Bone, so excited that he couldn't himself, his left eye was red as blood, his right eye was as deep as ink, black and red eyes burst out with a mysterious light, behind the Jiuyou Profound Bone The flames of his condensed into dozens of long and narrow wings, turned into dozens of streamers, and rushed towards the steel troll!

Boom boom boom boom!

His speed is always 10% faster than that of the steel troll. Seven in and seven out of the steel troll’s chest and abdomen, dozens of long and narrow black flame wings are like dozens of indestructible sharp blades, constantly detonating to form the steel giant. Demon's super universe mine.

Not only is the speed of the arms and legs of the steel troll unable to keep up with the footsteps of the Nine Nether Profound Bone, even the destructive power spread speed of these super universe mines after being detonated has always been behind Li Yao's ass, and because they are in the steel troll. The body was detonated, which caused the iron troll's psychic magnetic field to be unstable. After several times of interspersion, the number of super universe mines was greatly reduced, and the dark blue psychic arcs were much dimmed, and they could no longer maintain the huge human form. .


The steel troll deserves to be a "super-spiritual body" with super computing power that can perfectly simulate human emotions and thinking. It actually raised his head and screamed "heart-piercing", which was very strange to Li Yao. It feels as if sealed between these super cosmic mines, there is really a cruel soul alive!

However, in the next second, Jiuyou Xuangu sounded a sharp alarm. Three tentacles composed of hundreds of cosmic mines waved silently from behind him, and the chains between the cosmic mines were all connected together and turned into The cage of destruction!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

A series of huge **** of light instantly swallowed the Nine Nether Profound Bone, but it was the steel troll who changed the magnetic field model in time, from a human form to a huge spherical shape, and the spherical surface could highlight the long and short tentacles and "flagella" at any time. It is quite similar to its basic unit, "Abyss Jellyfish".

"Don't be careless, there is no time or place to repair the giant soldiers!"

Long Yangjun’s giant soldiers "yin and yang" dragged out a series of afterimages, all the afterimages swept around the steel troll like entities. Behind each afterimage was suspended a black and a white two purely psychic. The condensed light blades, hundreds of light blades like gusts of wind and showers, stab the depths of the spherical body of the steel troll!

These light blades do not attack the cosmic mines, but interfere with the iron troll’s psychic magnetic field and communication psychic net, and separate the cosmic mines from its command center. In other words, they cut off its blood vessels, nerves and nerves. Tendons!

The cosmic mines that were stripped out were naturally swarmed by the Federal Army to detonate them!

More and more cosmic mines are stripped away, the smaller the size of the steel troll, the simpler its changing form, and the easier it is to master its attack model!

The steel troll was shot in full by Long Yangjun, and the ghostly blue spirit flames were in danger. Several times, it stretched out countless tentacles in anger to entangle the "yin and yang", and even took the initiative to spew out cosmic mines in vain. Long Yangjun detonated, but Long Yangjun’s "yin and yang" was the most agile and mobile of the giant soldiers carried by the twelve ancient sages, and it was faster than Li Yao’s "Nine Nether Profound Bones". Quick, how can it easily succeed?

"found it!"

Long Yangjun's eyes were as cold as frost, staring at the hundreds of cosmic mines at the core of the steel troll's spherical body. "Its computing unit and control chip must be installed there!"

At this time, the destructive light spheres surrounding the Jiuyou Profound Bones were all annihilated. In addition to being slightly dim on the surface, the Nine Yous Profound Bones were agitated by Li Yao's fury to produce a more violent spiritual flame, Li Yao gritted his teeth. , His left arm stretched out, five fingers apart, the red thorns and meridians all over his body were condensed on the left arm, and the front of the left arm quickly formed the barrel of a mysterious light cannon.

The extremely dangerous scarlet ball of light generates within the barrel of the thorns.

The steel troll also sensed the fatal fluctuations in psychic energy from Li Yao's side. The only countermeasure that the huge database instantly screened out was to escape, but Long Yangjun’s black and white light blade instantly increased by a level in both speed and density. , Entangled with the blue arc light that supports it, making it immobile, how can it escape?

"Blast me!"

With a violent roar, Li Yao, the destructive force hidden in the depths of the Nine Nether Profound Bones, like a flash flood, all gathered between the thorns in the left palm, turning into a huge ball of light with a diameter of more than 100 meters. Power, submerged into the core of the steel troll!

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