40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1771: The black wind is coming!

Tianyuanjie, Tianyuanxing, the southern suburbs of Tiandu City, adjacent to the Federal Army’s General Staff Headquarters and the combat center of the "Federal Defense Council."

As a civilization of powerful individual cultivators, the Star Federation has been following the "parallel route" in terms of national force since the old federation era 600 years ago. While possessing a powerful federal army, various denominations and even private individuals , Under the premise of complying with the "Basic Law of Cultivation", they are all allowed to possess extremely high levels of force.

In many cases, superpowers from all major sects even possess individual combat power that far exceeds that of the Federal Army, but in terms of "depth" and "thickness", they are naturally not on par with the Federal Army.

Although in the six hundred years of federal development history, the military and the cultivators have also had some contradictions, such as the "Red Dragon Army Era", when one side completely suppressed the other side, but its shortcomings were quickly exposed. After being brought out of chaos, they returned to the parallel system of two fists, where the two sides supervised each other, checked and balanced each other, and reached a dynamic balance.

Six hundred years of running-in, coupled with the threat of the real human empire, has made the military and the "Comprehensive Association" that represent the interests of the vast number of practitioners highly integrated. Today, the highest war decision-making and command body of the Federation is neither the Ministry of National Defense. It’s not the General Staff Headquarters of the military, nor the National Strategic Research Institute of the Parliament. It’s here-from the top military leaders, the National Security Agency, the Secret Sword Bureau, and the many golden cores, Nascent Souls, and even Gods of the Cultivator Association. , Jointly formed the "Federal Defense Council."

In accordance with the usual practice, in addition to the Federal Speaker concurrently serving as the chairman of the Defense Council, the three vice-chairmen are respectively the chief leaders of the military, the Secret Sword Bureau, and the Cultivator Association.

Located in the southern suburbs of Tiandu City, this series of seemingly inconspicuous silver-gray dome buildings are the "command center" of the deadly force of the seven worlds of the Federation!

At this moment, countless armored shuttles and even fully armed armor masters are constantly shuttling between the silver-gray domes like an enraged wasp, and the inside of the Defense Council is full of sirens and chaos!

The military, the Secret Sword Bureau, the Cultivator's Association, the parliament...the giants from all walks of life followed one after another. Many mysterious figures who rarely appear in the news on weekdays all appeared, but even they were all anxious. Anxious.

Indeed, something earth-shattering happened.

Two hours ago, more than a dozen starships disguised as supply ships simultaneously launched a raid on the three star gates in the outer star field of the Tianyuan realm, and successfully seized one of them, and used a large amount of "golden graphite" and other interfering materials. Lingbo bombs blocked the other two.

This means that within a short period of time, the three giant "lighthouses" used by the Celestial Realm to guide the outer starships to jump in, two of the light that bloomed are all obscured, while the navigation light of the remaining one has been obscured. Turned to the unknown darkness.

Who knows what will emerge from the darkness?

Because of internal infiltration, the raid was completed in a short half an hour without any sound. Moreover, the raiders also used quite advanced psychic invasion technology to invade and replace the three stars in advance. The communication link between the door and the "Xinghai Jump Control Center" on the ground of Tianyuan Star, so this incident was not completely noticed until half an hour ago.

Today's Federation, with the seven worlds in the vast sea of ​​stars, can barely be regarded as a small "dinosaur", and the central nervous system can't react as fast as a mouse.

When the Federal Defense Council thoroughly confirmed the seriousness of the situation, and sent the main force of the "Tianyuan Fleet" stationed in the capital star field to kill the three star gates aggressively, the largest one near the star gate was from the four-dimensional space. Ripples had already rolled up an unprecedented scale of psychic energy vortex, as if a blood basin opened slowly, swallowing the entire Tian Yuan star!

When Wan Guqing, the Supreme Speaker of the Xingyao Federation, stepped into the Defense Council Command Center, he saw hundreds of light screens. After scanning this "blood basin" with various detection methods, the colorful, colorful, Shocking three-dimensional images.

Wan Guqing is two hundred and twenty-five years old this year. As far as the Federal Speaker is concerned, he is not the kind of shining and radiant character. He lacks personality charm, and the relationship between major sects and the military is not deep enough. He is completely diligent. The image of a diligent, hard-working civil servant.

Behind him, many people called him "camel", even his wife and children occasionally called him in front of him, half-jokingly.

