40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1767: Tomb of Silver

In an instant, all the dancing "flagella" and "tentacles" around the steel troll became stiff and straight, and they stretched out with all their strength, as if they were scrambling to escape the effects of the explosion.

That's too late!

The blood-red ball of light suddenly exploded at the core of the steel troll, swallowing a range of thousands of meters in diameter in an instant, and the strong radiation and interference formed by the light ball made the "nerves" and "vessels" of the steel trolls. "It was completely blasted into powder, thousands of cosmic mines exploded at the same time, as if a series of deformed tumors grew crazily. After reaching the ugly limit, they burst, shrank, and annihilated again, leaving countless extreme speeds. Rotating debris!

It was as if Li Yao was driving the Nine Nether Profound Bone and pierced the universe into a blood-red hole, and the steel troll was dragged into this hole and disappeared!

The blazing battlefield once again fell into a weird stillness, only the spirit flames surrounding the two giant soldiers still dancing wildly, like two battle flags hunting and hunting, intensified, burning through the sky!

After a while, the crowd was enthusiastic and everyone cheered. All the Federation forces were excited to the extreme, regardless of whether their voices could be heard by each other in the vacuum of the universe. They tore their chests, broke their ribs, and uttered the most fanatical, high-pitched, and also The most sincere battle cry!

"Long live the Federation!"

"Long live the giant soldiers!"

The voices are so loud that it may not penetrate the cold universe.

But the crystal magnetic cannons, self-locking flying swords, mysterious light cannons that condense all their spirit, will and blood, as well as chain saw swords, concussive sabers, and thermal tomahawks, are absolutely fine!

A moment ago, the Federal Army front that was about to disintegrate once again condensed into a giant wave of steel, crushing the mountains and the sea toward the spirit ghost army!

The spirit ghost army has just changed the cone-shaped battle formation that is most suitable for high-speed impact, but has not yet activated the ultra-high speed that this formation most needs, and is forced to switch to the defensive mode.

With their powerful computing power, Rao can't help but experience bursts of neurotic twitches, and their brains are all clumped!

With their own efforts, Li Yao and Long Yangjun have once again stimulated their morale to the limit!

Since even the trump card at the bottom of the box has been thrown out, naturally there is no reason to stand still, but it is to play the biggest role!

"Nine Nether Profound Bone" and "Yin and Yang", the soldiers split into two directions, burst into the enemy's formation, the wind is raging, and the invincible, breaking the army of spirits and ghosts is like reaping the lives of weeds, and wrote the textbook-like definition of the words "destroying the dead"!


Li Yao flung out a wave of blood red light at any time, and two or three crystal armors that were too late to escape turned into large round fireballs.


Thorns and blood stabs danced all over the body, and whenever they rubbed any part of the opponent's crystal armor, even the smooth armor would be wrapped around him, and the crystal armor was like a low-quality wooden box, torn into pieces.


On the wings of dozens of black psychic energy condensed behind the Nine Nether Profound Bones, at the core of each feather, there is a fragment of a manicure the size of a fingernail, and each fragment is meticulously engraved by Li Yao. The control rune array, which was repeatedly sacrificed with painstaking efforts, was manipulated by his divine mind. Once the fragments of these ancient artifacts reached their speed limit, they could still cause serious damage to the crystal armor and even small starships.

At this moment, there was a large army of spirits and ghosts, who were attacked by the magic weapon fragments of Li Yao's gusts of wind and showers, pierced and pierced with blood and blood!

Suddenly, Li Yao was completely empty in front of him, and when he looked back, a horrible battlefield remained behind him, and there was no longer a half-organized spirit ghost combat unit.

This is the power of Titan Soldiers that is comparable to the main battleship, but more flexible and maneuverable than the main battleship!


Luo Qisheng and Long Yangjun flew in front of Li Yao together. The old federal army colonel could not conceal the excitement in his voice. In his eyes, Li Yao and Long Yangjun completely became "God of War". It made him willing to accept their command, "The spirit and ghost army outside the space station 01 will soon be suppressed by us. What should we do next, is it to completely clean up the battlefield or just rush in?"

"Just rush in!"

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other. After the changes just now, how dare they take it lightly?

Although relying on the giant soldiers to help them regain a city, their hole cards are also exposed, and the giant soldiers are huge gold swallowing beasts that consume mental power, psionic energy, spars, and weapons and ammunition. Rao Yi Li Yaohe The strength of Long Yangjun's soul, driving a giant soldier for a long time, is also like an ordinary soldier wielding a ship-cutting knife for a long time, absolutely unbearable.

The fierce battle just now caused a slight drop in the combat performance parameters of the two giant soldiers. Both Li Yao and Long Yangjun could sense that their souls were slowly burning like candles. There would be many nights and dreams, so they should rush and shock. The core of the enemy line!

