40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1770: Lost in the spirit world!

"Colonel Luo!"

Li Yao watched as Luo Qisheng was swallowed by a mass of liquid metal and gradually turned into a silvery white hill, but he couldn't stop it, because he and Long Yangjun also encountered their own troubles!

In front of the two giant soldiers, a large amount of liquid metal surged over, piled up together, getting higher and higher, and gradually turned into two dozen or twenty high hills.

Limbs and facial features grew from the hill, and they suddenly became two silver giants about the same height as the giant soldiers!

"Giant soldiers, a symbol of war, a symbol of killing, a symbol of human brutal instinct!"

The two silver giants said in unison, "When mankind enters a new world of absolute peace, there will be no need for giant soldiers!"

The two giants sprinted towards the "Nine Nether Profound Bones" and "Yin and Yang". Although their bodies are huge, their movements are more flexible than the small puppets on the ground, constantly stretching and changing their bodies, avoiding Li Yao and Long. Yang Jun's sword air sword light, even if the sword light and sword shadow cut long and narrow slits on them, they are also unscathed!


When they rushed in front of the two men, the two silver giants made a leap and turned into two billowing waves of liquid metal in mid-air, attempting to rush directly onto the two giant soldiers to carry out the same engulfing and intrusion.

Li Yao snorted coldly, and the Jiuyou Profound Bone dragged out dozens of afterimages, but the deity retreated hundreds of meters, and all the blood-colored thorns around his body pierced deeply into the liquid metal.

Under the psychic shock and high-frequency oscillation, the silver giant collapsed suddenly, turning into fingernail-sized silver beads, falling to the ground, "pattering", blooming small silver flowers, just It was like a silver rain.

The dragon Yangjun next to him also offered hundreds of black and white light blades. Her light blade can easily raise the surface temperature to thousands of degrees, and instantly wring the silver giant that rushes towards him into hot pieces, which will not be heavy for a long time. Cast.

However, this is a temporary solution rather than a permanent cure.

The small silver flowers scattered on the ground did not recondense into giants tens of meters high, but they condensed into palm-sized little people in the weird squirming. The sparrows are small, well-equipped with five internal organs, hands, feet, and torso. It is readily available with the head, and there is also a randomly distorted hole on the head, which can make all kinds of creepy expressions.

"No matter how strong the force is, it can't solve all problems!"

There were densely packed little people on the ground, afraid that the total number would not be less than hundreds of thousands. At the same time, they waved their pointed arms and made a heartbroken voice, "You can't kill me, because I represent peace, no matter the war. No matter how cruel it is, peace can never be killed!"

"You are crazy!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and couldn't help but growl.

"I'm not crazy. Those who want to keep human civilization immersed in the flames of war for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, and finally destroy themselves in the war, are they crazy!"

Hundreds of thousands of little people screamed at the same time, "Are you also like this? Are you **** war lunatics? Why don't you understand? Why are you unwilling to join hands with me and create a never War, a new world of absolute peace!"

In the harsh screams, these little people leaped towards Li Yao and Long Yangjun again.

Facing the overwhelming silver villain, even the two giant soldiers "Nine Nether Profound Bone" and "Yin Yang" felt a little tricky.

The point is that they can't exert 100% of the power of the giant soldiers—not to mention that this is the center of the spirit web, and there are at least a few million hostages in the space station that have been held hostage by Professor Mo Xuan, maybe by these weird ones. The liquid metal was wrapped in it, and the soul fell into the "spiritual world"!

If the two giant soldiers soared their combat power to the limit, they might be able to completely turn the 01 space station into dust, but millions of lives will also be dissipated, and it may not be able to stop Professor Mo Xuan’s plan-many factors entangled. Li Yao really couldn't make such a determination.

not to mention……

He found that at some point, the sea of ​​liquid metal under his feet was getting deeper and deeper, and he was about to pass the ankles of the two giant soldiers.

"There is weirdness under your feet, so you can fly into the air!"

Amid the roar of Li Yao, the two giant soldiers quickly lifted into the air. Almost at the same time, countless hair-thick "tentacles" sprang out from the sea of ​​silver under their feet, screaming sharply, and entangled their legs. When they came, they were melted by the flames ejected from the power rune array under their feet, and fell back into the sea of ​​silver, turning into clusters of orange-red stains, blooming like flower buds.

However, in mid-air, the hundreds of thousands of silver villains rushed up one after another, slamming **** their psychic shields. As the psychic shields spurred colorful ripples, they were constantly being Shattered, splashed, and fallen, but wriggled, merged and recast again and again, and jumped up again, hitting his head and breaking his blood!

"Peace! Absolute peace is coming!"

"Stop, stop, stop, let's stop fighting each other, I love you deeply, fellow human beings!"

"Join me into a new world, there is no war, only peace, no pain, only peace and joy in a new world!"

"There, all mankind will become a purer, more advanced, and more civilized new species. That is our future!"