Everyone, including himself, knows very well that he is not the kind of Confederate Speaker who can dominate the situation and is called a "hero", but belongs to obscurity to set up the stage for the hero, prepare the armor, sharpen the sword, and then use his own. The shoulder serves as a step to bring the hero to the pinnacle of the era. For six hundred years from the old federal era to today, there are hundreds of federal speakers, and there are only a handful of speakers who can truly occupy even half of a chapter in the history textbook. , Most of the speakers appear in the attachment at most with a name and a chronology of birth and death. Wan Guqing is one of them. Even the three-dimensional photos can't be mixed with half of them, and even the most tricky examiner will not use him as an exam question. The kind to make things difficult for students.

And he was content to his mission. During the two five-year terms, he worked hard and tried his best to mobilize all the forces that could be mobilized. One copper plate and one copper plate accumulated the war potential of the Federation, laying a solid foundation for the upcoming "highest state of war". , To provide armor, swords, stages and steps for characters like Ding Lingdang and Jin Xinyue who truly possess the qualities of heroes or heroes.

In the past ten years, he seemed to be a hundred years old. He didn't have the temperament to slap Fang Yao and gallop horizontally and horizontally. Now he looks even more awkward and dull, like a piece of dead wood that has been burned by the fire.

It was originally two weeks later that the new Speaker of the Federation will be born. From that day on, various powers of the Federation will be transferred one after another. One and a half months later, the new Speaker will face the nine-star rising dragon battle flag and the entire Federation hundreds of billions. After the people were sworn in, he could completely relieve the burden deeply embedded in his flesh and bones. He didn't expect--

A month and a half later, does the Star Federation still exist?

All of Wan Guqing’s emotions are hidden in deep wrinkles, just like every day in the past ten years, like an old camel encountering a black storm in the desert, but still steadfast, seems to appear in hundreds of pictures The dense spots of light on the light curtain are just annoying camels.

This calm and almost dull attitude reacted wonderfully with the slightly flustered atmosphere of the Defense Council. Gradually, all the anxious and restless people around were infected by him, and they slowed down one by one, even to him. A look full of expectation was cast!

Hundreds of giant light curtains were connected to various telescopes located in various places of Tianyuan Star, and even on satellites and asteroids. Various detection methods were used to depict the terrifying scenes that are taking place in the star sea from different levels.

In the stereo image sent back by the telescope, which uses gravitational changes and space ripple capture as the main detection method, the deep star sea looks like a fragile eggshell. Something suddenly breaks out of the shell, and the "eggshell fragments" splashing out are clear. It can be seen that it took more than ten seconds to gradually annihilate.

On the telescopes with psychic and thermal energy as the main detection methods, dozens, hundreds, and thousands of butterflies appeared. They were surrounded by teeth and claws but with magnificent rays of light, the rays of light intertwined and blended with each other. Illuminate the entire dark universe!

Other reconnaissance cosmic crystal eyes scattered in the outer star domains of the Tianyuan realm can clearly see the true body of the "comer" on the close-up images sent back before being disturbed and destroyed.

A super starship with a pure black body, a mirror-like glorious and uniform hull, crystal-like clear and transparent, and the "crystals" on both sides of the bow are also inlaid with the three-star blitz emblem and the black storm emblem!

After jumping long distances spanning dozens of light-years, these descendants, mixed with invisible and invisible flames, tore through the four-dimensional space and broke into the core area of ​​the Star Federation, on a battlefield of tens of thousands of kilometers. , Still maintaining an extremely uniform, tight and orderly formation, like a square rectangle, facing the direction of Tian Yuan Xing.

This majestic, rugged, and rigorous formation, with an attitude of no one else, exaggerates the advanced performance of the real human empire starships, and how powerful are the imperial cultivators who control these starships!

"Super, super high energy response!"

"There are more than three thousand imperial starships coming to the Tianyuan realm through the star sea jump. This should be their vanguard, and there are more troops waiting to jump!"

"The outer star field of the Tianyuan Realm is completely messed up into a pot of hot porridge, and the entire space has been stirred up and turned into an extremely unstable turbulent area!"

"No, our lock failed!"

Star sea jumping is a long process, just like a huge dinosaur passing through a narrow canyon. Even the 3,000 starships of the vanguard can not completely jump over in one swoop. Even if they showed a strong psychic response, they were still in a state of extremely unstable spatial overlap. In a sense, most of them were still in the celestial realm and the brown dwarf orbit at the same time. .

This is the most vulnerable time and the best opportunity for the defender to attack.

However, on various monitoring and locking light curtains, the various gravitational waves, spatial ripples, psychic energy and thermal energy fluctuations set off by the Black Wind Fleet are all blurred. Although they will not completely disappear from this behemoth, they have covered it. A thick fog gave way to the strongest attack method of the asteroid fortresses on the Tianyuan star and the low-Earth orbit circle, and all of them lost their targets!

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