Within five minutes, sporadic exchanges of fire were still on the edge of the battlefield, and the death squad composed of officers was assembled.

The two giant soldiers were the pioneers doing their part. Li Yao and Long Yangjun broke through the space station 01 through the airtight gate drilled by the steel troll just now.

Located at the core of hundreds of spherical space stations in Baihua City, Area 01 is the first and largest space station to start construction. The diameter of the entire silver-white sphere is probably no less than tens of kilometers. Even light starships can be cautious. The ground drilled into its hinterland and directly carried a large amount of supplies in. The Jiuyou Profound Bone was only more than 30 meters high, so there was no need to worry about kowtow.

The triple air-tight gate is controlled by Professor Mo Xuan, so naturally it will not open and close easily. They also have no time to play tricks of invading the crystal brain and cracking the talisman formation. The soldiers outside sprayed a lot of gel at the exit of the air-tight gate. The formation of a super-flexible insulation layer with excellent elasticity can prevent the oxygen in the space station from leaking out.


After confirming that the internal pressure was stable, Li Yao controlled the Jiuyou Xuangu and kicked open the second and third airtight gates in front of him.

Led by Luo Qisheng, an officer's death squad composed of all cultivators, carrying a crystal magnetic cannon and holding a chain saw sword, like a wolf like a tiger, broke into area 01, the "Haihua City General Control Room" and the "Unification Lingwang Hub Information Processing Center" "!

The strange scene before him surprised everyone, including Li Yao and Long Yangjun.

In the 01 area, the blue sky and white clouds and quiet scenery that were virtualized by the too illusory realm disappeared, and only the silver-white bulkhead exuded a cold light-this was not surprising in their expectations.

However, in the center of Area 01, there should be a lot of genuine soil and plants. There is a fairly large park for the staff living here to relax and relieve stress-this park has disappeared!

No, it's not that it disappeared. The park is still there. It's just that the colorful flowers, the lush shrubs, or the fruitful trees all turned silvery white!

That's right, everyone took a closer look, the entire interior space of area 01, everything they saw, no matter the flowers, trees or high-rise buildings, all became silvery white, like a silver statue that had just solidified!

As the core of Baihua City, and even the hub of the entire Star Federation of Lingwang, the core of the virtual world, there are at least hundreds of thousands of researchers, crystal brain masters and Lingwang experts living here. It should have been full of voices and lively. At this moment, there was a dead silence, like a tomb made of solidified silver, everyone...like going to another world!

The weird scene caused a deep cold war for all the death fighters.

"What happened here, how could it be like this?"

"What is the weird thing about these silver-white substances solidified on the ground and bulkheads?"

"If Professor Mo Xuan is really playing tricks behind his back, and his most powerful'super spirit body' has been killed by us, what tricks does he want to play?"

At this moment, the silent "silver tomb" moved!

Like a cold wind blowing from the Hell, it wrinkled a pool of stagnant water, and the bulkheads, the ground and the silver-white substance that enveloped all the buildings suddenly rippled in circles, changing from a solid state to a viscous liquid state. , Rhythmic, twisted, and condensed, from the ground, walls, and sky, large and silver faces with smiles emerged.

In this situation, a flash of lightning flashed in Li Yao's mind, making him instantly understand what these things were covering the area 01: "It's liquid metal!"

Luo Qisheng also reacted, shouting loudly: "Everyone, be careful, there is weirdness, these are mustard grade liquid metals, which are specially used to repair the damaged parts of the space station!"

Liquid metal is not the name of a certain natural metal, but a special alloy made by mixing countless metal elements together. Under certain temperature, pressure or magnetic fluctuations, it can freely change its shape, just like rubber Like mud or gel, plasticity at will.

Because it is extremely malleable, and when the conditions for maintaining the liquid state change, it can instantly turn into a solid state, possessing extremely high strength, so it is an indispensable material for repairing the shell of a starship.

Baihua City is a large star-sea city composed of hundreds of giant space stations connected together. It is inevitable that the shell will be damaged due to the aging of various shells, star storms, and meteorites in daily operation, and a huge amount of liquid metal is naturally stored.

Baihua City even has its own liquid metal smelting plant, which continuously produces hundreds of tons of liquid metal!

At this moment, it seems that all the liquid metal in the entire Baihua City has been secretly transported to Area 01, completely submerging it and turning it into a sea of ​​silver!

On the "sea surface" of the Sea of ​​Silver, under the big smiling faces, the head, torso and limbs condensed one by one, and quickly turned into two or three meters high liquid metal puppets with sharp hands and feet, standing staggeringly I got up, still smiling, quietly looking at Li Yao, Long Yangjun and the death squads.

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