The little silver guys whispered, being constantly destroyed and condensed, and finally they even turned into vivid faces of men, women and children.

"Young people, why do you like war so much?"

The little silver man who turned into wrinkled faces and the appearance of an old woman really made a weather-beaten, painful and persevering old woman's voice, "War is the worst thing in the world, war... how much pain it brings us!"

"It hurts, it hurts, uncle, don't kill me, don't!"

The other silver figure transformed into the image of a girl, a series of crystal clear pearl tears really flowed from the "corner of his eye", while crying, he ran into the psychic shield of the Nine Nether Profound Bone, and was naturally agitated to the limit. The psionic shield was torn to shreds instantly.

"Daughter, daughter!"

There are also two silver villains who seem to have become the parents of the former. Seeing the terrible death of the "daughter", they let out a heartbreaking roar and slammed into them, "Devil, you war lunatics are the real ones." Devil, pay my daughter's life back!"

Naturally, they were all smashed to pieces, reduced to the most basic silver beads.

In a short while, all the silver villains seemed to have turned into people who were tortured in the war, especially those who were tortured by the war, who were not as good as dead under the ravages of the strong, and once again pounced on the spirits of the two giant soldiers. Can shield.

In the depths of the two giant soldiers, there were waves of sirens that were higher than the waves, and their psychic shields were weakened to the limit, and soon they could not withstand the invasion of the silver villain!

And Li Yao's spirit... was also deeply stimulated by the lifelike expressions, painful voices, and intricate distortions of these silver little people.

"Help me, uncle!"

"It hurts, it hurts, mom, mom, mom!"

"War, **** war!"

"Why do we have to kill each other? Aren't we all of the same kind? Why can't we embrace eternal tranquility and absolute peace within human civilization?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The voices of men, women and children, the voices of fear, pain, hope, hope and despair, like magical sounds, impacted Li Yao's brain heavily, as if a real war had appeared in his brain. And in those real wars, people who endured real pain and died irreparably!

These sounds made Li Yao's mind shaken, and the psychic shield instantly became riddled with holes.


Thousands of silver little men flew in immediately, even though Li Yao swayed thousands of swords all over his body, he just chopped these little silver little men into smaller pieces and turned them into billowing silver beads attached to the nine. On the armor of the mysterious bones, all the gaps between the talisman formation and the spiritual patterns were blocked!

The lingering flames of Jiuyou Profound Bone instantly dimmed.

This is like a dam cracking, irretrievably heading towards the flood and breaking the dyke, more and more silver little people rushing forward, trying to completely envelop the Nine Nether Profound Bones.

On the other side, the giant soldier "yin and yang" controlled by Long Yangjun is not much better, and is also fighting against the liquid metal attached to the surface of the crystal armor.

The refining technology of the Titans is several levels higher than that of the most advanced crystal armor. There is absolutely no gap in the surface that can penetrate into it, and the armor strength is extremely high, even if it is facing the main battleship’s main guns. There may not be anything wrong, it is extremely difficult to pry open the giant **** soldier's mouth with the liquid metal alone.

The internal life cycle system of the Titan Soldier is also more sophisticated than that on ordinary starships, and it will be fine to stay in the vacuum of the universe or a deadly poisonous environment for ten and a half months.

Therefore, even if they are completely swallowed up by the liquid metal, the bodies of Li Yao and Long Yangjun will not be too dangerous in a short period of time.

But their brains, or souls, are not necessarily so!

Just as the two giant soldiers were struggling in the silver sea, a huge silver flower bloomed in the surrounding silver world, and all the flowers were clustered by the continuous spread of the silver vines to the two. Beside the giant soldier, the "flower stamen" composed of hundreds of silver antennas trembled at a high speed, and they all aimed at Li Yao and Long Yangjun.

"Give up unnecessary struggles and enthusiasm for war."

Professor Mo Xuan overlapped and overlapped and was misty and faint, unlike a human voice again coming from all directions, "All of your companions have gone to the spirit world as guests, and they have a good time there. Why can't both of you also let go of your prejudices and go to the real world? The spiritual world, can you find out?"


All the silver flowers have been opened to the limit, and each "stamen" is stretched straight, releasing bunches of invisible but unmatched mental fluctuations. These fluctuations are based on the brainwaves of the cultivator. , The oscillation frequency has been increased by hundreds of times!

In just twelve hours, Li Yao encountered the impact of the ripples in the four-dimensional space, the deep blue Chao Nao Hospital's raid by the outer demons, and the death battle of the spirit ghost army. His mental power was already nearly exhausted, and he was barely supported by drugs.

At this moment, under Professor Mo Xuan’s strongest mental attack, no one could withstand it. He only felt that silver-white rays of light penetrated into the giant soldier, like the warm amniotic fluid in the mother’s body, gently enveloping him, causing He fell into... fell into... fell into...

At this moment, there are still zero hours, zero minutes, and zero seconds before the Black Wind Fleet descends into the core star field of the Tianyuan Realm.

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